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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SP > SPILL (6)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 404:
404. Each one by himself, each in his own way; Yet all of one spirit in the endeavor not to spill the chalice. Remember, friends, that everyone may alter place and time in life. If one would labor for humanity, one must change one's location, Because oppressive is the breathing of the old places.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.9.9:
To you I say it! Turn to the East, behold My Dawn! Beauteous is the chrism stored up in time! Precious is the flower planted in My Hour! Do not spill the chalice of My Hour! The Miracle comes!

New Era Community (1926) - 161:
One must not spill a single possibility.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 304:
When We say, "Be different, and do not deprive yourself of the Chalice of Achievement," We thereby indicate to you not to darken your life and not to spill the Chalice. I confirm how much is given to you. Every particle understood and applied will give new life. Thus, witness the rain of possibilities and rejoice at the rainbow.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 48:
Many have read how David interrogated the Highest Powers. He took recourse in this Source in order to avoid unnecessary errors. There are many such instances in the history of different nations. Everyone knows about them. It is not necessary to delve into the ancient times; these signs of Communion and Great Service are apparent in recent events. But we also know that for the High Communion a pure heart is needed. Nothing impure can partake of this Communion, therefore the symbol of the Leader must be the sign of purity of the heart. Not only in actions but in thoughts the Leader carries the welfare of the people. He knows that he is entrusted to bring a full chalice. He does not lose his path in useless wanderings. He will not spill the entrusted chalice. Thus the concept of the Leader is a sign of the future.

AUM (1936) - 152:
152. One should not spill poison carelessly. A great many may be infected, and no one will know where the poison may be spread. Dark poisoners, do you know all your victims? But you will not remain ignorant. Sight will be given you, and you will see the entire scope of your doings. Thus do poisoners condemn themselves.


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