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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SP > SPEEDIER (2)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 48:
48. There is an urgent need to prepare the pilgrims to understand the Teaching. The simplest act of improving life will help them to follow this unusual path. Usefulness will lead them to a search for beauty. Life itself will reveal the requirements of goal-fitness. A simple explanation of a task can lend confidence to its fulfillment. Thus will they find the easier, speedier, more useful ways of approach.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 550:
550. Petty thoughts not only clog space, they especially impede the transmission of thought to far-off distances. Every participant in thought-transmission knows how at times parts of the transmission are, as it were, corroded, as if a dark cloud obscures the precision of expression. In fact, these small, slimy, ugly creatures intercept the path of transmission. Singly, these little monsters are ineffectual because of their feebleness, but they form a slime sufficient to thicken space and thus intercept the currents. Therefore, to effect speedier thought-transmission humanity must be urged to desist from petty thoughts. Even a little carefulness in thinking will produce beneficial results. Moreover, the slime of petty thinking can be a source of epidemics.


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