New Era Community (1926) - 151: 151. Another instructive experiment. A man is placed in the middle of a dark, spacious room. Along the walls noiselessly move several questioners who put to him short, sudden questions. In the darkness it is almost impossible to determine the exact direction of the voice. But - what is also remarkable - when the question is sent into space and the person who stands in the center is inwardly ignored, the voice often seems to come from the opposite direction. In this way it can be seen that not an external organ but an inner sending has the primary significance. Brotherhood (1937) - 468: 468. Always remember about the young co-workers. Remember that it is always possible to find them. Remember that they await you, even under diverse garments. Under a vague aspiration they are still ready to receive a word about new attainment. Through all the domains of science let a call be heard to the spacious truth. Let each one, though it be through physical culture, begin to think about culture of the spirit. Let biology remind one about unending life. If someone likes outlandish words, make no objections, for the paths are infinite. If someone is bewildered, encourage him, because not seldom is perplexity a sign of a secret thought. When someone views things with gloom is this not a sign of frustrated hope? One word about Infinity can bestow wings. When someone is silent, perhaps he is searching for the most expressive word - encourage him with a look. Many bridges can be enumerated by which young friends can cross over the stream. But the main thing remains that the readiness of young forces is great. This must be remembered by all who shake their heads in unbelief.