Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 249: 249. Let Us speak scientifically, but with kindness. Not for Ourselves, but for you, do I speak of trust. But Our messages shatter themselves against the heart that is barricaded. When needless words are uttered, the currents are mixed. Emanations of irritation deny entrance to the thoughts We send. Even a touch cannot be sensed by a hedgehog! In this, discern the difference between the quills of a hedgehog and Our feathered Shield. The benign arrows, like feathers, outline the circle of salvation; But if the needles of doubt do not permit the entrance of Our Message, special difficulties arise. The Higher Ones send Us Bliss. We transmit it to you. But if We and you reject the Bliss sent, We all shall be engulfed by the wave of evil. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.6.13: 1.6.13. Sow better, sowers! Earth will soon be ready! If the world is not helped by a special manifestation - Earth will not endure. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.8.6: 1.8.6. Occultly, the circle appears as an impersonation of the human organism broadened by possibilities. The central figures carry the honorary functions of the heart. The growth of the organism and its injuries are reflected upon the heart. The waving of the arms calls forth fatigue and, furthermore, the non-realization of strivings. You already know the parable about the ring-dance and about the shields. You already know that the best number for the circle is seven. Five represents the extremities of the body. Supplements can carry only special functions or else the acquittal of a karmic condition. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.21: How difficult it is to select without having recourse to special measures! Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.9: 2.5.9. Fire singes imperfect thoughts. How else to fill the cradle of authentic achievements? The experiment of filtering the thought through the ray is very important. Everyone expresses the essence of his aura, but single thoughts can be of different value according to their spiritual consistence. Then the substance of the thought can be tested by a special ray. The presence of inner spirituality illumines the thought by the color of the aura, but if the thought is a base one it burns under the ray. Thus, there results not only a testing of thought but also a disinfection of space. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.11: 2.5.11. Joy is as special wisdom, as Christ said. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.13: 2.5.13. You have noticed that each Great Teacher has spoken about the continuity of life. One may also notice that it is just this indication which is expurgated from each teaching, because materialism must defend itself. On Earth this condition is of special importance. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.17: Only by special ways of communication can those in the train of achievement move on. And to await the timeliness of that which the spirit considers and knows becomes so painful that it is as if the time had stopped, and some sort of conflagration had destroyed the accumulated wealth. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.18: 2.5.18. Even earthly things may have a special atmosphere preserved around them. Just before reading a document one may become impressed by a sense of the nature of it. The Teaching penetrates considerably further when first of all it is possible to transmit the essence of a manifestation. I vouch that very soon sensitive apparati will be able to assimilate it. The intuition unfolds normally if spirit is acknowledged. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.19: Especially nowadays, since Christ has renounced the miracles, this moment into the Unknown must be passed by special means. Because the future epoch must erase the boundaries between the worlds. And the Egyptian Mysteries have been transformed into the formula, "by human feet." Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.3: One can devote a special discourse to the elements. This domain is very beautiful. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.13: The despair of spiritual emptiness before the anointing was well known to the initiates into the mysteries of Isis. On the night of the anointment the neophyte was locked in a special chamber where he emptied the full chalice of despair and rent his garments, enduring a mortal anguish in spirit. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.10.1: 2.10.1. On certain steps a clean place in indispensable. Our Ashrams are distinguished by cleanliness. The hygiene of the spirit presupposes the hygiene of the body. Human emanations are harmful for a certain aspect of spiritual life. Many of Us with a special sensitiveness cannot endure the emanations of the world. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.10.6: 2.10.6. The human mechanism is complex - a special conscious evolution. From the moment of inception of consciousness there is no common evolution. All is constructed upon an infinite variety of species. General laws are established with difficulty. Even such basic and immutable laws as the law of perfection and the law of compensation cannot be expressed by a single formula. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.10.11: Imagine yourself a fine needle, of unusual sensitiveness, which reacts to all changes in the surroundings. The needle is connected with a special apparatus which formulates all surrounding currents. The needle vibrates to all currents, all sounds, all images, and the formulating apparatus records all receivings. The sensitiveness is such that even a thought is registered. For preciseness of the work there is needed a constancy of surroundings. A predominant current creates a state of constancy. It means that the apparatus is adapted to this current. If the current is changed, then often the apparatus even stops; especially if the currents are not harmonized. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.9: A special harm can be found in "phenomena," because the discharge of the forcibly disturbed matter produces a repelling atmosphere of tossing electrons. Nothing harms an organism so much as useless phenomena. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.10: 3.4.10. What suffers most of all? Of course co-measurement! I have spoken so much about it, yet again it is necessary to return to the old theme. Even the few who sense the importance of co-measurement remember about it only in some special circumstance. When one is drowning, then the best precepts are called to mind. Far more important is it to remember them amidst everyday life. The smallest thoughts will be borne away by the whirlwind of a right judgment. Good or bad, useful or harmful, these will be singled out, because where the big trees are, the shrubs are not seen. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.6: 3.5.6. Avoid uniformity, as to both place and work. Actually, uniformity accompanies that greatest fallacy, the concept of personal ownership. First of all, the slave of property loses mobility of spirit. Such a slave ceases to understand that each day of labor should be tinged with a special quality of the spirit. He cannot change place, because his spirit will be permanently fixed in his earthly home. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.18: Without a special Indication, no one will recognize those who have been to see Us. New Era Community (1926) - 16: 16. Among the mechanical attainments of modern civilization, the means of transportation deserve special attention. This devouring of space is already to a certain extent a victory over the supermundane spheres. But a circle of low materialism holds these conquests within the limits of low matter and the result is more harm than good. The chief danger in this haste of locomotion lies in a heightened feeling of irresponsibility. Passing beyond the limits of the ordinary, man becomes light, but because of the crudeness of feelings he loses the consciousness of responsibility. New Era Community (1926) - 156: We summon those co-workers who know the difficulties. We call to those who will not turn back. We summon those who know that joy is a special wisdom. New Era Community (1926) - 163: 163. Creativeness is the basis of evolution. With what then is it possible to strengthen the acts of creative power? Only with cheerfulness. Joy is a special wisdom. Cheerfulness is a special technique. This enhancement of vigor arises out of a conscious realization of the creativeness of elements. Truly, creative patience and cheerfulness are to two wings of the worker. New Era Community (1926) - 163: But tempered joy knows no fears. Joy is a special wisdom. New Era Community (1926) - 260: The Teacher senses that the shield grows incandescent. There comes to life the ordained fairy-tale. Symbols and signs are passing by on the Earth, and only the deaf are not aroused. I perceive beauty. The Teaching is manifested in a special way, unique and unrepeatable, toward the same goal yet in a new flight - evident and invisible! Thus is it possible to define the step of the New World. Agni Yoga (1929) : Sanskrit and Senzar lend a special flavor to the exposition and do not always find their equivalent in other languages. Nevertheless the meaning of the expressions is preserved exactly. And those who take part in contemporary life will read attentively this wise Teaching which emanates from the experience of centuries. Agni Yoga (1929) - 41: 41. The bridges crossed between the stages of the expanding consciousness are unaffected by current events. It is a mistake to wait for the stars to be right; the work of the serpent of the solar plexus flows independently. But a special sensitivity to atmospheric conditions accompanies this inner work. The density of the surrounding atmosphere complicates the work of the nervous system. Therefore calmness is needed as a remedial condition. Agni Yoga (1929) - 45: 45. One should firmly tell people that the New World has come into being. People are not prepared to assume their places in the tasks of creation. It is an error to believe that conquest has any connection with the mission of the New World. Whether it is in the conquest of countries or of a special class of people, this belongs with departing ways of thinking. In the process of evolution one can consider only the ascent of consciousness founded upon freedom of opportunities. Agni Yoga (1929) - 73: 73. You know that at an altitude of eleven thousand feet the astral body acquires a special quality. Each altitude has its specific effect on each body. You may have observed that at an altitude of seven thousand feet man can decrease his intake of food. The need for food gradually decreases as one ascends until at an altitude of sixteen thousand feet the decrease is substantial. Above an altitude of nine thousand feet I do not advise the use of wine, coffee, pepper or other spices. Above seventeen thousand feet even strong tea is inadvisable. With the decreasing need for food there is a parallel decrease in the need for sleep; one can consider sleeping for no more than six hours, and at twenty thousand feet four is quite enough. Thus one can understand that at great altitudes one can remain almost without sleep, or food. Agni Yoga (1929) - 83: 83. Spread the grains of the Teaching little by little. Let it imperceptibly flood the being. The time for preaching has passed, and life remains. Inspire the consciousness of your brother with an imperceptible touch, brought to him as his daily bread. Expose and understand his wrath and quench it with goal-fitness. Affirm him in the joy of realized containment. Beware of manifesting miracles to him, but reveal to him the co-measurement of that which passes into the Infinite. Abolish special holidays, and make of life a perpetual holiday. Agni Yoga (1929) - 89: 89. Harmony of auras does not require sameness of color. Thus, a violet aura can be in harmony with one that is green, and a pink aura can make a blue one more visible. In such combinations can be found currents of special intensity. It is even desirable to combine colors, as a guarantee of the future rainbow. So multihued are the vibrations of luminous colors, that it is impossible for the limited range of earthly colors to represent them, just as it is impossible for the range of earthly sounds to encompass the symphony of the spheres. Your earthly lilac and violet have nothing in common with Our heavenly purple. Agni Yoga (1929) - 101: Try to observe the life of so-called inanimate objects. Observe your effect upon them. The one who converses with objects is not always a subject of ridicule. Enwrapping them in thought creates a special atmosphere. Likewise, a pillar of swarming thoughts can penetrate to the regions of the far-off worlds. Regard thought as a real force in life, then gain firm control over the flow of thought. Agni Yoga (1929) - 175: Until now, only very rarely, and under special conditions was Yoga achieved, but the present stage of evolution of the spirit demands that Yoga be brought into life. And the thoughts of the young generation must be directed to this end. Neither zealotry nor weakness of faith are needed by Us, but each wholesome transformation of life will be noted and supported. Agni Yoga (1929) - 181: The strains of contact with the unusual sometimes necessitate special conditions in one's life. Sleep is decreased. Lying down becomes painful. Muscular tension impedes the work of the spirit. Each poisoning of the aura causes suffering. Naturally, these aggravations can be prevented without leaving the path, and the light of Yoga will be vaulted by the all-embracing light of space. Agni Yoga (1929) - 184: You have an example of the difference between two currents, and you know that the single current has less effect upon one's health. For future research it is important to know with which of the currents you are dealing. Many scientists will not be able to find appropriate methods to study this. Why is it that one person under observation is less in need of special treatment, while the spirit of another can flutter, like a captured rare bird, so that ordinary remedies are thrown off without effect? On this level of Yoga one is brought in touch with energies that are applied with great difficulty to contemporary life. Sometimes, after contact with an unusual type of energy, one must cease contact for a considerable time; but the overly zealous spirit does not permit this rest to his centers, and then We admonish, "Caution!" Agni Yoga (1929) - 185: "Help is ready for you who have entered, and your mission is given. You have realized that joy is a special wisdom. You will not return to the stream's old banks. You have embraced in your consciousness the battles of space. Misleading evidence no longer has meaning for you. You are an attaining co-worker and brother!" Agni Yoga (1929) - 188: 188. With each century a special kind of Yoga is introduced, appropriate to the world's condition. The earth element is inapplicable when a fiery cure is required. Nor will water or air serve in place of the wings of fire. Like an inevitable cataclysm that sweeps away continents, so undeferrable is the Yoga of the realization of the fiery power. The ability to recognize the right time for right actions is the mark of an enlightened consciousness. Agni Yoga (1929) - 214: 214. The crystal of Materia Lucida can be seen only rarely in such a size as was made visible to you. For this, there is needed a special converging of magnetic currents. The crystal seems in some way to be attracted by the Stone. It sharpens the center of the third eye, and also serves as the substance for astral construction on the highest plane. The crystal relates to the finest energies and also to the energy promised to humanity - if humanity is willing to accept it. The light of Materia Lucida can be intensified infinitely, and will provide illumination, which, without requiring the consumption of any material, can assume any form. This is a challenge that can be met, but the desire of humanity is first needed. Without it, access to the currents of finest energies cannot be given. The power of these energies is linked with psychic energy; hence each abuse is destructive. Agni Yoga (1929) - 226: Can a yogi resign from life completely? He is so close to spiritual perfection that he cannot long endure even the usual interplanetary form of existence. Yogi U., known to you, for this reason created a special form of interplanetary existence for himself. It then was recognized as being of use to humanity and was included in Our research into the densification of the subtle body. I cite this example as indication that everywhere personal conscious labor is needed. Agni Yoga (1929) - 254: You have heard the legend about a whirling cloud above a site of special significance. This is based on the same idea of projection of energy. The projected energy may be so powerful that it can cause physical manifestations, for the fusion of energy with the elements produces most unusual phenomena. But during periods of great activity, this energy becomes separated from its source, and one must expect a certain fatigue, accepting it as the natural consequence of the depletion of the treasury. Agni Yoga (1929) - 273: It can be noticed in the astral world that those with a half-developed consciousness do not strive upward. An ordinary level of consciousness is sufficient to spare them from suffering, but not enough to inspire acceptance of their duty for self-sacrificing work. The same can be observed in the growth of the spirit. The first calls are pleasant and benevolent, and, like a child, the cared-for beginner has no responsibilities. But consciousness grows and the spirit becomes worthy of special tasks. These tasks contradict the outworn ways of mundane thinking, and therefore involve new difficulties and dangers. Agni Yoga (1929) - 279: 279. You have heard the legend about the increasing heat of the throne of Indra. At its source lies a psycho-physical process. The special tension of the surrounding psychic atmosphere causes purely physical reactions. These in turn increase vividly the tension of the fiery energy, and it becomes necessary to reestablish balance. Agni Yoga (1929) - 282: How can attention be directed to the new energies? By keenness of sight, enhanced by straight-knowledge. Soon people will be divided according to the quality of their straight-knowledge. Those with an open consciousness must be known and paid attention to. Not education, not experience, not talent, but precisely the fire of straight-knowledge opens the direct path to Shambhala. It is precisely the fire of straight-knowledge that enables one to perceive the unique qualities of the new signs in the midst of daily life. In the future, all organizations will guard with special care these sensitive co-workers. Such consciousnesses are like milestones upon a straight road. The new scientific research will be inspired by the fire of straight-knowledge. Agni Yoga (1929) - 293: 293. Especially harmful are crossed currents. Even in the physical life, people prefer arrows coming from one direction to those coming from many directions. One can easily understand the depression of mood caused by arrows flying above one's head from unknown directions. When such a saturation of space cannot be avoided, it is especially important to guard one's health. The blood pressure increases, and the tension of the centers causes depression. A single known enemy, however strong, is better than these unrecognizable taps. The Teacher is especially attentive at such times, especially if the fires of the centers are already strained. But these life explosions are unavoidable. Every affirming conscious activity will evoke a vortex of thought, and if one's spiritual development is already great, then the counteraction of unbridled spatial waves is also great, and burdensome. Naturally, people with undeveloped centers do not even notice the shower of arrows, but this does not mean that they should be envied. We speak of constant joy, but this joy is a special wisdom. Agni Yoga (1929) - 301: 301. If in the circle of activity there appears a child who is apparently drawn to it with special reason, smile upon him and develop in him the awareness that these activities are a home to him. Children sometimes come to this activity in response to a special call. Give them what has been prepared for them by their own past. Heavy with juice is the fruit when the roots are strong. Agni Yoga (1929) - 319: Attraction multiplies force. And the special language of fire will inscribe the signs of the future. Again let us show care, because the fire of the spirit is imponderable. Agni Yoga (1929) - 356: 356. It is not idle curiosity that prompts you to investigate the pulsating rhythm of the elements. All knowledge is useful. The importance of rhythm has long been known, but the rhythmic pulse of the elements is of particular importance and has a special effect. Agni Yoga (1929) - 357: One must understand rhythms, for how else do we bring effectiveness to our actions? If lifeless sand arranges itself into special designs in response to rhythmic vibrations, then how much more is humanity influenced by rhythm! Not sorcery but knowledge will show the way to transformation. This path is an urgent one. Thus was humanity exhorted in the days before the end of Atlantis. Agni Yoga (1929) - 375: 375. Wherein lies the success of a yogi? It is not in the attraction of crowds, not in the conversion of multitudes. But, near the works of the yogi, one can observe how others emulate him. Consciously or unconsciously, voluntarily or involuntarily, people begin to do the same thing. Even his enemies, while cursing him, are drawn in his wake. It is as if a special atmosphere had gathered about the actions of the yogi. This is a true success, when neither money nor fame, but the invisible fire kindles human hearts. Desiring to emulate him, these ignited hearts enter the yogi's atmosphere and bear away with them some drops of the creative dew. Success does not come only from without. It is created by the collaboration of human hands with spatial thought. Agni Yoga (1929) - 375: For them the yogi is the primary channel, the primary receiver of the energies of space, luminous as a beacon fire. He builds that which should be built. He lays together the intended stones. And his enemies may shudder, but still feel compelled to repeat his words. The yogi is not a preacher. He seldom speaks to the crowds. But the works entrusted to him grow with a special bloom. Others do not even acknowledge the flourishing of these works, whose intended purpose is not to capture them, but to ignite their hearts. Whither will fly the spark of fire? Do they not see all the lighted fires, and all the travelers warmed by the flame of an Agni Yogi? His fire burns the brighter because it burns not for itself. Agni Yoga (1929) - 383: 383. In one's future striving, special attention will have to be paid to coordinating the development of both the spirit and the body. It is difficult for the body to keep up with the spirit; attacks of anguish can occur when the spirit races ahead to the heights. Agni Yoga (1929) - 395: 395. All people have their particular gifts. Out of these often contrasting elements, a picture of special importance emerges. Agni Yoga (1929) - 404: Joy is a special wisdom. Agni Yoga (1929) - 413: The element of Fire expresses with special vividness the principle of motion. Can you affirm that you are practicing Agni Yoga if you have not even realized the birth of the inner fire? Agni Yoga (1929) - 419: With material teraphs, one must have a special image for every need. But the astral teraph has the advantage of serving all needs and of taking on different appearances as required. Therefore it is like a milestone, marking one's steps in the development of consciousness. The astral teraph is a product of the crystallization of psychic energy, just as the material one is a product of physical effort. The chief action takes place during the creation of the teraph, for it is then that the psychic energy is most tense. Even though the astral teraph is superior, We can describe the technique of creating a material one. Agni Yoga (1929) - 428: 428. Following the time of Atlantis, in the rites of the Druids, while all the rest walked in a circle following the dawn-to-dusk movement of the sun, the chief priest performing the rite walked in the opposite direction. In this was contained the symbol of lesser and greater knowledge. Lesser knowledge is developed by following the flow of known energies, but great knowledge, facing the current of cosmic forces, extracts previously-unknown energies from what appears to be chaos. So in the cults of the sun, the steps of human ascent were wisely indicated. As you know, these were not abstract symbols but a reflection of reality; for example, the centers rotating against the sun produce special fiery energies. Agni Yoga (1929) - 429: We say that it is better to act in error than to commit the error of inaction. Daring in action contains in itself its own justification; it applies pressure that multiplies the energy. Is it possible to ignite the flaming spirit through inaction? By pointing out the necessity for joining with Us in action, We draw you into the spiral of this special pressure. Truly, in this spiral one can only ascend; it must be protected as a dynamo of the most precious energy. We call you to come with Us, not out of desire to control you or to make you feel less important, but out of desire to strengthen and uplift you through beneficial actions. Agni Yoga (1929) - 431: 431. The recognition of Hierarchy is not a formal discipline, but a conscious cooperation. Once the spirit realizes that it has joined an endless chain of "dynamos," it receives a special right to move onward. However, just as oarsmen must follow the directions of the helmsman, so must the admitted co-workers follow the call of the Teacher. One must think in every way about economy of energy. Agni Yoga (1929) - 432: 432. The Teacher knows the best hour. A special knowledge is needed for Us to provide an understanding of the flow of outer currents without violating your karma. The Indications, like arrows, must surround the target, not piercing the center of the circle, which belongs to each of you. The lack of clarity is like a mist. However, it is not a sign of ignorance, but of Our caring. We wish you to be successful, but this is possible only with your cooperation. Agni Yoga (1929) - 443: What does a site of the gods mean? Does it not signify that this is a place with special conditions for the astral? Where the streams of fire are near, there may be found vivid manifestations of the astral that astonish the human imagination. Is the subterranean fire not related to the Fire of Space? Agni Yoga (1929) - 449: 449. The tension of eternal vigilance, the tremor of striving and salutary toil, demand a special adaptability of the organism. We value this vigilance. Agni Yoga (1929) - 469: 469. Three centuries after the departure of the Blessed One, His disciples were already infected with religious strife. After only a century, Christianity manifested extreme intolerance. The last utterances of Mohammed were immediately followed by fanaticism. Religious controversies always destroy the sense of the true Teaching; therefore We now call for special tolerance and We reject controversies. Agni Yoga (1929) - 469: When you are with Us, surrounded by Our blue sparks, all is attainable. But Our Rays must not be violated. There is a special time when unity of your power with Ours is needed to traverse the abyss. Agni Yoga (1929) - 477: 477. Most people have completely lost the understanding of and ability to apply psychic energy. They have forgotten that any energy propelled into action will continue by inertia. It is almost impossible to stop such action. That is why each manifestation of psychic energy pursues its action, sometimes quite continuously. For example, one could already have changed one's thought, but the effect of a previous thought will nevertheless continue to pierce space. In this lies not only the power of psychic energy but also its particular quality, which deserves special care. Only through an enlightened consciousness can one control psychic energy so as not to obstruct one's path with thought-projections from the past. Often an accidental and unfitting thought can disturb the surface of the ocean of attainments for a long time. One may have long since forgotten about a thought, but it continues flying before one, lighting or obscuring the path. A luminous ray will attract small lights, which enrich it. But dark and dusty particles will adhere to rubbish and impede one's motion. Agni Yoga (1929) - 483: 483. One must observe in a simple manner the different ways in which psychic energy is manifested. It can be either a liberator or an enslaver, depending on the impulse that directs it. For its direction no special formulas are needed; only sincere striving is necessary. But recognizing sincerity is not easy, because what people call sincerity is often quite a different quality. They can justify any wrongdoing as having a sincere motive. But where is the self-denial that purifies the action? Evil is connected with hypocrisy and the personal ego. Agni Yoga (1929) - 495: It is customary to think that cancer is hereditary. Of course it must be accepted that a poisoned organism gives birth to a similarly poisoned one. One should protect children immediately, for among them there are already many special ones. Agni Yoga (1929) - 500: 500. You may have noticed that often telepathic transmissions are quickly forgotten. This is because of the method of transmission, which touches special centers not involved in the usual processes of hearing. One can train oneself to retain these communications in the memory, but the ability to transmit in this way is not so easily acquired. The sending of communications does not depend on a forced tension of the will but on clarity of consciousness in combination with the light of Abhidharma. Thus, the quality of transmission depends on the purity of the consciousness and on the presence of oxygen attracted by the Fire of Space. Agni Yoga (1929) - 528: 528. We would prefer to avoid repetition, but sometimes We are compelled to return to a previous subject. Pay attention to these repetitions; they are usually provoked either by a disciple's misunderstandings or by cosmic complications that demand special attention. For example, We must repeat about the proper attitude toward psychic energy. Of course psychic energy is always present, but it can become dormant, and then it will crystallize and become inactive. That soil will have to be turned again with the plow of self-sacrificing labor. Certainly, not a grain of psychic energy can ever be lost, but its accumulations must be stirred. That is why the Teaching so condemns immobile self-satisfaction and conceit. Truly, it is better to be aflame than to be dormant. Agni Yoga (1929) - 529: 529. It is true that the power of thought has been spoken about for ages, but nothing has changed because of this. People generally do not pay attention to their thoughts in order to determine their causes and consequences. Yet what remarkable experiments could be conducted even now, in the midst of everyday life! No special conditions are needed for such experiments. Attention and mobility of consciousness are all that is required. For instance, in experimenting with telepathic communications, one can observe the outer and inner conditions that influence the quality of the communications. Drowsiness or alertness, irritation or joy, lethargy or striving - each reacts strongly upon the quality and intensity of communications. The personal character of the participants also has its effect. Is it not important to take attentive notice of these things? Agni Yoga (1929) - 529: Indeed, it is known that various defects in the character of the participants are often reflected in physical flaws. Some of these may be overcome, but others, often karmic ones, are irreparable, except perhaps, in particular cases, through a special tension of the will. But of course, one's will power can only be developed by one's already-developed power of thought. Agni Yoga (1929) - 534: When people are united in the acquiring of knowledge their thoughts gain a special significance. Unity in thought is stronger than any physical unity. Agni Yoga (1929) - 572: 572. The experience of joy in one's work is a manifestation of a special aspect of psychic energy. Joyous labor brings success multiplied. Agni Yoga (1929) - 583: I do not speak only of yogis, for each one who has developed psychic energy is protected by it. People are afraid to assault one who possesses special powers. Common wisdom remembers how the blow that strikes the armor of Teros boomerangs. Likewise, common wisdom knows that some people can leave their influence on objects. This is true - psychic energy can, for example, be transmitted to objects through touch. Thus, one may observe the power of thought and the emanations of psychic energy. Agni Yoga (1929) - 593: 593. The word I should be kept only for special responsibility and testimony. The word we is for the whole of life and for cooperation. Then there is also the word they. But first one must accept the word we and realize cooperation. Agni Yoga (1929) - 606: Much is spoken about prana; but pure prana is inaccessible on Earth, except on the heights, where few dare to stay. At the lower levels the prana is mineralized and is subject to the influence of discordant magnetic waves. Certainly, a change of residence can lead one to more beneficial combinations of prana, and may have a healing effect on the condition of one's nervous system. Unfortunately, so far the air in homes is generally regarded simply, as either pure or impure. In fact, every change of air has importance, since it affects different groups of nerves. Our Brother who was a shoemaker occasionally changed his trade to gardening. This is wise, for the seed growing into a sprout radiates psychic energy of particular tension. One should remember this. After the pralaya of night, the morning sun acts with special vitality in calling forth the psychic energy. Similarly, the awakened life of the seed, like the dawn, sends forth its emanations of prayer. Let us note carefully all benevolent influences. Agni Yoga (1929) - 639: 639. You noticed correctly that in receiving distant transmissions a special kind of vigilant receptivity is needed. Not vacant receptivity, but a keenness of the centers. One must be able to distinguish between willfulness and the refining of perception. Thus we shall gradually discern our inner forces. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) : A great deal remains unknown to us, yet we do overcome our ignorance. Thus, even if we do not understand the meaning of Infinity, we are able to realize it as something unavoidable and therefore meriting special attention. How else may we temper into commensurateness our thoughts and actions? Verily, by comparison with Infinity we realize the scope of our grievances and triumphs. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 106: An Arhat sometimes waits for centuries to give a sacred mission. The manifestation of certain missions demands special combinations. We Arhats follow the principle of goal-fitness. The experiment of the Mother of Agni Yoga is distinguished not by brilliancy but by cosmic scope. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 138: Transmutation of the fires is so difficult in the earthly sphere because man, through negation, has created a special sphere which enwraps the entire Earth. These negations act like needles, and many are the battles taking place on the astral plane. Therefore, the achievement of the fiery Agni Yogi is so great. When each center not only receives the fire but also undergoes a fiery transmutation for the progress of humanity, one may truly call this carrier of fires a server of evolution. He who sacrifices himself for the fusion of the Fire of Space with the planet is confirmed as a link between the planet and the far-off worlds. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 290: 290. The spirit-understanding of an Agni Yogi establishes the direction of the psychic seeds. Creativeness is confirmed by spirit-understanding. Each vibration emanating from an Agni Yogi has its own special property. The ray that contacts the surroundings produces varied tensities, as if by a chemical process. These vibrations act upon the tension of the currents of the surroundings. The nature of the fiery centers thus directs the encountered energies. The creativeness of the centers of an Agni Yogi asserts ceaseless transmutation. Through the divisibility of the spirit, the creativeness is revealed upon different spheres; thus, the powerful spirit works untiringly. Let us remember the creative, striving impulse of the spirit! Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 400: 400. The goal-fitness of cosmic creation extends over all manifestations of constructiveness. Hence, at the base of the creativeness of Fire lies goal-fitness. When the flame of the center is evoked, a new function is always outlined. Thus, each kindling carries its own special predestination. Hence, each kindling is affirmed by its predestined assertion. Thus, each flaming aspiration leads to one's destination. Therefore, rest is very much needed. The currents are greatly strained. The cosmic instability and the planetary equilibration result in the discharge of unharmonized currents. These currents inevitably reflect upon the sensitive organism. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 43: 43. When the centers are strained and the fire manifests itself as a sun, special precautions must be taken. The indicator of the creativeness of the centers is in their tension. The subtle assimilation evokes tension. The fires of the centers which were seen by the Agni Yogi testify to the amount of Fire present. Hence, the energy of the centers must be protected. Hierarchy (1931) - 85: 85. All religions have introduced special movements and positions of the body that aid the accumulation of the energy and impel one to the Highest. When following Us, achievement may be arrived at through the saturation of one's heart, without fatiguing movements. He who succeeds through this means has an advantage, because the source of the heart is inexhaustible. The Image of the Lord, impressed upon the heart, will not grow dim and at any hour will be ready to help. This way of the heart is the most ancient, but it requires a considerable expansion of consciousness. One should not speak of the heart from the very first conversation, for then one may overburden it aimlessly. It is likewise aimless to speak of love if the heart does not yet contain the Image of the Lord. But the hour strikes when one must indicate the power of the heart. I advise addressing oneself to the heart, not only because the Image of the Lord is already close but for cosmic reasons. It is easier to cross an abyss if the link with the Lord is strong. Hierarchy (1931) - 89: 89. When your consciousness prompts you to the necessity of possessing the constant Image of the Lord, retire to a quiet place and direct your sight upon the chosen Image. But remember, one must decide irrevocably, because in case of treason the constant Image will be a constant reproach. After gazing intensely upon the Image, close your eyes and transmit it to the third dye. Exercising thus you will attain a vivid Image, and you will feel a special intensified tremor of the heart. Soon the Image of the Lord will remain inseparably with you. You can test yourself before the sun, and you will still see the Lord before you, sometimes without color, but afterward vividly and even in action. Your prayer will lose the need of words and only the tremor of the heart will suffuse your understanding. Thus one may reach in life much that is useful, but the consciousness must be in conformity with it. Hierarchy (1931) - 96: Be, be, be joyous; not through desire, but through the striving of spirit. Be joyous; not through ancestral desires, but through the command of the entire consciousness, in order to create that luminous thread which unites all worlds. Be joyous; not because of the success of works already decayed, but in knowledge of the predestined and of that already inscribed in the scrolls of the future. Be joyous; not in the desire for repose, but because of the agitation of the elements, since only the agitation of the elements will serve you; for one cannot command the dead to revivify the living. Thus, understand that joy is a special wisdom, and do not abandon the fires of light above the crumbs of the feast. Hierarchy (1931) - 132: 132. I call attention to the saturation of the heart and the prayer of the heart for two reasons firstly, it leads to a blending with the Higher World; secondly, it does not require a special time and can be performed during any labor. One may easily become used to a special sensation within the heart without fearing any ill effect. The heart will not be overtired by the Lord, on the contrary, only surrounding thoughts can ill-affect the heart. Thus, someday men shall finally realize the significance of thoughts, at least for the sake of their own hearts. Let them ponder upon the poison of sendings! It is time to pay attention to the amount of sicknesses generated by thoughts. During each sickness it is not bad to make a suggestion against negative thoughts. Magnetic passes over the affected organ can also be made. Nothing special is needed beyond a prayer of the heart, which creates a magnetic link with the Highest. During the laying on of hands one should not think of sickness, but should try to unite oneself with the Highest. Hierarchy (1931) - 157: 157. You understand what each apostate inflicts upon the Teacher. If a special ray is assigned to each disciple, the severing of this thread must have a reaction. It is not without reason that the Teacher insistently questions the knocking ones, "Art thou not a traitor?" The severing of the thread between the Teacher and the disciple can be achieved only by a slow process, but impetuous betrayal is usually very painful to the Teacher and to the traitor. Verily, the traitor's reason becomes obscured, and through the wound caused by the broken thread obsession occurs most easily. One should consider this process of betrayal as a physical danger, not to speak of the spiritual consequence. One should ponder how cautiously one must select disciples in order not to contribute to cosmic harm. Hence, each Teaching gives strong examples of betrayal. For betrayal there is no need to be precisely a Devadatta or a Judas. Even without these prototypes space is filled with fractured rays. Hierarchy (1931) - 166: 166. Verily, humanity is a link between the worlds. One should be used to that thought and try to apply it in life. It is strange that physicians do not avail themselves of the opportunity of becoming carriers of health, applying the knowledge of nerve centers, because precisely these centers are the spiritual antennae and magnets. Even a physical magnet is placed in a special vicinity in order that it may not lose its strength,. Do not the nerve centers deserve similar attention? And must not people especially protect the representatives of the next race? The bridge between the shores is especially protected. One may demand of man, "Friend, do not evoke earthquakes." Hierarchy (1931) - 216: 216. All physical tension should be eliminated, for one cannot play the violin with a broom. Also, laughter causes disturbance of the closest strata of the atmosphere. When the heart is aflame, it resounds like a bell upon the far-off distance. It is rare to hear a Yogi laugh boisterously, for his joy is not in loud laughter, but in the saturation of the heart. Precisely, "joy is a special wisdom" not only in its essence but also in its exterior. Hierarchy (1931) - 225: 225. Pay attention to a special characteristic of all animals and birds that exude secretions similar to musk. The furs and feathers contain an oily substance, as well as heat, as if a kind of resin or mountain oil had saturated them. The plumage of the birds takes on a metallic hue, as a result of their feeding upon roots and grains that contain much psychic energy of the vegetable kingdom, in other words, of resin. Minerals also give out psychic energy through the vegetable kingdom or through the air, where the Fire of Space has the same properties as thought manifested by the spirit. One can now understand the ancient comparison that termed thought a flame. What remarkable experiments could be performed by linking a chain of reactions of the psychic energy from minerals to the subtle body! One could observe how varied would be the reactions of the furs and feathers of certain birds and animals. Is it casual that in the ancient palaces and temples metallic peacocks were kept? One may ponder why musk animals and monal birds breed at almost equal altitudes. Are there not the same soils on the heights as in the plains? When we shall purify the atmosphere of the plains we shall have to pay attention to the depths of Earth, invoking their psychic energy. Hierarchy (1931) - 343: 343. Not without purpose do We kindle the beacons of the fiery heart as a refuge for travelers. It is not easy for the flaming heart, yet it sacrifices itself for its neighbors, which reveals the justice of the Commandment of Bliss. But joy is a special wisdom. Hierarchy (1931) - 454: 454. When you understand the foundations of Hierarchy, We shall proceed to an explanation of the centering of the spirit in the heart. In order to link the chain of the worlds it will be necessary to give special attention to the heart. Only thus shall we keep within the boundaries of a natural growth of the spirit. The abode of the spirit is in the heart. Thoughts about Hierarchy are spiritualized by the heart. Thus we shall remain as before in the essence of a true accumulation. Heart (1932) - 7: 7. The heart is the focal point, but of all it is least egocentric. Not egoism dwells in the heart, but pan-humanity. Only reason enshrouds the heart with a cobweb of egocentricity. Mercy is measured not so much by so-called good actions, the cause of which can be too varied, but by the inmost kindliness; it kindles the light which shines in the darkness. Thus, the heart is verily an international organ. If we accept light as the symbol of the aura, then its parent will be the heart. How necessary it is to learn to feel one's heart not as one's own, but as the universal one. Only through this sensation can one liberate oneself from egoism, safeguarding the individuality of accumulations. It is difficult to contain individuality with universal containment, but not vainly is the magnet of the heart connected with the Chalice. One can understand how the heart radiates a special light, which is refracted in every way by the nerve substance. For the crystal of psychic energy can be variedly tinted. Heart (1932) - 17: 17. Unceasingly and during all times, the Teaching of Life is poured upon Earth. One cannot imagine one's earthly existence without this link with the Invisible World. As the anchor of salvation, as the guiding light, the Teaching strengthens our advance in the darkness. But amidst the shower of Beneficence, as with sea waves, one can notice the rhythm, with special definite expansions, then the Teachings appear. Thus, one can explain the rhythm of this entire world by growth and submergence, in other words, inscribing the evolution of existence. Heart (1932) - 21: 21. Advise conversations about the spiritual. One may observe much that is useful in spiritual recollections. In addition, a spiritual conversation safeguards one from the mire and from irritation. The affirmation of spiritual manifestations will lessen the hatred of the Invisible World. Where spiritual conversations are often held, a special aura is accumulated. Those conversations, even though they be imperfect, proclaim themselves as touchstones to those present. Heart (1932) - 23: 23. Each one of you is acquainted with special types of preachers who having gathered all the bones of other writings depart with them into oblivion. Reason collects detailed proofs, but the purpose of these accumulations remains undisclosed, for the heart is silent; thus, we call them the silent in heart. Moreover, these preachers, giving others innumerable counsels succumb to faint-heartedness at the first opposition. Verily it is only the heart that bestows immortality. The affirmation of the heart is already the revelation of the future. Far from the heart are those who themselves fear counsels gathered by the reason. The ancient Teachings speak of the holy madness. Consider this as a counteraction to the frigidness of calculations; consider it the vital beginning above the conditions of deadliness. Those who deny the Teaching are not far from falling into the abyss. Those who affirm Truth, even with imperfection, are already on the path. During crossing into the Subtle World they will not regret that they called the heart to life. Heart (1932) - 36: 36. If you notice signs of the Elect, do not hinder the actions of this Emissary. One can know the signs of Agni Yoga and according to them recognize the path of the Chosen One. Thus, the manifestation of an Envoy consists not in externals but in unusualness of actions. It is natural that actions of special significance must startle people's consciousness; both sides, in their own way, manifest their understanding of these actions. But we cannot name one Envoy around whom there did not occur wondrous intensification of energy. Clouds precede the tempest, therefore clouds always precede the affirmation of Truth. But you already know the significance of these spiritual phenomena. You can establish how during centuries the benign Tidings are repeated and how they spread among the multitude. From the spiritual Summit one can perceive the rhythm that carries the echoes of the Teaching. Heart (1932) - 54: 54. With justice they ask, "What distinguishes the significance of thought in the New Age? If thought is affirmed so persistently does it mean that a special designation is given to it in the regeneration of life?" This is entirely correct. If during the Black Age thought was centered around man and magnetism was spread across small distances, in the New Age thought is Space! Therefore, one must not think personally but spatially. Heart (1932) - 56: 56. A wise host does not light all fires without special purpose. Thus, in ancient legends there is mentioned the mountain surrounded by flame, but it is not stated anywhere that the fire burnt continuously; it rose according to the need. Thus also your fires glow according to necessity - the Eye of Brahma, or the wings, or the rays from the larynx, or the other principal twenty-one fires - it is necessary to permit them to be kindled according to their natures. It is necessary to point out that the fires act according to their power of contact with the Hierarchy. Conflagration or unbridled burning is not permissible. In the Great Service, care and caution are the first principles of the highest cooperation. We protect each particle of the energy of the Elohim and each Uruci, from the Fire of Space. This accountability is demanded especially during the time of the battle's tension. Heart (1932) - 58: 58. Certainly, in the course of time the significance of the use of magnets and of the passage through countries is already clear to you. This is not the result of superstition but the use of rays and magnetism, which is already familiar to science in a small measure. Even skeptics do not reject the special significance of personal influences. From this, it is but one step to the strong magnet connected with the Center of manifested energies. Thus, it is also not difficult to understand the significance of the passage of a human organism, that most forceful chemical battery. Even dogs feel the strength of a man's traces. How much greater then is the development of this emanation with the application of consciousness! Therefore the meaning of Envoys is very great and continues to be applied. Heart (1932) - 85: 85. Freedom is valuable for the guarding of personality, for the individualization of the attracted energies. But it is freedom, exactly, that becomes the most perverted conception. Life becomes filled with tyranny and slavery instead of freedom, precisely the qualities that exclude cooperation and respect for personality; thus, some people succeed in planning their existence exclusively out of a special combination of tyranny and slavery. Of course, people repeat about freedom without even knowing its specific qualities. Freedom should affirm itself in them by the upliftment of consciousness. Intense searches for freedom show that the spirit potentially strives toward new ascents, yet no one has taught it how to apply this treasure. Heart (1932) - 91: 91. Let us give attention to some seemingly unsuccessful actions which basically have a kind of special meaning. Sometimes one may observe how a man performs some actions almost without a possibility of success, but something compels him to act precisely in this manner. Such actions are usually not bad in substance, but they are often unjustly repaid. All these are karmic payments; he who receives them has of course forgotten about them, and on the way has lost many spiritual accumulations, but the one who pays nevertheless strives to return the debt, even if the garment of return no longer fits. Nevertheless the debt will be paid even though it cannot be accepted. One can also witness payment made for others, people close to one's heart. Heart (1932) - 92: 92. An ancient legend relates how a certain king, desiring to free himself of all outside influences, asked counsel from a sage. The sage said, "In thy heart thou wilt find liberation." But the king became indignant, answering, "The heart is not sufficient, a sentinel is more of a guaranty." Then the sage bade him farewell, saying, "The principal thing, then, is that thou shouldst not sleep, King." In the legend our heart is pointed out as the only defense. Not without reason do all Teachings prescribe prayers before sleep, in order to strengthen the beneficent link. Humanity does not like to think that more than one-third of its life passes in sleep, subject to special and unknown influences. Science gives little attention to the significance of sleep - this existence in the Subtle World. Is not a strong unity with the Hierarchy needed when we are at the threshold of something unknown to our habitual consciousness? Consider that almost half of life passes beyond earthly existence! Of course, a heart ready for all three worlds can continue the consciousness into the next region. Who would want to assume the destiny of the king who wished to depend only upon a sentry! Heart (1932) - 98: 98. How, then, to impart to people still unprepared that an object of the Higher World merits a heartfelt attitude? It is difficult with people who know nothing, but it is still more difficult with people who have swallowed the Teaching like a spoonful of gruel; one can expect from them special treason and perversion. There is no sign sufficient to convince the distorted consciousness that it is necessary to look not so much at the near ones as into oneself. How can one see fires when the eye searches for a wrinkle on the face of a neighbor! One may wonder with a cold heart and doubt the achievements of the other and cover with ashes each spark of one's heart. Heart (1932) - 105: It is very necessary to take into consideration the special conditions of the present. It is necessary to understand the new shifting of nations, the formation of new fiery manifestations, which can react weightily. Whoever can preserve a solemn frame of mind is acting correctly. Harmony and vigor are needed - but guard greatly the heart. Heart (1932) - 106: Also, why are women often awakened to the Subtle World? Because the work of the heart is most subtle, and thus transcendentalism appears easier for them. Verily, the Era of the Mother of the World is based upon realization of the heart. It is precisely woman alone who can solve the problem of the two worlds. Thus, one can summon woman to understanding through the heart. That will also be useful, primarily because the quality of the heart is eternal. Already there are many heroic deeds among women, but now instead of the stake woman has been accorded the flame of the heart. Let us not forget that for each important achievement the Feminine Principle is essential as a foundation and essence. The heart cannot open to the Subtle World if it is not understood through a special achievement. Heart (1932) - 107: 107. How much has been said about the language of the heart, yet for the majority it remains an unapplied abstraction! Let us not insist on the highest forms of this method of intercourse, let us try to assimilate the basic foundations, which must be manifested without delay and without special preparations. Every language has primarily the objective of a mutual comprehension, which means that it is necessary to try not only to understand your companion but also to make your speech easily adaptable to him. For that, know how to talk in the language of your companion. Speak with his words, with his terminology; only thus will he remember and accept your thought into his consciousness. Thus, we shall learn to contain the words of a companion, and unnoticeably we shall bridge the character of his thinking. The highest form of communion will be the perception of thought without sound. Heart (1932) - 136: 136. If clairaudience and clairvoyance exist there must also be clair-scent. Of course, in the manifestation of psychic energy it has a special significance; not only is the energy condensed in the aroma but it calls forth that spasmodic inhaling about which I have already spoken. It is instructive to recollect how strangely the ancient wisdom was transmuted in degenerating into absurd rituals. When you read about the customs of Egypt, China, and other ancient peoples, about greetings through smell and inhalation, it is difficult to discern therein the memory of psychic energy preserved from the vanished races. But even new open straight-knowledge discloses the essence of the surrounding atmosphere. It is not a question of smell but precisely of essence. Heart (1932) - 138: 138. Incomplete sleep is not actually insomnia, which is injurious because it tears one away from the Subtle World. On the contrary, an incomplete sleep sometimes leads to the necessary consequences of restraining the impetuosity of the subtle body during the spiritual battle. True, sometimes there may also be no necessity of sleep, but this is a special condition. During sleep the heart can provide very remarkable observations. Gradually one can manifest activity of the heart in connection with participation in the life of the Subtle World. It can be explained how, on the one hand, the heart depends upon and reflects the cosmic pulse; whereas at the time of direct participation in the Subtle World the heart takes on a particular tempo from the Subtle World. Thus, by a series of attentive observations, one can establish the connection of the Subtle World with the Cosmos and the physical world. The role of the human heart is the accumulation and transmutation of energies, but it is important, through experimentation, to demonstrate to humanity the significance of vibrations. Heart (1932) - 142: 142. I wanted to show you how, during the division of the spirit, the cosmic pulse becomes stronger. It is impossible to absorb the entire tension of the surrounding energies in the physical body. Only sometimes, for a short period, one can utilize propitious conditions in order to give an idea of the complexity of the surroundings. Only ignorance presupposes a primitive growth of the cosmos! The process of the subtlest interweaving of energies provides the necessary field for investigation, but the chief obstacle lies in impatience and mutual distrust. How can the unrepeatable manifestations be sensed if the one who senses them forgets to give the sign and the investigator does not keep the instruments ready? We advise strongly the construction of a biochemical laboratory, but of course for the purpose of serious and lengthy experiments. All signs here on the heights must be observed with especial attention. Nowhere else are there so many specific conditions assembled; nowhere else is there a coordination of the Highest Ways with the large numbers of people at the base of the mountain. Nowhere else are there such glaciers and underground hot springs. Nowhere else are there such deep canyons or such eruptions of gases and magnetic currents. All broad thoughts must be displayed in order that scientists, even without knowing the essence of psychic energy, may apply their experiments to all the kingdoms of nature. Thus one can find many forgotten treasures and can purify life. Special attention must be paid to psychic energy as the key to the future. Many experiments are carried out on a false track. One must accept the general situation and apply the details to it. Heart (1932) - 174: 174. The flaming pentagram is a shield in time of battle. In the midst of special tension man represents such a pentagram - the larynx burns as if aflame, the extremities of hands and feet are ablaze; thereby, like an unconquerable shield, he rises, protecting the manifested works. Of course, such a condition is especially dangerous in life, where so many petty betrayals occur. I advise silence in order not to ignite a number of centers, especially the heart. Such a self-sacrificing and flaming heart is an especial joy for the Highest World. Like torches, these hearts radiate above all the pressures of the world. Heart (1932) - 185: 185. People are so far removed from an acknowledgment of inner manifestations that only a few will understand the special meaning of My indication to be together in silence. For them silence is inaction, since they are so unwilling to know about the mutual reaction of energies. Only a broken nose or injured eye is a sign or evidence of energy for them. Whereas an intense silence represents a fiery fence and, augmented by the number of those who unite, it becomes a real stronghold. Therefore, in a hour of tension you should gather and sit in silence. Of course, one can think of the one path, in which salvation lies. Thus I send you all strength. Heart (1932) - 186: 186. The work of the subtle body proceeds with greater influence away from its physical body; the subtle body can develop its greatest power where the physical currents cannot reach. Of course, from a physical point of view, the execution of distant labor is incomparably more difficult, and actually not all subtle bodies will dare these remote flights. One can judge the difficulty with which the physical body reacts to far-off flights by the perspiration, even in cold surroundings. I praise the attention paid to these physical manifestations. Even physicians usually overlook many characteristic symptoms, but true science can advance only by the comparison of facts. When indicated tension, I had in mind not muscular tension, but that of the heart. One may record outstanding success when, after such tension, the heart does not manifest special pains. Such adaptation of the heart is not easily attained. Foolish people assume that the training of the heart and consciousness can be hastened at will, but these apparatuses must be adapted very wisely and patiently when we cognize Infinity. Heart (1932) - 216: 216. Right strivings annihilate the manifestations of contamination. A striving man verily is full of immunity. So it is with those who cross on the rim of the precipice. The best wings are woven by strivings. Even the best antidote will also be striving. The fire born of impetuous tension is the best shield. The ancients have explained how arrows never reach those who are striving. Contemporary physicians could point out the development of a special substance during spiritual striving. Apply it to life as a life counsel. I point out how the striving spirit, with the velocity of light, changes its position and becomes elusive. Thus, one must train oneself to strive, manifesting it physically as well as spiritually. The teaching that is devoid of striving is like a sack with holes. One must assimilate the essence of what is said, because a study of the words alone will remain only upon the tongue. But beware of the striving tongue with a dead heart. Thus, let us not forget about the antidote of pure striving. Heart (1932) - 219: 219. There is much tension; one must understand how closely the world situation is bound with the work. It is impossible to divide them when the general situation is equal to an unprecedented battle; therefore I command you to remain undivided, imbued with the tension of the moment. There must be no retreat; it is necessary unitedly to press the obsessed ones. If a jest be permitted, one may call this phase of the battle, the battle against obsession. Verily, the dark ones try to strengthen themselves through obsession. But their methods cannot be of long duration, for they disintegrate themselves precisely through obsession. You know how obsession gradually destroys the organism; the paralysis of certain nerve centers is inevitable. Hence, physicians could do so much useful work by directing attention to obsession. Ask the physician whether he did not notice special peculiarities in the eyes of obsessed persons. For one can judge duality of existence by the eyes. But I do not refer to a purely superficial manifestation such as a dull or shifting glance. Other symptoms must be observed. One can also observe symptoms in the walk, the voice, and even a change in the weight. Do not ask psychiatrists about it, because their theories are fossilized, but physicians of the new type can observe impartially. And yet, how greatly such observations are needed, now when obsession is becoming epidemic! Sensing the weakness of human hearts, hordes of sly spirits avidly rush to capture the flavor of Earth. Heart (1932) - 232: 232. It is no wonder that the heart senses what special ways are needed. Certainly the heart knows how conditions change a situation. But to await the condition is similar to awaiting the gale from beyond the mountains. The gale already thunders; is it speeding toward us? Will it not rip away the roof? Will it not wipe out the harvest? Who, then, will abate its wrath? Yet the Invisible Guardian whispers, "Call upon Me." Heart (1932) - 241: It would be useful in the schools, in regard to historic epochs, to question the pupils as to how they would have acted in the place of the heroes. One must not implant any special replies in the pupils; on the contrary, the ground should be opened for all types of considerations; thus the students will be initiated into their first tests. Therefore, from the first years, one should become accustomed to a free choice of results. True, the Invisible Hand of the Teacher will always forewarn about retrogression. Of course, for this the existence of at least a thin thread with Hierarchy is necessary. Heart (1932) - 252: 252. The anguish of the heart over the far-off worlds creates a special type of anguish. Hearts that have been tested many times cannot be confined to a fixed earthly aura. And their experience indicates how the Teaching summons them to the expansion of understanding. But nothing will erase the memory of the far-off worlds in those who have approached them in the fiery body. As countless as the stars, as inexpressible in words, is the memory of the far-off worlds. So, too, the heart will not forget about the silver thread, which is like a ladder to Infinity. The earthly body cannot withstand many fiery revelations. But the same thread of the heart retains the consciousness of the far-off worlds. Heart (1932) - 265: 265. But the highest law of the heart follows the affirmation of the milestones of the future. The brain is the past; the heart is the future. Hence, there are more fires around the heart. One must not forget that besides the usual fires each epoch kindles its torches, and, of course, the Era of Fire evokes a special fiery combination. Concentrated pure gold and golden purple lie near to the forces of Fire. Heart (1932) - 273: 273. The karmic husk recalls another shell, the shell of the subtle body that also brings many disturbances into existence. Actually, though neither of these shells should exist at all. Only human imperfection permits these borderline formations. Of course, the physical body assists the transformation into the subtle body, but if the spirit does not free itself in time from earthly attractions and carnal desires, the subtle body cannot separate itself in a pure condition. It bears upon itself a special sediment of earthly passions. Even though the subtle body frees itself from these vestiges, the shell nevertheless endures for a long time, swaying like a scarecrow, and frequently a very negative one. Human ignorance confers these sediments upon the beautiful Subtle World. If people would think of the link between the worlds and of the destined evolution, they would not dare surround themselves with such harmful debris. Heart (1932) - 283: 283. Pure thinking is the best disinfectant. It is time to accept thinking as having a chemical reaction. So, too, the manifestation of Armageddon should be understood not only as the usually accepted war but also in accordance with the events of the entire life. The obsession that was mentioned is a significant evidence of the Great Battle. True, suicides and also physical and spiritual calamities permeate the convulsed planet. Special types of diseases of the brain and nerves and also many perversions are to be found among men. One is astonished at the waverings of the spirit. One becomes indignant at the way in which the best are met with threats and hatred, as though Earth itself strove to disintegration! Of course the mad ones do not behold all the luminous warriors and let the dark ones drag them down into the abyss. Thus, one must fortify oneself with all strength through the Hierarchy. Even upon an ordinary battlefield, one should not cut oneself off from communications. Thus, by the simplest examples one must cognize the Great. Heart (1932) - 291: 291. With keenness, it is possible to observe many scientifically significant manifestations. One can observe how blows upon the aura not only react upon the eyes but also upon the sensitiveness of the skin, especially near the shoulder-rays. So, also one can notice the emanations of light from the most unexpected materials - from wood, linen, glass, rubber, and many objects that do not conform to the usual laws. Of course, you know that so-called electricity represents the most coarse form of the visible energy of Fohat. But when the accumulator - the purified heart - permits passage of the manifestation of the subtle Fohat, then light of a special quality emanates from any surface. Fohat is accumulating everywhere, it is only necessary to reveal it by a sufficiently sensitive apparatus. Only the heart can be such an accumulator. Of course, this cannot be easy when, from a tiger to Fohat, it is necessary to assimilate a multitude of energies. Heart (1932) - 299: 299. The lower spheres are so greatly littered that, without exaggeration, oxidation of the meteoric dust occurs, because the chemical reactions of psychic energy are primarily reflected upon metals. This simple observation can be studied upon metallic objects worn by people of various psychic natures. Of course, the littering of the spheres closest to our planet is very destructive. The lower subtle bodies, like swindlers at the bazaar, loiter about, thus obstructing the successful formation of the spiral of constructiveness. It is necessary to be possessed of special striving in order to penetrate beyond the limits of these dread accumulations. Thus, we should not believe that thinking is without consequences; even the broadest chalice can be overfilled! The more so since gravitation during rotation arrests many particles of light weight. Thus, when We speak about the necessity of purifying psychic energy through refinement of thinking, We have in mind the purification of the lower spheres. Speaking in the language of the Church, it is necessary to conquer the infernal hordes. Heart (1932) - 313: 313. The consequence of the beginning of the Greatest Battle reacts primarily upon the heart of mankind. The affirmation of the heart is especially needed now, otherwise the ignorant heart will not be able to withstand the hurricane of the confusion of the elements. Therefore, think of the heart as the basic principle, which connects you with the distant worlds. It must be realized what actually burdens the heart most of all. Not special events burden the heart so much as the succession of small specks of daily dust. This is very necessary to remember, because great events can give a special influx of psychic energy. But Armageddon does not consist only of great events, on the contrary a multitude of small actions receive their evaluation, and to this shower of small currents it is necessary for the poor heart to become accustomed. I say poor, because in essence it already knows the great fiery spheres, yet in the meantime it must be shattered against the rocks of Earth. Heart (1932) - 318: 318. People who have visions should be carefully examined by physicians. Thereupon, special symptoms of the heart and nerve centers will be found. As the cadenza of ancient India is far more refined than the Western scale, so, also, the heart that cognizes the Subtle World will afford incomparably more subtle modulations of tone. Of course, physicians avoid examining healthy people; thus they overlook a precious page which guides one to the future. Usually, all miracles and visions are relegated to the category of hysteria, but no one explains what hysteria is. They will say it is an intensified reaction of the sympathetic nervous system, or they will attribute it to an irritation of the peripheral nerve endings; they will determine many causes among various reasons and will apply most bovine remedies, but they will not trouble to think whether in these manifestations there is not a higher reason. Heart (1932) - 330: 330. A refined condition of the heart calls forth a special activity of all sensations. The smell, the hearing, the sight, the taste act incessantly. There is no silence, because upon the silencing of earthly sounds the echoes of the Subtle World begin to reach one. There is not a moment without odor, because the purest air is full of aromas; there is no visual void, because the lights of the Subtle World will not leave the open eye, or even the closed eye. Is not the purest sky full of formations? Likewise, there cannot be cessation of taste when man himself is the most powerful chemical laboratory. Regarding the touch, you yourself know to what an extent the Subtle World can touch one. Thus, without departing from this world, the heart makes us collaborators with a multitude of fine manifestations. And if someone insists upon the existence of absolute silence, do not consider his heart refined. Heart (1932) - 359: 359. A special course should be created - knowledge of the heart. The simplest maidservant understands the sweetness of talking about the heart. For a scientist it would seem much simpler to broaden this concept. Human history itself gives comparative tables of the workers of the brain and heart. Will not these images of achievement and the heroes of self-sacrifice provide the best perfectment of the heart? Heart (1932) - 381: 381. The transmission of thoughts at a distance and healing through distant currents is sufficiently known to you. Yet it is necessary to repeat this persistently, because people are least desirous of admitting the indisputable. Of course, the transmission of thoughts must be accepted, because the admittance of sendings by the heart is essential. Even a telegraph clerk confuses the mechanical transmission; hence, how much more subtle must be the reception by the heart. Besides, you know how easily an outside thought speeds through the consciousness and is forgotten despite the clarity of transmission. The heart must accept the inexpressible words into its depths. So, it is also easy to overlook the most salutary currents if we resist them in consciousness. The very bed can be shaken by the currents, but this knocking may be rejected. It is also good if the heart understands in good will that in the midst of warmth freezing currents do not come without special cause. In order to accept these simple scientific manifestations, not blind faith is needed, only open good will. Heart (1932) - 383: 383. Among a multitude of currents the strongest will be the most cooling and the most fiery. In Tibet you have experienced the fiery currents, then the cooling ones. For the fiery currents the lamas need an entire method exaggerated by the teacher, but, as you see, one can go directly by way of the heart. The Teacher directs the currents, but the heart of the Teacher himself is sometimes in need of a cohesive substance; then the disciple's energy has a special significance. The Teacher must be very grateful when the purified energy of the pupil ascends in a powerful spiral. This is called the wheel of cooperation. So, also, the Teacher always is ready to share the supply of energy, but the pupil must be ready to have a purified heart. Heart (1932) - 404: 404. It can be seen by the notes of the Mother of Agni Yoga that the turmoil reacts almost like cosmic shocks. What, then, is the matter? Of course, the turmoil that arouses the kindling of fires of special hatred can be likened to the subterranean fires. Indeed, there may be whole bloody battles where there will be mostly horror or fulfillment of duty, thus failing to attain special tension. Wars are seldom equally tense; hence, a religious or revolutionary calamity may result in an incomparably stronger general tension. Hence, tension is determined, not by the number of shots or the number of enemies, but by the general conscious striving of the heart. Precisely as was said, the uprising of the elements is equal, whether it issues from the subterranean or superterranean fire. But there is no stronger fire than the fire of the heart. Heart (1932) - 431: 431. One may notice in people an absence of attention. Like a curious absent-mindedness. During this process they are unaware of their surroundings. In addition to absent-mindedness and fattiness of the heart one should not reject many other higher causes for this. The spirit can conduct its work at various times. It is not in need of temporary intermissions or special preparations; it either senses the need or is invoked. It conducts its distant communications in diverse ways. The stories of saints who seemed to fall into an instantaneous trance and who during this time created great spiritual help have reason. Often such so-called trance is unnoticed either by those present or by the people themselves. Only the unawareness of surrounding conditions has proved that there was a complete absence. It is impossible to judge the duration of these absences, because time does not exist in the measures of the spirit. But each one who is aware of having had similar absences can say that something beyond earthly dimensions has occurred. These absences should be noticed, One can gradually ascertain even quite casually familiar details. Like a fiery arrow, the details of the spiritual work will flash by, then droop like a flower dipped in poison. The great labor of the spirit is so remote from the lower, poisoned spheres! Heart (1932) - 435: 435. One may legitimately ask whether psychic experiments are greatly impeded by the resistance of the will. We answer that this is very much so; not only a resisting will but also a deadness of the heart impedes them. Even the most successfully molded phenomena are diminished through the counterresistance of those who oppose them. One cannot acquire the power of levitation or walking on the water if counteracting forces are present. Even walking through fire or the death-bearing eye will not be completely effective if there is an opposing will. Therefore, My counsels for unity have a special meaning. This is not only an indication concerning ethics but also a practical condition. Even a minute counteraction already injures the web. Hence, one must preserve solemnity, because this feeling will not allow small and futile irritations and decay. Heart (1932) - 442: 442. "Do not wish evil upon the Blessed One" - this is ordained by the scriptures. In this indication is contained great wisdom. Yogis are frequently accused of vengefulness and retaliation for evil. Of course, this completely contradicts the nature of the Yogi, and the sad results of slandering a Yogi are evident nevertheless. This manifestation is not difficult to explain; when the fiery magnet of the heart sends rays into remote countries, one can imagine the power of this emanation. When the enemy's sendings clash with this power, the counterblow is inevitable. Even extreme tension on the part of the Yogi is needed in order to partly diminish the heavy consequences for the enemy. But often the ray of the Yogi has a speedy, special destination, and then the enemy must blame himself. Heart (1932) - 454: 454. In all races and at all times there existed the cult of the heart. Even the savage, on devouring a living heart, regarded it as the supreme power, and thus in his own manner paid reverence to the heart. But our era has completely forgotten and rejected the Teaching of the Heart. The heart demands new understanding. One must be prepared to find that purely scientific facts about the heart will arouse a special accusation of superstition. The dogmatic professional people will try with special effort to defend their mediocre existence. Thus, one must realize that the battle for understanding the heart will be especially severe. Thus will the dark forces defend the brain, setting it counter to the heart. This, of course, will create only distortion. The leg has important functions, but it is not necessary to carry food into the mouth with one's foot. Hence, goal-fitness comes first. Heart (1932) - 478: 478. Let them smile at Our Advice about the heart. The most difficult for them will be to accept the dimensions of everything, beginning with their own hearts. But We know how to await understanding. The character of people is known to Us. Therefore We place our confidence in the power of patience. Asserting courage, We will not forget patience. It is a solace to know that patience overcomes any irritation. In the intensity of patience a special substance is created which, like a powerful antidote, neutralizes even imperil. But, of course, patience is not a lack of feeling. During criminal indifference, benevolent reactions are not evident. Patience is a conscious tension and an opposition to darkness. Heart (1932) - 514: 514. If a simple motion evokes memory, then special conditions of the Subtle World are necessary for illumination. One may notice with astonishment that sudden illuminations do not depend upon rational conditions. Illumination descends in quite unexpected moments. One can even notice a series of the strangest motions, pressures, and thoughts, as if coming from the outside. Psychiatrists should investigate this condition. Valuable observations could be accumulated that will help us to approach the conditions of the Subtle World. Of course, a sensitive heart will perceive this state of illumination by the quality of the pulse. The sacred knowledge has nothing in common with somnambulism and spiritualism; the state of illumination is an absolutely natural one. These fires of the past and the future have only to be noted. In the Subtle World one must also refine the consciousness. Hence, each educating of the heart is a gate to the highest worlds. We fear that these undeferrable advices will give place to everyday conventionality. Someone will say he knew this long ago and will go to the bazaar. You may then ask in overtaking him, "Why, then, do you not ponder upon the heart and think about Fire?" Heart (1932) - 533: 533. People think in vain that a High Spirit becomes insensitive to minor treasons. One the contrary, sensitiveness grows with purification of the heart. Of course, parallel with this, the power of the heart also increases, but sensitiveness still cannot avoid being poisoned by the surrounding malice. Thus, the path of purification cannot be called obtuse. One must realize how much easier of access is the purified heart. Therefore, among the questions of the Mysteries there was one - "Canst thou cast out the fear of pain?" The heart knows the pain of the world, but it also knows the superterranean rays. It is not easy to make these rays evident, but on the other hand, the scientists can cognize special cosmic rays that gather around a purified heart. Not without reason is the purified heart called a summit. Thus, the purified heart can be utilized for many experiments, but of course such a precious vessel should not be broken. It can be said that the karma of the destroyers of hearts is a very heavy one. Heart (1932) - 539: 539. You already know why the magnet was placed above the crown of the head. But one should not forget the ancient treatment of the heart by a magnet, also the strengthening of the nerves and the knowledge of magnetizing them according to the flow of nerve substance. These old remedies should be closely examined; above all, they correspond to the gradual realization of rays and currents. Of course, not only do the magnetic properties of metals effect powerful reactions but many other properties as well respond to the mineral basis of our organism. The laying of metals themselves upon the body produces a strong reaction. Naturally, the special properties of different skins should be taken into consideration. Fatty skin precipitations can greatly prevent subtle reactions; therefore, in antiquity efforts were made to destroy the fatty precipitations. Actually, the vegetable oils for massaging have nothing in common with the fatty precipitations of the body. On the contrary, the vegetable oil dissolves the fat together with its poisons. Thus it can be observed that in antiquity the hygiene of the body at times was at a higher level than in contemporary days. The ancients distinguished the mineral properties of water for their ablutions, but at present one scarcely pays attention to them. One would probably laugh now if it were recalled that entirely different fragrances were applied to the crown of the head, the region of the heart, and even to the extremities. A refined understanding of the needs of the body safeguarded many generations. For instance, it can be recalled how solicitously the Egyptians treated the condition of pregnancy. Now people rarely study the tastes or the strange demands of pregnant women. But formerly, at the inception of pregnancy the temple physicians defined the necessary mineral and vegetable reactions according to astrological data. Thus the labor itself was eased considerably. But now, instead of wise preliminary measures people apply coarse narcotics, not desiring to understand that the bond has not yet been severed with the child. The heart of the mother is at times very strained, and each narcotic reacts upon the milk - thus, nature is in need of corresponding reactions. Heart (1932) - 566: 566. I advise special caution in mechanical experiments with the aura. The process of triple reception by the eye can atrophy the optic nerve; naturally, as with everything, gradual development and long preparation are needed. The heart can easily be burned, but then it cannot provide a vital experiment. Even poisons can lose their vitality during harmonious assimilations, but time and constancy are necessary. Heart (1932) - 578: 578. Those who do not know will ask, "In what then, is Armageddon expressed if all the dens of evil exist as before?" One ought then to say that all people have felt the battle, but each in his own way. The very tension in the dens indicates each increase in the essence of striving. Therefore, human qualities must be regarded very sensitively. The deaf and dumb sometimes affect strange gestures, for they cannot find any other forms of expression because of their limitations. But, are not people who do not know the heart similarly limited? One should not laugh at such poverty, but unnoticeably and patiently impel it forward toward an image worthy of expression. The same tolerance must be manifested for all ugliness. The present time demands different conditions in all of life. In the letters of the Mahatmas, which are being translated, one can see how Our Guidance, which took place in accordance with the highest plan, was farthest away from earthly actions. The law of free will does not permit approach to the immediate actions. But now the conditions of the planet have changed, the norms of the law are strained. We must look for measures of close guidance, cautiously straining the essence of free will. Thus, the task becomes very complicated. Even the slightest infringement of the free will leads to the most ramified consequences. Correlating karmic conditions with the entrusting of missions can be compared to walking a tightrope, but this rope has to be woven out of the most diverse material. How much attention is needed in order to combine the threads according to color and rhythm! For, with one unrestrained exclamation one can arrest an extended work, hence I advise special caution. There exists a saying about collecting all ropes for the journey. In an hour of tension you do not know which thread will be of use. Therefore, keep every possibility ready without judging whether it is small or great. For the Teacher it is always of value to have the definite assurance that each brief Command of his will be understood and fulfilled. Thus we advance toward the language of the heart, which is not in need of a profusion of words. Heart (1932) - 584: 584. Much of that which is quite familiar remains uninvestigated. Have perspiration and saliva been exhaustively examined? We read of poisonous saliva. We know of beneficial saliva. We have heard of the varied properties of perspiration, and yet neither of these secretions has been investigated. The sweat of labor and the sweat of overeating will not be alike. The saliva of anger and the saliva of aid are different, but these symptoms are primitive. Every human state produces a special chemical reaction. In studying this truly cosmic multiformity of the microcosm, one can arrive at an understanding of the physical and spiritual worlds. With an intelligent man the reactions will be varied. One can learn how greatly the sweat of prayer and of high, heartfelt aspiration differs from the sweat of self-interest. The sweat of him who runs to help is completely different from the sweat of the hastening murderer. In comparing such contrasting reactions, the products of psychic energy can be traced. Thus the future scientific achievements are close. Of course, the investigator himself should manifest sufficient sensitiveness. He will have to detect different emotions and, through honest comparison, clarify many confused conceptions. The connection of secretions with changes in the aura will also enrich the experiment. Besides, there will be no need of vivisection or other tortures. The investigator could visit all possible localities of human activity and collect natural and not forcibly induced testimonies. The most difficult will be investigating the products resulting from prayer and higher aspiration - in other words, with the most important expressions. But also in these manifestations the one who desires will find the real treasures. You have noticed the evidence of perspiration in connection with the movement of the heart, this especially is a rare example of the aspiration of the heart. Thus, advise young physicians and scientists to pay attention to the urgency of these observations of the fiery diseases of which We have already spoken. These observations will be very useful. One should not forget about the coming fiery epidemics. Many elaborate reminders are spread throughout the history of humanity. Especially now, when the utilization of unstudied energies has reached significant proportions, one should think of the possibility of the rebounding blow. The scientists should pay attention to the peculiarity of many diseases. They cannot be explained merely as a condensation of the social vortex. The causes are far deeper, and Our Advice about the education of the heart is very timely. Heart (1932) - 588: 588. Regard wealthy prophets with special caution - in reality they do not exist. True, We cannot let a messenger starve; but let not earthly wealth with all its burdens be "The Dragon of the Threshold." Let us remember that Apollonius of Tyana was wealthy, but only in order that he might distribute his wealth; so, also, although Our caravans do not carry a load of gold, they nevertheless advance. Thus, let us be together. Heart (1932) - 595: 595. Let us get accustomed to understanding man not only as the expression of the highest spirit but also as an eternally active chemical combination. Thus, we shall get accustomed to understanding the special significance of the combination of human relationships. An Arhat is obliged to sense with the heart, spiritually and chemically, the correlation of approaching combinations. Thus one can avoid many unnecessary frictions. The flaming heart can sense where is contained true correlation or mutual supplementations. Such requirements should be demanded of every leader. He must have a heart open to heaven and to earth. Let us also affirm ourselves in the thought that we shall establish friendly relations with all people. One of the conditions of existence is sincerity, or, to use another word, heartiness. If this foundation is not sufficiently developed, one can strengthen it by turning to the heart. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 6: 6. One must manifest special caution. You can see how even the morals of a nation change. Hence, ignorance reacts to the pressure of the atmosphere. One must observe that ignorance clearly affirms the foundations of darkness. One can imagine how easily the undeveloped brain deteriorates when the heart is silent. The morals of the peoples droop like a withered apple tree. Thus the danger of fiery epidemics is now great. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 24: 24. They will say that fire as an element is too elusive for observation. You may answer that fire makes itself even more apparent than other elements. In observing man's organism, are earth or water more evident? Fire is more easily evidenced in the temperature, the pulse, and especially in that tremor which accompanies all fiery manifestations. This is not a tremor of fear, but unification with the pulse of the element. Does intercourse with earth or water evoke such a tremor? But Fire, even in a small measure, produces a special sensation. Thus, let them not speak of the unattainability of the Fire of Space. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 27: I affirm that, serving Fire, we can cross all dark abysses! If even flying machines need a special gas, how much more is the subtlest energy needed for uplifting the spirit! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 37: 37. The so-called herb of truth actually exists. A combination of seven plants unlocks the controlling centers and a man freely utters his thoughts. This is not hashish but an evidence of the most ancient curative factors. It was primarily used for the diagnosis of disease, for no one knows better than the man himself the causes of that which occurs in his organism. But the inner consciousness cannot reveal these secret causes without a special influence. Later, however, rulers and courts of law utilized this as a means of securing evidence, and thereby they introduced the element of compulsion. But everything coercive and artificial is contrary to the fundamentals of Existence. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 40: 40. In the ancient pharmacopeias and in various ancestral medical records you are struck by the number of allusions to mixtures for bringing the organism into a transcendental state. You feel that this is not a form of necromancy or witchcraft, but a special way of seeking one's future. Hence, it is clear that our remote ancestors were far more solicitous and thoughtful for the future than our contemporary scholars. For us, the future is relegated either to the confines of hellfire or to the province of an electrical manifestation. The powerful life-creating potency of Fire is unrealized; the effulgent, radiant manifestations are not comprehended, and the very Hierarchy of Light itself is regarded as either a phantom or a bugbear. There are many who wish to evade the future, preferring to call themselves dust. Yet even the learned shudder at the question as to whether they wish to pass through Fire. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 65: 65. Last night's current is one of the highly tensed Fiery reactions - the so-called dual arrows. The past heavy current of Mahavan also has a significance for this new tension. It is given as a special defense against grave reactions. Thus, one can arm oneself fierily, provided the spirit itself accepts such an armor. This acceptance is essential for the cognizance of the Fiery World, because the gates may not be opened where there is opposition. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 71: 71. Each blow of the hammer produces a fiery manifestation, but each sword stroke also yields a fiery display. Let us approve the work of the hammer, and warn against raising the sword. Let us discern each touch of Fire. Let us accept with utmost responsibility each evidence of the great element. The manifested Fire does not return to its primeval state; it will remain in a special state among fiery manifestations. It will be either life-creating or destructive, according to the intention of him who sends it. For this reason I stress the significance of Fire, this inseparable fellow traveler. By the most varied means one should impress people with the significance of the elements. They have forgotten how filled their life is with the most responsible actions. Words and thoughts beget fiery consequences; yet the tongue continues to prattle and thought continues to wound space. Ponder this fiery production! Do not pride yourselves on some dead knowledge as long as you continue to spew slander against the Highest. Remember that this slander will lodge with you forever. The world has been set aquiver by the flames of malice. Its progenitors hope for the ruin of others, but they themselves will perish from leprosy. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 94: 94. When I call, "Help through thought." I show a special trust. Not everyone can be asked to help in thought. One must be certain of the quality of thought and the concentration of heart energy. Such choice thoughts are like a powerful radio. One should know how to muster complete devotion, and how not to encumber thoughts with irrelevant feelings. A hurricane is necessary to carry sendings - steadfastness also will be urgently needed. It is erroneous to think that thought is important only for the earthly plane; perhaps it is even more important for the Subtle World, to create a powerful collaboration. During the tension of the world, equilibrium can often be created precisely by thoughts. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 102: 102. In its timelessness and spacelessness thought belongs to the Subtle World, but still deeper possibilities must also be discerned in this construction. Fiery thought penetrates deeper than that of the Subtle World, therefore fiery thought more truly manifests the higher creativeness. With attention, everyone can distinguish these two strata of thought. During the usual trend of thought we are often conscious of a current, as it were, of a second thought, which clarifies and intensifies the first. This is not a division of the thought, on the contrary, it is a sign that deeper centers have begun an active participation. This flaming process is indicated by special terms in Hindu metaphysics, but we shall not dwell on them, for it will lead to dispute and Western arguments. Such controversies are of no use, all that is needed is a simple reminder of the fact that thought is linked with the Fiery World. Even children exclaim, "It came like a flash!" or, "It's dawned upon me!" Thus are called the moments of correct and instantaneous decisions. One may remember how Mme. Kovalevsky solved mathematical problems. Such a fiery condition linked with the Fiery World is characteristic. You know that above the subtle thoughts there are profound thoughts, which are sometimes difficult to separate from the thoughts of the Subtle World. This is not possible in the present state of our planet. The experience alone of this dual trend of thought should compel us to realize the division of the worlds. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 112: 112. It has been correctly observed that in order for the organism to adapt itself to a vegetable diet after a meat diet three years are needed. But if, for purely physical conditions, such a period is necessary, no less a period is required for the transformation of consciousness, unless karmic conditions induce special possibilities. To transform the consciousness means to enter a special world; it means to acquire a special evaluation of all that occurs; it means going forward without glancing back; it means leaving behind all complaints and acquiring good will. Does it not seem strange that alongside a period for a diet one must put the ethical concept of benevolence? But, fortunately, every physician will support us in this, because benevolence is the best expedient for the digestion. People like to have the spiritual foundations supported by dietetic advice. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 127: 127. It should not be thought possible to have one universal remedy for illnesses which may have a thousand causes. Special sections of therapeutics can be instituted which will partly correspond to a considerable number of the causes of illness. Thus, it must be understood that a universal expedient is impossible, because the origins of illness are entirely different. Likewise, in the methods of Yoga it is impossible to apply the same means for all. And yet, quite often in lectures and discourses general methods are mentioned, and those present are deluded into thinking that the prescription is for one and all. Only a very attentive scrutiny of the spiritual condition of the individual in question will give the right guidance to the indications for him. It seems very primitive to consider the diversity of organisms, particularly the conditions of the spirit, but mankind so loves panaceas. Still, there is only one panacea - the uplifted consciousness! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 155: 155. During great fiery tension lesions of the skin should be avoided. A fiery conjunction of unnatural order causes a particular burning. This phenomenon can be of interest to physicians. And even scratches should be viewed from a spiritual angle. Psychic energy is at work, but one must take into consideration the special fiery tension. Each eruption of a volcano likewise takes place because of particular pressures. The manifestation of fiery tension occurs in many sides of life. Once again in the Pacific Ocean new islands have risen, like fiery abscesses. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 169: 169. Once again we are faced with a series of threatening events. Again I remind you about the Lion Heart. I am not speaking about failures, because grave events are pregnant with many consequences. Be not amazed at the tension and at special alternating waves. One must know the manifestation of derangement of rhythm. Wherever all is well let us not have to reiterate that you hold fast to Me as the only support. Execute My Decree in the most precise manner; precision is essential, for small clefts are very dangerous. One must hold out with the Lion Heart. Let us not think that the enemies are weak, for they are strong; yet I am not speaking to distress you, but only in order to affirm the Lion Heart. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 175: 175. What is especially important is usually entirely neglected in thinking. The most real circumstances become elusive. People are unwilling to notice how the capacity for observing sensations beyond the physical is leaving them. Whereas, even during an ordinary cough, yawn, or sneeze, one can notice an instant of a special condition which is not a physical one. We shall not even enumerate other, more complicated tensions, but whoever has felt the above-mentioned sensation of being outside of the physical state, can already begin to gather manifestations of the other planes. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 188: 188. Even for a simple examination by means of rays, the physician prescribes a special diet. Yet how much more subtle is contact with the Fiery Domain. One must prepare oneself not only through diet, but also by other external and internal means. Food requirements are not complicated. The chief thing is to avoid blood, since it is an element which introduces emanations unfit for the refined organism. But even in case of extreme necessity, one can avoid blood by using either dried or smoked meat. Similarly, in planning cereal or vegetable diets, one should be guided by the condition of one's organism. Yet even without Yoga anyone can understand that any excess is harmful. And everyone knows about the vitamins in raw products. But all these conditions, like excessive pranayama, are nothing compared with the heart's comprehension. You yourselves know how the fires flash up and how the most beautiful thoughts guide one. You may have heard more than once about robber sadhus, and they are probably quite zealous about counting their pranayama. You have heard also of certain Rishis who, even under the most intolerable conditions, did not shrink from helping people. It is especially good on each memorial day to recall the heart's acquisition of Fire. All other conditions are applied in accordance with the intrinsic worth of the heart. The heart will not fill itself with alien or animal blood, for the quality of the heart will not accept it. The fiery heart will not choke with evil speech, for this is contrary to its nature. Thus, let us welcome and always assist the natural kindling of the fires. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 204: 204. Deepened breathing is a sign of special tension. Therefore one must not regard a shock only as the result of misfortune and suffering. More than once you have heard about moments of ecstasy before an attack of epilepsy or certain other ailments. But this is only the transference of consciousness into a fiery manifestation. Hence, some monks and sadhus at times would not exchange this fiery feeling for any treasure. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 213: 213. Swelling and sensitiveness of the glands is especially evident during school years. Physicians endeavor in every way to drive this manifestation inward, or they remove the glands. But hardly anyone has thought of the fact that the special sensitiveness of the glands is due to fiery manifestations awakened by new tension of the brain and heart. It is neither a cold, nor the stuffy atmosphere of quarters, but the new activity of the fiery centers which causes the tension of the glands. Also, a similar tension reacts upon the surface of the skin. Of course, treatment by means of pure air reduces the tension, for the fieriness of prana corrects the unbalanced condition of the glands, establishing a fiery harmony. But each removal by force of a fiery apparatus undoubtedly has a powerful effect in the future, lowering the sensitiveness of receptivity. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 239: 239. By means of his fiery nature man can discover subterranean ores and waters. This occult attribute has already become an accepted factor. Since such an application of fiery energy is possible, it means that there can also be many other manifestations of Agni. Combinations of fiery energy with sound, color, or with other fiery branches of the one great Fohat vouch for the regeneration of the entire world outlook. Let people simply draw near to the streams of fiery Uruvela. Everyone possesses the fiery energy to some degree. The applications of Fohat are numerous; not only people of the fiery element but even those belonging to the other elements can draw from the chalice of Fohat. If the experiments of thought upon plants have shown remarkable results, then there can also be observations upon the effects of thought on a flame. Under a current of fiery thought, a flame can begin to approach or recede. The Egyptian Mysteries pointed out the special power of thought that has been sent through flame. In this advice was contained the recognition of the fieriness of thought. Thus, one can turn the attention of people to the Fohatic spheres. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 256: 256. People are always careful not to overturn a lamp. In this care there is a certain respect for fire. Fear of a fire is only a crude affirmation of respect. It cannot be doubted that people are not devoid of a special feeling of respect for the element of fire. The manifestation of this miraculous element has always caused a particular uplifting feeling. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 263: 263. Each day the tension in nature and in men increases. Thus, one can imagine what occurs in the valleys, when even on the mountains special measures are needed. Verily, it is a time of disturbance; but you know the panacea. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 289: 289. Sunbirds do not descend to Earth. In this myth is indicated the separation of the Fiery World from earthly conditions. One can see that men have paid special reverence to the fiery element since ancient days. Indeed, with what solicitude must one regard each fiery manifestation! In the midst of the most ordinary life one can discern the sparks of the higher Fire. This means that around each spark a purified atmosphere grows; therefore it is especially abominable to extinguish these gleams. They flash out unexpectedly, but the extinction of such lights produces consequences of particular instability. It has been said truly that it is better not to be born than to multiply the abominations. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 307: 307. Can one imagine people as thinking only of that which is useful? Of course one can; harmful and undisciplined thoughts are primarily useless. One can accustom oneself to useful thoughts, and such an exercise will be the best preparation for the Fiery World. The habit of thoughts for Good is not attained quickly; still, it leads to fiery realization. Thus, not in the manifestation of a special world, but through the quality of daily labor do we approach the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 334: 334. As though we had been there, let us speak about the Subtle and Fiery Worlds. Let these very talks be subjected to special derision; nevertheless, consciousness striving in this same direction will appear. In this way we shall discover those to whom the heart in tremor whispers of the Fiery World, the World of Beauty. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 342: 342. During his journeys Apollonius of Tyana would sometimes say to his disciples, "Let us tarry here. This place is pleasing to me." From these words his pupils knew that a magnet was concealed there or that the Teacher intended to bury a magnet there. The sensing of magnets is accomplished by means of a particular current connected with the power of Agni. In the course of time science may investigate these magnetic waves, for they are not exhausted for centuries. Magnets have been set like milestones in places of special significance. When a ploughman carries with him a bit of his native soil, he recalls, as it were, the ancient custom of bringing a handful of earth as an irrefutable token. And now you also know how some commemorative soil was brought. Its destiny is not simple; an evil one wished to scatter it, but a benign hand intentionally concealed the treasure and it remained forgotten. Still, the thought attached to this offering exists and is more effective than one might think - thus thought lives on. An object magnetized by thought, verily, has power. Thus, without superstition, but quite scientifically, one should study the stratifications of thought - they are the work of Fire. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 367: 367. One should remember about harmful objects. People are sometimes willing to acknowledge a certain significance in teraphim fashioned for the purpose of influencing people. But, after all, many objects carry upon them accumulations of influences. Not rare are the objects made in an hour of hatred, fatigue, terror, or despair; they will carry these sendings with them into the world. And if they fall into the hands of an owner who is under the same astrochemical conditions, they will act in accordance with the message with which they have been suffused. Sociologists are trying to improve working conditions. This is right, but in addition the spiritual level of the workers should be raised. It does not matter whether they create great things or small, the poisonous saliva can saturate them equally. For natural magnetism there is no need of special black magic. Black fire fills every evil heart, therefore let us be very observant in regard to objects. One may recall that Apollonius of Tyana never touched objects that were unfamiliar to him. First he looked at them carefully, especially when they were ancient. When one of his disciples wanted to put a ring on his finger, the Teacher warned him against touching poison. A deadly poison was discovered concealed in the ring. And Apollonius added, "Such poison is less deadly than the poison of the heart." One should not regard the sayings of the sages as remote symbols. Often they have a literal meaning, which must be remembered and applied. We do not go to a shop to purchase clothing infected with smallpox; yet this infection will be only a one-thousandth part of the contagion present. How often have I stated that the accumulations of thought are far more virulent than poisons! Just as fire deposits a patina upon a vessel, so is the fire of thought irremovable when it saturates the surface of an object. Among purifiers eucalyptus is useful, for it contains much fire. All living fire is also useful. Much infection has been destroyed around bonfires. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 373: 373. The fiery understanding of obsession is called "Urumiya." Man is not the only one to possess this straight-knowledge; certain animals close to man sense this dreadful state. Horses and dogs in particular sense and resent the proximity of obsessed persons. In ancient China there was a special breed of dogs, highly prized, which was very sensitive and useful in detecting the obsessed. In ancient times it was also a custom to exhibit the horses and dogs before guests, observing at the same time the reaction of the animals. Many envoys were put through this test. One should observe that cats also sense obsession, but usually quite inversely. Obsession induces happiness in them. For example, when a cat senses an obsessed person or his impelling presence, it does not hide, but walks around mewing happily, whereas a dog bristles up and either tries to hide or to attack such a person. One ought to develop Urumiya in oneself, not only for protection but for the purpose of expelling the obsessor. Very often a single conversation about the significance of Agni begins to act upon the obsessor. Fearing fire, the very mention of the fiery energy angers him and forces him to retreat. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 377: 377. The tensions are many, and one can learn to rejoice at achievement. Achievement is impossible in a state of depression. Depression is death, like a purse full of holes! Through depression the most precious spills out, and it is therefore correct to call depression "death." As a man arises from sleep for labor, so does he open the door to achievement. We must light the fires with special brightness when we walk toward victory. Remember this especially in the days of oppression. It is nothing other than the bowstring for the arrow. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 393: 393. Sometimes in the hour of danger the Teacher gives protection, taking the danger upon Himself. He covers, as it were, the massed darkness with His hands. At such times one must observe particular caution. A powerful tension is near. During this time it is best to feel a special gratitude to the Teacher. Above all, this feeling, coupled with solemnity, preserves harmony and the right vibration with the Teacher. The shield of Light is not always at one's disposal. The ignorant assume that the world owes them a living, but the rational know how difficult it is to build out of chaos, and so bring their stone for the structure. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 405: 405. The idea of having at least a half-hour daily for thought is good. I do not mean some special concentration. It is useful to think about the best aspect of everything that is taking place. Even small signs reflecting the best in life afford a glimpse of Light. They also stimulate the flow of gratitude and magnanimity. Such fires are equivalent to a dose of musk. Thought about the best generates aspiring tension of the nerves. The nerves should also be given work, but only Good will strengthen the nerves. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 407: 407. The Arhat possesses the ability to prevent his feelings from becoming blunted. This rare ability is acquired by Him only through fiery tension. This may be termed an adamant asceticism. It attracts the hearts of the people. He about whom you recently read knew these intense poignancies of feeling. Everyone who approached Him felt his unfailing freshness of heart. This continuous acuteness is attained not by a special technique, but by a simple opening of the heart. He never pitied himself, and this trait was not an intellectual one, but had become his second nature. Yet, because of the deadening influence of daily routine, how many priests have lost that which they had accumulated! Daily routine is the great testing stone. It opens the Gates of Eternity and affirms Fire. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 409: 409. Record all unusual events. Only by such records can one preserve many remarkable manifestations; otherwise they vanish in the dusk of indifference. What if your most precious biographies had not been set down? Now you would not know them, and many inspirations would not have been kindled in your hearts. Thus, do not be ashamed to write down, however briefly, that which seems to you of special significance. Do not weigh whether it is small or big, but judge it by its unusualness. Indeed, unusualness will yield many observations of the Fiery World. Each spark of it is in itself significant. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 432: 432. It may also be asked, Why do visions coincide with special moments of life? Is this the result of a Guidance that is aware of the approach of the crucial hour, or is it due to an exalted spiritual attitude, which permits one to see what otherwise would remain unseen? It is both. But besides our own state of consciousness, certain cosmic currents approach which transform the earthly strata. Undoubtedly, not only astral chemisms act upon us but also certain higher energy, the origin of which is infinite. Neti, Neti, the Ineffable guides us, and often we are touched by the Highest Power. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 454: 454. More than once during successful research work progress has been interrupted by petty difficulties. Among these difficulties repugnance, so called, has a special significance. It arises from many conditions, both external and karmic. It is difficult to describe in words this feeling which shuts, as it were, the fiery centers, thus depriving them of power. Undoubtedly repugnance is akin to fear. But for ascent one must overcome repugnance. In ancient Mysteries there was a special ritual for the conquering of repugnance. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 469: 469. The beauty, light, and splendor, of the Fiery World are affirmed by each approach to it. Moreover, a special rapture is awakened by the feeling of unity. The fiery light leads to a mutual attraction, in other words to a true unity. The flesh, on the contrary, gives the impulse for each disunity. This property of the physical world impedes the embracing of the transport of unity upon this dusty and foggy surface. Therefore, one should direct one's thoughts the more to the Fiery World, in order to reinoculate oneself with the feeling of unity, already depleted. One should recharge, as it were, the magnet that has remained unused. The knowledge of how to utilize a magnet is necessary even in daily life. Likewise, the potency of fire that has been left unused merges into the depths and becomes inaccessible. One must call it back by all the best recollections of it and by the worthiest imagination. Verily, for the fiery splendor a purified imagination is needed. One should understand that the dense forms cannot give any idea of the Fiery World. But an instantaneous illumination can remain forever as an ineffable feeling based upon unity. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 494: 494. Exhaustion and hunger provide examples of the power of fiery energy. Compare a man dying of starvation who is aware of his inevitable end and a man who uses hunger as a cure. Note how long the second will preserve his strength and how quickly the first declines. Only fiery energy which is brought into play sustains the second, who wishes to be cured. Also note an experiment with fatigue - the one who can bring Agni into action does not feel any fatigue, but he who notices his fatigue droops. People call such actions "autosuggestion," but on what does this autosuggestion work? It calls forth fiery energy; it sets into motion the stilled wheels of Fire, and they alone bring such victories to the nerve centers. Earthly food can be reduced to small portions; the body will not require more when Agni is aflame. One should not think that such fiery transports are peculiar only to certain Rishis. Everyone who is conscious of the power of Agni can quite naturally draw upon this inexhaustible energy. The main thing is to begin with small things, watching one's inner impulses. No special laboratories are required to check oneself in various circumstances of life. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 508: 508. Yes, yes, yes, the seeds of good remain in the spirit, but not sufficient attention is given to them. People remember about accumulations; but, not having preserved their spiritual understanding, they strive to accumulate earthly objects. In the depths of their spirits men know about flights into the Infinite, but, having forgotten the significance of the far-off worlds, they wander aimlessly about on the earthly crust. One should not speak against earthly objects, which are products of creation; one should not speak against travels, which can be the highest schooling - the entire earthly existence must be comprehended from the level of the Higher World. Can one perform only useful actions in earthly life? Of course one can. It is easy to imagine an entire life as a continuous stream of usefulness to others. Santana is not a meaningless rolling of stones. It is like a stream feeding the adjoining fields like a brook bringing cleanliness to the hearth, like rain making the sown seeds come up. Thus, one need not be a special sage to imagine a life useful in all domains. When the fiery waves shall compel people to seek safety in the towers of the spirit, they will regret with loathing each useless incarnation. In consternation they will try to gather crumbs of positive thinking. What is the use of offering advices not to dissipate precious energy! One must think about the approach of very unusual times. Neither cruelty, nor robbery, nor treason, nor falsehood will help one to withstand the fiery waves. Not shame so much as suffering will compel quests for salvation. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 516: 516. Some people must memorize useful counsels, whereas others know the fundamentals of life in their hearts; both kinds need a Teacher. The first must learn, but the latter should affirm themselves. Some understand the best means for human relations from their earliest years, whereas others must pass through a tiresome schooling in order to avoid destructive actions. Both need the Teaching as a reminder of the conditions of existence. It is astonishing to what a degree some remember instances from their past lives, whereas others have completely lost all memories of their former accumulations. A karmic cause does not completely explain such a marked difference in the understanding of life. Truly, the deciding factor in such understanding lies not in the circumstances of former lives, but in the acceptance of Agni. People call such wisdom a talent, but it is no special talent to keep Agni alight. Only the kindling of the centers produces uninterrupted vigilance of consciousness. Even a partial manifestation of Agni already preserves the accumulations inviolate. Agni is no violator, but our friend. It must be explained that the ascent of the spirit is indeed a manifestation of Agni. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 522: 522. Does having no cares befit humanity? Some confuse having no cares with reliance upon Hierarchy. They hold that because they have been incarnated here someone must be made responsible for them. But the Great Service is great solicitude. One cannot imagine a day or an hour when a man may be without care, that is to say, can dispense with thinking. Thus, care must not be regarded as an arid burden, but rather as a distinguishing quality of man. Among the privileges of the Bodhisattvas, solicitude for everything that exists is the gem of their crown. Likewise, solicitude should be welcomed as the kindling of Fire. Not petty reflections, but a most solicitous thought strikes sparks of light from the heart. It is unwise to avoid cares, for one must make haste with the fires of the spirit. Those who fear cares reveal but meager accumulations. The experienced wayfarer says, "Burden me with care when I enter the Beautiful Garden." Man, who has received the gift of thinking, has accepted not the least of these responsibilities. It has been said that the smile of a rich man is of slight value, but the poor man who has retained his smile will become the companion of God. So does the folk understanding value a smile amidst cares. My advice is that you realize the number of cares cannot be lessened. Only thus do we realize that joy is a special wisdom. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 528: 528. Why was the fire of lightning considered by the priests of Egypt to possess special magnetism? Was it superstition or knowledge? Why is the knowledge of the priests regarded as so very well-founded? Yet the facts, proved by research, confirm the fieriness of these teachers of Egypt. Was it not by experimental methods that the Egyptian priests arrived at the magnetism of the fire of lightning? One can imagine a specially condensed state of fiery energy during such powerful discharges. Of course, such tension may be perilous, but, properly directed, it can produce a purification of energy. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 540: 540. Anxiety is inevitable when the confusion of the minds evokes the tremor of the lower strata. Let us not be concerned with these manifestations; we would be dead if we did not feel the present chaos. On the contrary, we should draw special strength by adhering to Hierarchy. If we assume that there is another way, we will be rent by the elements. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 542: 542. In more ways than one it is possible to determine by experiment how the spirit helps even the development of muscles. It do not speak of Hatha Yoga, in which physical exercise is emphasized primarily. In other Yogas physical exercise has not such significance, but the spiritual development gives the muscles a special tone. Take two athletes - let one develop along physical methods alone and the other realize the power of the spirit. How much more will the latter excel! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 548: 548. If you feel special drowsiness or weariness, do not try to overcome it. It is best to be very careful with the store of fiery energy. Who knows how much and how often precious energy is sacrificed for the sake of those who are quite unaware of it? Though they assert that no fiery sendings exist, they themselves eagerly devour other people's strength. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 570: 570. Mental sendings ordinarily contain some unusual expressions, which you have frequently noticed with surprise. An unusual expression is sometimes used for the purpose of ensuring better remembrance. This is a very ancient method. It is difficult to retain the usual words, which may slip by instead of penetrating the consciousness. The more unusual, the better assembled, the more definitive such a sending is, the better it is remembered. It is necessary to remind more than once of the far-off thought, which passes over the surface of the consciousness. One ought not reproach oneself for forgetfulness; on the contrary, these sliding thoughts projected from remote distances only prove that they come from outside and not from the inner consciousness. Also, in schools the receptivity to alien thoughts should be cultivated. People know so little how to listen or how to understand what they read that special hours should be assigned to the verification of what has been heard. How can one expect the fiery energy to be noticed if no attention is paid to even a loudly spoken word? More than once we have spoken of the development of the faculty of conscious non-hearing and non-seeing, this is quite different. In our normal state we must be highly receptive. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 609: 609. What crime is the most destructive to the monad of the criminal? Certainly treason. This crime abruptly alters the current already established, and a terrific counterblow results. A traitor cannot live long in the world of matter, and when he crosses into the Subtle World, being entirely without life-giving energy he is sucked into chaos and is doomed to disintegration. Treason is never impulsive. It is always premeditated, and thus its fate is aggravated. It must be understood that the return to chaos is, first of all inexpressibly painful. In addition, the feeling of the primary seed remains, and facing the futility of hoping for a speedy transformation demands indescribable courage. But the traitor is devoid of courage. He is above all filled with conceit. Thus, people should be warned that even from a physical standpoint treason is intolerable. The traitor not only condemns himself but infects vast strata around him, generating storms of fire. One should not think that an unnatural human action will not react on the surroundings. It reacts first of all on children under seven, before the spirit has taken possession of the entire organism. During this early period the fiery tempests are especially dangerous; they impose a special nervousness upon the heart action of those who already carry the weight of heavy atavism. Thus the traitor not only betrays an individual, but at the same time outrages a whole generation and even affects the well-being of an entire country. Let each one who has pondered upon the Fiery World beware of treason even in thought. No treason is small - it is great in evil and is hostile to the Universe. Such evil is in itself a barrier to ascent. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 615: 615. Special complexities arise due to the varying conditions of time in different worlds. True, one can see the very remote future, whereas an earthly date is deflected and appears quite different where no time exists. Moreover, our conventional days and nights assume differing aspects even upon other existing planets. But the Subtle World and the Fiery World even more are completely devoid of these conditions. This means that astrological signs may serve there, but even they are defined by different methods, because the chemism of the luminaries is refracted differently when Agni triumphs. But for us here it is difficult to imagine the conditions in Higher Worlds. The astral light is definitely affirmed according to the strata of the atmosphere; certain strata of the Subtle World dwell in twilight, because the light of their dwellers is faint. Few understand how the dwellers themselves can be like beacons of light. But precisely purified Agni serves as a beacon of light for all. Thus, thought about Materia Lucida serves as a beacon for achievement. Many ask themselves, "Will I shine?" Again, let us not forget that egoism is like a dark cobblestone upon the heart, but the pure Ego is like a radiant Adamant! Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 7: 7. Now you are astonished that the Battle lasts so long, because the expansion of consciousness extends the boundaries of the being. Indeed it would be lightmindedness to think that the One Who revolted against Light were a weakling. One must understand that the Forces of Light refrain from annihilating the enemy not because of weakness but because of a desire not to upset prematurely the equilibrium of the planet. Few are able to realize that the power of the Creator of the planet takes into consideration physical conditions. But one may already see that the harmonious vibrations have been disturbed and that the planet is being shaken in convulsions of heat and cold. Therefore I advise the equilibrium of the spirit. There where the foundation is affected, there a special presence of the spirit is necessary. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 8: 8. Agni Yoga requires a special resourcefulness. It cannot manifest through physical mechanics, which appear in different degrees in other Yogas. Such an element as Fire should, it would seem, be subject to physical laws no less than other elements. But the essence of Agni is subject to such very subtle laws, that physically it is inexpressible. Thus one must apply the entire refined resourcefulness in order to follow the fiery signs. Hence, one may perceive that often fiery signs are sent by Hierarchy, and people do not even try to perceive them and to apply them. The fiery covenant lies at the very foundation of human life. Conception, birth and all acts subject to Agni do not arouse wonderment at the manifestation of the Ineffable. One may wander around the mechanical constructions, but advance into the future is possible only through realization of Agni. When whole continents are dying, how are new abodes to be found without new energy? It is necessary to prepare the spiritual consciousness for great earthly upheavals - this, at best, but if people approach the last divide filled with the black hatred of the past, they will be but powder magazines. Thus let us resourcefully think about Agni. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 10: 10. Pay attention to the so-called transitory states of the organism. The state between sleep and wakefulness provides a very significant field for observations. One may notice how amidst earthly thinking fragments of thought of a different order intrude, objects seem to vibrate and the earthly perception is altered. Few admit the thought that this different kind of perception is the thinking of the Subtle, and even Fiery World. As the manifested world disappears, one awakens to the voice of the Subtle World. Amidst various transitory states one can notice the lightnings of the Higher Worlds. Thus, one should attentively observe the special resoundings. Amidst earthly conditions one should not merge into these manifestations, because equilibrium is of first importance, but the receptacle of an expanded consciousness must find a place for manifestation of all three worlds. Only thus shall we become accustomed to the understanding of the fiery thought. Fire, as a visible element, often impedes the realization of the fiery thought, but the manifestation of Agni is not a match. Yet every fiery manifestation first of all reflects upon the thinking process. Meanwhile pay attention to the origination of the visible Fire - the bright energy whirls in spirals, so that even in a small flame one may see the process of intervention of an outside energy. The moment of blending of the inner Fire with the outer one can be called resonant in beauty. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 12: 12. You understand Our tension, when the manifestation of the brain is like a raging fire. But our enemies rely upon the limits of physical possibilities. The more so must one oppose them with whole patience. Truly it is difficult to find saints who were not afflicted with special ailments. Many times even they failed to understand why they should suffer such pains, but the fiery tension cannot be avoided when pursuing the shortest path. Could it be otherwise when the feet are upon Earth and the head in the Fiery World! Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 16: 16. As in Heaven, so on Earth. One foundation of Be-ness verily permeates all existence. Precisely this foundation should help humanity to understand the Hierarchy of Infinity. Who then will doubt that in every earthly object is expressed someone's will? Without will no earthly object can be created, nor set into motion. Thus it is upon Earth, and it is the same in the Higher World. Since the existence of the planet as an earthly stronghold requires an impulse of will, it is just as comprehensible that the whole systems of heavenly bodies require the same. Such will of course is more readily comprehensible to an expanded consciousness. But even the average human will can serve as an example of a microcosm. One need not go too far in special calculation, but if we take as a unit the human will at its highest tension, then it is possible to estimate the force of the impulse of the planetary will. One may be involved in innumerable ciphers, in calculating the will-impulse of a whole system. Such a problem would be an introduction into the Grandeur of the Ineffable. So useful are the observations, therefore, upon will power, when thought sets into motion this cosmic energy. The abode of Agni is the furnace of Cosmic Power. One should not be overwhelmed at the innumerable digits in the calculation of the Magnitude. Figures merely express that of which we are conscious, but the fiery heart, without figures can strive along the path of assimilation of the Grandeur there where word is naught. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 23: 23. Many experiments take place during the flights to high altitudes. Perhaps the investigators understand in the depth of their being that at great altitudes they can find much needed information. But besides physical instruments they must provide themselves with psychic energy; only then will such experiments really give a new conception. It is necessary that the investigators of heights and depths have a psychic training. Only through such a combination will the physical side of the work also acquire a special significance. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 45: 45. Actually, the cycle of Aquarius already operates and coexists with the end of Pisces. Usually the beginning and end of a cycle is very gradual, and thus is affirmed the harmony of the actual evolutionary process. If there were sharp boundary lines between such original special factors, destruction and cataclysms would occur. And as it is, Aquarius has brought already a considerable shift of consciousness; but an increase would bring about a destructive revolution there where constructiveness is necessary. Even with such an unprepared eye one may notice the alternate influence of Pisces and Aquarius.. but humanity, which absolutely has not assimilated in its consciousness the understanding of this, must not be permitted to revolt. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 61: 61. The art of thinking must be developed in schools. Every art is in need of exercise. Likewise thinking must be strengthened by practice. But such a deepening should not be burdensome nor tedious, therefore the instructor in such a subject must be truly enlightened. It may be seen that the most terrible calamities in the history of mankind have arisen from the inability to think. There may be found a multitude of examples wherein spasmodic thinking and unbridled feelings have let whole nations towards the abyss. On the other hand, laziness of thinking and slow-mindedness have destroyed accumulated possibilities. The Leader must provide in himself the example of a constant broadening of thinking in order to approach foresight. Of course, foresight results from Communion with Hierarchy. But Communion itself requires alertness in thinking and a clear striving. The art of thinking should not be understood as an occult concentration. There is nothing mysterious in the art of thinking and in the refinement of consciousness. Only a lofty quality of consciousness will affirm the path of the thinker. And no one will say that the thinker is a special genus. Every child can be directed towards thinking. Hence one must regard the art of thinking as the health of the nation. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 65: 65. One may notice even during daytime a feeling as of absence. One should very attentively observe this state. It shows that partially the subtle body has left for distant work. One may feel dizziness and tension in the center of the Brahmarandra. This results from a partial presence of the subtle body which is subjected to special pressure of the fiery seed. One should not strain oneself during this condition. It is useful to sit awhile quietly with closed eyes. One also may mentally send currents to the subtle body which is at work. Furthermore, one should not burden oneself with geography nor distance, but should send a quiet bidding to the toiling subtle body. One must not tire oneself when so many currents are tensed. Not only are heavy currents fatiguing, but a reinforced sending of success can be a burden. Blows upon the aura may be from the most varied causes. Not in vain did the ancient priests cover the heart with the left hand - as with a lightning rod - because the fingers strongly repulse the blows. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 103: 103. When cities were enumerated to you where the ritual of black magic was especially developed, it did not mean that there were no other places where it could be found. On the contrary, there are many black lodges, but some of them are devoted to evil as such, without any special rituals. But during recent times one may see a revival of the most ancient services of darkness. Among them there are very harmful ones, which can cause destruction by their very rhythm. The black lodges usually do not understand what cosmic harm they create. In their ignorance they think that they cause harm only in a desired direction, but in reality they touch whole strata of the atmosphere. Especially at present, when the fiery time is approaching and there are already evident many violations of the equilibrium, the harm of the evocations of the dark ones is particularly frightful. The ignorant act here also, by manifest destructions. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 220: In the case of such a special problem as that of Earth, chaos represents a great danger. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 221: 221. Threads of the spirit are spread far more widely than people think. I say repeatedly - write down, even if it be briefly, the sensations and the strivings of the spirit. From such writings it will be possible to make significant deductions. Likewise the physicians can make use of this valuable material. Possibly, not always can such writings be compared, as a great deal may not coincide so easily, but even isolated cases may assist someone to recognize the psychic energy. No special university courses are needed for this. Psychic energy especially acts freely, when man is aflame with hearty striving. The measuring rod of psychic energy is pure striving. Not magic, but pure human striving will produce a marvelous world. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 246: 246. The scholar is almost right in attributing life to the chemism of an organism, but he loses sight of the crystal of psychic energy. True, this most subtle substance is also a chemism of its own kind, but the approach to it is a special one. Ordinary scholars, among many true conclusions, miss the principal one, not so much because of opposition as from inability to imagine such concepts. You yourselves have seen two physicians to whom there was offered the greatest opportunity for unrepeatable observations. You saw how unable they were to appreciate these possibilities, and that they obviously evaded the chief consideration, while babbling absurd formulas. Cooperation lies in mutual solicitude and hearty labor. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 258: 258. You may have heard that wise people, in an hour of danger, have sometimes exclaimed - joy, joy! This exclamation could not have signified mere self-delusion. They knew about the treasure of joy and, as it were, wished to draw therefrom a kindling of feelings necessary for achievement. Ghosts are not needed there where exists a sacred link with Hierarchy. One can borrow out of the Treasury inexhaustible forces, but they should be evoked flamingly. No one can oppose the joy of achievement. One should not submit to violence, but joy is a consummation. Thus, let us cultivate it as one would most precious blossoms, but let us not belittle it with the suspicion that it is an illusion. No, we know how joy resounds through the channel of Kundalini. We cannot often explain in words whence arises this joy, as a forerunner, but it comes to visit us on a light-winged ray of Hierarchy. Who knows from what Infinite Source sounds the call to joy? How many know that already the time of manifestation of joy has approached? But the law is immutable, and therefore joy is a special wisdom. How long ago this was said! But in spiral evolvement it gradually becomes real and comprehensible. Likewise grows the heart, and the consciousness, and fiery wisdom. We do not see how the grass grows, but we perceive the evidence of the growth. So too with the joy of achievement. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 260: 260. Become accustomed to My Advice that events are created by special measures. One should not weaken constructiveness by considerations of ordinary joy or sorrow. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 269: 269. The singular expression which you observed on the portraits pertains to the domain of Hiero-inspiration. Already in remote antiquity this spiritual penetration was understood. In ancient Egypt portrait images were used as a means of communion at a distance. Sacred Images likewise respond to spiritual communion. But this natural manifestation should be understood simply, as one more grain of knowledge, and not as magic or sorcery. No one can draft a boundary line to limit the knowledge of the spirit. No one has such an imagination as to be able to realize where the magnitude of energy could be cut short. Hence, one should conscientiously note all the understood details of various manifestations. One must rejoice at all such realizations, because these fiery beacons lead to the Fiery World. Consequently, on such paths one should apply great vigilance. One must accept reality as it is. Not distrust nor sleepiness, but the good eye and the opened heart lead to understanding of the new manifestations of the Fiery World. Observe how much the expression of the image becomes changed, and in the course of time you can compare this with events. It is needful, of course, to carry out observations upon people who have for you a special significance, and whom you know. The manifestation of such alterations of expression was called by the Egyptians the mirror of the soul. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 280: 280. Esteem people who not only speak but also act. Affirm the ability to understand action. The hardships of these times have resulted from disorganization. The cause of such disorganization is absurd in its insignificance - the cooperation of hearts has been forgotten. Meeting together in prayer, people forget how to attune themselves for service. Whereas, such a condition is indispensable and is easily attained; for this it is merely necessary that people help one another. To preserve an unusual frame of mind means to proceed to the Fiery World. Under the ordinary conditions of life such a frame of mind is not easy, but precisely it must not be set aside. One should not enter the temple otherwise than prayerfully. In prayer existence is uplifted and made better; therefore each prayer, as also each exaltation, must be better than the preceding one. Each step of the ladder of the spirit must be traversed. How majestic is the Ladder to the Fiery World, which has in a year three hundred sixty six steps by day and three hundred sixty six by night! Every step is distinct from every other, and let each one be better than the preceding one. Joy toward the Teaching, will it not be a true adornment of a step? In each joy for the Teaching is already contained new cognition. Often one cannot express in words this step, given in joy. It is indisputable, and what a veritable mountain is ascended in the prayer of joy! Pains are alleviated by it, the task is made successful by it. No one and nothing can block this joy. Thus shall we have the advantage of success. The same thing may be wished to all, because on the ladder of the spirit there is no crowding. Let each one rejoice at the sheer beauty of a new step. Why should anyone go backward? But it is difficult and burdensome to lose what has been already traversed. Downfall is always harmful, even for the body. One can imagine how ruinous it is for the spirit, for the fiery being. Contact with Fire already produces a special kind of tissue, which glows on the upward, and is reduced to ashes on a downward path. The ladder of ascent is the measure of magnanimity, consequently magnanimity may be achieved daily. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 284: 284. Usually people do not understand that a great manifestation is still more sensitive than a small one. Precisely in the great manifestation is a still larger amount of psychic energy required; consequently each obscuration, irritation, or mistrust is especially harmful. When the World is awaiting new conditions it is necessary to manifest special sensitiveness. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 285: 285. The Teaching should be read under different conditions, yet the effect will not be always identical. At a time of consternation the Teaching will bring tranquility, at a time of affliction - consolation, at a time of doubt - affirmation, but in order to absorb the reality of the Teaching, one must repress one's casual sensations by penetration into the treasury of Hierarchy. Not merely as a comfort has the Teaching been given, but for advancement upon the ladder of ascent. Indeed, under the special conditions of the world, a deepening of comprehension is especially difficult. Already more than once the world has tottered on the boundary line between mechanics and the spirit. The present is precisely such a time, intensified by the attacks of the dark forces. Multifarious is the bazaar of material rubbish; first of all one must appraise everything in order to set up new values. Thus, the ability to reappraise within the consciousness will be the threshold of the future. Admission means recognition, and many dark visitors have been admitted by humanity. Such invitations weigh heavily during the transitional state. The heart must be urged to raise its voice for the regeneration of the World. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 332: 332. Compare the fire of a smelting furnace with the flame of a raging conflagration; compare harmonious action with the elements of chaos. All salutary rhythms are invoked in order to manifest concordance of action. Therefore schools must develop the rhythm of harmoniousness. We have already reminded more than once about the coordination in gymnastic exercises. Not for war alone, but also for spiritual defense do the crowds need discipline. It is wrong to direct crowds toward bestiality, but rhythm brings harmony into gatherings of people. In this let us not forget the fiery examples. Precisely the fiery principle exists by a special rhythm. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 337: 337. When Hiero-inspiration draws one's thought to a definite region or place, it means that circumstances of great cosmic significance are already being molded. Perhaps having such perception of a place is unexplainable by the earthly state of affairs. Perhaps from the earthly point of view such a country is found to be in a most unattractive state, but the higher law is already determining the place of special tension. Earthly eyes do not yet see, but Hiero-inspiration directs the consciousness thither, where the radiance of Higher Light has been ordained, thus, above your straight-knowledge shines Hiero-inspiration. Often it appears to contradict the obvious, but it speaks the word of the Fiery World. So too with the sensations spoken about today. Hiero-inspiration directs thither where already the summit is alight. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 351: 351. Malice, doubt, unbelief, impatience, laziness, and other inspirations of darkness separate the earthly world from the Higher Spheres. Instead of following the path of good, people attempt to replace ecstasy of the spirit with various narcotics, which give the illusion of the other world existence. Observe that in many religions there were introduced, as later adjuncts, very clever compounds of narcotics for the purpose of artificially advancing the consciousness beyond the earthly state. Indeed the infallibility of such forcible measures is great; they not only do not bring the Worlds closer, they on the contrary estrange and coarsen the consciousness. Likewise, earthly life is filled with continuous poisonings with which people very affably regale each other. Teachers of all times have taught humanity the pure paths of spirit that lead into communion with the Higher Worlds, but only a few have chosen the path revealed by the heart. A special attention must be given to deliverance from poisonings. A considerable part of the Earth's soil is already infected, as is its surface. Besides narcotics, people have invented many obviously frightful substances which instead of being health-giving bring on spiritual death. Masses of poisonous vapors are choking the cities. People devote much thought to the production of many substances which should be considered far more deadly than narcotics. Narcotics bring harm to the addicts themselves, but deadly gases torment everything that lives. One cannot condemn narcotics enough, but also one cannot sufficiently condemn such murderous inventions. People formerly, at times, fell into error for the sake of illusionary ecstasy, but nowadays they are completely unashamed to kill the intellect and spirit of their near ones, calling this killing an attainment of science. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 365: 365. Notwithstanding all the attainments of science, people grasp with special difficulty the fact that space is completely filled. They talk about microbes, about entities which elude detection, but, for all that, it is almost impossible for them to think about a filled space. They regard it as a fairy-tale if they are reminded that so-called air is filled with creatures of different evolutions. Likewise it is difficult for man to conceive that each breath of his, each thought of his, alters his surroundings. Some elements of the latter are strengthened and draw near, others burn out or are carried away by a vortex of currents. Man is unwilling to understand that he has been endowed with powerful energies. He is truly the King of Nature and the Master of immeasurable legions of entities. It is sometimes possible through powerful microscopes to demonstrate to children in schools the fullness of space. They must become accustomed to the influence of psychic energy. The gaze of an intelligent man reacts upon entities; even under the lense of a microscope small creatures begin to feel uneasy and to sense the currents of the eyes. Is this not an indicator of the living eye, as distinguished from a dead one? On the fiery path one needs to understand the filling of space. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 380: 380. Actually, it is more difficult to arrest a thought than to generate it. For trial, first the conception of thought takes place, then its strengthening and concentration, and only afterward is it possible to test oneself upon deliverance from thought; the latter is not easy even physiologically. Thought creates a special fiery substance. Its crystallization, then, means that dissolution is required, and this process demands new fiery energy. So-called intrusive thoughts are often the result of a fiery flash which cannot be balanced by further treatment. The thought has succeeded in being crystallized, but the extra fiery energy needed is not there. Therefore deliverance from a thought is recognized as an extremely needed indicator of the proper conversion of fiery energy. A great deal of suspicion, a great deal of envy, a great deal of revenge can be stopped through liberation from intrusive thoughts. So, too, in space, intrusive thoughts cause actual calamities. It is right if these thoughts are directed toward an unselfish deed, but if they be about injury or destruction, the digging of such a channel in space will be unworthy. Often intrusive thoughts are not expressed aloud in definite words, and therefore influence by suggestion is made difficult. Learning to free oneself from a thought can be of great assistance in advancing toward the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 401: 401. A certain tranquility is required for sleep. The necessity for this transitory state proves to what extent our organism needs a special striving to effect a change of conditions. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 404: 404. Verily, special caution is needed, in spirit as well as in earthly circumstances. One must deport oneself as if a conflagration were imminent. In the hands is affirmation of the future. Each caution will be valued as an action of wisdom. I have Spoken. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 415: 415. Curative assistance at a distance must invoke a strengthening of the blood-circulation and an increase in the manifestation of tension. One should realize that sendings require special fiery energy, but at the conclusion of such a sending the excessive tension tells upon the entire organism. Healing is an action of great selflessness. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 452: 452. Will it be superstition if a man observes all that takes place around him? May he not be justified when gradually he learns to appraise all that is invisibly occurring? If all digits are fluctuating and there is not constant magnitude, then how attentively should one refer to the multiformity of manifestations of the Cosmos! Precisely this incalculable diversity helps the individual experiences of the spirit. What seems impossible today is apprehended tomorrow, thanks to a new chemism of the luminaries. India has just experienced an unprecedented upheaval. It may be expected that the earth will not quickly settle down in certain places. Amid the shocks there occurred several visions of the Subtle World. The disturbance of the atmosphere created waves useful for the manifestation of subtle bodies. Though these manifestations be of brief duration, still such observation is useful. Likewise, one can observe amidst the most ordinary conditions special vibrations and resoundings. One should distinguish all such subtle manifestations. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 15: 15. Among the receivers of the Teaching there are many channels; each channel has its own special characteristic and designation. But the ocean of thought of the Teaching can be given only through the source nearest of all to it. There are many branches and means for the communication, and special qualities of the channels indicate the limitations of the receivers. Those fiery receivers who can contain the ocean of thought of the Teaching function as the chief unifiers between the Higher Forces and the World. It is not difficult to investigate how these Hiero-Inspirations have proceeded, nor is it difficult to trace how the Bearers of the Fiery Consciousness have proceeded. Therefore one should observe, and place an achievement of light over and above the manifestations of limitation. In this achievement the fiery understanding of humanity can truly be affirmed. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 51: 51. What has been spoken about the masses and about their lack of understanding of statesmanship was correct. One must add to this the fact of the absence of national leaders. It is necessary to develop in the nation a sense of responsibility, in order that the voice of the people be truly the voice of a community. The development of the sense of leadership has degenerated! The soul of a nation is hidden, and he who represents the state must possess the whole synthesis of the nation. It will be impossible to admit in the future such manifestations as the appearance of those arbitrary leaders who have overrun the planet. The right of leadership belongs to a spirit linked with the Forces of Light. Therefore, according to the Higher Law, there can be no accidental leaders. When the consciousness has become expanded, then will become possible the affirmation of the great law of Leadership. In each field there should be applied a subtle understanding of the law of Leadership. Thus, statesmanship must be manifest in the entire structure of life. The act of violation of the national feeling by the pronouncements of the leader results in grave consequences. Hence, it is fitting to honor the great Leadership which is bestowed by the special right of the state spirit of the nation. On the path to the Fiery World let us honor the Leader. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 53: 53. You spoke rightly about coarseness, and how powerless are the subtle energies against coarseness. No structure can stand upon pillars of coarseness. Therefore each manifestation saturated with coarseness will not be durable, retrogression is inevitable. Complete disintegration will follow where the worm of coarseness eats away the foundation. Every human action is subject to this same danger. A coarse action may be covered with a thousand lusts, and is not to be concealed from the records of space. Every government should be concerned with the elimination of this horror. Every community must contend with this plague. No closely knit community can show evidence of coarseness in its midst. The nation brought up on coarseness must undergo a fiery transmutation; and he who has permitted such disintegration will be karmically responsible. Likewise the co-workers who dwell in coarseness will have to pass through a special purification. Actually, coarseness is a frightful infection, which develops decomposition in the surroundings. Hence, no government can be successful if it is a nursery of microbes of coarseness. Likewise, a co-worker will not be truly successful if coarseness grips his spirit. Thus, let us remember in the construction upon the path to the Fiery World. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 218: 218. Concentrations of crystals of psychic energy grow during each heightening of aspiration. Each tension of power of the spirit multiplies the crystals of psychic energy. Sediments of precipitated crystals, consisting of subtle energies which have been chemically transformed in the organism, feed those organs which are in special need during the expenditure of energy. Crystals of psychic energy melt down substances harmful for the organism. Through conscious tension one can actually promote this dissolving process, which is of service as a counteracting factor. Conscious sendings of psychic energy to infected or injured organs can produce a healing effect. Conscious tension of the will causes spontaneous action of the crystals. Thus, thoughts about psychic energy crystals can bring needed assistance for the injuries of internal organs. On the path to the Fiery World it is necessary to realize those fiery batteries which are contained in man. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 223: 223. Rotation of the solar plexus can have many other causes besides all the cosmic ones. It is necessary to examine the functions of the center of the solar plexus in connection with the sendings of energy at great distances. Rotation of the center of the solar plexus occurs under compression of psychic energy. The radiations of the solar plexus pass through all the centers, and by this rotation these rays penetrate all the centers, bringing to them nourishment and unification through fiery energy. Rotation of the center of the solar plexus can also coordinate different energies by compressing, as it were, any one center which is in special need of saturation or of strengthening. The radiations of the solar plexus then reach, as it were, the outer circumference of the protective net. During the sendings of energy into a determined place, all radiations are gathered into a seeming conical spiral, and all the projectiles go into space spirally. Thus the functions of the solar plexus are as numerous as are its radiations, since it is also a powerful regulator of the energies emanating from all the centers. Absorbing cosmic fiery energies, the center of the solar plexus distributes the latter according to the respective tensions which are inherent in the centers. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 405: 405. Psychic energy intensifies centers during their transmutation. A state of tension in one center naturally diminishes the influx of psychic energy to the other centers, hence a feeling of imbalance. But after each transmutation the influx of psychic energy is stronger. The manifestation of psychic energy takes on a special quality after transmutation. The contact with Cosmic Fires has a powerful reaction, and psychic energy is then subjected to a greater tension. This permits the spirit to make use of psychic energy consciously during sendings. Thus, tension of the centers is revealed as a great transmutation of psychic energy. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 593: 593. Around the place of manufacture of high explosives people do not smoke, they wear special soft footwear, they avoid any metallic objects, they do not even speak loudly, and they do not breathe in the ordinary manner. There, where danger threatens their flesh, people are ready to renounce habits, but it never enters their heads that thought can result in a far more dangerous explosion, invisible yet irreparable. Terror helps people to guard themselves against bodily dangers. But the entire spatial life does not exist for them. They can blaspheme at the Great Forces and rejoice at the misfortunes of others, if their own ruin is not immediately visible to them. The loss of spatial co-measurement in Infinity consumes all the better possibilities. Whereas, the present time is precisely the last chance to join the dense with the subtle and even with the fiery. One should begin to think persistently and clearly in the direction of the merging of Worlds. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 610: 610. Especial attention is paid to dwarfs. As a special race they appear everywhere. One may observe in them not only bodily peculiarities but also a special psychology. No one discerns the cause of appearance of such small creatures; the more so since side by side with them, in the same conditions and families, appear people of lofty stature. But it has already been observed that there do occur unexpected materializations of very tiny beings. Even a clumsily embellished story from the life of Paracelsus recalls how he tried to preserve such small creatures. Of course the experiment was unsuccessful. But even now imprints of very tiny extremities are known. They must be looked upon purely scientifically. The solution will lie in a property of the ectoplasm - hence come both giants and dwarfs. But giants have already been forgotten. Few of them are of interest to anyone and few exceed two meters; and the materialization of giants is rare. But the tiny creatures reveal definitely their similarity and singularity. The dwarfs of southern India and Africa, and the Eskimo pigmies will be very reminiscent of their European brethren. When ectoplasm shall be diligently studied, then its specific properties will be discovered. And in relationship to the Fiery World such study will be a great attainment. AUM (1936) - 8: The ancient wisdom taught that for recalling such sendings it is necessary to press upon the third eye. This counsel was very wise, for by simply pressing the bridge of the nose with the fingers one can cause the center of the third eye to retain the ray of the thought. Likewise, you well know that the state of highest Samadhi is dangerous for the earthly body. The power of the higher energies may not be transmitted through fragile vehicles, yet by overcoming the usual state of disharmony one may render less dangerous the contacts of the higher wings. Again let us recall the various means for bringing oneself into an exalted state. From antiquity people have attempted by special means to shield themselves from danger in contacting the Higher Forces. But the best expedient will be constant thought about the Higher Forces. By such means psychic energy becomes accustomed to the possibility of reaction to the Higher Forces and, in order that it be not shaken, the nerve substance is reinforced accordingly. Of course even one's best friend can cause a shock if he enters unexpectedly. AUM (1936) - 19: 19. It is essential to understand the meaning of help. Each one wishes to receive help according to his own formula, but not many apprehend true help. Likewise, nowadays when the world is atremble, great numbers of people do not notice the fiery peril. For a special manifestation they want an Archangel as vast as the heavens! Each day something indescribable takes place. Though but a week of the year has passed, consider what has already taken place! Many nations are changing their faces. AUM (1936) - 32: 32. Often you find a misunderstanding as to what consonance means. Some imagine it as a loud sound, whereas the sound may be inaudible like the heart's tension. For it is the heart that sings; it resounds and fills the entire organism with a special energy. The prayer itself, Aum, may also be in the heart, but it engenders the same radiations as an unuttered sound. One should become accustomed to the heart's expression. AUM (1936) - 33: 33. Correctly has it been observed that certain mantrams have lost their meaning and retain only their sound. Thus, we see how important is vibration. For this reason much was not written down, but was transmitted orally. Mere letters without sound produce no results. Moreover, the very quality of the voice has a special significance. A deep chest tone can give greater resonance than a high, flat, or nasal one. Thus, not only melody itself but quality of voice is important. I consider that at present the quality of voice is too little valued. Not volume, nor eloquence, but inner magnetism is important - the same is a fundamental requisite in singing. Many voices have been deprived of their natural qualities by methods of vocal training. AUM (1936) - 59: 59. One can see what unworthy methods are combined with prayer! Frenzies can be of no assistance toward the link with the Higher World. Eye-witnesses of higher visions affirm that they cannot even remain firm on their feet because of the powerful vibrations. Moreover, visions are preceded by a special serenity of the spirit. Can spinning and whirling possibly be the threshold of a beautiful vision? Man, by his own will, cannot compel a manifestation of the Higher World. It is possible to attract the Subtle World, but the grandeur of the Higher World transcends all earthly nature. For years hermits await the Higher Word. Even great Spiritual Toilers could withstand a manifestation of the Higher World only once without shock to their health. However, the Higher World knows when and what is possible. AUM (1936) - 87: 87. Lenience is one of the qualities of the Higher World, therefore each one in turn must show this quality wherever there is a spark of good. Let people not weary of seeking this power of Grace. Thus in eternal vigil one may take upon oneself the service of the Higher World. One must not pride oneself on such distinction; no particular pride is fitting, but a special joy is permitted. AUM (1936) - 94: 94. There is much fire, and consequently one can understand the waves which burn and fatigue. Subterranean and superterrestrial fires are related, yet they are far apart in their reaction. Man are unwilling to understand their own influence upon subterranean fire. Astrological signs suggest thoughts of special caution, but instead men only increase the danger. Of what concern is it to the bipeds, if because of them on another continent a destructive flame bursts out! AUM (1936) - 112: 112. It is rightly understood that so-called sacred animals were not deities, but were a natural consequence arising from local conditions. Even now people often speak about some sacred obligation meaning thereby, not a religious rite, but a useful moral action. The conditions of antiquity often required a special attention to certain animals, or trees and plants. Sacredness signified inviolability. Thus was preserved something rare and necessary. The very same protection contemporary people call "preserves." Thus, one should refer very carefully to concepts that are not clear. So much has been added to the province of religion that, because of its antiquity, superficial observers are completely unable to distinguish the fundamental from the stratifications around it. The temple even now is a gathering place where, along with ceremony, barter and sale take place, and local matters are discussed. The same piling up of confusion is still taking place. Therefore let us not be excessively harsh toward the term sacred animals and other long-forgotten archaic symbols. AUM (1936) - 113: 113. Prayer must be joyful, for communion with the Higher World will actually be full of ecstasy and solemnity. But such joy will be a special wisdom. It is possible only through realization of goal-fitness. It will be salutary through fullness of trust. It resounds with courage when the path is one. AUM (1936) - 165: 165. It has been correctly observed that great Influences come by special paths. Often people will be outwardly rebellious, and yet will accept what is sent. It is important to Us that that which has occurred be useful. One should not insist that that which takes place be judged according to present day standard - what is important is the result. We must be tolerant and pay no attention to lack of knowledge and to crudity. Therefore, one should pay attention to the essential nature of that which occurs. AUM (1936) - 166: The surmounting of limitations is possible only through the broadening of consciousness. One needs to know how to cautiously approach the heart of humanity through expansion of consciousness. Already many boundaries are being erased, but for such new paths a special love of mankind is required. It is necessary to cultivate this quality along with purity of body and spirit. Let hygiene of the spirit have a place in the schools, then lofty communions will become the best hours. AUM (1936) - 168: 168. Community of spirit is possible where there exists a living magnet, then it is possible across all earthly boundaries to closely join each community. When a community lives in the sole service of Truth there exist no obstacles, and a special mutual help will be a natural expression. AUM (1936) - 174: 174. Humanity is wiping out the distinction between tribes, therefore one should speak with special caution about tribes. Even those tribes that are still distinct in appearance and language are not basically and essentially isolated from each other. In conventional terms the subdivision is clear, but not in the matter of blood. An admixture is taking place which is so characteristic during a change of race. It is more appropriate to speak about humanity as a whole than to speak conventionally about the interlacing of branches. AUM (1936) - 177: It is possible to carry out many experiments in speech and thought, but such investigation requires prolonged time and special patience. Who will sacrifice himself for the purpose of tenaciously continuing observations without visible results? One should also know that results may appear in an unexpected place. Moreover, the laws of psychic energy are sometimes difficult to grasp. Their operation extends far beyond the scope of the human imagination. AUM (1936) - 208: 208. Thought about Us, as a purification of consciousness, can be likened to looking far into the distance. Then a person's spirit acquires a special courage, which warns him and carries him through perils. Without the Higher World it is difficult to set forth on the path. AUM (1936) - 213: 213. Sleep is participation in the life of the subtle sphere. The condition of sleep is significant from the point of view of psychic energy. It is undoubtedly strengthened, but in a special quality; in other words, it acquires the distinctive quality of the Subtle World. AUM (1936) - 216: 216. There are people who can detect radio waves without an apparatus. Taken alone, such a faculty represents no special achievement, but it furnishes a useful comparison with transmission of thought; the basic energy is identical. If the far cruder transmission of radio waves can be received, the next step is entirely possible. People are continually receiving thoughts from space and translating them into their own language; yet even such a simple truth needs to be repeated. AUM (1936) - 220: 220. One should also pay attention to infantile eclampsia. It indicates development of the nerve centers. During such a state it is necessary to maintain special quietude. By nature such children are highly gifted, but the shield of the body must be strong. It is necessary to regard such manifestations as a seeming overfilling of the Chalice. Not without reason was this called in antiquity a "divine visitation." During such attacks, complete quiet of all surroundings, as well as warmth, the odor of rose oil, and a uniform temperature are essential. Certain peoples have made use of soothing music, and such an expedient was helpful; for the assistance given must be a psychic one. AUM (1936) - 221: It is therefore very important that experiments on the reactions to sound, color and aroma be carried out as extensively as possible. Even in schools many useful experiments could be conducted. It is difficult to find in private homes a special room with adequate accommodations for this, but schools and hospitals should have proper quarters with certain appliances. Thus it is possible to add to suggestion many contributory conditions. AUM (1936) - 257: 257. In the Subtle World it is possible to remain in the lower strata for interims centuries long. One should not be astonished at the resourcefulness of certain people; in their insanity they can contrive much that is impossible for a healthy man. Madness of a special kind is to be found in the Subtle World. Unfailingly the law insists upon the date of incarnation, but the madness of the consciousness may be such that in larger measure only evil can be born. Just as cowardly soldiers cut off their fingers in order to avoid the battle, so do the madmen who dwell in the Subtle World contrive to avoid a summons to the banner of labor. It is impossible to evade the law entirely, but it is possible to conceal oneself temporarily in darkness. AUM (1936) - 266: Therefore, it is necessary to tell of the shame of ignorance with special brevity and speed. AUM (1936) - 271: 271. Perceptivity is a special quality of the consciousness. It does not depend upon the intellect; it does not depend upon surroundings; it does not depend upon the schooling - it is formed in the domain of the heart. The man who has accumulated this quality cannot be deprived of perception. By means of psychic energy he finds opportunity for observation even among the most adverse circumstances. AUM (1936) - 289: 289. There have been the strangest attempts to study the transmissions of thought at a distance. People have connected two persons at a distance by tying their wrists with a thread of waxed silk. They paid special attention to the purity of the silk and the particular quality of the wax. They gave much thought to how best to insulate the thread from the ground. But they were far from remembering that psychic energy needs neither thread nor wax. People deem that the mechanical appliance actually effects the success, but he who first proposed this method regarded the thread simply as a symbol on which to concentrate attention. AUM (1936) - 290: 290. Since transmission of thought at a distance exists, then the interception of such thoughts in space must also be possible. Indeed, one should carefully remember this circumstance. Besides the intrusion of extraneous thoughts, in both the earthly and Subtle Worlds, special circumstances are possible, which contribute to the interception of thoughts. Uniformity of auras can facilitate the admission of thoughts; when people have lived long together or have corresponded, they can be involved in a current. If such people become dangerous, it is necessary to break the bond of the auras. Such an action must not be instantaneous, otherwise it will react upon the health. Each such process must take place naturally. AUM (1936) - 362: 362. The significance of certain moral concepts must be examined not only from the spiritual standpoint but also from the scientific. I take for examination the concept of trust - even among primitive peoples the concept of trust was regarded as the basis of communion. In antiquity people already understood that such a concept had a special significance. Only later, through development of hypocrisy, did people begin to assume a false mask, thinking that it is possible to deceive the inner consciousness. But through the development of scientific methods it is possible to verify the value of true trust. AUM (1936) - 366: It is cause for rejoicing that people possess such a force, which is able to transform all life. But let us be very careful, for subtle energies require subtle handling. One may be convinced that even the presence of a single object can introduce a special vibration. AUM (1936) - 388: 388. Psychic energy is most subtle, therefore dealing with it must be subtle and exalted. One should bear firmly in mind that the force of psychic energy is a fiery power. Around fire, manifested and unmanifested, one has to conduct oneself with special caution. One should grow to love such all-pervading energy. It is impossible to carry out an experiment when in doubt or hostile. Long ago a kind, benevolent attitude was already spoken about; by degrees it has been taught how to approach this most important concept. AUM (1936) - 390: I affirm that psychic energy must be studied with all attentiveness. During discussion about psychic energy there must be no dissension. Every experiment can be repeated with an understanding of the individuality of each case. Indeed, each experiment proceeds under special conditions. This circumstance should be remembered; for there are people who demand mechanical duplication even from the subtlest energy. AUM (1936) - 428: A great number of manifestations can be named wherein precisely woman can lend a special tension of psychic energy. But due attention has not been paid to such special qualities of women. It is rarely understood among physicians why the participation of a woman in operations can be particularly useful. The eternal Feminine Principle has not yet found its just interpretation. AUM (1936) - 429: 429. No one should deny that he has something of special significance within him. The application may not have been found, but this does not mean that the possibility is lacking. AUM (1936) - 432: This supposition is correct. During the discharge of intensified energy, there is obtained a specific magnet which attracts a special pressure of external spatial energy. Such external pressure contributes to fatigue. But, on the other hand, such a magnet attracts concentrated attention and makes an action convincing. Orators and singers feel fatigue not only by reason of nerve tension but also from the pressure of psychic energy drawn from space. An extremely complex process results - from the one side inspiration and from the other pressure. AUM (1936) - 459: 459. The battle is so great that it is impossible to allot time to ordinary occupations. We are on guard, but people fail to understand the extraordinary circumstances. Even those who hear about the conflict still think that nothing special is taking place. AUM (1936) - 490: 490. In everything there is movement, just so does Guidance vibrate. The higher qualities of Guidance are responsiveness, keen-sightedness, and containment. Poor is the Guide who is fixed upon one command! Higher Guidance is both invisible and inaudible, it is a special science to give not less nor more, taking into consideration the planetary conditions. AUM (1936) - 501: Much keen-sightedness, untiringness, devotion, has been laid into the foundation of each synthesis. It is understandable that the man who develops the power of observation sees around himself many generalizations and apprehends how much more attractive these broad paths are. Indeed, synthesis is based upon convincingness and attractiveness. Synthesis so broadly encompasses the essence that negation is alien to the synthetic mind. One must not attribute the special gift of synthesis to certain fortunate individuals. One must industriously develop within oneself the precious quality. AUM (1936) - 532: 532. A special damage against the broadening of consciousness is committed by the man who opposes spirit to matter. Indeed, one may often hear that matter is thecondensation of spirit. Such a definition is easy to listen to; but, besides the essence, the coarse evidence stands firmly upon the ancient division. It is not easy for an obscured imagination to visualize all the states of spirit. It may be recalled how a certain savage bruised a friend with a stone and then asked pardon, because he thought that a piece of spirit would not cause pain. AUM (1936) - 561: Highly multiform is psychic energy! One may find different vibrations of it that have special names. Let us turn our attention to one lofty aspect of the energy called "protectiveness." It should not be thought that this quality shields only the bearer of such energy. On the contrary, he protects others, liberally sharing his energy. Just as with the divisibility of spirit, psychic energy is apportioned where it can be useful. Such a physician does not know the sufferers who are being cured by him. It is a difficult, but a beneficent task! AUM (1936) - 564: 564. In different religions there can be noticed a special harmonization of sacred hymns. If one compares the oldest of them, one may observe a striking similarity of tonal structures. Moreover, one can find remarkable common rhythms; all of which indicates that the composers of these psalms had the same understanding of the significance of harmonization. It is impossible to attribute such a basic similarity to simple succession. It may be understood that they have been influenced by One Source. It cannot be doubted that the one fundamental energy of Existence will produce similar rhythms for one form of inspiration. Verily, the keen of sight can discover confirmation of the great Unity in a broad way. AUM (1936) - 569: 569. Is the fragmentary character of these notes accidental? May it not be that in this mosaic there is contained a rhythm and a special design? Let friends sometimes reflect upon why this system has been selected! Does there not lie in it the particular problem of reacting on different centers? Perfecting the ability of perception is a very important attainment. AUM (1936) - 575: 575. Not only is each center a dynamo, but each atom is producing energy. Is it possible to consider the investigation of psychic energy unnatural and unscientific? I am speaking to those who have special opportunities for cognizing the energy, yet so often deny that which they already possess. People must learn, learn, and learn, Thus, science in all its magnitude will bestow the possibility of attainments. AUM (1936) - 591: Let hermits on the one hand and scholars on the other equally evaluate the light of the heart. Luminosity corresponds to an accepted degree of tension. Let us see how people often observe this luminosity, yet they find many excuses and denials and bashful silences. As if they were worse than a glowing stump! Frequently, people are capable of recognizing a special feature in a most ordinary object, but they deprive themselves of these possibilities. AUM (1936) - 592: 592. One must courageously observe both positive and negative manifestations of psychic energy. Sometimes the energy becomes silent, and no one can call it forth. An unwise investigator might be disconcerted, but the experienced experimenter sees in this some special circumstance. He waits a while and again carefully continues the experiment. Each fluctuation of the energy also indicates a cosmic manifestation. Brotherhood (1937) - 45: 45. Among the universal manifestations, incessant explosions have a special significance. Likewise in man are there compressions and explosions of energy. But why are universal explosions beneficial, whereas the human ones can destroy the organism? The difference lies in the fact that universal explosions are balanced in a great rhythm, but the human ones often are devoid precisely of rhythm. Brotherhood (1937) - 57: 57. The true family is the prototype of communal life. It can personify cooperation and Hierarchy and all the conditions of Brotherhood. But such families are extremely rare, and therefore it is impossible to say to everyone that the family is the symbol of Brotherhood. It might be replied, "Is not the family a symbol of hostility?" So much have people become accustomed not to respect the home. Therefore, as to the question of upbringing, let us pay special attention to the life in the home. It is impossible to think about building the state without building the home. Brotherhood (1937) - 74: 74. "The city has been fully fortified, its walls and towers are strong, at each gate stands a sentry - no enemy can penetrate into the stronghold. However, sentinels, be wary, be not confounded by the arrows of the enemy. The arrows have been devised with special inscriptions for the purpose of distracting the attention of those on watch. The inscriptions are to allure the sentries, so that their minds will be confused and the gates will be left defenseless." Thus was described in a certain Mystery the state of psychic energy during the confusion of the spirit. Brotherhood (1937) - 119: 119. It may be noticed that patience is developed to the extreme in certain people while others are totally lacking in this quality. What is the reason for this? Such a basic quality cannot be a matter of chance. Know that the possessor of patience has built it up in many lives. A patient man is a worker of vast experience. Only in great labors does a man cognize the worthlessness of irritation. Before the Great Image he perceives the complete insignificance of transitory manifestations. Without many testings it is impossible to appraise and distinguish the qualities of manifestations in life. One should not assume that patience is a distinction conferred without reason; on the contrary, it belongs to the qualities that have been earned with special difficulty, both in the earthly and in the subtle sojourn. Hence, the patient man is rich in experience while the impatient one is a novice in life. Thus let us remember, for the Path. Brotherhood (1937) - 126: 126. Never before have we held discourses under such tension. Never has Earth been so enshrouded in brown gas. Never has the planet been so flooded with hatred. It is unthinkable not to sense the convulsions of nations; therefore, when I speak about care toward health I have in mind the unusual state of affairs throughout the world. It is regrettable that the nations do not think about the condition of the world. Much energy is being wasted. Do not think that the special tension comes only from private circumstances; it vibrates in conformity with the conditions in the world. The psychic energy is tensed, ready for both reception and repulsion. The spirit senses thoughts manifested in the Subtle World. Brotherhood (1937) - 163: 163. Idiosyncrasies are inexplicable attractions or repulsions, and they appear as trustworthy evidences of reincarnation. No one can explain otherwise these irresistible feelings. It is vain to try to show them to be the effects of atavism, because it is possible to trace their independence of ancestral habits. The special force of such attraction shows that they are deeply implanted in a given individual. They are so firmly fixed in the consciousness that even hypnosis cannot overcome them. But if in individual cases the changes of lives were to be examined, then the attraction or repulsion would be found to be a natural effect of what has gone before. Thus, it is especially instructive to observe such inborn symptoms. They reveal both the capacities of the man and the kind of surroundings that are most favorable for him. Let us not forget that each plant needs its own soil; so, too, in the life of man, indispensable are the circumstances which are natural and peculiar to him. Brotherhood (1937) - 201: 201. The best curative products are often neglected. Milk and honey are considered nutritious products, yet they have been entirely forgotten as regulators of the nervous system. When used in their pure form, they contain the precious primary energy. Precisely this quality in them must be preserved. Whereas, the sterilization of milk and the special processing of honey deprive them of their most valuable property. There remains the nutritive importance, but their basic value disappears. Brotherhood (1937) - 204: 204. Gradually it will become known that the legend is the true history; then documents will be found. Each revelation confirms the fact that truth lives on and must be perceived. Since myths live on, then too the history of the Brotherhood will acquire authenticity. It can be noted that information about the Brotherhood is especially suspected. Many circumstances are accepted quite easily, but the existence of the Brotherhood has a particularly striking effect. People are prepared to encounter an unknown hermit, but for some reason it is difficult for them to picture a society of such hermits. There exists an order of truths which meets with special opposition. It is not difficult to understand who is against the concept of Brotherhood. These creatures know perfectly well about the existence of the Brotherhood, and they tremble lest this knowledge reach the people. But all is accomplished in due time. If people do not know, still they are beginning to have premonitions. Brotherhood (1937) - 222: 222. Unity is also needed there where the Teaching is being read. The reading alone is not a shield. There should be special joy at the assimilation of what has been read. In the course of the day each one can apply something from the Teaching; then comes the joy of unity. Brotherhood (1937) - 231: 231. Through the ages many erroneous interpretations have been made owing to the poverty of languages. People have turned to ciphers, to symbols and images, to inscriptions and to all sorts of hieroglyphics, but such expedients have only been of temporary help. Only the contemporaries could understand the meaning of such conventional accessories. In the course of ages they were obliterated, and new fallacies were built up. With difficulty does humanity retain informations for a single millennium. What, then, is to be said about periods of tens of thousands of years wherein languages themselves have been completely altered many times over! Isolated objects reaching down to our time cannot fully define the epochs which created them. Thus, it is needful to apply special circumspection to ancient epochs, which for us are only confused visions. Brotherhood (1937) - 240: 240. It may be noticed that sometimes especially large upheavals have far less destructive effect on the organism than small ones. The reason is that during the large upheavals psychic energy begins to act in a special manner, manifesting a powerful protection. During small agitations the protection may not be so strong. When I say, "Burden Me more when I go into the Beautiful Garden," this is not merely a poetic figure of speech but a practical indication. Long ago it was said that through great upheavals the spirit grows strong and the consciousness is purified. But in such processes the primary energy will be the principal factor. Therefore, let us not be distressed if it be brought into action in one particular way. It is far worse when something petty undermines the organism, and the salutary force is inactive. Such a situation must be recognized; otherwise people will begin to strive for the small and will be content with the mediocre. The store of psychic energy must be supplemented. Without pressure it does not receive the Higher Help. Even the enigmatic saying, "the worse, the better," has a certain foundation. Brotherhood (1937) - 245: 245. If people would deal with each other more trustingly, they could observe far greater manifestations of a cosmic nature. For example, if they were not so constrained about confiding their sensations, it would be possible to detect entire waves of transitory currents. There can be noticed particular throat sensations or heart pangs, or tension of knees and elbows. Currents can pass through all the centers. This will not be a sickness but a special indisposition. According to these symptoms it is possible to see where tension of currents is passing. But at least some confidence must be shown, without the fear of being laughed at. Brotherhood (1937) - 272: 272. There is nothing astonishing in the fact that even an absolutely simple man can see radiations - the causes for this are many. He may be an unusual man by reason of his former lives, or there could be expressed in him this special quality among others less pronounced. Such isolated cases are not rare. It may be noted that even unlettered people may possess extraordinary perceptions. They do not know why such knowledge comes to them, since they are without any guile. Such qualities, though obviously expressed, have nothing in common with the accumulations from past lives. So many chemical reactions can arouse individual qualities, which spring up and then can temporarily disappear. Only an understanding of altered spatial currents can explain the changes taking place in the organism. You know that sight and hearing and all one's sensations vary under the influence of currents. One may be assured that such fluctuations take place not only on manifested dates but also aside from human reasoning. Actually, only external conditions can create such inexplicable manifestations. Brotherhood (1937) - 311: 311. A special science shows how to find a rational attitude toward different subjects. Such an attitude engenders a true understanding of Brotherhood. Preservation of sacred concepts indicates development of consciousness. Brotherhood (1937) - 349: 349. In great storehouses many remarkable objects can be found, but experts and investigators sometimes prefer to search among small unknown repositories, and such quests yield irreplaceable discoveries. And so in everything, one should make broad surveys in order not to lose new and precious cooperation. It has already been pointed out that the hundred-thousandth one is bringing useful stones for the structure, yet it is inadmissible to jostle a burden-bearer on his difficult path. One should not suspect or upbraid him. The cement of the building should not set prematurely; likewise, wayfarers cannot make progress more quickly than their human strength permits. It is a special joy to see how the structure is being completed. Many would not believe that the local stones were sound enough; they formed their opinion through egoism. But the dawn will show where right judgment was. Brotherhood (1937) - 363: 363. Just as there exist different states of the body, so are there different strata of thought and memory. If a sending has touched upon a stratum of subtle memory, then it is extremely difficult to transfer it into earthly strata. It is even possible to pronounce the words, but nevertheless they will immediately disappear. They will remain in a fold of the subtle memory and will be manifested only in special combinations of currents. Brotherhood (1937) - 377: 377. Each machine creates a particular psychology on the part of the worker. The rhythm of a machine is a strong indication of the structure of thinking. Therefore one should study the rhythm of different machines. It may be said that a machine is a sign of an existing condition. A machine worker should receive special intellectual cultivation in order not to fall under the influence of the machine's rhythm. Many will not comprehend what has been said and will think that such abstract reasoning has no meaning. It is time to discriminate where is abstraction, and where actuality. Brotherhood (1937) - 419: 419. Among things overlooked we also find neglect of the quality of thinking. Not enough has been said about this power. For example, man does not pay attention to the fact that during amplified thinking he involuntarily sends his thought abroad. Verily, strong thinkers must be very careful. Their thought can be more easily seized in space. You already know about currents which, as in a tube, preserve a sent thought, but even such a special measure cannot always be effective. Brotherhood (1937) - 453: 453. As I have spoken about the relationship of the new to the old, so do I also speak about the correlation of the inner to the outer. Formerly, people were taught lying and hypocrisy and received praise for insincerity, but now such subjects have been abolished, for these qualities have become innate. Actually, it is necessary to pay attention to the tragic discord between the inner and the outer. Is it possible to expect special mastery of the lofty energy in such destructive disharmony? People are reaching such a degree of torpor that they cannot even imagine that man can bear within himself both enemy and friend in continuous conflict. It is impossible to possess power when on the face is a mask and in the heart, a dagger. Impossible is successful growth if the entire organism finds itself in a constant state of disunity. We have spoken about unity in order that each one shall understand it, not only in relation to his near ones, but also in regard to himself. Such inner disunity is in itself dissolutive and self-devouring. Brotherhood (1937) - 463: 463. It will be pointed out that many Communities and Brotherhoods have fallen into ruin, but they are not the ones We speak about. Moreover, they could have been moved elsewhere, but to a stranger's eye it might seem that they disintegrated. Do people know much about life in a neighboring house, much less about that which they are not supposed to know? Each one can recall from his own life the most significant events about which no one has known. Especially if transmitted by thought at a distance, who could learn about them. True, thought can be intercepted, but for this special conditions are necessary. If a thought has been directed with especial clarity to a definite person, it will unfailingly contact his aura. Thus communities can be kept together by the force of thought. But some are so afraid of thought that they decline everything relating to this domain. Such people should not be attracted, their approach ends in treachery. More than once Communities have been moved away in order to free them from undesirable people. It is easier to announce the dissolution of a Community than to disclose those who can do harm. From such a situation one can more easily comprehend why the Brotherhood is to be found in an inaccessible place. therefore, too, each one who knows about the Brotherhood will be careful in giving out his information. People cannot bear it when they are unable to understand something. Such understandings are stratified slowly. Very rarely is the Chalice filled to overflowing. As a synthesized center, the Chalice preserves the most essential, indescribable accumulations. Brotherhood (1937) - 465: At each step are encountered misunderstanding and malevolence. One has to have special cultivation of the will in order to accept these obstacles as unavoidable. But even though a man shall find in himself sufficient firmness to overcome such difficulties, still, so many most fortunate confluences of energies will be lost. Brotherhood (1937) - 521: 521. It is significant that physical exertion sometimes creates a particular clarity of thought. The same thing occurs through reaction to cold or heat. Does this not signify that thought is energy? The affirmation of thought, as well as the measurement of energy will yield many new discoveries. Many particular manifestations are concomitant with the unification of thought. You have read about manifestations which were magnified owing to the quantity of people present. It can hardly be claimed that all those present were thinking in unison. This means that the energy of thought acted as such. The current of energy assisted the participation of the forces of the Subtle World. At each gathering of people one may notice a special condensation of helpers from the Subtle World. Let us hope that the thoughts of people will attract good helpers. In its unified thinking Brotherhood creates a powerful current of Good. Brotherhood (1937) - 527: 527. The current of thought is sometimes subjected to the most unexpected influences and intrusions. A truly honest thinker will not conceal the fact that the discipline of thought may be disturbed at times by extraneous influences. Besides, the force of reaction becomes so powerful that the original thought completely changes direction. Let us not take it upon ourselves to decide why such a reaction takes place. It may be that the force of the thought attracts other similar complements. Perhaps a crossing of special currents takes place? The chief thing is that an outside energy obviously exerted its influence. Such observations often take place in the Brotherhood. Brotherhood (1937) - 538: 538. It is right to commend Ayurvedic medicine. It should be understood that many thousands of years left cumulations of experience and wisdom. But let us not, after the fashion of the ignorant, make a deadly separation between homeopathy and allopathy. Let us not forget the accumulated knowledge of China and Tibet. Each nation had to face particularly threatening dangers and took special measures to oppose them. Thus, he who collects the best blossoms will be a victorious physician. Brotherhood (1937) - 581: 581. In the vast mountain region it is not easy to seek out the Abode of the Brotherhood. It is hard to picture the entire complexity of the massed mountains. You already know about the special protective measures. If there exist signs marking off the boundary lines, who will understand these marks? Even if there exists a description of the path, who will discover the indications in the complicated symbols? Yet even a thoughtless person will understand the reason for such cautiousness. In ordinary life people know how to protect a beloved man. Where there is heart and feeling the means will be found. Brotherhood (1937) - 591: 591. Harmony of labor is so necessary that special attention is paid to it in the Brotherhood. We advise having several tasks on hand in order the more easily to bring them into agreement with the inner state of consciousness. A better quality will be attained by such a method. It is too bad if a man begins to detest his work because of transitory currents. Brotherhood (1937) - 594: 594. In all ages the Brotherhood had special Ashrams. They could be shifted but the Center stands firm in the cragged Towers. It should be affirmed that the currents of the Brotherhood are constantly pervading the world. One need not judge as to whether they are successful or unsuccessful; such premature deductions will only reveal a limited way of thinking about the Brotherhood. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 3: We watch inventors with great attention. We sometimes rejoice, but more often grieve. Our Tower is open to all that is new, and it is a special joy when the thought that is sent by Us has been accepted by a worthy worker. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 15: 15. Urusvati was amazed to see Our tension when sending ideas to remote distances. We are actually charged with electricity in order to increase the Primary Energy, and use unusual electrical apparatuses to create the special environment needed for the sending of thought. It can be seen that psychic receptivity may be increased in electric power plants, but such a saturation of the environment with electricity can also cause fiery sicknesses. Everywhere harmony is needed. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 23: In Our Abode We too must sometimes make use of vibrations, which are especially needed by those who are between the dense and subtle states. It is not accidental that We are so concerned about this subtle-dense state. This problem was foreseen ages ago and requires special care. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 30: 30. Urusvati is familiar with the varied ways in which light is manifested. Seeing flashes of light is an indication of a spiritual keenness of eye. In themselves these lights do not mean anything special, but they are like banners on the way to Us. The Northern lights, in their lowest degree, are not noticed by people. Similarly, the earliest flashes of the spirit are not evident to many. One can observe that small bright sparks will burst into flame and produce a rainbow-like illumination. Thus a beautiful aura is kindled around people. Note that these lights are especially visible in Our Abode. From ancient times they have been accumulated, and, if desired, can be made to blaze radiantly. In legends people are mentioned who could evoke around themselves a dazzling light. Thus, if one wishes one can be surrounded by a fiery force. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 31: 31. Urusvati understands correctly the reason for Our long-unchanging features. Relations with the Subtle World impose a special quality that belongs to the Subtle World. There one's appearance does not change except when there is a special desire for it. Thought creates form in the Subtle World. One can call forth any image chosen from the depths of centuries and fix it in the imagination, if the imagination is developed enough. Added to these conditions of the Subtle World is the unity that is strongly manifested in Our Abode. This helps in all details of daily life. It creates a salutary atmosphere and forges a fiery consciousness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 32: 32. Urusvati has recognized the existence of a certain substance that preserves equilibrium and provides longevity to the organism. I shall not reveal the complete composition of this substance, for it can be destructive to the physical state. Strong radioactivity is allowable in the subtle state, but can destroy the physical body. In earthly conditions even valerian can be too strong; therefore one must know how to discern the relationships between different substances. For example, during a certain experiment carried out by My Brother the strongest poison was taken, which would have been deadly for an ordinary man. But since My Brother's body was already close to the subtle state, the action of the poison was beneficial. Many instances can be cited when a lethal poison did not cause death. The reason for this can be found in the special condition of the organism. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 34: Those who judge by ordinary relative measures cannot discern causes and effects. I speak not only about the tension of labor but also about the vigilance that enables one instantly to weigh and decide what moment and which action are the most necessary. Each plea for help brings with it the emanations of the past and the aroma of the future. One should blend these harmonies in the consciousness and understand the meaning of disharmony. We should not help a man who is ready for evil, and must help one who is suffering. Contradictions often conflict, and only knowledge of the past will provide the balance. Nevertheless, no plea to Us is rejected, for by making such a request a person expresses his recognition of the Higher World, and the fact that such a Reality lives in space. We will not ignore a pleading voice. We will not reject any prayer, but will gather all salutary substances in order to offer goal-fitting help. In this is contained a special vigilance. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 38: 38. Urusvati treasures thought about the Mother of the World. Women's movements have a special significance for the immediate future. These movements should be understood not as an assertion of supremacy, but as the establishment of justice. Much has been said about co-measurement and equilibrium; precisely for the realization of this principle must the full rights of women be strengthened. One should not think that this will benefit only women; it will promote world equilibrium, and thus is necessary for harmonious evolution. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 42: You know about the special musical instruments that are in Our possession. Urusvati has heard them. The refined scale and rhythm of Sister Oriole should be acknowledged as the highest harmony. Often such singing has served to bring peace to the world, and even the servants of darkness have retreated before its harmonies. One should learn how to develop one's own musicality by all possible means. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 44: Moreover, one should not associate fieriness with mediumism. On the contrary, in fieriness the mucous membranes are dry and ectoplasm is not exuded. The special quality of fieriness stands quite independently. With it, courage is present and fear does not exist. Fiery people do not feel fear, and are not afraid of the manifestations of the Subtle World. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 44: Earthly physicians should distinguish a special kind of sickness caused by fear. Let them experience Our tension. Let them understand how harmful is fear. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 46: We consider it most important to preserve pure thinking. This is possible where burning evenly exists. Thought is sent when there is a developed ability to concentrate. There are special apparatuses that enhance the concentration of thought. They are useful for sending thoughts to great distances. You may be surprised to know that these apparatuses are made by fusing various alloys. This fusion was considered from ancient times to be a special science, and an alloy was called a choir of metals. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 48: 48. Urusvati is in constant communication with Us. It is not easy to receive the currents of intensified energy while remaining in a physical body amidst daily life. We consider such simultaneity a special achievement. One must be able to adapt oneself to the peculiarities of subtle energies. It can easily be shown that little time is needed for even the most detailed dreams. Complicated actions and lengthy discourses are assimilated instantly. Such features of subtle perception are characteristic of communication with Us. One may understand complicated sendings without knowing in which language they are given. The thought reaches the corresponding centers and reveals the essence of the communication. The communication is through the subtle body. One should become accustomed to this subtle perception. This cannot be understood without the broadening of consciousness. Many problems must be understood without earthly limitations. People often notice only one detail, then elevate it to an immutable law. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 54: The ignorant say that there could be a mistake, because someone could imitate the voice of the Teacher. But the broadened consciousness cannot make a mistake, for straight-knowledge cannot make mistakes. In a state of great tension a tremor may be felt, but then one can repeat one's question. It is especially difficult, because people cannot imagine what the spatial battles are like. In earthly conditions it is difficult to imagine a battle in the midst of Infinity. Even the Voice of the Silence is not understood correctly. Still, it is recorded and resounds in the consciousness. Each accepted or assimilated thought vibrates and resounds. Also, those who receive a thought frequently repeat it. This process has a special name - the sealing of the thought. You know how often we must repeat what we have received in order that it not evaporate. The least disturbance can break the reception, even with a broadened consciousness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 56: People do not realize that We have to treat them as dangerously ill. When We advise you to be cautious it does not mean that we consider you careless. On the contrary, We pay attention only when someone finds himself in a state of extreme tension and special caution is needed. If you think of yourself as a physician, your purpose becomes clearer. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 59: 59. Urusvati, through her straight-knowledge, discerns superhuman action. Let us examine the different kinds of human action. There are actions of free will, karmic actions, and actions performed under the influence of obsession. But there can be special kinds of action that do not fit into these categories. We call them superhuman actions. Chosen people fulfill Our missions, consciously applying their best will and abilities, yet their actions do not originate from free will or from obsession. Nor can they be called karmic actions, for in them karma may have been exhausted, or new karma started. Comparing all these, one may come to the conclusion that such action is a special expression sent by Higher Forces. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 64: 64. Urusvati reveres the dates. Do not be surprised that We return to this question of dates, which are so important in Our Inner Life. Many dates can be communicated to people, but the majority will not be able to benefit from them. For their egoism impedes, and causes them to apply all indications only to themselves. The date of a great event may be indicated, and they will awaken at that time in their beds and ask with irritation, "Where is that special event?" Also, people do not understand that indicated events often take place on another plane. Irritation and perplexity disturb the atmosphere; they serve no purpose, and clearing them away drains the energy. If only people could spare the energy that they turn to their own benefit! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 65: One reads about the special pains suffered by remarkable people. This is not only the so-called sacred pain, but also a deliberate acceptance of another's suffering. It can be said about Our Abode that there are no illnesses there, yet there is much suffering. This is unavoidable when one works for and helps humanity. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 66: 66. Urusvati has observed correctly that most of those who strive toward Us lose interest when they hear about Our labors. But We do not force Our call on anyone. Only one who is led by karma to the Great Service can become a trustworthy co-worker. One cannot impose a love for labor. Any coercion in this domain will only provoke aversion. He who knocks should be welcomed, but to gather idlers from the bazaar is not wise. Everyone can observe that friends approach by special paths, and neither ancestral nor racial considerations have any meaning. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 67: This does not mean that We cannot occupy positions of world leadership. We accept them sometimes, but only as a special sacrifice. One should understand broadly the possibilities that are beyond earthly ones. We are greatly saddened when a Brother or Sister must take leave of Us to go on an earthly pilgrimage. Who will understand this sacrifice? Who will show the needed care and solicitude for this voluntary action? Will not such a pilgrimage be the bearing of a cross? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 68: One can observe many anomalies when communing with Us. For example, some of Our replies are instantaneous, anticipating a question that has not yet been fully formulated, whereas others are often slow in coming. This can be explained either by atmospheric conditions, or because We are occupied with special work. There may be many different conditions, and they should all be observed. Let us also remember that frequently a delay in responding to a question is caused by care being taken to protect the information from undesired eavesdroppers. The sendings of thought can be intercepted, and that is why We advise you to be very careful both in word and thought. A whole new science can be developed that will study the dissemination of the energy of word and thought. The confirmation of the influence of word and thought on vegetation and on planetary conditions will depend upon this. We experiment with vibrations, and Our Brother Vaughan is also occupied with them. Many scientists should thank Him for his help. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 69: 69. Urusvati knows about those close to Us who have gone to the far-off worlds. The ignorant may spitefully misinterpret these departures, and few will understand that the flights are special missions. It is hard to imagine that between the worlds there exist links of thought. It is not easy for man to detach himself from his earthly solidity and realize that the most important place is not here on Earth but in what he perceives as a void. One must be reborn to understand that earthly beauty seems beautiful only because man does not know supermundane beauty. On Earth many things are understood in a distorted way, and people are always ready to imagine that among the worlds there is as much hostility as there is on Earth. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 70: Of course, there exist special organizations dedicated to whatever is of a destructive nature. We do not speak about them for their origin is clear. We wish now to draw your attention to the conduct of those who continually speak foolishly about the Brotherhood, and by doing so, discredit it. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 72: Sometimes We say, "Strive to Us with all your might." Such a call may seem unusual, but those who know understand the urgency contained in it. It is not easy to concentrate upon one object. People may labor for many years to develop this ability, yet at the hour of greatest tension even a small fly can disturb their striving. All of Us at some time have passed through such a strain. Success depends not on special abilities, but on intensified desire. Each one can try to strive to his Teacher, but he must strive so intently that he forgets all surroundings, whether it is day or night, warm or cold, for a short time or long. All this is within human power. And such striving is decidedly useful to Us, because it creates currents in space that meet in harmony with Our currents. If such beneficial thoughts were to be sent simultaneously from several countries, what powerful discharges they would generate! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 74: 74. Urusvati is right to grieve over those rituals that although outlived, yet still persist. Eternal wisdom is one thing, but ragged, outdated formulas that impede advance are quite another. In all domains of life one can see harmful survivals. They nestle everywhere, under royal robes, togas, or any other attire. They have grown so distant from their original meaning that it is beyond imagining how such absurd conventions could ever have expressed high symbols. In antiquity many seemingly strange rituals had special meanings which have now been completely forgotten. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 76: 76. Urusvati knows how to guard what has been entrusted. It is not easy to find a balance between withholding and disclosing. Beginners are eager to impart all they have learned, not thinking about the consequences, and many calamities have resulted from their foolish diffusion. But experience forges the measures of wisdom, and with time one can find the true ways of dissemination. The path is difficult, and you should weigh how much those with whom you speak can contain. A panacea must be dispensed in proper measure, neither more nor less. One can recall occasions when, after a long conversation, a question was asked that proved the listener's lack of understanding, the answer to which could have produced harmful results. We advise that the books of the Teaching simply be placed at the crossroads, so that they may find their own destiny. Thus We indicate special means of dissemination. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 76: Among traveling sadhus there may be objectionable people, but one can also find significant and learned ones. A wise observer will not pay attention to superficial details. In everything the essential must be understood. One may meet people who are close to Us, yet not recognize them. We are often saddened when a useful sending is not recognized, but the law of free will does not permit one to insist. Thus, also, the spreading of the Teaching has its special ways. In olden times people would say, "Make haste slowly." A careful balance must accompany the sending of the books of the Teaching. In centuries to come you will see how the Teaching given by Us should be spread. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 79: 79. Urusvati has experienced the most distressing earthly manifestation - the sensation of absolute darkness. It is terrible, for the intensity of the anguish it causes is equal to that of asphyxiation. Whence comes such injurious darkness? It might seem to be no more than a spiritual prevision, which, like straight-knowledge, plunges the entire organism into experiencing the feeling of an impending event. But in reality it is far more dangerous, for it is an emanation of planetary decay. When people come into contact with this darkness, their unspeakable anguish is understandable. These contacts are usually subconscious, for few have seen the pernicious darkness itself. For those, the feelings are especially strong. When contact is made with absolute darkness while in the earthly body, there may be extremely painful sensations, and even inflammation of the centers. We know this contact; it attacks the psychic energy. One must have a store of prana to withstand the attack of the poisonous substance. Contact with darkness is like touching a decomposing corpse. When We expect a particularly heavy pressure of darkness, We determinedly increase Our vital forces. Those who are under Our care receive a special measure of energy in order to withstand the attack of darkness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 85: The magnetism of objects can be seen in rings that change color, depending on events. The magnetism of water is known to you, but the magnetism of certain metals is manifested with more difficulty. Thus, We took Urusvati's ring to Our Abode to magnetize it. Let us not call such objects magical; they simply harmonize with the Primal Energy of the one who wears them. It is not the ring that indicates the events, but the Primal Energy of its possessor. Only pure silver can vibrate to the Primal Energy. Urusvati's ring could become red, black, or yellow, depending upon the events. We conducted this experiment because the radiations of the Primal Energy are of special interest to Us. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 90: 90. Urusvati has experienced the way in which a special concentration of the eyesight can help one perceive former incarnations. One would think that such concentration of the gaze would be natural for everyone; however, there are two conditions that make it exceptional while in the earthly body. An extraordinary intensification of psychic energy and tension of the optic nerves are required. The images of former lives are brought forth from the depths of radiant accumulations, and just as in a kaleidoscope, these separate fragments join together to form a complete picture. Such an experience is therefore difficult for those in their earthly bodies, and We rarely allow it because it can harm the eyesight. Even though it would be possible to see many remarkable things in this way while in the earthly body, the conditions of life do not allow frequent use of these natural possibilities. Even those of Us who are in physical bodies must experiment cautiously along these lines. People probably will not understand why, even in Our Abode, earthly laws must be applied. To most of them, everything is either possible or impossible. They do not want to understand that the laws of the Universe must be respected. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 91: In Our Community We use special apparatuses to broaden the capacity of the heart. We would be happy to share this knowledge freely, but human hands would only cause heartache. These apparatuses should not be used without having control of one's thoughts, otherwise the heart would be overburdened. In addition, the surrounding conditions should be suitable. You know how easy it is to contact Us when the fires of the heart are kindled, and the spirit rejoices in exaltation. Beware of irritation and fear, those petty obstructions that not only separate you from Us, but also burden Us. Seek nearby, seek in the small things, seek in everyday life. We are talking about the ways that lead to the far-off worlds. Petty obstructions are out of place in such preparations. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 108: 108. Urusvati saw the Ray that was filled with numerous eyes. Such evolutionary forms should also be faced and one must learn to accept their existence. A special ray is required to establish the visibility of these spatial forms, which are the prototypes of future creatures. These traces of great thought-creativeness are registered upon the layers of Akasha and are an illustration of the creative work of the Great Builders, who fill space with their ideas. By the currents of such powerful thought are born multitudes of forms. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 120: It is correctly observed that a special vibration is needed for the realization of the diamond of consciousness. This vibration originates in pure aspiration, for which conscious knowledge is required. There is neither magic nor sorcery in the ability to perceive this beautiful moment. When man brings impressions from the Subtle World into his physical life he may also perceive the Fiery Gates. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 120: We intensify and deepen these diamond moments through a clear understanding of their significance. Indeed, they are so brief that no effort is required. Prolonged communication with the Subtle World can be achieved, but simultaneous awareness of the two worlds is momentary. We are not referring to Our guiding powers and Our messages to the world. Our discourses, and My words, are not coming to you now from the Subtle World, but are the result of the transmission of thought from a distance. When Urusvati sees the events taking place in Our Tower it is a special function of telepathic vision, whereas discourse with Us corresponds to direct radio messages. That channel cannot be revealed to everybody, nor can everybody have access to Us. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 123: It may be asked, "Can the hierophants of evil approach Our Tower?" Indeed they can, although these approaches are very painful for them. Their fury gives them a strong impulse. At times We are obliged to use powerful discharges of energy to repulse the uninvited visitors. With such discharges We vanquish the enemies who try to approach Our Brothers. You can remember special currents that you sensed during the night. These currents are salutary and protective. Striving to Us will intensify them. Other influences may cause tears in the protective net, but Our currents do not delay in protecting you. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 125: Let us remember that they appeared on Earth under a special Ray, and therefore their birth is associated with particular legends. We shall not contradict these legends, because they encourage solemnity and help humanity to perceive the Great Images. Nor do We correct the dates that have been established by convention. On the contrary, We send forth benevolent thoughts at each of humanity's holy days. Solemnity is intensified if one is aware of the great achievements that are honored by these memorial days. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 125: All such Great Achievements are recorded in Our treasuries. The ignorant attempt to deny these truths, but fortunately We preserve the proof of these deeds. Thus, let us dedicate a special day to Great Achievements. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 134: The Stone from the far-off worlds is a significant teraph of the Brotherhood. Much has been written about this Stone. A part of it performs the duty of a messenger throughout the world, carried by the hands of the chosen. People call the Stone "Grail," but it has also been called by many other names. Legends of all times reveal some of the truth regarding this Stone, but its most significant aspect is not mentioned - the Stone is permeated with a substance that helps to preserve the vibrational communications with the far-off worlds. Likewise, a small particle of the Stone serves as a link with the Brotherhood. Thus again there is a scientific basis for a legend which has become a part of human history. We purposely emphasize the scientific aspect of this legend because the ignorant ones are ever ready to attribute everything to the darkness of superstition. Urusvati knows this Stone of Our Abode. We preserve it in a special place so that the vibrations may retain their original power. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 138: 138. Urusvati knows that We never regret the past. Precious is the striving to the future, and a special energy is attracted when thought about the future is alive. The most brilliant past cannot compare to the possibilities of the future. Science confirms that thoughts of the future are salutary, and regretful thoughts about the past are poisonous. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 139: 139. Urusvati knows that many decisive moments pass in silence. First may come a storm, with lightning and thunder, but the foundation is silence. When We suggest unification in silence, then somewhere something significant is taking place. Such concentrated silence gathers a special energy, which potentially is more powerful than even the loudest words. Very few understand silence as action. Our entire Abode sometimes merges into profound silence when something of great importance is taking place. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 149: 149. Urusvati remembers the Great Pilgrim. In the Arabian desert He was in solitude, but in a sheik's tent He found friends and helpers. He often remained alone, and one should not think that His journeys were always with wealthy caravans. Remember that everyone, when clad in an earthly sheath, is subject to the conditions of the physical world. It is usually supposed that when Our Brothers go into the world they will be placed in special conditions that are unnatural to them, but nature is a state conditioned by law. Every one of Us knows this and selects His path consciously. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 174: The Great Pilgrim also taught about the quality of achievement and said, "Whoever improves the quality of his labor is already performing a good deed. Even if he acts only for his own sake, he contributes to the benefit of others. One's labor has a special effect on others and everyone benefits from it. Not only on Earth are great deeds appreciated; the Subtle World, too, watches beautiful labor attentively." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 182: "Indeed, the time will come when mankind will finally realize the power of thought. And when man starts to study thought as a special science we may already be on the far-off worlds!" Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 202: When the essential comes, it comes in a special silence. But at such intense moments the clowns will produce their clamor, and ring their bells and strike their tambourines. It can be observed that just before a great event the mobs grow agitated, for they can sense its approach. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 207: 207. Urusvati knows that many do not accept the idea of the energy of thought. Furthermore, there are some who believe that thought transmission is limited, using as evidence the fact that radio waves cannot penetrate certain strata of the atmosphere. That observation is correct, but is not applicable to directed human thought, which has a special energy not comparable to radio waves. The strata of space are subordinate to thought, which has no obstacles. When We discuss transmission of thought over great distances We specifically have in mind directed thought. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 225: People often speak about the synthesis of science and spirituality, but the understanding of these two concepts remains vague. They must be connected by a special flame which We call exaltation. Without this ardor not only knowledge but even spirituality remains dead and unconnected. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 231: 231. Urusvati knows that even during difficult days joy generates power. Long ago We said that joy is a special wisdom. Truly, joy must be recognized, and realized. Gloomy people are clouded over by troubles and sorrows and they cannot see joy. Through the net of sadness people become blind and lose their strength, and cannot help themselves. Nor are they able to receive Our help, because depression and irritability block the way. It is as if no one had ever told them about the harm of depression. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 236: So much could be achieved if our eyes were not blinded by prejudice. Who would then deny that astrology is a science, and that there is a correlation between the planets? Even primitive man in the remote past could sense these special atmospheric influences. Science seems to confirm this chemical interdependence, but scientists fear being suspected of sorcery. Certainly, there are plenty of charlatans who endanger the reputation of astrology, but there are frauds in all sciences, yet no one rejects science as a whole because of this. One must speak plainly in order to remove prejudice from human consciousness. Many physicians, statesmen, and judges secretly consult astrologers. Let them find the courage to acknowledge it openly, at least as an experiment. This will introduce the subject to the general public. People long for knowledge, but they must be encouraged and helped in their approach to it. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 239: There are two types of people, the flaming and the flameless. They are like opposite poles and will never understand each other. These two extremes also exist in the Subtle World. People leave Earth with their characters formed and in the Subtle World follow their habitual ways. It is very difficult to kindle the flameless ones; a special shock is needed to light the precious ruby of the heart and awaken the slumbering hearts. Of course, much energy is wasted in this process. People do not understand what extreme measures are needed to awaken and kindle their hearts so that they may learn how to increase energy by an intensified feeling of love. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 253: The dangers that We repeatedly point out, caused by unbalanced, purposeless ways of living, are part of the supermundane existence - hence, the title of these particular notes of the Brotherhood. But instead of being actively concerned about their negative effect on the macrocosm, people ask how beings of other planets clothe themselves! If a house is on fire, however, and someone were to ask the owner about his clothes, the question would be considered inappropriate, or insane. How then can We impress upon the human mind that right now we are experiencing a fiery Armageddon in which much can be destroyed? We want to draw special attention to this so that people will understand how much depends upon them. Let us not be afraid to repeat "how much." Let these words make it clear that each microcosm is responsible for the macrocosm. Do not assume that such a comparison is out of order. The bond between the microcosm and the macrocosm is the foundation of the world. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 276: Special caution should be taken during periods of disturbed cosmic currents. You have read about cosmic dangers, but there are many more of them than scientists can detect, and the important point is to know what currents can counteract them. One should not only consider the dangers, but also be ready to resist them by all possible means. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 278: The preservation of psychic energy is necessary for the Great Service. People forget that the Great Service has many characteristics, the first of which is goal-fitness. Study the earthly lives of the Great Teachers and note their special kind of goal-fitness. I have in mind particularly Their earthly lives, when They were unaware of Their former lives. They fulfilled exceedingly difficult tasks over many centuries. Each had His private life, with the customs of its time and place, and Their inner wisdom often rebelled against various absurdities of the age. But in order to fulfill Their task They had to apply the greatest goal-fitness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 281: Everyone who wants to succeed should remember the joy of life. Each person who wants to contact the better currents should know the path that will bring him to Us. One need not fabricate special scientific reasons for such joy; it comes through the heart, and is absolutely real. This joy will enable one to better hear Our calls. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 282: Many people perish from these unknown ailments, and even the highest organisms will suffer if they are overworked or exposed to irritation. The illness of My Friend is an example. He went out with a great store of psychic energy, but the ignorance of the people around him, and their irritability and stubbornness, created a poisonous atmosphere. When in Our Tower We can use a special ozone, but I cannot deny that even there We suffer from the poisoned atmosphere. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 296: The question may be asked how one can reconcile astrology with these unexplained movements of heavenly bodies. The fact is that once astrology is understood to be based on the chemism of the stars, it will be seen that each heavenly body has an influence upon Earth, and an experienced astronomer will take into account the special influences caused by the various positions of the heavenly bodies. In the same way, astrology should make use of telescopes and accept clairvoyance. In fact, all fields of knowledge should be synthesized and applied. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 301: We have been compelled more than once to take special measures for the purification of space. But such discharges of energy cause shocks so strong that they have consequences in the Subtle World. Such arrows cannot be sent forth frequently. We are very concerned about those unwise people whose actions boomerang. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 308: Distrust disturbs the currents, and even if this disturbance is overcome by a special intensification of energy, the aftereffects of such a tension will be destructive. For a successful transmission of currents the recipient must be attuned to Us. It is not necessary for the recipient to send first; he must simply be receptive and not be surprised at the diversity of currents, which may feel pleasant or painful, depending on the condition of the various nerve centers. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 311: We affirm that the conditions of life must be continuously improved, and thus We contribute with Our thoughts to the evolution of nations. But bear in mind that the difficult conditions at the end of Kali Yuga require special measures, and understand how hard it is to resist the attacks of chaos. People underestimate this and simply want to gratify their personal desires. Very few try to comprehend the complexity of the counterattacks, which, unfortunately, people provoke by themselves. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 314: An important book could be written about the fluctuations of human understanding. The psychic realm is not understood any more now than it was in antiquity, and this fact deserves special attention. It is logical to assume that man's evolution would result in a broadening of consciousness in all spheres; why then has such an important realm as the knowledge of the Subtle World remained so misunderstood? The reason is that man fears everything that lies beyond the boundaries of the material world. The consciousness strives to knowledge, but the earthbound mind will whisper that it is not necessary to know about the hereafter. Sometimes even well-informed people will begin to doubt, and thinking that the Subtle World does not exist, they undermine their previous accumulations. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 334: The magnetism of objects can actually persist for centuries if the person who projected it does not withdraw his influence. Thus, the magnetic power lies not in the object itself, but in the individual. It must also be kept in mind that demagnetization can be effected by a special process. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 338: Powerful are human poisons, and salutary is psychic energy. Thus, when I speak about the necessity for psychic correlations, I advise you not only as a Teacher and humanitarian, but also as a physician. For example, I advise taking care of the spleen and keeping it clean. But at the same time I stress the need for preserving calmness and an atmosphere of solemnity. This may sound strange, for what can the spleen and a solemn mood have in common? In fact the spleen is the organ of harmony and must therefore be purified by a harmonious disposition. People assume that only the nervous system requires psychic influences, but such influences are also needed for various organs. The example of the spleen is indicative. I speak of this particular organ because it is rarely mentioned and needs special attention. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 339: Folklore preserves stories about sleeping beauties and knights who remained in states of suspended animation. Folk wisdom observes this as a special condition that is followed by renewed energy and heroism. Truly, the time will come when medical science will be able to create these periods of absolute rest for the renewal of vital forces. Experiments for this took place in ancient times. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 349: 349. Urusvati knows how emphatically We insist upon the need for harmony and unity. We often speak about unification, but now We wish to point out a special aspect of this concept - harmony. Only unification will bring right results. It is true that any kind of unification will intensify energy. Even unity in evil can be effective, but it can never be harmonious, for evil by its very nature is disharmonious. Also, unity in evil cannot last, and its results will be vague. But goodness is always harmonious, and it alone can produce meaningful results. Thus, by speaking of harmony We affirm goodness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 352: People may complain that contact with the Subtle World is not frequent enough, but even during one's ordinary waking hours unusual sensations can be felt - perhaps a strange sense of being absent, or an awareness of some invisible presence. If people would learn to be attentive, they would see and feel many inexplicable phenomena. No special concentration is necessary for this, because subtle reactions come unexpectedly and cannot be anticipated. You know that the most wonderful phenomena have taken place amidst the most ordinary surroundings. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 359: The ancients paid much attention to the study of the psychic nature of man, and such studies took place not only in the temples, but also in special schools, which, when later established in Greece, were called Academies. Many subjects were studied in them, including the legends, which were the main source of information about life in remote antiquity. Even now, scientists who study folklore can find there traces of profound wisdom. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 360: Therefore it is not only physicians who are equipped with the necessary knowledge about such matters; ordinary people can also give wise advice if sufficiently experienced and introspective. Long ago it was known that, even amid the most ordinary daily routine, it was possible to be in touch with reflections of the subtlest energies. Indeed, from the very depths of man's nature explosions erupt, as if a seal were opened by some special touch. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 360: There is a curious state of mind called idee fixe. I am not referring to possession, which may have similar symptoms, but to obsessive, constantly repeated assertions, which can have a special significance. Medical science considers the idee fixe to be dangerous, but this is a baseless judgment. If we accept this opinion, we must then consider many splendid scientific minds insane! It is time to revise the notion about the insanity of genius, otherwise we will have to conclude that fools and dolts have sound and healthy minds! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 364: Anxiety surrounds the nearby spheres, and special care should be taken for the preservation of harmony. These are unprecedented times, and the human consciousness is unable to perceive them properly. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 365: 365. Urusvati knows that it is extremely difficult for materialized entities of the Subtle World to reproduce the sound of the voice. This is understandable, for an entity is more accustomed to transmission by thought, and reproducing the voice is difficult. Of course, in cases of special harmony this difficulty can be overcome, though such a degree of harmony is rare. People do not know how to approach subtle guests in order to determine their needs. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 382: At times people notice a particularly intense manifestation of psychic energy. They may call such a state inspiration, or attribute it to particularly high spirits, or sufficient rest, or renewed strength. However, they simply sense the intensity of their own energy. They could achieve better results if they would realize that the source of such energy always abides within themselves. No special invocations are needed; one need only remember the treasure that lies dormant within everyone. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 383: Despite everything, sparks of Truth penetrate the human consciousness. Today the average person would not sneer at some ideas that were rejected half a century ago, but this acceptance has come at such sacrifice, and with so little progress! The sad fact is that the losses sometimes exceed the achievements. How then should the aspirant defend Truth? If he is slandered, thrown into prison, or killed, who will hear his last words? Therefore, a special wisdom must be applied in proclaiming and defending the Truth. Complete co-measurement must be applied. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 396: 396. Urusvati correctly observes that space sometimes falls silent and seems to be utterly without sound. One might mistakenly think that his hearing has been lost, but the true reason is that these are the instances when We have sent a special barrier to protect the sensitive ear from the howling and groaning that fills space. Why should the heart be burdened with such unbearable sounds of suffering when the accumulation of energy is needed? We know how difficult it is to bear the groans of space. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 396: We know how necessary it is to protect the sensitive ear from the excessive pressure of the roaring in space. Special caution is needed when the courageous heart is ready for limitless podvig. Such striving hearts must be safeguarded. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 423: 423. Urusvati knows the many future medical developments that are foreseen. Psychic energy will be understood, and patients will be examined to determine the quality of their psychic energy. Treatments will be enhanced by the application of the appropriate energy. It will be possible to surround a patient with a special kind of pure air that will augment his energy, and even the energy transmitted by a loving family member may be utilized. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 423: It will be possible to study the sources of many ailments that are latent in some people. Even now, special attention is paid to such carriers of disease, but their number is far greater than may be apparent. Carriers of specific latent diseases could be studied for research that would be conducted without harm. Many useful new measures will be applied when people pay sufficient attention to the energies within themselves. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 427: People talk about ceremonial rays. It would be better if they thought about rays of urgent assistance. In the midst of conflagration, a special collaboration is needed. We have already spoken of the time that is worse than war, and now such a time can be seen. Observers may think that its limits have been reached, but there is limitlessness in everything. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 428: Often people preferred to see the Great Teachers in the attire of their own country, which lent a special character to the Image. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 429: Often the hand that is writing about a lofty subject radiates a light that can be seen against a white sheet of paper. The radiation then accumulates in the manuscript and imparts to it a special significance. These luminous emanations of light remain for many centuries. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 429: The teacher should continue to remind the pupil about the vast numbers of natural phenomena that have remained unknown due to ignorance. In Our observations We are particularly saddened by the fact that people often pass by the special, precious proofs of the subtle nature of man without even noticing them. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 430: Remember that ectoplasm is exuded not only at special seances, but constantly, and only a strong and courageous consciousness prevents an excessive outflow. But what a dense atmosphere is formed by these shreds, and people have to breathe this refuse! Yet, there are also wonderful secretions, known as the food of the gods. We will speak about these later. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 434: It is true that the entities of the lower strata are fed by earthly emanations, and are drawn toward the earthly sphere in an attempt to devour human ectoplasm and continue to commit evil. However, their actions are not in accord with the laws of the Universe. They need not be taught evil, they learned it while in the earthly state and continue to practice it intuitively, because goodness for them is meaningless. There is no need to assume that some special hierophant of evil is necessary for an evil action to occur. On Earth, the most insignificant, gloomy person can commit sufficient evil, and near him are the subtle entities that know all the delights of evil-doing. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 436: I use a special apparatus, which Urusvati has seen, that requires certain conditions not available to ordinary physicians. This does not mean that treatment by vibration is not possible for them, although under all conditions a particularly sharp perception and flexibility of mind are required. The physician may decide to use one kind of current, then decide quickly that he must alternate it with another. He must also know whether a cooling current or a hot one should be applied. There should be no mistake in this, or undesirable results may follow. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 449: We always advise unity as the basic requirement for collaboration, but if sometimes you notice that We place particular stress upon it, there can be many reasons. The most likely is a special need for consciously united energy - when a poisonous spider attacks, all attention is needed. A crafty enemy demands concentrated, united effort.