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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ST > STILLNESS (12)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 112:
112. The Hand of the Teacher reveals the power of the rays. Comprehend their salutary light. M. fills your being with the power of calmness. And when the stillness of harmony embraces you the force of your arrows will increase.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.17:
2.7.17. Turning to the right, be ready to go to the left; nearing the shore, be ready to sail again; because every Command is for the good and for acceleration. In tense stillness hold your breath, for steps may resound.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.12:
Let us begin a new period.. It may be called "Earthly homelessness." One must cast aside all past considerations and rush into a desert of boundless stillness, where thunderstorms and whirlwinds entwine one under a radiant dome. Amidst the storms a new raiment will be woven.

New Era Community (1926) - 166:
166. The true fire-blossom is actual selflessness; however, it must not only be evident in actions but must live in the consciousness. Behavior, like wandering shadows, is an inaccurate reflection, and the vortex of shifting conventions conceals the meaning of action. Is it possible to judge conduct without knowing cause and effect? Then a savior will appear to be an offender, and a giver will seem a miser. But it is not easy to establish in the consciousness selflessness - individuality is unavoidable. And the blending in of selflessness can take place only with a clear realization of the future. Selflessness is not built on past experience; only a true perception of the future can mold an inner judgment about the boundaries of the possible. Whoever thinks in the stillness of the night that the past has taught him the value of selflessness is a prisoner.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 151:
The snarling of dogs can lead to the rhythm of a symphony, but the stillness of a cemetery can be more frightful than the whistling of the wind.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 339:
339. People love manifestations to be no smaller than an elephant, and sounds no softer than thunder. But the action of the fine energies is performed in stillness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 415:
We are told about motionless Arhats, but you must know that their stillness is only external. Many people are pleased when they can find excuses for their inertia. Any call to action disrupts their leisurely state of mind. Can such people be allowed to approach the element of fire, which in its very nature requires vigilance? Fire is like a scherzo, a fugue. But glowing embers are like an andante. Of course, the many kinds of flame all have different rhythms, but an Agni Yogi will never be an unresponsive sluggard.

Heart (1932) - 285:
285. Command your heart to come as close as possible to the Teacher. If words are necessary for the affirmation of the Teacher, begin to converse with the Teacher as though he were beside you. It is not necessary to expect an answer from the Teacher only in the usual words. The answer may be in numerous signs, apparent and also remote. One should absorb the entire scope of life in order to perceive the signs of great creativeness. It is necessary to realize how broad is the battle field of Armageddon. It is also necessary to think about the proximity of the Powers of the Highest World; independent of the conditions of life, they may be behind the shoulders of every striving spirit. Verily, we are contacted by the gentle touches of the Subtle World, yet one must feel these not only during the stillness of night but in daylight as well. The error of mankind is that it notices all subtle sensations only at twilight. Now is the path to Light!

Brotherhood (1937) - 73:
73. In the hour of confusion silence is the best friend. But let this quiet be not the stillness of malice. Though only momentarily, let the rhythm of the heart calm down. Let there be found again the quiet of psychic energy; thus will be strengthened the work of the centers - alight, but without inflammation.

Brotherhood (1937) - 252:
252. Quite a few people think that Brotherhood does not exist at all. It may be that in the stillness of the night there sometimes flash out before them fragments of remembrances, but dullness of the reason obscures these dreams. True, in small recollections they may burn into the consciousness. Perhaps they cannot appear in a definite form, yet their meaning flashes like a flying arrow. A definite image may not arise for the reason that man has not been taught to think in images.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 217:
Whenever the Thinker endured such tension, He said, "Threatening clouds have obscured the sky. Let us stay at home lest we disturb the stillness. Even the most fearful storm cannot continue without end."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 280:
280. Urusvati has heard the many sounds of Nature. Truly, Nature is never silent. Our Ashram has a reputation for stillness, but this should be understood relatively. It is quiet in comparison with earthly, human noise, but Nature continues to send forth Her sounds. The whispers of the mountains and the noises of the waterfalls and streams near the Ashram, merge into one intensified choir. But all these voices of Nature cannot prevent one from hearing the calls of the Supermundane.


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