Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 312: Children! Action, action, action. Thoughts of good raise your vibrations to those of the Master's Soul. Remember, the Master's Soul is your abode. Do not forget Him in your striving for Bliss. In the name of humanity I am speaking to you. The Master is ever at your door - but leave the door open. Await Him and He will respond to your call, As responds the flower to the call of the morning sun. In My Name go through life, and you will conquer the darkness. The rain cloud will not find you, nor will the burning sun cause you suffering. For I am your Guardian, your Friend and Father. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 428: I feel that you can understand. I am speaking about serious matters. I can raise My Hand for the chosen ones. I will hold high a shield. Denarius, accursed offspring, obstruct not the path of Light! Denarius, belittle not a pure manifestation. Do not fail to see the clouds - Life is joyful for him who has wings. My Smile shields you. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.7.5: 1.7.5. Cease speaking of enemies when an achievement can kindle a great light. Solitude will transmit the message better than the murmurs of crowds. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.18: When men began to visualize Christ as an inaccessible idol, there began a period of visions of Christ in most realistic forms. He appeared as very close to men, entering into their daily life. Briefly speaking, every popular error is corrected. In the day of woman's humiliation one may trace the appearance of the Divine Mother. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.5.2: In the name of Christ great crimes have been committed. Therefore, Christ nowadays clothes Himself in other garments. One must discard all the exaggerations. We are not speaking of slightly embellished works only, as even through the volumes of Origen corrections were slipped in. Therefore, it is time to change conditions in the world. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.15: Christ advised to distribute spiritual wealth. But, as the keys to it are far away, people have applied this advice toward the distribution of pillaged money. First to steal and then to give away with a tear and become enraptured by one's own goodness. As if in speaking of distribution the Teacher could have had in mind chairs and old coats! The Teacher meant imponderable wealth. Only the spiritual gift can move the cup of the scales. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.7.18: I am speaking about the pictures of the future. In conformity with quality of auras, these pictures are real and extend in a definite direction. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.12.3: In so speaking, I have in mind spirits subject to karma and to the law of dates. The evolution of free spirits is a different one. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.19: Do away with sighing and tearful faces when speaking about tests. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.6: 3.6.6. In the formation of new communities, it is necessary to have in mind a troublesome specific human trait - I am speaking of envy. From rivalry there gradually arises the viper of envy, and in the same nest are falsehood and hypocrisy. New Era Community (1926) - 30: It is useful to look back upon remote epochs, when this consciousness was awakened. We see that not in a day of flowering of science but during the proclamation of religion was the cosmic consciousness awakened; for not hypotheses but only knowledge of the spirit leads to the starry paths. I regret that no astronomical calculations could advance the moment of communication, for the same reason that the ant does not shoot with a gigantic cannon. It is indeed essential that such achievement be manifested by means of the spirit. Here we are speaking materially, as it were, but without the spirit it is impossible to apply this energy. Indeed the spirit gives a certain quality to matter. The condition of the Earth requires an extraordinary physician. The planet is sick, and if efforts to push it forward do not succeed, then it may be better to remove it temporarily from the chain - it may become as the moon. Hotbeds of the lower strata of the Subtle World have become dangerously intolerable. Also it is impossible to forget how humanity has fallen under the influence of the lower levels of the Subtle World. New Era Community (1926) - 58: It is possible to investigate the secret words of all epochs and see a spiral of piercing light. A legion of worms cannot alter the tip of the spiral, and obstacles merely intensify the ray of light. The law of reflexion creates new forces. And where the speaking one is silent the mute shall speak. New Era Community (1926) - 125: Understand concentration as a test of consciousness. Let Me see you proceeding aspiringly and consciously. I am speaking for immediate fulfillment. New Era Community (1926) - 177: You know that physical manifestations react on large groups of people. This cannot be called insanity, but is a particular manifestation of collective unity. One may visualize the reaction of subterranean gases and the dust of atmospheric bodies. Some paralyze psychic actions, but on the other hand there are such exciters that the Pilot must take urgent measures. Speaking about the possibilities of psycho-technics, We have no intention of destroying anyone's apparatuses. We, as Members of the Community, pursue the task of true economy, and each psychic apparatus must be safeguarded. Carefulness is the more needed because often the potential of psychic energy does not coincide with intellect, and it is necessary to determine the quality of psychic possibility. Forcing psychic energy into a direction foreign to it will be a most dangerous aspect of compulsion. New Era Community (1926) - 191: Can the above-mentioned concepts be applied in city life? Just now We were speaking about the absence of observation power, without which diagnosis is impossible. We spoke about lack of patience, and this means analysis is impossible. Lack of courageous steadfastness excludes control. Falsehood and hypocrisy will not admit cooperation. Fear will becloud any prognosis. There remains to set the longest tables and to repeat in chorus half-understood words. New Era Community (1926) - 202: Let us cite the example of Our Community. Our Friend, the chemist V., wishes to occupy himself with a new analysis of rays - no one prevents him. Our Friend K. wishes to improve the radio by applying new light waves - no one hinders him. Our Sister P. is occupied with the social problem of a neighboring country - no one interferes with her. Our Sister U. is occupied with agriculture and introduces many adaptations - no one hinders her. Sister O. loves medicinal plants and problems of education - no one hampers her. Brother H. has devised a remarkable loom, and also works on the reorganization of communities. Brother M. is occupied with historical researches. Our shoemaker writes remarkable philosophical treatises. Each one decisively finds work to suit Himself and can change it at will. Thus, necessary is both the desire to work and the open consciousness through which each labor becomes attractive. For the labor is performed for the future, and each one carries his best stone. Here and now before the face of the mountains, We are speaking for the future. And you shall transmit these words to the valley dwellers, and once again they will remember about the possibility of the existence of the Community. New Era Community (1926) - 205: 205. Not needed by Us are well-meaning Nicodemuses who come by night and keep silent by day in the Sanhedrin. Each one must guard the secret entrusted to him, yet he must have ready a word about Us. Firm words can stun the adversaries. Say that it is curious to see one speaking about that which he knows not. If they speak against the hidden treasures, say that even the sea is full of sealed bottles. If they speak against the Community, say that he who reveres Christ, Buddha or Moses does not dare to speak against the Community of Good. The worst thing is to bring false accusation, for in it is falsehood, and slander, and betrayal, and ignorance. Say "Since the Teacher exists, why not make use of His wise counsels? You do not make use of them for you know not how to receive them. Hasten to become aware of the Mahatmas not in history but in life, and in the meantime keep your ignorance to yourselves." New Era Community (1926) - 230: And so, We shall ask "Why then does the skeptical man in the street unceasingly spin legends and weave myths?" A thousand years suffice to polish a most exquisite myth, and a man of social standing is lauded onto a paper Olympus. And newborn skeptics hang upon the edge of his mantle, persuading their comrades to the throne the new heaven-dwellers. Anew tailor re-cuts the mantle and the myth is born. We are not speaking about these phoenixes just for a smile. It is necessary at last to assimilate the manifestation of reality. And any manifestation of ignorance must be realistically uncovered and thrust out of the community. Agni Yoga (1929) - 159: 159. Why is the Yoga termed Fiery? Its power enhances the vividness of life and extinguishes all that is unworthy. The manifestation of fire brings light into matter. Properly speaking, where there is fire, there is clear evidence of progressive perfectment. Agni Yoga (1929) - 216: Let us take an example. At the beginning of the nineteenth century there rose a tide of romanticism without, however, an understanding of its essence, or, properly speaking, without heroism. In the middle of the same century the world became enveloped in a negative materialism, failing even to study the true properties of matter. The close of the century was given over completely to decline, even though a reassessment of values had been indicated. The beginning of the present century was marked by war and national upheavals, although the recognition of psychic energy pointed toward the conquest of other worlds. Thus by free will were the destined values perverted. In the middle of our century there will flash forth signs of new, as yet unmastered energies, and again people will scurry about in false directions. Therefore it is time to give the signs of the true path to those who can see. Let them have enough time to familiarize themselves with it, remembering how little time is left. Agni Yoga (1929) - 303: An enemy is something unknown, one which must be recognized, conquered, and transformed into the familiar - properly speaking, the cognized. During this process one should also observe oneself. Approaching his quarry, the hunter must calculate each of his actions. Agni Yoga (1929) - 314: 314. One should know that the time for change is different for every formation of matter. If matter is changed in one place, that does not mean that the entire group of planetary bodies will be changed at the same time. Properly speaking, if Satya Yuga were to begin on one planet, it would take a very long time to spread and unite the entire group of planets, though the signs of such spreading would soon appear on some planetary bodies. One should never limit one's thinking to a single planet. Agni Yoga (1929) - 457: For a mother these observations are not difficult; she has only to know what and why she is observing. I am not speaking about harmful indulgence, without correct evaluation. The observer assesses the child's abilities unobtrusively, offering seemingly casual impressions of guidance. It can be noticed how joyously the eyes of a child open when its movements and its exclamations about things that are most dear to it are lovingly supported. Derision is the worst educator. Sensitiveness reveals a degree of culture. One cannot make Agni Yogis, one can only open the path for them - the cosmic manifestation does not permit any forcing. But where the flower of fire is ready to blossom, do not hinder. Agni Yoga (1929) - 601: 601. Scientists speaking about the subconscious, about cerebral and nervous reflexes, about animal magnetism, about telepathy, certainly speak of one and the same thing - of psychic energy. But this term is somehow not uttered. These snatches of knowledge beg to be united into one current, but narrow-mindedness prevents the proper relating of these various fragments of knowledge. Pure science is not afraid of alleyways. Attention is being paid now to the study of secretions, and perhaps this particular direction, the investigation of glandular secretions, will call attention to the existence of other secretions. Glandular secretions have only recently attracted attention, although ancient medicine pointed out the importance of secretions long ago. This matter was avoided, although all of nature proclaimed it. Is it possible that dialectics and materialism are only limitations? The development of consciousness brings us into closer contact with the entire mighty energy. Is it possible to think as before, with only half one's brain, not caring about the locked-up treasures? Agni Yoga (1929) - 646: 646. Many words are spoken about the Teaching of Life, but few are put into action. There is little value in those who repeat the Teaching without applying it. We are not speaking about those who lack understanding, but those who have approached the Teaching are responsible for their thoughts and actions. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 17: 17. You are right in speaking of the One Origin. Herein precisely is the core of evolution contained. In this cognition is the Arhat's highest attainment on Earth. When humanity will realize the great unity between Infinity and the particles, and know the mutual relationship between light and darkness, then may it be told of the path of the "Lion of the Desert." So much is imposed upon the cosmic fires, yet recognition is denied them. Where men see a boundary between two beginnings, the Arhat sees only one great Origin. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 41: What remains for our planet to extract from the Primary Source is evident through the conception of Infinity. Our planet is stratified and permeated by the properties of cosmic fires; and man, as a magician, can propel his magnetic power according to his desire. He can express his striving through the tension of his psychic energy directed into Space. Clarity of thought gives impetus to this direction. We are not speaking of magic formulae, but We wish to direct your spirit toward the limitless possibilities. The belief that all is illusion results in curtailment of one's self-expression. Cosmogony and astrochemistry are as applicable as are geography and history. Could you but know what the Lords have seen, you would find understanding of the immensity of non-concatenated matter. Not the mystery of a temple, but the Sacrament of Infinity! Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 66: 66. Cosmos consists of the several psycho-spatial foundations of Materia Matrix. Macrocosm and microcosm have as their foundations, or, more correctly speaking, as a common foundation, the Cosmic Atom. The separating and unifying energies are one and the same, but the psycho-dynamic force binds them materially. This is the eternal law of Infinity differentiation, mutual tests, and the eternal assembling of disconnected atoms which carry the manifestations of the Origins. Cosmos is designed as the great builder and heart of the cosmic energy. The harmonizing, creative, spatial force, finding the particles which belong to each other, is subjected to the great psycho-dynamics of cosmic evolution. Cosmos, the Builder, and its reflection, the microcosm, live by the same law. An unlimited harmonizing process goes on in Cosmos. He who seeks Truth will discover the beauty of unending Be-ness. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 77: 77. How can one assert that the manifestation of the atom is bereft of psychic life? Can a living organism comprise deadness, when the manifestation of life is conditioned only by vitality? The principle of psycho-life is affirmed by the whole of Cosmos. The thought of psycho-life in each atom, in all manifestations of Cosmos, is affirmed by Us. We affirm that even the creative consciousness is psycho-life, otherwise speaking, the Fire of Space. Psycho-life without end is stored in the higher worlds. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 128: 128. The very essence of the Cosmic Magnet is potentially so multiform that every principle enters into each of its manifested chains. All principles are based on attraction and are impelled by the power of the Cosmic Magnet. Throughout Cosmos there is being built a life of resistance to the principles which do not lead to manifestations of evolution. Cosmic magnetism combats the diverting force. And if we follow the historical course of the development of races, we become convinced that those traces which have strayed from the path of evolution were thus drawn into dissipation. True, it may be said that races are born and die, but so utterly different are the steps of each succeeding race that it may be said that the departing races include both those who have been wasters and those who have been accumulators. In speaking of races, one must consider also their adjoining sub-races. The course taken by a race is determined by the correlation with the Cosmic Magnet - the acceptance or resistance to the destined. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 202: 202. The spiral striving lives in the entire Cosmos. Whither a striving spirit propels itself, the circles of its lives are born. Thus, the spirit itself establishes the exact spiral of its ascent. A striving of the spirit toward crude manifestations describes a corresponding circle in the Cosmos. Striving of the spirit toward higher manifestations describes also a corresponding circle. This law applies to all manifestations. When We speak of the centers of the Cosmos, We are also speaking of the corresponding centers of the Agni Yogi. The powers of energies are distributed according to identity, and the power of the most subtle energies will be absorbed by the sensitive organism. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 216: 216. The quality of the fire is asserted through the tension of the Magnet. The magnet of the spirit determines that step which can be manifested. When the spirit can ally itself with the higher spheres, then it assimilates the currents of the Cosmic Magnet. The same attested fire of spirit predetermines the fires of the planet. Certainly, speaking of the predestined fires of the planet, We have in mind only that fire which humanity can assimilate. There is no conformity between the transmissions and the assimilation, so great are the dimensions of the other spheres. Therefore, it is so difficult to reach unity while the race is being assembled. The races are affirmed as currents of new forces, and while the channel is eternized by evolutionary movement, each new current has its own cosmic note. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 339: 339. The motion of the molecules sends out the vibrations of currents of identical energies. The cosmic seeds are being saturated with the energies of the vibrations of impelled molecules. In speaking of the cosmic seeds, one may call creation a state of magnetic consciousness. When energies are attracted to an identical center, the cause of this attraction may be discovered. Whether the energy be called an impulse or a whirling vortex, its base is consciousness. Indeed, when it is possible to define an energy as one impetuously surging toward fusion, the driving force of the Magnet is confirmed. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 21: 21. The potential of spirit of Our Brothers comprises in itself energies identical with those of Cosmos. When We strive toward evolution it may be said that the currents of Cosmos bring identical currents. The Fire of Space lives by the same impulse. Indeed We always imply Sisters as well, when speaking of Brothers. The Origins are affirmed as the equilibrium in Cosmos. He who denies the principle of balance affirms imbalance. Cosmic creativeness necessitates the spirit impregnation of one Origin by the other. Thus, the Origins are created in Cosmos for reciprocal creation. The manifestation of reciprocal creation is affirmed as the symbol of Be-ness. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 52: 52. How much striving is dissipated by humanity in the search for phenomena, without heed to the voice which directs it toward the power of spirit-understanding. Does the materialization of objects have such powerful attraction that the understanding of the transmissions of spirit and energy can be erased? How can materialization, which suffocates the consciousness and which leads only to visible manifestations, direct the spirit to the far-off worlds? Each manifested form is of itself a cosmic phenomenon. Humanity has arrested itself upon the step of search for visible manifestations. In speaking of the far-off worlds, one should accept the entire broad understanding of infinite growth. Let us confirm our consciousness upon the thought of the far-off worlds. The stimulus of spirit creativeness comprises the entire boundlessness of striving. In it is preserved the great cosmic striving. Only with the understanding of invisible materialization can there be true striving, because in that great impulse of the Universe, is comprised the entire cosmic creativeness. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 55: 55. You are correct in speaking of humanity's lack of insight. When we approach the ominous hour, all forces must be strained for the mighty step. It has already been told that the Epoch of Maitreya is approaching, and the signs are strewn as fiery seeds; hence, the ominous hour will be one of Light for those who are in step with the Cosmic Magnet. Hence, the ominous hour will be as a future Light for those who battle for the significance of the Epoch of Maitreya. Hence, cooperation with Us brings the predestined victory. Therefore, the co-workers who walk in self-denial will be victors. Proceeding in step with the Cosmic Magnet, you affirm victory! Yes, yes, yes! Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 72: 72. The incompatibility between spirit and matter compresses itself like a rushing vortex. When the spirit is burdened by contacting imperfection through the shell, it begins a battle which discloses this imperfection. The shells that impede the spirit are like encumbrances obstructing the path. Truly, encumbrances! The cosmic creativity incessantly clears away strivings toward darkness. Humanity's chief lack, lack of understanding, lies in this expressed disharmony. When the spirit and the shells which clothe it will be in harmony, humanity will come closer to the cosmic union. Thus, when the striving to the fiery process will be assimilated a new step will be affirmed. The striving of humanity to the manifestation of imperfection is developed upon the principle of light-mindedness. Speaking of the highest harmony, it is said that Cosmos creates upon the principle of unity of life. Therefore, one may attain only through unity. Thus, the Infinite summons spirit and matter. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 102: 102. You are correct in speaking of the inner growth; this lever develops an action similar to the pull of a magnet. When Our Tara manifests her self-sacrifice for the benefit of mankind, it may be said that an invisible flame is moving humanity in conformity with the Cosmos. When Our Guru in self-sacrifice submerges into the earthly spheres, it means that he is invisibly propelling the human development. Thus, humanity's growth is intensified through the invisible levers of the spirit. Hence, the growth of the works through tensity is revealed as similar to the growth of an inner magnet. Therefore, the might of the spirit is invincible. Hierarchy (1931) - 68: Therefore, in speaking of the Infinite, we will not imagine it as something void or measureless, but as something integral in its incessant ascent. And is not the entire Infinite expressed in your consciousness, for where are the measure and boundaries of your consciousness? Thus, from the smallest to the Greatest, proceed by steps, each link being visible and tangible. There the indicated experiment will serve you in seeing through the physical, impenetrable forms which stand before you. From the evident proceed to the reality that will enrich your path. Heart (1932) - 2: 2. Many legends tell of the fulfillment of wishes, but they do not speak of the fundamental condition of issuelessness, which whets the desires to the point of immutability. Each tiny deviating path already dulls the arrow of immutability. But as one who is unaccustomed to the water can swim when in danger of being drawn to the bottom, so the solution of the fulfillment of a wish is found when all paths are cut off. People say a miracle has happened! But often it was only the intensification of the psychic energy. The heart, the sun of the organism, is the focus of psychic energy. Thus, in speaking of the heart we must have in mind the law of psychic energy. It is beautiful to sense the heart as the Sun of Suns of the universe. We must understand the Sun of the Highest Hierarch as our Banner. Beautiful is this Banner, like an invincible power if our eyes have assimilated its radiance, reflected in our heart. Heart (1932) - 16: 16. Here We are speaking of direct striving to Us. We speak about the benefit and success which result from such direction. It would seem enticing to test this remedy. But how many attempt to go by this path? Whereas, each one who has tested Our panacea will say that Our Advice is beneficent. He will confirm everywhere and always that when his thoughts remained with Us, he was successful. Each failure was due to the strain upon the silver thread. How beautiful it would be if on completing a day each one would question himself regarding the quality of his thinking during these hours! How powerful could one become in the realization that his thoughts have strengthened the linking thread! The appearance of unfit thoughts could be eradicated at once, but people are such that they listen without hearing and do not read beyond the sight. Heart (1932) - 19: 19. If people, at least partially, could feel the essentiality of a moment, they would help Us greatly. Without speaking about the exact discernment of an occurrence, even the general mood would already strengthen the magnet of the will. People do not take into account to what extent unconscious vegetating complicates the world order! The heart, as a hearth of transmutation, must prompt everyone about the pressure of the spiritual atmosphere. It should not be thought that the heart suffers only concerning oneself, of course it pains because of universal agitation. One should attempt to unite the hearts into a harmonious round; even a little-tested heart will contribute its valuable energy to the common chalice. The heart strengthens Our sendings, pushing aside the new weeds. There are many untested hearts, but still more that are covered up with ashes. Many sparks are needed to penetrate the cold ashes. Heart (1932) - 228: 228. It is no honor to be tempted by the dark ones. It is no honor to lack resourcefulness in speaking against the dark machinations. Let us not imagine that the machinations of the attacking ones will lessen. It is not correct to assume that some day there will come undisturbed rest. Each shock is but a touchstone. Thus, each oppression must be regarded as the tension before the leap. Who could exhaust the depth of spirit if it exists? Who, then, can measure the saturation of the heart, and with what measures? Verily, the heart is responsible for itself. Verily, only the language of the heart can impart the essence of existence. Therefore we shall not be afraid of the intensifying oppression. Doubt can weaken each tension; therefore doubt is repudiated, and its begetter is called the father of falsehood. Heart (1932) - 242: 242. Speaking of the kinds of love, let us note the love that holds back and the love that inspires. In essence the first love is earthly, and the second heavenly. But what a multitude of constructive efforts were destroyed by the first! And a similar multitude winged by the second! The first is aware of all the limitations of space and consciousness; but the second has no need of earthly measurements. It is without handicaps of space or considerations of death. The first knows the world as a planet; but the second is not impeded even by the destruction of the planet, because before it are all worlds. Verily, the second love embraces the physical world and the Subtle and Fiery Worlds as well. It kindles hearts for the highest joy and is thus indestructible. Thus, let us expand the heart - not for Earth but for Infinity. Heart (1932) - 299: 299. The lower spheres are so greatly littered that, without exaggeration, oxidation of the meteoric dust occurs, because the chemical reactions of psychic energy are primarily reflected upon metals. This simple observation can be studied upon metallic objects worn by people of various psychic natures. Of course, the littering of the spheres closest to our planet is very destructive. The lower subtle bodies, like swindlers at the bazaar, loiter about, thus obstructing the successful formation of the spiral of constructiveness. It is necessary to be possessed of special striving in order to penetrate beyond the limits of these dread accumulations. Thus, we should not believe that thinking is without consequences; even the broadest chalice can be overfilled! The more so since gravitation during rotation arrests many particles of light weight. Thus, when We speak about the necessity of purifying psychic energy through refinement of thinking, We have in mind the purification of the lower spheres. Speaking in the language of the Church, it is necessary to conquer the infernal hordes. Heart (1932) - 506: 506. First of all, it is necessary to have simple respect for psychic energy. It is necessary to respect an energy which, like fire, pervades all of space and condenses in the nerve centers. Even children should remember that this uniting energy is emanated in every handshake, every glance. Striving to respect it will also inspire care for this treasure of the heart. Respect befits every rational man. One need not be ashamed in speaking of respect, for it is dissipated by mankind. How can one expect the manifestation of heart energy if there is no respect for it? The manifestation of energy comes only with its realization. If the law of justice holds, it is necessary to respect everything that leads to the heights. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 96: 96. Achievement should be the subject of conversation on each significant day. One should regard achievement as something invoked and not become weary of speaking and thinking about it. Misfortune is begotten by disparaging achievement. It is as if a large temple image were being carried through a narrow door, and in the jostling the most precious ornaments were broken. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 129: 129. If we begin to speak about firespouts, many will altogether fail to grasp the meaning, and others will think we refer to coarse electrical manifestations. Yet, one should ponder deeply upon this subtle fiery action. You have just seen how a mere scratch has caused a fiery burning. Such a manifestation is not from a physical infection. A firespout touched the torn tissue. Similar manifestations can be observed which conform to external fiery tensions. The torn tissue, with all the nerve outlets, serves as a magnet, as it were, for the fiery waves. Indeed, those people who possess vigorous heart energy can more strongly attract the waves of tensed Fire. Therefore, in such cases I recommend water compresses, but no alcoholic preparations. During the tension of Fire alcohol must be avoided, for it concentrates the fiery waves. Many drunkards could give instructive testimony about the fiery waves that cause such sufferings! Of course, I am not speaking now about nerve conflagrations, which only a few have observed. Even so, the firespouts must not be forgotten in such a tense time. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 163: 163. Perfectly comprehensible is the desire to know why in visiting the Subtle World we are not struck by the polychrome of the auras. In the first place, the consciousness transposes many impressions, but the main thing is that there exists a synthesized harmony. It is indeed possible to distinguish the degree of illumination, and the radiation itself, just as in the carnate world, can be evoked mentally. It would be unbearable if the whole Subtle World were atremble with many-colored rainbows. Even on Earth the rainbow can sometimes be irritating. But the Subtle World is actually aglow in perfect harmony. We are not speaking about the lower strata, where it is impossible to find harmony. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 169: 169. Once again we are faced with a series of threatening events. Again I remind you about the Lion Heart. I am not speaking about failures, because grave events are pregnant with many consequences. Be not amazed at the tension and at special alternating waves. One must know the manifestation of derangement of rhythm. Wherever all is well let us not have to reiterate that you hold fast to Me as the only support. Execute My Decree in the most precise manner; precision is essential, for small clefts are very dangerous. One must hold out with the Lion Heart. Let us not think that the enemies are weak, for they are strong; yet I am not speaking to distress you, but only in order to affirm the Lion Heart. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 355: 355. Rhythm or melody? Correctly speaking, it is rhythm which creates vibrations. As you know, the music of the spheres consists primarily of rhythm. The Fire is in the rhythm, but not in the context of the melody. Of course there may be happy coincidences when melody becomes rhythm. One should thoroughly understand the connection between rhythm and Fire. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 115: 115. If people were able to draw an account of the quality of a day, they could avoid many difficulties. Indeed, astrology is a very exact science, and it demands extremely accurate correlation. It is evident that astrological data is limited to place and time. This is quite comprehensible when we picture a plan of intersecting currents. Thus, above all possible inaccuracies of our astrological interpretations, there exists the great indicator - the heart. The two sources must be unified. Let the most exact calculations of astrology be united with the heart. The heart will tell in its own silent language where is the hardship which must be outlived, or the joy which must be utilized. But let the wisdom of the heart not be turned into superstition, and let the tablet of the astrologer not become a dried skeleton. A great number of petty circumstances vibrate in space, and only the fiery heart can understand the invisible network of causes. The Rays of the Luminaries intersect nations, races, individuals. One may recognize the immutability of the chemism of the constellations, but the analysis of such diverse confluence must be very carefully interpreted. The heart can assist, but even in straight-knowledge it is guided by Hierarchy. With justice people turn to the science of astrology, but without the fiery heart they may find themselves in an impassable jungle. Thus let us remember the heart, otherwise speaking, the Hierarchy. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 240: 240. The consciousness directed to Us is continually being refined. The process of refinement becomes a code of every day. Could it be admissible that the subtlest energy be turned into chaos? Everywhere it has been said, "Whoever comes unto Me shall also abide in Me." This must be understood literally. The subtlest energy cannot be turned into amorphousness; therefore I am so concerned about refinement of consciousness. Complication by grossness only demonstrates that the heart energy has not reached a level where it is no longer threatened with drowning in the waves of chaos. One must hasten with the refining process. Each ulcer begins with the smallest decomposition of tissue. A drop of resin can make healthy the ailing tissue, but for a neglected ulcer not even a pot of resin can be of help. Create a manifestation of refinement in the very midst of life. Why only in words, or in glances, when heart energy is multiplied precisely in thoughts. The collecting of the most precious is only for the purpose of returning it. Who, indeed, would not wish to give something of the best quality? Only a cheat will try to offer something unfit or useless. One must keep watch over one's thoughts, in order to send those of the best quality. I am not speaking in the abstract. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 250: 250. Despair is first of all ignorance. I am speaking not for encouragement, but for advancement. Many beautiful structures have been destroyed through unfitting despondency. It always attacks a man on the eve of complete attainment, when it seems as if someone has temporarily extinguished the fires; but the disciple does not know such terror. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 357: 357. Constructiveness, striving for victory, is already a bond with the rhythm of Higher Worlds. Victory is inherent in each seed. The seed in its essence is eternal. It is transposed from one form into another, but it preserves an ineradicable essence. Guard and honor greatly each grain, each seed of life; in it is contained the highest fiery energy. Even in the finest scientific investigations people will not discover it. It is measurable by fiery measures, and only the fiery heart can sometimes grasp the pulse of the seed of life. But speaking about the impossibility of discovering the seed of life by means of earthly measures, let us not, for all that, distress the scientists; for they still can observe much. The science of the seed can give great benefit. Also one should be reconciled by the fact that the discovery of the seed of life in dense form would lead to the destruction of the World. Correlations of equilibrium would be violated, and no earthly forces could restore them. But when people will apprehend the Subtle World and assimilate the Teaching about the Fiery World, they will advance many steps toward victory over the flesh. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 446: We would wish that that which is taking place could keep people from madness. Planets are speaking with bloody rays, but this ancient science is also dead in the hands of destroyers. Worthy minds suffer under the laws of madness and ignorance. Light-mindedness is not in conformity with the discoveries of science. Indeed, each one may prepare an abyss for himself, if he wishes. But madmen have no right to drag worthy ones along with them. In addition, very grave is the last conjunction of the luminaries. It is necessary to contact carefully the fiery forces. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 28: 28. Man himself affirms that power which governs his being. This power will consist of the principal qualities of the spirit. People live under the dominion of various potentials. One may distinguish the manifestations of construction and destruction. Those who live under the power of Beauty are attracted toward constructiveness. They create by their potentiality the mastery of spirit. They regenerate life through Beauty. But how terrible is the life of those who live by the power of destruction! Of course, speaking of the power of destruction, one should have in mind the power of selfhood, which is opposed to the power of Beauty. Thus one should understand clearly that a man either casts himself into an abyss or is uplifted into Infinity. The domination of spirit and heart is a great cosmic law. Therefore the Fiery World creates through the power of spirit. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 155: 155. Of all the subtle energies the most receptive is the energy arising from the heart. The current which is united with the Fire of Space must have radiation from the heart. This concept is deeper and broader than is customarily thought. In speaking about the heart current, it is needful to think about its creative power, for indeed, when a thought has been felt deeply it can create. Actually, when the heart beats in unison with the Cosmos all currents can be united through Fire. Therefore, nothing compulsory can replace the fiery tremor of the heart. On the path to the Fiery World let us strive for this palpitation which opens the Gates to all attainments. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 227: 227. The consciousness contains within itself all the traces of past lives, impressions of each manifestation as well as each thought and striving for revealing of a broad horizon. The consciousness is fed by the "chalice" and the heart, and each compressed energy is deposited in the consciousness, unbreakably connected with the spirit. The spirit, upon becoming separated from the body, preserves a full connection with higher and lower energies. Certainly, the Teacher leads wisely in pointing out the affirmation of vital transmutation. Indeed, through the immortality of the spirit there are preserved all manifestations of vital energies. As are the sediments, so will be the future crystals. And thought, and heart, and creativeness, and all the other manifestations collect this energy. The whole fiery potential of the spirit consists of radiations of vital energies. Therefore, speaking about spirit and consciousness, one must take the spirit as the crystal of all higher manifestations. The ancients knew about the crystalline quality of the spirit, and the spirit was revealed as fire or flame in all the higher manifestations. Therefore, it is so important to understand the true significance of fiery transmutation. Verily, spirit and matter are refined in one impulse toward attainment of the higher fiery consciousness. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 304: 304. When we speak about Spirit and Matter, we should have in mind the higher meaning of Matter. But speaking about the liberation of Spirit, we refer to those manifestations which can be called material life units. It must be known that in speaking about these unifications under various forms a downfall of the spirit is understood. For the spirit, being made manifest in matter, must aspire to the higher functions together with matter. Matter is impelled to creativeness which gives rise to forms of life. And the spirit must know specifically how sacred is the sojourn in matter. The cosmic concept of the Feminine Principle as Matter is so lofty - the Truth is so far above the worldly understanding! Only a pure and elevated consciousness can appreciate this comparison. It is difficult to dissociate Spirit from Matter. Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 318: 318. The present condition of the World corresponds to the stratified sedimentations accumulated by humanity. The manifestation of the conformity can affirm those cycles which are ensuing; in them will be reflected all the expiations of Karma, and each cycle will introduce its new step. Speaking about cycles, let us keep in mind the transference of cosmic conformity. Truly, let us look upon expiation as fiery construction. These cycles will be instituted by three causes - the transmutation of old accumulations, purification of space, and the molding of a great future. The transmutation has begun. And as monsters rise from the bottom of the seas, so is all rubbish rising from the depths of the rabble. In the Furnace of the Cosmos much is being melted down for the useful construction. The efforts at transmutation will attract each Karmic action. The condition of the planet creates an inevitable Karma, woven by the engenderings of humanity. But on the path to the Fiery World it must be kept in mind that the purification of space will bring a great future. AUM (1936) - 50: One should not be surprised if, in speaking of prayer, emphasis is put on the need of mindfulness of the vibratory conditions. Such investigation of all the attributes of communion with the Higher World will be the true path. The heart should not be forgotten amidst observations, for all the other aspects must be subordinated to the heart. AUM (1936) - 216: Avoid no opportunity of speaking about thought as a motive force! AUM (1936) - 249: 249. You yourselves see how many people fail to understand the meaning of simple words. At such a level it is necessary to excuse their confused minds and to repeat the words as to a deaf person. Many times, in speaking with the deaf, one is uncertain whether or not many of the words reached their consciousness. It is very difficult to take into consideration all deficiencies of hearing, sight, and the other senses. But go forward, knowing that though few listeners hear, and few see, yet space sees and hears. Thus proceed. AUM (1936) - 298: 298. We often mention physicians and scientists, but it must not be thought that other occupations should not also be mentioned in speaking of the Higher World. Can lawyers and judges administer earthly laws if they have no concept of the laws of the Universe? How can they establish earthly law without thinking of universal justice? It is impossible to isolate Earth from all the worlds; it is necessary to understand the interaction of the earthly world and the Subtle World in order to acquire the right to judge people's conduct. It is wrong to restrict oneself to former causal decisions which do not conform to present conditions. Each time has its own peculiarities, and without a clear picture of the evolutionary situation the court will err. Verily, the judge takes upon himself a great responsibility if he is to remain at the helm of universal justice. AUM (1936) - 303: It is evident, especially at present, how much harm humanity is inflicting upon itself. Each thought is either a stone in the construction or poison in the heart. It need not be thought that, when speaking about self-poisoning, We have in mind anything new - this truth is as old as the world! But when the vessel is approaching shipwreck, all forces should be summoned to the common task. AUM (1936) - 394: 394. Physiology and philosophy in different languages equally avoid speaking about that which is most important. Though numerous conferences are convened, it is especially deplorable to observe the shifty evasions resorted to, in order to avoid expressing that which is most simple and arriving at the simplest solution. AUM (1936) - 463: Thus, once more let us repeat that We are speaking about a physical law. AUM (1936) - 485: 485. During conversation one should become convinced of another's error only after careful consideration. Especially observant must one be of the forms of expression. Often people are speaking about one and the same thing, using completely different expressions; just as, on the contrary, people are able to speak in the very same words while attracting to them different meanings. AUM (1936) - 548: Of course I am speaking about heightened temperature of the organism. Not illness itself, but the combination of fiery waves weaves the thread of contact and reaction. AUM (1936) - 575: 575. Not only is each center a dynamo, but each atom is producing energy. Is it possible to consider the investigation of psychic energy unnatural and unscientific? I am speaking to those who have special opportunities for cognizing the energy, yet so often deny that which they already possess. People must learn, learn, and learn, Thus, science in all its magnitude will bestow the possibility of attainments. Brotherhood (1937) - 4: You know that I am speaking about something that is in particular need of reinforcement. Brotherhood (1937) - 13: 13. On the paths to the Brotherhood let us fortify ourselves with trust. We are not speaking about some sort of blind faith but precisely about the quality of trust. It must be understood that our qualities are the habitat for vitamins. The quality of mistrust or doubt will be deadly for the best vitamins. Why saturate ourselves with manufactured vitamins, when we ourselves prove to be the best producers of them, and of the most powerful ones? Brotherhood (1937) - 18: One can deprive oneself of courage and steadfastness when one begins to repeat to oneself about difficulties of fulfillment. It makes no difference how courage is applied, it must grow untiringly. Instead of speaking about broken courage, it would be better for people to call this condition simply faint-heartedness. Bones and muscles can be broken, but the spirit is unbreakable! The faint-hearted and wavering man cannot serve the Brotherhood. Brotherhood (1937) - 35: 35. Be not surprised that, speaking about Brotherhood, I mention the primary energy; there are two reasons for this. The first lies in the fact that approach to Brotherhood requires the development of the primary energy. Without this, with the centers sleeping, realization of such subtle perceptions is impossible. On such most subtle vibrations is built Brotherly cooperation. The second thing to be remembered is that not everyone has read the preceding writings, in which psychic energy is spoken about. Each book must contain the basic conditions for improvement. It would be cruel not to give even brief allusions to the preceding, wherein something invaluable has been dealt with. Brotherhood (1937) - 38: True, there may occur shocks during even the most ordinary manifestations. A palpitation may be not from unexpectedness alone, it may arise from an inequality of auras. Such a tension can be even disastrous; therefore the appearance of Messengers does not occur frequently. Surely they come not to kill, consequently one must accustom oneself gradually to experiencing different tensions. Investigators of psychic energy will understand what exercise We are speaking about. Brotherhood (1937) - 127: 127. The explosions of stars have a significance for Earth, not at the moment of explosion, but when the photochemism produces its reactions. This example is also quite instructive for human relations. It is impossible to trace the beginning and ending of the boundary line of manifested correlations. Since there are heavenly bodies in the Universe which are far removed from each other yet have strong mutual reactions, then human fluids also can be active at remote distances. And between the dense world and the Subtle World one may thus perceive a most complex web of interaction. I am not speaking here about thought transmission, but about the emanation of fluids which, as a constant outflowing of primary energy, is impelled in accordance with the magnetic principle. This basis should be kept in mind during each cooperation. Brotherhood (1937) - 141: 141. It may be asked, "Will the number of physicians decrease because of the increase of patent medicines?" This would be a calamity. Physicians are widely needed, if by the word physician one means a highly educated friend of humanity. Verily, the conventionally prepared remedies may bring on illnesses which will have to be treated individually in each case by the physician. There will be required a very subtle combination of suggestion together with the medicaments. We are not speaking about surgery, for this field calls for no discussion if it is kept within its proper limits. A surgeon who performs a needless operation is frequently likened to a murderer. Therefore, in this field also the true straight-knowledge is required. Brotherhood (1937) - 225: 225. The domain of the most subtle energies is inexhaustible. It is possible to speak of learning about it but not of having the knowledge of it. I am speaking not for your disappointment but for your encouragement. If we make a cartogram of human penetrations into the frontiers of the distant energies, we find a very irregular line. People have hurled themselves into space, unsupported either by their fellow-men or by the Higher Forces; there has resulted the picture of a diver who has been let down at one point of the oceanic bottom and who has to give an elucidation of all underwater life. It is needful that all possible manifestations be observed and referred to laboratory investigations. So many times it has been said that a single investigator cannot succeed in observing all the threads of energies. Very often the spontaneous feeling of a child could prompt the necessary investigations. Not casually do I speak about physicians and schoolteachers; both have around themselves a broad field for observations. They can draw the attention of those around them to the loftiest subjects. They can be of much use to science, just as are meteorological stations. The most ordinary people can hear about the various small manifestations, but who is to say where is the small and where the great? Often only one link is missing in that which constitutes a very important observation. Brotherhood (1937) - 283: 283. Whoever in speaking attributes the Teaching of Life to himself falls into falsehood. The Sources of the Teaching are beyond human limits. The Truth has been written down in Infinity, but each day it reveals a new hieroglyph of its eternalness. Mad is he who while on earth arrogates to himself the Teaching of Life. The loftiest sage considers himself a messenger. Not the new is proclaimed, but what is needed for the hour. The steward summons to the meal; this is not new, but for the hungry it is extremely important. So much the worse if someone obstructs the call to a meal. He who hinders forges shackles for himself. Brotherhood (1937) - 288: 288. In many industries workers inhale and touch many chemical substances. A first glance it appears that such contacts pass without injury, but this will be only a superficial judgment. It can be proven that different branches of work give rise in time to identical illnesses. The first intake of a dangerous substance is not noticeable in its influence, but by constant repetition it takes possession of the entire organism and renders it incurable. I am speaking about this because of another effect, about which people still think too little. They have already noticed the moon's influence; even physicians have paid attention to the influence of the moon upon many human states. But such influences take place repeatedly. The effects may not be noticed with the human eye, but the rays of the luminary dominate not only the physical side but also all feelings. In this it can be noticed that people with strong psychic energy are less subject to the influence of the rays upon their psyche. Thus, the natural development of psychic energy will be an excellent prophylaxis. It will also be so in relation to many other currents; therefore neglect of psychic energy is ignorance. Brotherhood (1937) - 300: 300. If the planet were to arbitrarily slow down or accelerate its motion, one can easily imagine all the ruinous consequences. Hence it is so important to assimilate the significance of rhythm. Speaking of human labor, one should continually insist upon rhythm. Constant and rhythmic work produces the best results. The labor of the Brotherhood serves as an example of this. Rhythm is indispensable because it also affirms quality of work. He who is conscious of rhythm loves his work. But the magnet of love is not easily intensified. Without it reprobation and repulsion arise. Without it loss of quality and waste of time and materials result. It is needful to speak more often about the rhythm of labor, otherwise even gifted and capable workers will lose their aspiration. Brotherhood (1937) - 318: 318. Capacity for work must be cultivated, otherwise it will remain in a somnolent state. Also, capacity for work in the Subtle World must be developed. But the way to this must conform to the conditions of the Subtle World. There are many earthly means for approach to and realization of the Subtle World, but no forcible conventionality can create the best combinations with the Subtle World. As in all existence, natural realization of cooperation is needed. It may be fully realized or less realized, but straight-knowledge should be infused with it. Man should continually feel himself to be in the two worlds. I am not speaking about the expectancy of death, for death does not exist; I am speaking about labor, both earthly and subtle. Such assiduousness in subtle work should not tear one away from earthly labor, on the contrary, it will but improve its quality. Wrongfully, people do not think about the Subtle World; both asleep and awake they can take part mentally in the most uplifting tasks. Brotherhood (1937) - 440: 440. If catastrophe threatens Earth, is it not absurd to write something down, to study, and to conserve? Only from an earthly point of view is it possible to arrive at such a premise. If no Subtle World exists, then from the earthly point of view it is not worth-while to be concerned. But We are speaking about life, not about a handful of earth. Brotherhood (1937) - 478: 478. Spatial calls reach Earth through the most unexpected receptions. An imperative call about altruism and mutual understanding reaches certain people. But pay attention to the unexpectedness of such arrivals. If, on a map of the world, the places be marked where Our call is perceived, a very unexpected pattern will result. But there are people to be found who repeat this very same thing without any understanding. Sometimes the sowers of dissension are not averse to speaking about altruism. The very meaning of the word is annulled, and instead of mutual understanding violent hatred emerges. But over and above all obstacles remains the call for altruism and mutual understanding. What is not understood today will come tomorrow. Brotherhood (1937) - 511: Speaking about the Subtle World, people rejoice that there thought will be the sole motive power. Correct, and not at all difficult to say, but is it easy to act by means of thought? For such actions one must know how to think. One must love the process of thinking. In the midst of every activity time must be found for the cultivation of thought. Besides, one must distinguish thought conceived by egoism from thought about the Common Good. Brotherhood (1937) - 546: To isolate a clear thought, without incidental waverings, will be in itself a lofty discipline. In the Brotherhood attention is paid to such purification of thought. Speaking of Brotherhood, it is unavoidable to touch upon thought-sendings. The work of thought will function from small to great tasks, and the discipline of the heart will be required for success. Each heart is surrounded by anxiety, agitations, and tremor. One can overcome these tremors by addressing oneself to Hierarchy, not half-way, but fully; such an appeal is not at all frequent. Yet for the simplest experiments unshakable striving is required. Usually a swarm of tiny, malicious insects attempts to violate the purity of thought. All these petty ones must be subdued by brotherly unity. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 6: 6. Urusvati has witnessed the healing vibrations sent by Us. Their rhythms are varied and not everyone can recognize them. Some may suppose them to be the effect of an earthquake, others may assume that they are an attack of fever, and still others may attribute them to their own nervousness. But the majority will think them to be merely imagined. However, on all continents Our healing solicitude is often felt. People receive help and sense a sudden recovery but do not understand whence came the help. We are not speaking about gratitude, for We do not need it, but a conscious acceptance of Our help increases the beneficial effect. Each negative reaction or mockery paralyzes even the strongest vibrations. We hasten to help, We hasten to bring good, yet how often are We accepted? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 37: It should not be thought that We are protected in Our earthly lives from all onslaughts of darkness. Those who fulfill an earthly mission do so under earthly conditions. People usually think that We dwell in safety, and think of Us as supernatural beings. Relatively speaking, We can overcome much, but this battle is a real one. We remain victorious, because the Hierarchy of Light cannot be conquered by darkness. When one of Our Sisters exclaims "How terrible!" she does not show fear, but simply understands the tension. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 47: You are rightly indignant when someone uses inappropriate words in speaking about the Teacher. It indicates that their thinking is far from co-measurement. Do not be surprised at Our frequent repetition of this word, but this concept, in particular, is often distorted by people. We affirm co-measurement as one of the foundations of Our Inner Life. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 58: Feelings can solve the most complicated problems of a country, but the inviolability of the individual and his dignity must be protected. Let us not be consoled by the so-called impartiality of the courts, where dignity is trampled by crude arbitrariness. It is easy to talk about sadism, but it is terrible to see that this inconceivable madness is not stopped. Yes, one must expect that the fundamental quality about which We are speaking will not be understood. There are so many small but nonetheless terrible tormentors all over the world! The deliberate torment of one's neighbor is no different from that carried out during the most barbarous eras. You may recall the crowds of the Roman circuses; can today's crowds boast of worthier conduct? Did the change in their attire change their consciousness? One must remember such conditions in order to know what Our Abode must fight. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 74: People say that We are opposed to all rituals. This is not quite true, for certain rituals can call forth high vibrations and purify feelings. We have spoken many times about rhythm, and none of Us will condemn the rhythms that bring harmony. Beautiful singing can open beautiful gates. Therefore, discriminate carefully between absurd survivals and steps of beauty. The Teacher warns that rhythm can influence the entire nervous system. Some parts of ancient rituals that have been preserved to this day, and now confuse the consciousness, can be very dangerous. Words used today during various services were once parts of incantations to exorcise dark forces, but now they are pronounced without sense and even with incorrect rhythm. Such distortions of sound can have a different effect, therefore one should study the ancient sources in order to wipe away the dust of ages. We are not speaking of crude changes, but of the purification of thought. We grieve when vibrations become distorted and, instead of construction, cause destruction. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 82: We can see the Subtle World with open eyes, but it is not easy to acquire such clairvoyance. Of the several kinds of clairvoyance We experience, that with open eyes is the most difficult. Urusvati is able to see with open eyes those in the Subtle World who wish to become visible to her, but in the previous example, We are speaking about becoming an observer, and simply finding yourself on a street in the Subtle World without any participation in that World. The evidence of that life should be remembered sometimes so that one is encouraged to vigorously strive to rise above these strata. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 85: 85. Urusvati senses the magnetism of objects. This ability is made possible through the synthesis of many subtle feelings. We are not speaking about a detailed explanation of the history of each object, for many accumulations on an object can give different indications from different eras. Those who hold an object and start telling stories about its life serve no purpose; however, it is important to feel the essence of an object and sense its harmony. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 120: What We are speaking of here is something else, the diamond moment between sleep and the waking state, at the moment of the return of the subtle body into the physical one. Each human being has the power to experience this moment that connects the two worlds, but for this one must develop a subtle awareness. All recollections of the Subtle World are extremely useful for human evolution, and even reminders about the lower strata of the Subtle World serve as a useful warning. Human thought moves in the direction of cognition of the various realms, and even the fiercest Armageddon is helpless to prevent the predestined knowledge. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 170: In His thoughts the Teacher could separate the strands of prejudice and ignorance, and He chose words to correspond to the consciousness of His listeners. Thus, when they pressed him with questions such as whether Earth is flat, for some He would answer that it is flat, and for others the answer would be adjusted according to the level of their consciousness. In everything the Great Pilgrim always answered according to the listener's capacity, and one can learn from the simplicity of His answers. The Brotherhood stresses the importance of speaking according to the listener's consciousness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 177: This lack of faith begins with ordinary daily occurrences. When We warn against doubt, We are speaking about a physical law. People can reject the strongest help, because their free will can negate even the most favorable circumstances. For instance, an angry man can push aside the Hand that is stretched out to prevent him from falling. The Teacher warned against the harmful effects of doubt. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 189: The Thinker also said to His disciples, "Betrayal is born in the house of hypocrisy, and history records betrayal as the basest crime. I do not need to tell you this, since you know enough about the supposed nobility of people, and also about their criminality. I am speaking to Space. Let Space shout, let it cry out loudly, let it tell people about their end. Even when I am in the far-off worlds, I shall to try to save humanity. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 201: 201. Urusvati knows that We have many reasons for speaking about unification. We have given the example of the horse that delayed a whole caravan, and spoken about the interdependent forces that hold an arch together. Now We shall add the words of the Thinker. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 259: Let us not be shortsighted when speaking about the destruction of the world. It is true that Armageddon is raging and incredible crimes have been committed, but it is also true that against the background of these terrors a speedy evolution rushes onward. Is it possible that people do not see how much of the new is entering life? We should not permit the doubting worldlings to proclaim that the dark forces are victorious. That which belongs to Infinity cannot be conquered. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 295: Speaking about false concepts, one should not relate them to only a few significant events. It should be remembered that man's entire life is filled with petty but characteristic falsehoods. So much false courage, so much false devotion, so much false diligence is manifested throughout the world! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 304: During ordinary sleep one's psychic energy is strengthened by earthly currents, yet when passing into the Subtle World the consciousness may be interrupted. Thus it is advisable to assimilate certain ideas while still in the physical body. Upon transition, most people fall into a deep sleep and, while in this condition, lose their memory of many things. The accumulations remain sealed in the Chalice, and often the assistance of another person from outside is needed for removal of these seals. I am not speaking of those who pass into the Subtle World in full consciousness. In order not to lose consciousness, the most important thing is to remember and strengthen throughout one's life the decision to maintain consciousness during the transition. This consciousness is the treasure which we carry along with us. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 326: Some may shrug their shoulders and ask whether a book about good behavior is needed as part of the Teachings of Life. It is indeed, for you must acquire subtlety of understanding if you want to refine your consciousness. We are now speaking about concepts that are almost impossible to express in human words. Many basic principles are indeed inexpressible, and must be intuitively perceived. Such silent understanding and receptivity are bridges to future achievement. Not words, but an inner feeling will be remembered and will help lay the foundation of evolution. Thus, he who is refined in his feelings will never be coarse. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 349: 349. Urusvati knows how emphatically We insist upon the need for harmony and unity. We often speak about unification, but now We wish to point out a special aspect of this concept - harmony. Only unification will bring right results. It is true that any kind of unification will intensify energy. Even unity in evil can be effective, but it can never be harmonious, for evil by its very nature is disharmonious. Also, unity in evil cannot last, and its results will be vague. But goodness is always harmonious, and it alone can produce meaningful results. Thus, by speaking of harmony We affirm goodness. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 368: The Thinker often questioned His listeners, "Of whom are you really speaking, a son, a father, or a grandfather?" Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 373: The objection may be raised that each nation has its own culture. You can answer that culture should not be confused with customs. The objectors will also insist that there are great differences in the written languages of the various countries. But in speaking of culture We have in mind not the alphabets or the style of expression but the intended meaning and ideas. Compare the finest creations of the various nations and you will see that the basic ideas are common to all. Thus, We can affirm that even in diversity there is a unifying international aspiration. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 378: Indeed, sometimes terrible and obvious evil-doers continue to exist, although, humanly speaking, it would seem only just for them to have been destroyed. But is it possible to apply human measures where the Law of Absolute Justice operates? Sometimes the evil-doers are punished by prolonged illness or, though in good physical health, become subject to the terrors of psychic unrest. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 386: 386. Urusvati knows about salutary rhythm or the so-called "natural" yoga. In the Middle Way of Buddha's Teaching, in Plato's writings on ethics, and in the schools of the Eye of Horus in Egypt, we can find instruction about the yoga that is linked with earthly life. Especially at the present time one should pay particular attention to the natural development of psychic energy, which should be studied and also applied in life. It is true that psychic energy acts independently, but now I am speaking of its conscious application. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 406: The same process occurs with periods of creative activity, but the wise know that every labor must have its period of rest. We do not intend to encourage or provide justification for idlers, but are speaking about enlightened workers. They will recognize in their hearts the ebb tide that heralds the flood of creativity. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 413: I am not speaking in abstract terms, but giving medical advice. Humanity suffers from irritations of the mucous membranes and malignant tumors, which occur with such frequency they are taking on the dimensions of epidemics. Many causes have been proposed, but the fact that such epidemics are the result of spatial influences is ignored. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 435: The symptoms of such illnesses can be quite varied. Some organs will experience pain directly, but since the inflammation of the membranes affects the entire nervous system, pain can also be experienced in other areas of the body. This is why a thorough examination of the whole organism is necessary. Generally speaking, mucous membranes are involved in the most varied functions of the organism, and they are the first to react to the saturation of the surrounding atmosphere. In this way, even if no harmful process is taking place, it is necessary to be very attentive and careful. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 442: We must learn to anticipate events that are links of an already-forged chain. I am not speaking of clairvoyance, which is as yet attainable for only a few, but of a natural foresight based upon an understanding of causes, both recent and remote. However, it must not be thought that this ability is easily attained. The broadened consciousness shines brightly, and its light allows one to look back as well as forward. The path already trodden is familiar because of its many signs, whereas the future way shows only unfamiliar outlines. How then can the wayfarer distinguish them? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 447: Do you hear Me? I am speaking of collaboration! Every transgression against it serves darkness. Hear Me! All cooperation with darkness serves destruction. Remember Our Towers, where the Hearth of Collaboration shines. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 449: Great is the feeling of joyous readiness! Such a radiant feeling is without limit; it illumines the entire aura and multiplies the physical strength. The mother who saves her child is imbued with strength. Equally strong is the one who is ready to repel all attacks, and in such full readiness is manifested the unification of his various energies. We are speaking specifically about extraordinary combinations of energy, but people ignore signs of extreme danger. If the feeling of constant readiness is cultivated in childhood, it will provide victory over egoism.