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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ST > STORY (17)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.13:
2.4.13. This is the story of Mary Magdalene:

New Era Community (1926) :
Tomorrow our path will be long and we may become exhausted. Let us walk together. We shall have joy and festivity. I shall sing for you the song your mother, wife and sister sang. You will relate for me your father's story about a hero and his achievements. Let our path be one.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 487:
Do you remember the story of the one who questioned? Leaving the disciple on his own accelerates the development of his psychic energy, just as a plant grows best when left alone. So does one's psychic energy require independent and free development.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 562:
562. Sometimes the human organism resists accepting possibilities that are ready for manifestation. This corresponds closely to the story of how they ceased to expect the messenger though the messenger was already at the door.

Heart (1932) - 575:
575. Discussions about children's education are right, but also in this case the question of the heart is neglected, whereas the manifestation of the heartbeat is very close to the attention of children. It is actually easy to tell children about the treasure of the heart. I consider that this story will remain as the first ascent, for one's entire life.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 502:
502. Waking dreams represent the action of fiery energy upon the Chalice. These are not forms of illness; they act as messengers of the approach of fiery energy. The circumstances of the Subtle World begin to reveal themselves similarly. They may proceed beneficently, but during a condensation of the fiery atmosphere they can cause insanity. The best cure lies in explaining the cause of this manifestation, in other words, in a cognizance of Agni Yoga. Obvious need compels Us to offer Our Counsels for wide application. Until quite recently the possibility of epidemics of waking dreams would have been regarded as absurd. But now, even the average physicians in hospitals are confronted with the necessity of studying the mass manifestations of such unusual symptoms. Likewise, other incomprehensible symptoms of the new conditions of the organism will begin to disclose themselves in life. Is it possible that people do not wish to prepare themselves for the new conditions? Such ignorance recalls the story of the child who had the faculty of seeing in the dark, but whose mother asked a physician to cure the child of this peculiarity. The evidences of the work of the fiery centers have become more frequent among people. It is unwise to reject these gifts which will furnish the solution for the immediate future.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 614:
614. Earthly events are much spoken about in the Subtle World, yet there is much which cannot be understood there. One must have compassion for such lack of understanding, just as on Earth. Precisely, as on Earth, so also in Heaven, one should not aggravate a situation by irritation. One should follow the Hierarch in full trust, just as the Hierarch follows his own Hierarch. This path of devotion should be loved. One must cleave to it whole-heartedly, so that any other mode of thought becomes impossible. Verily, by such devotion are worlds built. One may read about most beautiful examples of devotion, and thus will be narrated a story about heroes. One should even learn to live like the heroes. One should love the Fiery Sphere.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 654:
654. Let us recall an ancient Chinese tale about the Elusive Decrees. A man passed by the dwelling of eight Blessed Ones and noticed that they were strangely occupied. One of them was rushing about attempting to jump upward. When the passer-by asked the reason for such exercise, he answered, "I am catching the Elusive Decrees" Another Blessed One held his hands over the fire and referred to the same Elusive Decrees. A third stood in an icy stream and spoke of the same Elusive Decrees. Thus eight Blessed Ones strained their forces in striving to the higher Decrees. The passer-by thought to himself, "If even those who have already attained beatitude must strive so vigorously to cognize and catch the Decrees, then how much greater tension must I exert lest the Higher Will escape me!" In this story one can perceive several useful concepts. First, the state of greatest tension can indeed assist transcendental receptivity. Second, having already attained initiation does not necessarily relieve one from the danger of failing to fulfill the higher Ordainments. Third, one must welcome all forms of tension, in order to enter into accord with the Higher World. How often the elusive Decrees flash through space and return again to the treasury of the unapprehended! It is surprising how great a breach of convention it is even to speak about Elusive Decrees. Some smirk of ignorance, some reprove in pride, some take offense in cruelty. Thus each one in his own way ignores the Decrees - subtle decrees, vanishing into the ether. Thus, an old Chinese tale can remind us of the attention due the Elusive Decrees.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 193:
193. You already know sufficiently about the temperance of certain characters. What is to be done when moderateness has crept into the broadest circles? Those who are seemingly the champions of good give themselves up spiritually to moderation. One can see that the dark ones do not often suffer from this defect. There is a story about a devil encountering and Angel. The Angel said, "Thy servants are bitter." But the devil replied, "Mine are bitter, Thine are sour; we both must look for sweet ones." And the Angel was crestfallen for He could not prove that they had not turned sour. Thus was it observed long ago by people.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 610:
610. Especial attention is paid to dwarfs. As a special race they appear everywhere. One may observe in them not only bodily peculiarities but also a special psychology. No one discerns the cause of appearance of such small creatures; the more so since side by side with them, in the same conditions and families, appear people of lofty stature. But it has already been observed that there do occur unexpected materializations of very tiny beings. Even a clumsily embellished story from the life of Paracelsus recalls how he tried to preserve such small creatures. Of course the experiment was unsuccessful. But even now imprints of very tiny extremities are known. They must be looked upon purely scientifically. The solution will lie in a property of the ectoplasm - hence come both giants and dwarfs. But giants have already been forgotten. Few of them are of interest to anyone and few exceed two meters; and the materialization of giants is rare. But the tiny creatures reveal definitely their similarity and singularity. The dwarfs of southern India and Africa, and the Eskimo pigmies will be very reminiscent of their European brethren. When ectoplasm shall be diligently studied, then its specific properties will be discovered. And in relationship to the Fiery World such study will be a great attainment.

AUM (1936) - 407:
It is said that a certain queen of Palmyra ordered her attendants to pass the night around the basin prepared for her bath. Similarly, the Biblical story about King David shows the value attached to healthful human radiations. In communal life the emanations of radiations should be very attentively harmonized. Psychic energy will help in the selection of co-workers.

AUM (1936) - 526:
526. A certain ruler came to an anchorite and asked him to explain the fundamentals of life. The hermit began to speak, and during his discourse he gradually poured water into a chalice. The ruler finally noticed the overflowing water and pointed it out to the hermit. In reply the hermit said, "True, therefore the next time provide a chalice of greater capacity." By such tales people have tried to impress on the consciousness the fact that beyond the capacity of reception wisdom is poured out to no purpose. But the same story has also its encouraging suggestion - each time it is possible to provide a larger chalice.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 59:
Some enjoyed reading The History of a Piece of Bread, but for others it was a tedious and boring story. So also, reflections on human action will seem boring to many. Let us remember the guarantees connected with superhuman actions. People should help Us to help them.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 134:
May reliable friends guard the story of the Stone.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 149:
It was to be expected that the Pilgrim would meet the dark ones on His path. The story about the meeting of the Great Pilgrim with the Prince of Darkness should not be thought of as imaginary, or symbolic. Urusvati can affirm that she saw various dark entities more than once, including even the Hierophant of Evil himself.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 256:
There is a story about the mother of a great leader who dreamed that her son would become a great benefactor of humanity. However, the son could see no reason why he should immerse himself in the problems of human affairs simply because of his mother's dream, and he turned toward a life of meditation.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 274:
There is a story about a physician in ancient times who treated people of different castes with equal attention, and because of this noble attitude the people wanted to stone him. When asked if he would also apply the same care to people of other nations, he answered that everyone should be treated alike, and he was forbidden to practice medicine at all.


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