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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ST > STAGGERING (4)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 245:
Religions have frightened humanity with their dogma of final judgment, and have thereby deprived it of daring. Whoever submits blindly to a state religion is like a donkey staggering under a burden imposed upon it. Can one accept a religion enforced by police order? Can one accept on faith the decisions of strangers who take fees for communing with heaven?

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 446:
446. It can be observed that the Subtle World is approaching the earthly. Even fiery sendings do not miss the Earth, but the consciousness of people can sometimes be far from the reception of these manifestations. The word is uttered, but the consciousness is silent. There is not even a restlessness fitting before great events. The deathlike state of the consciousness is staggering! One can understand how gradually the subsequent Teaching must be given! A readiness to apply the Teaching to life is noticeable only in rare cases, but the fiery manifestations tarry not. Not having been transmuted by the human consciousness, they flow into dangerous channels.

AUM (1936) - 148:
148. The third sign, the Sacred Mystery, is cognized by but a few. Light-mindedness whispers that everything pertaining to Mystery is unnecessary. Conceit suggests that all should be accessible, but man, blinded by lightning, cries out at the insupportable Light. Man, weighed down by the grandeur of thought, complains of the impossibility of containing it. Truly, the Mystery is commensurateness, which bestows the possibility of ascending without staggering.

Brotherhood (1937) - 405:
405. The manifestation of wise Covenants enables one not to lose sight of the goal. An experienced archer sends the arrow firmly, but the hand of the faint-hearted trembles. The goal cannot be attained through errancy and staggering. Each belittlement of the Sublime fills the spirit with unsteadiness. The beautiful Sublimity is a shield against all errancy. Man goes straight to the Beautiful. He will not turn his back upon the Beautiful, nor will he utter disparagement of the Beautiful.


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