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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ST > STING (7)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.8.10:
1.8.10. The gnats are displeased with the breeze; they cannot reach you nor sting you.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.21:
2.6.21. Two companions of Our works are joy and vigilance. If people could see the results of their discontent and could understand that slumbering is death, they would avoid the two chief co-workers of darkness. The evil sting of discontent penetrates even into the best places. A dull somnolence may becloud the head of a conqueror.

New Era Community (1926) - 56:
Where, then, is the best ferment with which to steady the wavering of the aura? The best ferment is striving. It is impossible to sting or to smash an impetuously directed body. Striving in motion attains validity, and becoming lawful it becomes irresistible, for it enters into the rhythm of the Cosmos.

Hierarchy (1931) - 342:
342. Individuality and egoism are like birth and death. The building of individuality manifests the conception of a New World, whereas egoism can mirror itself in the dead volcanoes of the moon. Not only does egoism deaden itself, it strikes the surroundings with sterility, whereas individuality kindles fires in all adjacent camps. Cooperation is the crown of individuality, but the scourge of egoism is like the sting of a scorpion. Can one rely upon egoism? No more than upon a viper! But true individuality contains in itself the foundation of universal justice. We must gather individualities; for a new diamond is in need of cutting, but egoism must pass through many incarnations. Indeed, this law may also be changed by the fire of the heart. Therefore, we can advise those adhering to egoism to be kindled by the proximity of a fiery heart.

Hierarchy (1931) - 428:
428. One must learn to address oneself to Hierarchy as the most immutable. What power the invocation of Hierarchy can give one, without waste and wavering! But these waverings, though swifter than a heartbeat, can sting the consciousness worse than a deadly viper. One must accustom oneself to constant communion with Hierarchy. Only thus is the nest of life built in the heart.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 424:
424. A man ought not to think that nothing has occurred anywhere during the day just because nothing has happened to him. On the contrary, when the constellations are adverse, scorpions may emerge from unsuspected holes. A tiger may roar, but scorpions can sting silently. Let us gather in thought around the Teacher.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 394:
We certainly do not advocate lack of feeling, in which suppressing grief also erases joy. We will never advocate indifference, for that would be death. On the contrary, in everything We emphasize life, but warn against phantoms. Thus, We advise full awareness of the painful sting of grief and the fresh breath of the highest joy. On Earth as well as in the Subtle World one must be able to accept joy and overcome sorrow.


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