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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SP > SPEEDS (8)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.2.3:
2.2.3. The law of the transition into the spirit world is not complex. The one condition may not be likened to the other. As the dust of a volcano, so countless are the spirits who return to the spiritual world. Of course, matter is a condition of spirit. But blood differs so greatly from its equivalent in the spirit, which is nurtured by prana, that the boundaries are broken throughout all Worlds. It is with difficulty that the spirit realizes its release from matter. The spirit attached to Earth clothes itself in the astral body, which creates for him the illusion of Earth here in the hearth of cravings and remorse. But the spirit which speeds out, in upward striving only, can avoid the astral plane, because the astral body is but superfluous rubbish. The less liter the purer the consciousness. On Earth it is difficult to conceive of forsaking matter without despising it, abandoning it for a new formation. But you have the best example in the giving away of any objects. The best donor will devise the best gift. Therefore, the matter which has garbed a lofty spirit affords the greater usefulness because nothing is wasted. Of course, a conscious communion is accessible to lofty spirits if the appeal is sufficiently freed from questions of matter and blood. The spirit, nurtured by prana, does not assimilate blood. "Therefore, one may divide the world on the basis of blood; no other demarcation exists.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 254:
254. The striving of most people has little to do with psychic energy. Certain properties of this energy have been completely lost to their consciousness. It is most difficult for humanity to realize the infiniteness of energy and its ability to act independently. People easily sense energy in relation to physical actions, but they little realize something much more remarkable - that psychic energy can act independently at great distances. Like a cannon ball that speeds from the cannon producing its individual effect, so our energy can create results completely independent and long-lasting. Of course the durability of the results depends on the reserve of energy. One can project energy consciously, but one can also project it subconsciously if it is directed frequently in the same way. When the cannonball of energy has been propelled afar, then one may feel a temporary exhaustion of energy. But he who knows this can happen will not be concerned. On the contrary, he will reinforce the act of transmission with his own consciousness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 393:
Just as the hunting falcon is recalled from the sky, sharpness of understanding should be summoned with a fiery call. The falcon is lured and obediently speeds down onto the gloved hand. Thus will true understanding descend upon the fire of consciousness. One cannot pass through darkness without carrying a light. Some may mockingly say, "This trivial advice is nothing new!" Yet they themselves make no attempt to light their fires. They do not even look around to discover the source of fire. They scoff at those who have found the fire. They do not even know that the fire is found not for oneself but for humanity.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 458:
458. Craftiness and resourcefulness are different qualities. Craftiness is defense, cunning, a clinging to the old. Resourcefulness is the future, mobility, devotion. No one can criticize resourcefulness. When the ship speeds towards its destination, does it matter if it tacks to port or to starboard? We are not astonished at the zigzags of its course as it sails against the wind, because it conquers obstacles all the same.

Heart (1932) - 62:
62. The sun is the heart of the system; so, also, the heart of man is the sun of the organism. There are many sun-hearts, and the Universe represents a system of hearts; therefore, the cult of Light is the cult of the heart. To understand this abstractly is to leave the heart cold; but as soon as the Light of the sun-heart shall live, the need of the magnet's warmth will begin to shine forth like a true sun. It is said, "Cross Santana with the aid of the heart." Thus one can come closer to an understanding of the heart. The heart's rhythm can be regarded as the rhythm of life. The Teaching about the heart is as bright as the sun, and the warmth of the heart speeds as swiftly as a sunbeam. Everyone has wondered at the instantaneousness with which a ray of the rising sun warms all things. The heart can act likewise.

Heart (1932) - 381:
381. The transmission of thoughts at a distance and healing through distant currents is sufficiently known to you. Yet it is necessary to repeat this persistently, because people are least desirous of admitting the indisputable. Of course, the transmission of thoughts must be accepted, because the admittance of sendings by the heart is essential. Even a telegraph clerk confuses the mechanical transmission; hence, how much more subtle must be the reception by the heart. Besides, you know how easily an outside thought speeds through the consciousness and is forgotten despite the clarity of transmission. The heart must accept the inexpressible words into its depths. So, it is also easy to overlook the most salutary currents if we resist them in consciousness. The very bed can be shaken by the currents, but this knocking may be rejected. It is also good if the heart understands in good will that in the midst of warmth freezing currents do not come without special cause. In order to accept these simple scientific manifestations, not blind faith is needed, only open good will.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 38:
Let Our Sister recall how often she has spoken in the subtle body with women completely unknown to her, and how often she has witnessed quarrels and misunderstandings. But the work of enlightenment does not tarry. Entire nations strive for knowledge, and with knowledge full rights will come. We can show Our records of the women's movements, and the results are encouraging. One should not think in a routine way. At present, the world has exceeded its bounds, the ship has lost its course, and the cosmic whirl speeds its movement. We are at the helm, but other sailors should also help. The terror of Armageddon can be transformed into a manifestation of success, but first Armageddon must be discerned and the meaning of Hierarchy understood. The role of woman in the world's economy has been strengthened. Never before have so many women been called to high positions. Our Counsels penetrate into far-off places.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 309:
Thus, while studying the arts, let us not forget the art of the Good, which requires assumption of full responsibility and an understanding of the meaning of life. It is the most difficult of arts, but it speeds the way. An unskilled sculptor can ruin a block of marble, but an unskilled doer of good can break many hearts! Only by hard work can a sculptor become skilled. Likewise, only profound contemplation can perfect the art of the Good.


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