Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 360: Father, henceforth I will shorten my psalms, And I will limit the length of my hymns. And podvig will be my prayer, And I will start it with silence. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 364: And when you enter and start to build the tower, Measure for the foundation by encircling the rock on which it will rest; For from the tower shall you, builders, behold the distances! I address you briefly, For you must learn and remember. Remember, remember, remember, what I tell you. I said it. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.17: One will start to build a bridge, the second will hire a swimmer, the third will sit down to await shallow water, but one will be found who will weave the silver thread of the spirit and cross upon it without the burden of the body, because I will take his load upon Myself. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.6: 3.3.6. Regard nothing as belonging to you; the easier for you not to damage things. Think how best to adorn each place; the surer will you protect yourself from rubbish. Consider how much better than the old must each new thing be; by this will you affirm the ladder of ascent. Think how beautiful is the morrow; thus will you learn to look forward. Think how cruel is the condition of animals; thus will you start to pity the lower. Reflect how small is the Earth; thus you will improve your understanding of relationships. Think how beautiful is the sun hiding behind the Earth's sphere; thus will you restrain yourself from irritation. Think how white are the doves in the sun's ray; thus will you strengthen your hope. Think how blue is the sky; thus will you approach eternity. Think how black is darkness; thus will you guard yourself against the cold of retreat. Think courageously about the Images of the Great Ones; thus will you follow the line of unity. Think what happiness it is to walk upon the crust of the planet, imbuing it with the consciousness of the spirit. Think what happiness it is to walk under the rays of constellations, being a focal point of rays millenniums of years old. Think about Our Hand, which guides vigilantly; thus will you prolong the thread of life. New Era Community (1926) - 42: The gardener knows when it is time to gather the flowers, for he planted the seeds now hidden. Not he who purchased the seeds in the bazaar; not he who in idleness ordered the seeds to be sown, but the gardener of spirit who at the start of bad weather buried the seeds in the spring-time earth. New Era Community (1926) - 66: The earthly structure is like a pyramid. Now, from each point of the progressive spiral try to lower the four sides of a pyramid. You obtain, as it were, four anchors, lowered into the lower strata of matter. Such a construction will be fantastic, because it will be constructed upon dying strata. Now let us try to build from each point upwards a rhomb. And we get a body of conquests of the upper strata outstripping the movement of the spiral. This will be a worthy construction! Indeed, it must start into the unknown, expanding parallel with the growth of the consciousness. Therefore, construction in revolution is a most dangerous moment. A great number of imperfect elements will press the structures downward into strata of outworn and poisoned substance. Only reckless courage can turn the structure upwards into strata untried and beautiful in the maintenance of new elements. Therefore, I speak and shall say again that outworn forms must be avoided in the structure. Sinking back into the old receptacles is inadmissible. The understanding of the New World in all its austerity is needed. New Era Community (1926) - 124: 124. It is asked how to approach the Teaching. Indeed, for this it is necessary to regenerate the consciousness, and the consciousness is reborn after having the Teaching. At the start it is necessary to discover and cleanse the consciousness. Opening of the consciousness is accomplished instantly - by one stroke of the will. Have the desire to open up your consciousness! New Era Community (1926) - 166: One should sing a hymn to selflessness in the rays of the sun, as a bird does, in its own way of expression, knowing the future day on which it has been decided that the migration is to start. The concept of migration has significance for the realization of selflessness. Agni Yoga (1929) - 323: 323. How to start on the path of Agni Yoga? Primarily, one must realize the existence of psychic energy. Then it is necessary to realize that fire is the essence of the spirit. Agni Yoga (1929) - 492: I hope that alert minds will think about this in time. It is too late to start making a pump when your house is already on fire. Heart (1932) - 316: 316. Even a giant can be arrested by a small thought if it acts as a dissonance. So many people start to turn around, shudder, change their direction, and in every way give attention to passing thoughts without even noticing their source. The law of attraction and repulsion by thought will be accepted most readily by musicians, who understand consonance and the significance of dissonance, with one established key for the whole composition. Whoever understands what it means to conduct an entire multivoiced symphony in one given key, will more readily understand the manifestations of the basic thought, even considering the multiformity of the task. Such a thought of construction does not impede the manifestation of many ramifications if in the very same key. And an alien dissonant intrusion will not penetrate deeply if the fundamental task is solid. Heart (1932) - 341: 341. Degeneration, fattiness, dilation of the heart occur because of the inadmissible conditions of life. Heart disease resulting from karmic causes is very rare. Dilation of the heart may be due to good but unused potentialities. Of course, fattiness of the heart is an inexcusable condition because each fattiness can be arrested at the start. Labor is the best antidote for the tendency to fattiness. One should observe at least a slight hygiene of the heart. Striving to work is the best strengthening of the heart. Not work, but a rupture in the striving of the heart acts destructively. True, strong hostile arrows are also injurious, but for these wounds you know the balm of Hierarchy. Only the use of this balm must be continuous! It is definitely a great error to forget the existence of such a medicine. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 217: 217. You have been writing today about physical remedies, but for crowds even barrels of the most precious substance will be useless. One may urge all physicians of the World to start upon a mission of spiritualization of the heart. Each physician has access to different homes. He sees various generations, and his words are listened to with attention. When giving physical instructions he can so easily add the most valuable advices. He has the right to be acquainted with all the details of the moral conditions in the home. He can give advice which will compel the occupants to reflect over and above the actions of the stomach. He can even command, for behind him stands the fear of death. The physician is a most sacred person in the household where there is a sick person. And since humanity has taken care to collect a sufficient quantity of diseases, the physician can give many valuable warnings. If we but had enlightened physicians! At present there are so few! The more do We esteem enlightened physicians, since of course they are always under the threat of expulsion from the Medical Societies. Heroism is needed everywhere where the Truth is. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 221: 221. At the start of a physical illness the ethereal body is naturally quite enfeebled, and only within the fiery centers does it remain strong. This explains why people who manifest life of the lower centers only are so afraid of death. The fiery spirit manifests joy, repulsing the dark manifestations with fire. Lower spirits feel their separation from the astral due to the injury of the ethereal body. AUM (1936) - 390: 390. We give out indications about the investigation of psychic energy with extreme caution. In the first place, certain people may utilize such information for evil purposes; in the second, certain persons may carry experiments in relation to their own health too far; in the third, certain ones who lack abilities for such experiments may start calumnies about the impracticality of what has been given out. Let only those devoted to knowledge engage in serious study. Everyone has had occasion to encounter many people who have made a laughingstock of what is most important. Mockery is not only ignorance, it demonstrates baseness of consciousness. AUM (1936) - 577: 577. The examiner of psychic energy finds himself in a situation completely different from that of most investigators. The latter can allot a definite time to their studies, whereasthe investigator of psychic energy must devote all his time to observation. He never knows when a noteworthy manifestation is taking place. He cannot leave unattended the mental currents, which may start up at any moment. He must know how to awaken in full consciousness. He must pay attention to the auras of people and objects. He must possess patience and good will. He must not complain and yield to a state of depression. Thus, many qualities such as imagination and straight-knowledge are indispensable for the observer. Brotherhood (1937) - 5: People sometimes establish brotherhoods, but such superficial and pompous institutions have nothing in common with the great concept of Brotherhood. Thus people start communities, cooperatives, various unions and societies; but in their foundations there will not be even simple trust. Consequently, these establishments are very remote from that Brotherhood which would be a strong and steadfast union of trust. Brotherhood (1937) - 116: 116. Often one may hear narratives about the start or abolishment of the Brotherhood. Various countries are pointed out, many epochs are named, but no one can say authentically when Communities have been founded. People regard as a beautiful tale the remnants of indications about the Brotherhood. Many disputes, many misunderstandings are caused by the details about the structure of the earthly Brotherhood. Most often it is regarded in general as non-existent. It may be noticed that people fall into particular irritation in discussing the structure of the Brotherhood. Especially suspicious are people who do not admit the existence of anything higher than their imagination. They forget that the imagination is an accumulation of actuality. Hence, they cannot admit that there is anything above and beyond their own conception of life. Brotherhood (1937) - 186: 186. People frequently hear voices that seem to be calling to them. Sometimes such calls are so strong that they force one to start and look around, though others present do not hear them. Can one possibly doubt that such spatial sendings do occur? Brotherhood (1937) - 429: 429. Even in the course of a short human life there can be noted the disappearance and appearance of islands, the shifting of lakes and rivers, the death and birth of volcanoes. One can see a continual advance of some shorelines and the recession of others. No one can say that over several decades a marked alteration of the planet's crust does not take place. Now if, during a half-century, you take the recession of shores known to you and prolong it over the hundreds of millions of years of the planet's existence, you can see what enormous alterations could have taken place. Let people take note of these figures known to everyone and marvel at the change of conditions on the planet. Such evidences are very useful for unreasonable people. Even up to the present the most ancient periods are subject to suspicion, for people do not think about hundreds of millions of years; such calculations are prohibited by the distorters of ancient symbols. But the young generation should be made to confront the great problems. Motion will be the basis to start from. Let our planet, with its great motion, be converted into a small globe. Let us not be afraid of realizing ourselves to be in the vortex of Infinity. Then, too, the concept of Brotherhood will prove to be a steadfast anchor. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 85: 85. Urusvati senses the magnetism of objects. This ability is made possible through the synthesis of many subtle feelings. We are not speaking about a detailed explanation of the history of each object, for many accumulations on an object can give different indications from different eras. Those who hold an object and start telling stories about its life serve no purpose; however, it is important to feel the essence of an object and sense its harmony. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 106: People may feel that for some reason they cannot start doing anything. Such a mood is caused by a change of rhythm. One's inner consciousness may have already assimilated the future, but the mechanical routine is the result of the hypnotic effect of Kali Yuga. This is a state of divided consciousness, which also affects the general rhythm of Our Work. Various calamities threaten Earth. Karma works intensely. It must be realized that the karma of the Devas is also accelerated. Thus the forces are intensified during the change of Yugas. Let us be aware of this and let us fill our hearts with courage. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 117: 117. Urusvati is aware of the concept of victory. When We start creative work that is protected by the battle, We affirm victory. May the tautened string of victory resound! May the signs of forward motion become visible, for there is no defeat in Infinity. May Our Call be accepted as living advice. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 161: "The third battle resounds in the Infinite, in space, between the subtle energies and the waves of chaos. The human imagination is too limited to envision these battles in Infinity. Human intellect comprehends earthly collisions, but is incapable of looking into space and imagining the powerful storms and forces working there. Only when human emotions are completely controlled can man start thinking about the invisible worlds. One should develop such thoughts, for they alone will make man a conscious co-worker with the Infinite forces." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 289: We are alarmed when We hear someone intoning a well-memorized ritual, for if one repeats the words continuously, an unexpectedly powerful rhythm may be established that could actually destroy him! We condemn such irresponsibility. Imagine what would happen if a group of guards were to start firing their weapons indiscriminately in all directions. They could kill each other! The same thing could happen if a group of people were to repeat a memorized ritual without a harmonious understanding of the fundamental truth that underlies it. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 375: Further, people do not think that by their blasphemy they impede Our work. We have to expend much energy purifying those places that they have polluted. How can one permit such lack of discipline? Most obscenity is uttered because of ignorance. And some people might say that they feel imprisoned because of not being allowed to speak freely. But they should understand that many crimes and miseries are caused by casual, thoughtless words. Some places are so permeated with blood and curses that it is better to leave these poisonous locations and start a new life elsewhere. Let time itself clear away the dark emanations.