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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ST > STATUTE (3)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.6:
Maintain the statute of the New World. We will bring together spirit and body, for there has been no achievement more beautiful. I consider that we are living through a most complex time. Reflexes of events are crowded against the gates.

New Era Community (1926) - 111:
111. Many warnings were given against selfhood. This deadly sister of ignorance smites and extinguishes the best fires. Do not consider a reminder about egoism out of place during the establishment of cooperatives. On the contrary, each statute must be written not for oneself but for others. Among various appellations the word "friend" will be a most hearty one. Indeed, the heart does not admit egoism. The heart lives in self-abnegation. Thus, strong is the heart when it is concerned about the future, not thinking about self.

Brotherhood (1937) - 505:
505. A union called a partnership, based on trust, requires a very succinct statute, but the Brotherhood cannot have a written code. Brotherhood cannot be maintained by a stipulated constraint. The very word limitation is out of place in the boundlessness of Brotherhood.


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