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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SP > SPINNING (4)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 227:
227. I am spinning new threads, I am looking for the points of contact.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 537:
537. Churning and the spinning of a top are symbols of the creative spiral motion. What looks like physical immobility does not signify lack of power, and what is perceived as silence does not indicate a lack of voice.

Hierarchy (1931) - 54:
54. The legend about the giant supporting Earth is not a superstition, but a memory of Him who assumed the burden of responsibility for Earth. Thus, in each action there is one who has taken the responsibility upon his shoulders. The one in cooperation with others constitutes the balance. Like a spinning top, the rhythm of motion should be kept; thus mechanics is transformed into art. The display of simple attentiveness, which We pointed out first in legends and symbols, I now ordain in a simple Command - merely open your eyes, because there are many signs around.

AUM (1936) - 59:
59. One can see what unworthy methods are combined with prayer! Frenzies can be of no assistance toward the link with the Higher World. Eye-witnesses of higher visions affirm that they cannot even remain firm on their feet because of the powerful vibrations. Moreover, visions are preceded by a special serenity of the spirit. Can spinning and whirling possibly be the threshold of a beautiful vision? Man, by his own will, cannot compel a manifestation of the Higher World. It is possible to attract the Subtle World, but the grandeur of the Higher World transcends all earthly nature. For years hermits await the Higher Word. Even great Spiritual Toilers could withstand a manifestation of the Higher World only once without shock to their health. However, the Higher World knows when and what is possible.


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