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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ST > STOOP (2)

New Era Community (1926) - 83:
One must be able to understand how bends the sword blade of the enemy, to smile when the trampling of the enemy's horse is heard; to understand not to stoop when the arrow flies above the head.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 415:
415. Truly it is difficult to understand why persons serving the same goal disparage each other. Straight-knowledge, even in a small degree, should be developed. But mutual disparagement is one of the most shameful sins. I know of no better definition of it than sin, so destructive is the work of mutual annihilation. This can be explained as a certain aspect of obsession, but shame to those who, after having approached the knowledge of the fundamental principles, stoop to such a base state. Let the belittling and the destroying ones ponder upon their own consciousness. They are far from the fires of the heart.


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