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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SP > SPINAL (4)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.7:
The spinal chord is also called the spear, because if we wish to parry the blows we must tense this channel. The centers of the shoulders are also called wings, because during a self-sacrificing achievement rays extend from them. The legend concerning wings is highly symbolic. Likewise, it was a favorite custom of the ancients to wear a round metal plate upon their breasts.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 82:
82. Fiery sparks from flint remind us of the sparks of tension. During the crucial moments of the battle there may be blows which produce a multitude of sparks. The nearestones can feel better than others such fiery streams, when they are drawn into the very battle. When I advise caution it means that the attacks are strong or the battle itself produces tension. The attacks first of all react upon the developed centers. One cannot avoid such influences. The saints suffered precisely from such tensions. But the most difficult has also its happy possibility. Precisely, the tension of battle or the suffering from attacks better than anything else refines the centers. Therefore, every one proceeding in the Great Service welcomes such tension as Wings of Light. One may feel that the upper part of the spinal column fairly groans under pressure, but this is the bearing of the earthly burden called the Burden of Atlas. One may advise physicians to pay more attention to the centers and to the heart.

Brotherhood (1937) - 367:
367. Thought is lightning. A received thought frequently strikes luminous manifestations in us; it then increases the radiance of the chakras. Likewise, it may be understood that spinal vibrations are closely connected with the reception of thought. I am reminding about such a manifestation, because on the paths to Brotherhood the realization of the manifestation of thought is inevitably needed.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 10:
We arrange for thought transference in an almost empty room whose walls are painted blue or green. Green can be very harmonious for many individuals. We also prefer a comfortable armchair, so that the spinal column is aligned. The chair should in no way discomfort the body. The light should not irritate the eyes, and it is better if it comes from behind. No forced tension is needed, only complete concentration. Sometimes one may place before oneself the image of the person to whom the thoughts are being sent, but it is even better to hold this image in one's mind. Calmness is necessary, and harmonious music may accompany the sending of thoughts.


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