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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SP > SPECIALIZATION (12)

New Era Community (1926) - 63:
63. The main understanding will be of the fact that labor can be relaxation. Many amusements will have to be abolished. Chiefly, it must be understood that the products of science and art are for education, not diversion. Many amusements will have to be destroyed as hotbeds of vulgarity. The forefront of culture must sweep away the dens of fools passing time over a mug of beer. Likewise, the use of profanity must find a far more severe penalty. Likewise, manifestations of narrow specialization must be disapproved.

New Era Community (1926) - 173:
In Our Community one finds many nationalities and diverse specialties; this is practical for the condensation of the waves of the will. It is possible to preserve the whole potential of individuality and to attune the consciousness harmoniously. We are opposed to exclusive specialization; in the best construction of a collective this condition finds its place.

New Era Community (1926) - 243:
I advise him who wishes to reach Our Community to add to his knowledge. After the general school education, the people of the West usually forsake knowledge, or else they draw out from knowledge a tenuous thread of specialization instead of weaving the whole network of the catch.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 94:
94. Some may be unable to reconcile the idea of equality with that of Hierarchy. Equality lies in the potentiality of spirit that all possess. Hierarchy is based on the uniqueness of one's accumulated experience. Therefore it is just to say that a complex of knowledge will be the gate of Hierarchy. Mark the expression "complex," because narrow specialization cannot define the breadth of a Hierarch.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 171:
171. An Agni Yogi must renounce the conventional in all national cultures, although temporarily he belongs to one of them. The Agni Yogi renounces narrow specialization in his work, although he can possess a superior knowledge of one thing and the mastery of it. The Agni Yogi chooses spiritual relationship over blood relationship. The shield of an Agni Yogi lies in his consecration to world evolution and in the stern banishment of prejudice from his heart.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 508:
508. Intellect is not wisdom. Straight-knowledge is wisdom. Intellect is reason. Wisdom makes decisions that long ago had already germinated. Intellect is at the threshold of wisdom, and when sharpened it moves into the realm of synthesis. Reason and a mind trained to one specialty are only corners of the future house. Those with narrowly specialized minds can pave for themselves a brilliant future, but they must continue to incarnate until their minds lose their narrow specialization. Only when the intellect loses this can it become wise. Each specialty is meant for conditions of life on Earth, whereas the synthesis of spirit opens all spheres. Spiritual tension accumulates spatial psychic energy. Spiritual tension can lead into any sphere of the astral plane.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 505:
505. Freedom from fear will not come through convincing oneself in each separate instance. On the contrary, such suggestions drive the feeling of fear inward, permitting it to return with full force at the first opportunity. Moreover, the terror will increase in proportion to the pressure of the artificial suggestion. Imprisoned fear is a very dangerous convict, and it is essential to rid oneself of fear - so declare all Teachings. Fear can be eradicated by comparisons. Point out the terror of facing ferocious beasts to the man who is threatened by fire, and he will say, "I would know how to escape wild beasts, but how can I escape this blaze?" Thus, collect all the possible causes of fear, and one after another they will fall away like dry leaves. Likewise, one should call forth complete relativity in order to become accustomed to the boundlessness of the Fiery World. The attraction to the earthly crust creates the illusion of security; this explains the attachment of human beings to the earthly world. It is quite true that precisely here one should absorb many feelings and lay a foundation of receptivity, in order to tread the fiery waves more easily. For this reason earthly specialization is not as valuable as the qualities of receptivity and containment. It is not surprising that the dividing lines of the strata of the Subtle World do not coincide with those of conventional classifications on Earth. One may find oneself in the Subtle World among the most unexpected assortment of neighbors. Such a surprise threatens only those who cross over with a load of earthly survivals. But he who has refined his spiritual criteria will find the fulfillment of his expectations.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 60:
60. Religion and science must not be considered separate in their essential nature. Subtle study of matter and the atom leads to the conclusion that vital energy is not electricity but Fire. Thus science and religion merge upon a single principle. Matter is affirmed as a fiery substance, and no thoughtful spirit will deny that the higher force is Fire. Science cannot destroy the concept of the divinity of Fire, nor can any religion impose an interdiction on the subtle analyses made by science. In this way, then, the understanding and the harmony of the concepts of religion and science are affirmed. A subtle parallel can be drawn between science and religion, which will reveal all the higher stages. Therefore, it is so important that scholars should be in possession of subtle occult receptivity. But only a refined organism can possess this divine perception which is not developed from without but from within. Therefore, all the great discoveries for the good of humanity will not emanate from enormous laboratories, but will be discovered by the spirit of scholars who are in possession of the synthesis. We, the Brothers of Humanity, see the results which direct all quests along the right channel. Of course, the gift of the synthesis is not always bestowed, but those selfless zealots who do possess the synthesis are in no need of specialization. We see and foretell great results from the synthesis of spirit of the zealots. On the path to the Fiery World one must revere the Bearers of Synthesis.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 61:
Great is the labor of the subtle energies of the centers, and it can never stop. One may only replace one process by another. When the high Agni Yogi devotes his energies to the task of great cosmic construction, in this giving is contained a great fiery transmutation. In such instances manifestation on a physical plane cannot be clearly expressed, and the high Agni Yogi can listen to his own thoughts because his consciousness will carry impressions of the Subtle World and his work in it. These thoughts are, as it were, remembrances of the creative work of the centers and of the spirit. It is said, "a thought suddenly flashed" - but We say, "the spirit has recalled." Thus one may affirm the work of a high Agni Yogi. On the path to the Fiery World it must be remembered that synthesis is like a river's mouth and each specialization is like one channel.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 74:
74. Among the followers of the Teaching those spirits who take upon themselves responsible missions must be particularly noted. How much more responsible it is to bear the synthesis, in comparison with specialization!

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 74:
The affirmed guide knows all the joys, all the containments of synthesis, but at the same time he knows the burden of all the manifested and unmanifested fires. This heritage of the ages is precipitated in the "chalice" as fiery strata; therefore those who bear the fire of synthesis are manifested as bearing the burden of centuries. The specialist, having a continuous channel for the outlet of his energies, is rarely burdened, but he who carries the fire of synthesis is a tempestuous ocean of energies. The karma of him who carries the synthesis is so beautiful, but the burden is great. Each inheritance, even if it be unmanifested, lives and palpitates in the spirit. A feeling of dissatisfaction and of striving toward perfectionment distinguishes the bearers of synthesis. Though the path of specialization be outwardly difficult, the path of the bearer of the synthesis surpasses in all ways the path of the specialist. How many quests and selfless achievements does the bearer of the synthesis reveal in the life of every day! Verily, every phase of growth on the path of the synthesis-bearer is an achievement of the spirit. On the path to the Fiery World it is necessary to discern the achievement of the fiery synthesis-bearer. Thus let us remember.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 96:
Please do not think that narrow specialization makes the glory of an era. Only benevolent, all-embracing synthesis can give impetus to the new progress of consciousness.


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