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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ST > STIMULATE (22)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.1:
The striving towards a true cooperation lies at the foundation of evolution. Only by the awakening of creativeness may the march of ignorance be destroyed. Though its forms be even monstrous, though the sun be made in a back yard out of chips, still the foaming torrent will break through the walls of matter. New discoveries will stimulate the collecting. Instead of stock market speculation let there be striving for discoveries, supported by cooperative societies.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.1:
How shall we find the words to approach the concept of the universe? How shall we tell about the evolution of forms? How to uplift the consciousness to the study of fundamentals? How to stimulate humanity to scientific cognition of the worlds?

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.15:
It must be kept in mind that certain bodily positions should be avoided - or at least often changed. Stooping from a standing position interferes with the solar plexus. Throwing the head back hampers the brain centers. Arms stretched forward overburden the center of the aorta. Lying on the back may impede the center of kundalini, though it also may stimulate it. Clear thinking may come with a rush when the position of the light is improved. One has but to turn oneself toward the light or away from it and the reaction is perceptible. First of all, remember that each position has its advantage, but if one is turned into a weather-vane for every shifting wind, then the system of ascent will be disrupted.

New Era Community (1926) - 110:
110. Among the school subjects let there be taught the fundamentals of astronomy, but let it be presented as the gateway to the far-off worlds. Thus schools will stimulate the first thoughts about life in the far-off worlds. Space will become alive, astrochemistry and rays will round out the presentation of the magnitude of the Universe. Young hearts will feel not as ants upon the earth's crust, but as bearers of spirit responsible for the planet. Let usfix our attention on schools, for from them will issue the affirmation of cooperation. There will be no construction without cooperation. There will be no security of state and union while outworn egoism holds sway.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 70:
70. One should distinguish a narrow consciousness from narrowly-focused energy. Sometimes the Teacher applies a pointed energy in order to stimulate action of the spirit in a particular direction. One must not draw from this the conclusion that the consciousness of the Teacher is also narrow.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 162:
162. The reorganization of the world strains all forces of the dark ones. Each wave of evolution strains the forces of stagnant intent. When the world is divided into Light and dark forces, is it possible that the affirmed resultants will not be born? The cosmic creativeness is intensified through battle, and the battle proceeds upon all planes. Therefore, the manifestations which are closest to Us show themselves first of all as forces which stimulate opposition. Therefore I say, "The predestined will be fulfilled, the preordained will be fulfilled." One should preserve the joy of the future; one should affirm victory!

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 392:
392. The universal consciousness perceives the chain of spheres and the threads of the bond with the spatial energies. One cannot divide the affirmed spheres; the Great Universal Present blends all manifestations. Thus, the present awakening of Cosmos brings an awakening to the spirit. Events upon one plane stimulate events on a corresponding one and they also bestir the consciousness with the same might as the cosmic tension of spatial fires. Therefore, the unity in Cosmos and the world conditions at present strain all lives. Hence, both the thought of the Cosmic Reason and that of humanity must be asserted in the cosmic course. A limitless cooperation!

Heart (1932) - 348:
348. Contentment with each physical state and an insatiable onward striving of the heart constitutes the advice of a sensible physician. It should not be assumed that perfect ethics do not combine with medicine. It should not be assumed that thought alone can arrest the physical condition. This would be one-sided. We live in a chemical laboratory and form a part of it ourselves. Of a person who was critically ill, the ancients said, "He must be taken to the Fiery Mountain." They thereby implied two meanings one was a reminder of the fiery body, which knows not illness, the other, a purely physical meaning, because the fire of eruptions contains a particular combination of energies which can stimulate certain nerve centers. It cannot be otherwise, since the flame of the heart responds to the most remote subterranean fires. The extent to which the flame of the heart controls the subterranean current is also a subject for study; if certain organisms of a definite element can discern subterranean waters, then fiery people of course maintain the unity with fire. It is precisely this element which greatly needs observation.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 405:
405. The idea of having at least a half-hour daily for thought is good. I do not mean some special concentration. It is useful to think about the best aspect of everything that is taking place. Even small signs reflecting the best in life afford a glimpse of Light. They also stimulate the flow of gratitude and magnanimity. Such fires are equivalent to a dose of musk. Thought about the best generates aspiring tension of the nerves. The nerves should also be given work, but only Good will strengthen the nerves.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 77:
77. In order to stimulate the cognizance of beauty in schools, let there be introduced a study of the beauty of life. The history of arts and sciences will enter into this subject, for it must not only embrace conceptions of the past, but also contain indications of contemporary achievement. The instructor in this subject must be truly enlightened, in order to avoid bigotry, which contains in itself the seed of ignorance.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 178:
178. Some may wonder why the signs from the Subtle World are so strange and why they require pondering and interpretation. The reason for this is the law of Karma. Precisely reflection and explication stimulate self-activity, and, thus, they lighten and even do not produce Karma. Consequently, the stronger the attentiveness and resourcefulness, the more easily interpreted are the given signs. The Lofty Beings do wish to give hints toward a great many things, but the mental distraction of people prevents these precious Counsels from reaching them. Not only in sendings from the Subtle World but also in earthly existence, parables have been adopted, as a means of indirect indication. But history sets forth many instances of non-acceptance of the most urgent counsels. Not without reason was attentiveness so developed in antiquity; it even constituted a study in itself. But nowadays not many understand the significance of vigilance; for others guidance is required in the sharpest, and repeated, instructions, which cannot but have an effect on Karma. But only the fiery heart will comprehend the hidden meaning of subtle signs. Let the co-workers grasp the fact that each sign has its destination. So many Lofty Beings send supplications and hope that they will be understood. There have been whole epochs when the subtle understanding was strengthened and sharpened, but later a bloody mist condensed anew, and the refined perceptions became coarse. Just now many attempts from the best Strata of the Subtle World are being rendered futile by the dark forces.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 573:
573. The Teaching of Good must be the friend of good in all its manifestations. This truth appears simple, yet evil intention continually tries to destroy it. The Teacher of Good must be grieved, seeing how the workers of Good become twisted and how they exclude each other. Such a mutilation of Good takes place when someone bears a burden of good which is too much for him and someone else attempts to carry a double load. And if someone will dare to think about a triple load, he will not find many helpers. Millions of years have not been enough for humanity to learn to rejoice at Good, to grow to love it as something of the utmost utility. The Teaching must stimulate in all the bearers of Good a feeling of broad sympathy. Otherwise it will not be the Teaching of Good but a teaching of egoism.

AUM (1936) - 117:
117. Tears and saliva alter their composition according to the state of the spirit. And each breath is different in its chemism. If ordinary breathing is not easy to investigate because of its superficiality, then a sigh which causes a tremor of the organism will be indicative. It can be noticed that a deep sigh sometimes causes something in the nature of an internal spasm. Such nerve contractions indicate increased outpouring of psychic energy. Depending on the impulse, it will stimulate the action of certain organs which will give a particular chemism to the breath. At the pronunciation of Aum a breath is manifested, the chemism of which will be very beneficial.

AUM (1936) - 135:
Meanwhile, life itself, as a reflection of invisible existence, should stimulate the consciousness of man. Half of life is given over to a mysterious condition which has not been explained by science. Moreover, each sensitive ear and eye can notice much beyond the province of everyday life.

AUM (1936) - 243:
243. It would seem that what has been said is simple; why, then, is it so rarely applied? No abstraction is taught; no mere wandering of thoughts ordained. It is necessary to stimulate the striving of thought in all reality. But only a few comprehend the difference between abstractly wandering thought and real thought. Only in immutability can the Higher World shine.

AUM (1936) - 296:
296. Many primitive methods for recalling events to mind may be observed. One may read how one ruler inclined his head as far as his knees, that the change in the blood circulation might help to awaken his sleeping memory. It is known that anchorites beat their breasts in order to stimulate a reaction in the Chalice. The evidence of many examples demonstrates that blood circulation is connected with psychic functions. The more necessary it is to respect the science that examines the physical side of life, but at the same time reveals a new spiritual bond inherent in all Existence.

AUM (1936) - 384:
Likewise, it is indispensable to investigate the influence of aromas. It is necessary to approach both fragrant flowers and different compounds, which must stimulate or diminish psychic energy. Finally, one can combine color, sound, and aroma, and observe the cooperation of all three motive forces.

AUM (1936) - 558:
558. People know about the electric eel, but the same discharges in a man seem to them something phenomenal, so extremely difficult is it for the consciousness to absorb the fact that man contains within himself absolutely everything. Such qualities in man ought to stimulate especial cautiousness in him, but this universal containment in man has not been recognized. The words Macrocosm and microcosm are repeated senselessly, without any inner realization.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 34:
We labor constantly, and must determine Our responsibility and where help is most urgently needed. Our Sister from time immemorial has had the ability to strive constantly to the most needed labor. Such a capacity cannot be acquired quickly, but must be affirmed in many situations in order to become a source of joy. This source will provide freedom from irritation, for thought about infinite labor will produce striving without expectation of results. There will be no thought about the past, and in the flight forward the effects of the past will be erased. Thus, the interplanetary whirl will stimulate vigilance and will not disturb the joy of the broadened consciousness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 210:
Even clear indications of new types of diseases do not stimulate research. It is essential to observe all one's surroundings. Unusual developments will be observed in the animal kingdom, and the vegetable kingdom will also offer many confirmations. Diseases of animals and plants will remind us of epidemics among people. We have acquired the ability to protect ourselves against the known scourges, however, it is not the plague, cholera, or even cancer or meningitis that will threaten us, but new types of nervous ailments, which may become fully epidemic. These ailments are maladies of psychic energy, and can be contagious. Yet, it will take a long time for physicians to pay attention to these new kinds of disease. They could be called fiery fevers, but whatever we call them, it is important to understand their cause. Changes of race will not inevitably bring disaster, but it is important that the psychic energy should be kept in a pure condition, since polluted energy produces disastrous spatial manifestations.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 275:
275. Urusvati knows the many manifestations of psychic energy. But numerous misunderstandings develop about this concept. Some deny its existence altogether; others think of it as some kind of miracle; still others accept it, but claim that psychic energy is a privilege meant only for the few. The truth is that psychic energy permeates all that exists, and because it is an energy, it has all the characteristics of energy. For example, it can stimulate and intensify the centers, but at the same time it can aggravate any disease that may be in the organism.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 417:
417. Urusvati knows that the planetary current at every moment has a unique significance, but this simple truth is not understood. People strenuously resist the fact that all existence is in a state of continuous motion. Even the beauty of such a current in limitless space fails to stimulate the imagination of humanity.


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