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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ST > STOPPING (4)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.12:
It is precisely the spirit which does not permit stopping, for the spirit in its innermost self remembers beautiful worlds. Beyond all the recollections abides an inexpressible, firm consciousness of the possibility of return to the Light whence the spark emanated.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 154:
154. You have read that for communion with Higher Forces the ancients covered the head with a mantle, and, as told, this fabric was of wool and red in color. Also you may have heard about the stopping of the ears with red cotton. All such mechanical means had their significance, they served as a guard for radiations, and they condensed energy. But let us not resort to the expedient of mechanistic methods where there lies the utmost significance for the future, in the direct union with Hierarchy. Only the heart, covered with nothing but life, links us with the Higher Forces. The fabric of love is a most sacred one.

Brotherhood (1937) - 586:
586. The primary basis of the Brotherhood was established, not as a haven of refuge, but as a focal point of thought. Since unification of thought produces multiplication of energy in a striking progression, it is but natural to bring together powerful thoughts. Such a base will be the point for diffusion of the thought of salvation. But people do not know how to be united in thought even for an instant. They break up their impulses by a multitude of petty thoughts. Some have tried blindfolding themselves and stopping up the ears and nose in order not to be diverted by external sensations. But is the distraction an external one? It actually lies in an undisciplined consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 241:
If one is not convinced by the example of a single horse stopping a caravan, perhaps this example from chemistry will be more convincing. A drop, one small drop, can change the nature of an entire beneficial substance.


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