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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SO > SOMA (3)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 172:
172. The yogi must keep his organs of respiration pure. For this, hot milk, valerian, and mint are prescribed. The yogi must keep his stomach and his bowels pure; licorice and senna are prescribed for this. The yogi must keep his lungs pure, and for this he is given aloe, and also resins, prudently used. The yogi must keep pure the all-pervading soma, for which he must make use of musk. But purity also requires vitality of the glands.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 195:
195. Covering the fires of the centers with layers of soma is sometimes necessary, otherwise the sharpness of outer influences would inflame the centers. Again we come to the need for balance, called by Our Teacher the golden mean, which may also be seen as the fullness of understanding.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 518a:
Words cannot formulate the consistence of the high quality of thinking. But each one, even he who labors, senses its required quality. This quality, as a Aeolian harp, resounds to the current of reality; and it accumulates beneath the center of the Chalice the subtlest soma of cognition and discernment, not only by means of co-measurement but also in accordance with immutability.


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