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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > ST > STAFF (9)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 452:
My son, thou hast brandished thy staff, calling the world to battle. Here comes the world to thee - sharpen thy weapon.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.11.6:
1.11.6. Who follows the New World will receive a silver staff.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.5:
Then, taking His bamboo staff, He traced a square around the impression of His foot, saying "Verily, by human feet."

New Era Community (1926) - 147:
Heroes may be encountered in present-day life. One should not consider this concept inapplicable. If we fear to introduce such a concept, we ourselves break away from the pathleading into the region of truth. One should recognize heroism in life; one should remember that the sword is the staff of the hero. Knowing how to turn sword into staff must find a place in the day's work.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 318:
318. One must not be concerned with the barking of dogs. One may carry a staff, and remember that just one well-timed thrust will frighten the most vicious dog. Do not waste energy with a premature stroke. But aim well!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 467:
467. "And with His staff He wiped away all the designs in the sand." In this action we see all the generosity of the Teacher, all His riches, all the dismissal of the past and the striving into the future. But people, as I said, turn everything into the ordinary, so that all their actions, whether personal or national, whether material or spiritual, are deprived of enthusiasm. But if our daily labor is consecrated in the Name of the Teacher it cannot be ordinary or tiresome. If we forget for what we labor, boredom will cover us with its shroud of decay, and all the jesters of the world will not be able to provoke a smile in us.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 446:
446. It is correct to surmise that improvement in the chemical influences of the luminaries does not eliminate established causes. Much may have been sown, but lightning does not destroy all the crops. Thus, one should not leave off sowing, nor should one lean too heavily on a staff when walking rapidly. The ability to proceed is a habit retained from former experiences.

Brotherhood (1937) - 574:
574. For some Our counsels are a reliable staff, for others an intolerable burden. Some will accept the Advice as something long awaited, whereas others will find grounds for discontent in each counsel. Man cannot understand how fully must the advice be in harmony with his consciousness. One cannot put into practice many useful courses of action merely because of their rejection. Good does not dwell with rejection. Good has an open door, it needs no locks.


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