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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SP > SPEND (12)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.14:
2.8.14. Healer, tell the ailing ones that the use of wine diminishes by half their chances, that the use of narcotics takes away three quarters of their vitality. Certainly in My pharmacy there is no place for narcotics. Before using My medicines one must spend three years amidst prana.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.1:
How then should one pray? One can spend hours in aspiration, but there may be a prayer of lightning speed. Then instantaneously, without words, man places himself in continuity with the whole chain into the Infinite. Resolving to unite with the Infinite, man inhales emanations of the ether, as it were, and without mechanical repetitions establishes the best circuit for the current. Thus, in silence, without wasting time, one can receive a stream of refreshment.

New Era Community (1926) - 198:
In accordance with the plan of My Friend, We had enough patience to spend time even on correspondence. But it was impossible to attract anyone to constructive work.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 264:
And likewise said the Blessed One, "Distinguish between those who understand and those who agree. He who understands the Teaching will not delay in applying it in life. He who agrees will simply nod and extol the Teaching as remarkable wisdom, but will not apply this wisdom in life. There are many who have agreed, but like a withered forest they are fruitless and without shade. Only decay awaits them. Those who understand are few, but like a sponge they absorb the priceless knowledge and are ready to clean away the evils of the world with this precious liquid. He who understands cannot help but apply the Teaching, for, realizing goal-fitness, he accepts it as a solution to the problems of life. Do not spend much time with the agreeing ones. Let them first demonstrate application of the first call."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 377:
Let us count the days we spend unworthily and be stricken with remorse. Let us count the hours not given to the Teaching and bewail. Can the hour given to the Teaching be sold for a sack of gold? Can one be satisfied with a garment of ignorance after beholding a chiton of beauty, adorned with the flowers of the Mother of the World? How can we devote our days to ordinary routine, when treasures are strewn along our path? One must become accustomed to the unusual manifestations of life.

Heart (1932) - 39:
39. Chiefly, speak of the spiritual. The path of the spirit, like nothing else, develops the consciousness and purifies one's life. Regard spiritual discourses as practical exercises of the heart. It is necessary to purify the consciousness as a path toward success. Again I speak, not abstractly, but for application to life. Try the experiment of administering medicines to a conscious and an unconscious being. It is instructive to compare the extent to which consciousness intensifies all the manifestations and processes. Thus can one recognize the essential worth of the consciousness. Besides, a spiritual discourse directs the striving of the A-energy into a definite channel toward the heights. Precisely, Ketub is the unifier of energies. Thus, one must not spend time in striving toward the habitual, when there are so many possibilities which attract one upward.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 538:
538. The perversion of human understanding has gone so far that a man infected with the imperil of irritation or malice is sometimes called a fiery being. Even malice people sometimes describe as inflamed. But since Agni is a connecting, all-pervading element, it is actually the principle of equilibrium. The human spirit has recourse to this element during ascent; even in a mechanical ascent use is made of the fiery principle. It should be explained that the inflammation of imperil in no wise corresponds to purified Agni. People themselves try to implant in their consciousness a disparaging meaning of many great manifestations. Indeed, it is a good exercise to occasionally spend a day without disparaging.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 597:
597. And so, the greatest misconception lies in the fact that people prepare themselves for death instead of educating themselves for life. They have heard often enough that the very concept of death is vanquished. They have heard often enough of the need for changing the seven sheaths. It has been sufficiently emphasized that these changes take place with the closest cooperation of Fire. This means that one should assist the fiery transmutations, since they are inevitable. Why spend ages and millenniums on that which can be accomplished far more quickly! We should prepare our consciousness for the fiery receptivity of our concentrated bodies. If something is subject to a fiery action, let this good be accomplished in the shortest possible time. Thinking about such transmutation in itself greatly helps our organism to assimilate this process into the consciousness. You already know that accepting something into the consciousness means a bodily assimilation also. In our general conceptions it is high time to become accustomed to the scope of the Fiery World. We are amazed at the difference between an idiot and a genius, but our imagination falls short in extending this divergence into infinity. Our imagination is equally uneducated in visualizing the closeness of the Fiery World, obscured solely by our body. Rarely do people see the highest spheres of the Subtle World, but those who are worthy to behold the splendor of the mountains and seas of the Subtle World, and the radiance of its flowers, can visualize the purity of the Fiery Kingdom! One can also imagine the omnipresence of the Fiery World, when even during physical existence one can project the subtle body to different places simultaneously. Thus let us become accustomed to the Fiery World as the only destiny of men.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 118:
118. Among the mysteries existing in the Cosmos must be noted that of succession of existences. The rhythms of these existences are just as varied as are the Monads. Some think that it is necessary to spend a great number of lives in palaces; others think that for heroism cavalries are needed; a third group thinks that glory is needed; a fourth that chastisement of spirit and body are necessary, and so on ad infinitum. But We say achievement of spirit is needed. And this fiery quality is attained only through the inner Fire of the heart. Rightly has it been said that the deeds of the heart are the foundation. Knowledge of the heart affirms the great essence. Therefore, the heart as a magnet is powerful,. Of course, a being lives in all potentiality. For a certain cycle of years the potential manifests one form of actions, for another cycle other actions are manifested. Thus, a complete world of actions takes place in a single life. Let us recall how many luminous actions fill the records of the Book of Life. Let us consider each action of Light, for it is especially necessary to realize those powerful energies which fill a being on a great step.

AUM (1936) - 5:
5. A man cannot spend his life without experiencing, though it be but once, the warmth of the heart. Indeed, this will be a fiery sensation, but when it is encircled with a luminous diadem and rainbow, it is then merged with the higher energies. People should not talk and complain that nothing is accessible to them; on the contrary, throughout earthly life they can already sense the great energies. The earthly body cannot always feel such manifestations, it would burn up. But in a lofty state the spirit can nevertheless experience the rays of Grace.

Brotherhood (1937) - 570:
570. Free will is a solemn bidding to the wayfarer. Before reaching the far-off paths, it is essential to give him the precious gift of free will. Each one may act according to his ability, he will not be constrained. But the wise one will realize what a responsibility he bears for the use of the treasure of free will. It is as if a purse full of gold were given him; it can be spent at his discretion, but an account would have to be rendered. And the Brotherhood teaches not to spend the entrusted treasure without usefulness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 227:
Cunning people will pry, "Tell us, what do they eat? How do they spend their time? With whom do they meet? Is it possible that they regulate prices in the market? Tell us everything about the Brotherhood in detail and we will amuse ourselves by broadcasting it."


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