New Era Community (1926) - 134: Manifestation must be understood not in the sense of importunity but as related to the quality of being invisible. The dream of peoples about a cap of invisibility can be brought into life without sorcery. It is possible to divert attention from oneself, but this is far more difficult than to attract. Thus, it is necessary to know how to understand the impulse of the observers. In carrying out missions the ability to be invisible is important. New Era Community (1926) - 168: Tales about sorcerers sending deadly diseases are not fictions, but there is no sorcery in them - merely exercise of the will. The weakest hypnotist can compel one to experience the effect of drowning. He can even order one to die on a definite date. Such cases have been recorded. Agni Yoga (1929) - 357: One must understand rhythms, for how else do we bring effectiveness to our actions? If lifeless sand arranges itself into special designs in response to rhythmic vibrations, then how much more is humanity influenced by rhythm! Not sorcery but knowledge will show the way to transformation. This path is an urgent one. Thus was humanity exhorted in the days before the end of Atlantis. Heart (1932) - 113: 113. Mankind is terrified by every so-called supernatural thing, forgetting that nothing can be supernatural - above that which exists. Therefore, insist strongly that Agni Yoga and the Teachings of the Heart cannot contain anything supernatural. Be especially cautious with the young people up to thirty years, when not all the centers can function without harm to the heart. It is necessary to point out that Our Yoga contains no enforced sorcery and never will be a producer of chaos. It is necessary to kindle the young ones to heroic action which will transform their natures and, imperceptibly to them, prepare the heart for future perfection. Thus, it is necessary with the utmost simplicity and joy to sail to the White Island, as We sometimes call Our Site. Heart (1932) - 150: The summons to a unity of consciousnesses is necessary everywhere, because this is the simplest introduction into the life of the heart. This is not sorcery but a physical law that can weave a salutary net around the planet. Thus, everyone who follows the law of Being can justly consider himself a citizen of the Universe. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 335: 335. Can knowledge of the future be regarded as sorcery? Can cognition of the inevitable be magic? Each religion, as a link with the Highest, finds words to express the ineffable transition into the Subtle World. The earthly consciousness retains possession of all its senses, which are found in the Subtle World though in transmuted form. The precise moment of transition into the Subtle World is accompanied by a sensation of dizziness, as during fainting or at the beginning of a fit of epilepsy. The sensations that follow depend entirely upon the preparedness of the consciousness, or rather upon the fiery ego. If the consciousness has been obscured or dimmed, the senses cannot be carried over into the new condition. In this case a kind of oblivion or drowsy roaming about occurs. This state is not a pleasant one. I do not, of course, refer to the dark state of criminals and the depraved - the nature of their torment is indescribable! But it is preferable to speak of the luminous possibilities. Thus, if Agni has been awakened during life through knowledge or heroic feeling, it will immediately accomplish the great transmutation. Like a veritable torch, it will indicate the way; like radiant helium it will carry one up to the predestined sphere. Though so imperceptible in earthly life, Agni becomes the guiding principle in the Subtle World. And not only does it light the way in the Subtle World, it acts as a guide to the Fiery Beings. Without Agni it is impossible to commune with the Light of the Fiery World. Lacking the manifested fire, the roaming spirits are stricken blind. We behold by Fire, and we ascend by Flame. There are no other propellants, and therefore blessed be the Fire-conscious! Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 620: 620. Furthermore, it is the greatest infamy that humanity even now practices witchcraft, precisely the blackest sorcery bent upon evil. Such conscious collaboration with the dark forces is not less horrible than poison gases. It is incredible that men who consider themselves to be in the religion of Good perpetuate the most dreadful sorcery. I would not mention this black peril if it had not reached such terrific proportions at present. The most intolerable rituals have been re-instituted in order to harm people. In their ignorance the crowds have been inveigled into mass magic. It is impermissible to allow such disintegration of the planet! It is impermissible to allow the dark forces to succeed in annihilating all evolution. Sorcery is not permissible, being a pressure on space contrary to nature. Everywhere, stress the danger of sorcery. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 248: 248. Reading without the heart's functioning, even memorizing, helps but little. One can even compile a table showing how much the participation of the heart evokes true understanding. Let this not be understood as an abstraction. By its quality the pulse indicates how much heart participation assists the manifestation of perception. Such a concept draws one near to the Fiery World. It is tedious to listen to babblings which lack the heart quality, particularly since the number of printed books is reaching frightening proportions. Rarely has the quantity been so at variance with the quality! In this is also revealed a sign of heartlessness. We encourage each burning of the spirit. The flaming heart is a torch of the Fiery World. One should become accustomed to delving into the meaning of what has been said; and for this, translations into different languages are useful. Thereby is developed a precision of understanding. The Teacher must always rotate a concept so that it contacts the consciousness of the disciple in its full scope. Though urgent, it is impossible to accept many concepts at the first reading. One must return to them, as has been said, under all the shades of color of morning and evening. Even the night will bring a ray of understanding. You yourselves have seen how strangely people form opinions about what they have read. When they hear about the Messiah, they merely think - isn't he a demon? When they read about the heart, they are afraid - isn't it sorcery? This means that demons and sorcery are very familiar to them. The man who is pure in heart will not think first of all about darkness. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 257: 257. Each ejection of sorcery is a good deed. The more so since the danger from such action is great. One must have not only courage but also readiness of spirit, in order to understand how to proceed in each case. First of all, one must destroy the magic circle. But such contact requires a still more fiery tension than was employed by the conjurer. The discernment of the conformity of forces is achieved by straight-knowledge. It is impossible to touch the strongest flame without being burned; but when fiery energy gains the ascendancy there will be no terrible effects. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 259: 259. You have already heard about certain empty tombs. You have heard about a very ancient custom, when sometimes a substitution was made for one thought to be dead. It must not be forgotten that through the ages a great many extraordinary actions have been accomplished, and not just once had a life to be interrupted. People have been initiated into the mysteries of existence, and so many names have been inscribed upon empty sepulchres! Thus, apart from the beaten paths of history, inscrutable achievements are created. One must become accustomed in one's consciousness to a great deal which is not governed by earthly laws. Who can affirm how events are being created? One can observe only a few outward signs, but the real channel of life is not written down in the state archives. Thus, people are astonished when one who, according to a tomb inscription, is supposed to be deceased, reappears ten years later and is identified by many persons. Of course, it is easy to overlook indisputable proofs. but honest observers can gather authentic evidence of many such events. Actually there is a history of the outer world and of the inner. It is not sorcery nor magic, but the path of the Higher World. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 269: 269. The singular expression which you observed on the portraits pertains to the domain of Hiero-inspiration. Already in remote antiquity this spiritual penetration was understood. In ancient Egypt portrait images were used as a means of communion at a distance. Sacred Images likewise respond to spiritual communion. But this natural manifestation should be understood simply, as one more grain of knowledge, and not as magic or sorcery. No one can draft a boundary line to limit the knowledge of the spirit. No one has such an imagination as to be able to realize where the magnitude of energy could be cut short. Hence, one should conscientiously note all the understood details of various manifestations. One must rejoice at all such realizations, because these fiery beacons lead to the Fiery World. Consequently, on such paths one should apply great vigilance. One must accept reality as it is. Not distrust nor sleepiness, but the good eye and the opened heart lead to understanding of the new manifestations of the Fiery World. Observe how much the expression of the image becomes changed, and in the course of time you can compare this with events. It is needful, of course, to carry out observations upon people who have for you a special significance, and whom you know. The manifestation of such alterations of expression was called by the Egyptians the mirror of the soul. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 288: 288. Current events once again indicate the significance of thought. Already you see that luxury has been challenged. Likewise, you see that magic has received condemnation, and thinking is being directed toward Hiero-inspiration. These two trends are very harmful for the dark ones. Without luxury and without sorcery they are substantially weakened. But they have still left a third possibility - the confusion of weak minds. It is most deplorable that weak minds do not absorb healthy principles. Their instability consumes much energy; therefore We turn our attention to the main issue, in order to concentrate the energy on what is indispensable. You know about Our Banner. Let those carry it who can. Therefore, let us manifest tolerance in all else, and let us compel the dark ones to serve. AUM (1936) - 28: 28. Sorcery is inadmissible, as a crime against humanity. Sorcery must not be regarded as a wrong against one individual. The effects of sorcery are far more heinous - it violates cosmic manifestations and injects confusion in the supermundane strata. Though the sorcerer has failed to smite his enemy, it does not mean that his blow may not have stricken men elsewhere, perhaps in various countries. The vibration of ill will may find itself affirmed in a most unexpected spot. It is impossible to estimate the number of deaths and sicknesses caused by an evil will! Through space these swarms of claws are borne and none may foresee where this poisonous flock will alight. The powerful spirit shields itself against evil sendings, but somewhere a weak man will receive their infection. Such cosmic damage cannot be estimated. Only the power of sounding of Aum can bring harmony amid the discordant vibrations. Even the power of Grace cannot act in full measure if on its way it must be expended toward the dispersion of evil. It is imperative to warn humanity against all sorcery. AUM (1936) - 223: 223. No one should call a psychic influence "sorcery." Such an ignorant opinion belongs to times long past. On the contrary, investigation of psychic energy is true progress. AUM (1936) - 367: 367. You were able to observe how much influence currents have on psychic energy. Likewise you could notice how quickly currents change and a completely different tension of psychic energy is affirmed. Such observations should be carefully kept in mind. People do not know how to conform their actions with the spatial currents. They imagine that even the study of the currents of space is some sort of supernatural sorcery. You would be rightly amazed that many sensible people who study psychic manifestations nevertheless remain isolated units who have no influence on the masses. AUM (1936) - 463: 463. We speak about psychic energy as about a powerful motive force. We are not talking about sorcery but about a physical law. We point out the simplest paths to successful progress. We recall what has long been known, but, for all that, the ignorant will relegate Our discourses to the supernatural. They will make use of subtle energies, but they will not wish to acknowledge the psychic energy. Brotherhood (1937) - 323: 323. Kriyasakti in all its inexhaustibleness has been known to people from time immemorial. I use the Hindu word to show how long ago people defined this energy with complete precision. Is it possible that present day thinkers will lag behind their forefathers? Right now thought-creativeness is found to be under such doubt that it is included in the humanities, whereas according to contemporary terminology, mental energy ought rather to be a part of the physical sciences. Thus, let those who assail thought-energy find themselves in the camp of the ignorant. Do not think that I am saying anything new; unfortunately, there are too few worthy cognizant ones, and as a result the most natural subjects are left in association with some sort of sorcery. Therefore it is indispensable to dispel superstition and ignorance. Brotherhood (1937) - 515: 515. Not only was levitation well known in remote antiquity but it was also understood rationally. Amid the ignorance of the Middle Ages even a thought about flying apparatuses was regarded as sorcery. Only now do people look back with pity at the ignorance of the Middle Ages and accept aviation as something natural. But did the grandfathers of the present generation think similarly? Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 106: During unfavorable currents mental messages can be colored by unexpected influences. We are sending Our Discourse at this time under such burdensome conditions. In ancient times it was well known that difficult cosmic periods could be long-lasting, but today, despite the phenomenal progress of science, such cosmic conditions are not taken into consideration. There are still arguments about the effect of sunspots and embarrassed hints about the possible influence of the moon, which is thought to be associated with sorcery. Few scientists have the courage to speak about the moon as it relates to earthly conditions, and they allude timidly to the forgotten Teachings of the East, where the significance of the moon was well-known. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 107: This will provide an idea of the complications in Our Work. We transmit benevolent thoughts and ideas, and must also work to counteract the numerous malicious carriers of infection. We are in a position to observe how people themselves spread dangerous earthly infections by thought, infecting one another with damage, in the true meaning of this word. Such malicious influences used to be attributed to sorcery, but even today there are more of these "sorcerers" than one might think. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 120: It is correctly observed that a special vibration is needed for the realization of the diamond of consciousness. This vibration originates in pure aspiration, for which conscious knowledge is required. There is neither magic nor sorcery in the ability to perceive this beautiful moment. When man brings impressions from the Subtle World into his physical life he may also perceive the Fiery Gates. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 236: So much could be achieved if our eyes were not blinded by prejudice. Who would then deny that astrology is a science, and that there is a correlation between the planets? Even primitive man in the remote past could sense these special atmospheric influences. Science seems to confirm this chemical interdependence, but scientists fear being suspected of sorcery. Certainly, there are plenty of charlatans who endanger the reputation of astrology, but there are frauds in all sciences, yet no one rejects science as a whole because of this. One must speak plainly in order to remove prejudice from human consciousness. Many physicians, statesmen, and judges secretly consult astrologers. Let them find the courage to acknowledge it openly, at least as an experiment. This will introduce the subject to the general public. People long for knowledge, but they must be encouraged and helped in their approach to it.