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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ST > STEPPING (3)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 403:
The ancient teachings use symbols of construction to represent the entrusted task. Their true meaning should be understood. Around an Agni Yogi you will always find construction, whose very difficulties are stepping stones in the overcoming of imperfection. Manifestations of Light are not easy to achieve, but then the Fire of Space illumines the far-off worlds.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 284:
284. So, too, does creativeness proceed according to the spiral, and each vital attraction or repulsion creates its own spiral. That is also why spirals of the Masculine and Feminine Principles proceed in such divergent directions. The Masculine Principle strives for seizure, regardless of the heart of man. The Masculine Principle makes bridges for its achievements by stepping upon hearts and heads. The issue is not brain power, for potentially the Feminine Principle contains the same fires. But the Feminine Principle is in need of freedom for heart expression. When it becomes customary to allow the Feminine Principle to live and develop its potentiality toward regeneration through its feeling of continuous giving, then will the Feminine Principle outdistance the Masculine in all directions.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 200:
"Friends, I wish to relate to you alone how I remember the distant world. The distance that separates us from it is enormous, but the flight is instantaneous. To land on this remote ground is impossible for Us, even in Our luminous bodies. But We can see the outlines of the oceans, rejoice in the beautiful colors, and even see the birds and the fish. People there are not like Us, and, wonderful to see, they can fly! Their speech cannot be heard, perhaps because of the resounding of the spheres. I remember the blue of the water, like sapphire, the green of the meadows, and the mountains, like emeralds. It would seem that man is incapable of stepping upon such pure soil. Even the air is unbearable for Us.


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