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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SO > SODA (24)

Agni Yoga (1929) - 387:
It is helpful to have the length and intensity of these transmissions alternately increased and decreased every seven days. Three times daily is sufficient: morning, noon, and at sunset. In the morning the plants should be watered, adding a pinch of soda to the water. At sunset they should be watered with a solution of valerian. One may continue in this way, testing the plants but also conditioning oneself to the performance of rhythmic action. Poisonous plants should not be used for these experiments, nor should any of the families of lilies or ferns. In this way the emanations of psychic energy will be increased.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 491:
491. Asbestos, a few kinds of mica, manganese, and precipitates of soda are as yet not fully utilized in life. What sicknesses can one now cure on soda fields? What preparations can asbestos yield? What transmutations does mica offer? About manganese I have already spoken.

Heart (1932) - 88:
88. An overflow of psychic energy induces many symptoms in the extremities and also in the throat and stomach. Soda is beneficial in inducing reaction, as is hot milk. The Teacher watches the fires; the fires not only illumine the aura, but remain in space; hence the importance of the fires is so great. These fires, in their turn, focus the energy and originate new knots.

Heart (1932) - 534:
534. It is wrong for people not to pay attention to the effects of eating during irritation and agitation. Very strong poisons are formed by this unwise procedure. Many days must pass before this poison will dissolve. It should be remembered that hunger is far better than harmful food. During irritation and excitement I advise milk in all forms as a customary antidote. Soda strengthens the action of milk. The ability to recognize disquietude is already a considerable step toward the education of the heart. If disquietude occurs, one should be able to nullify it; but often disquietude is confused with fatigue, then let us not overlook musk or certain varieties of phosphorus, the substance that is called sperm oil, and cod-liver oil and fresh kumiss which are popular among northern people. Also, you remember to what an extent the Teacher sends rays at night, but even these rays act far more powerfully when they are recognized. The silence of the ancients during the meal had a sacred significance. But the understanding of sacredness also comprised the cure. Thus, the heart and nerves can often be strengthened by a rational partaking of food. We are not Luculluses, but each vital function must be rational. Many workers have poisoned themselves. Moreover, the Chinese sometimes fed the enemy with the liver of an irritated rooster - thus resourceful are human wiles. But in the New World everything must be directed to good.

Heart (1932) - 548:
548. When agitated it is best to eat little. Valerian and milk with soda are also good. The heart should be eased. It is a great error to take narcotics and alcohol. Naturally, through the study of Yoga, agitation should be transmuted into exaltation. When We see the causes, the effects, and possibilities, is the great possibility of healing by heart energy not great? However, like a precious drop, let this energy not be wasted through an unnecessary action. Hence, I repeat how greatly mutual understanding is needed during healing. It is difficult to realize to what an extent the spark of consciousness brings closer the salutary decision. The heart should be educated to acquire consciousness during all actions. Regard this as a law. It is intolerable that a man should bow like a blade of grass under the turbid waves of Tamas. That which could not have outlived yesterday must be consciously removed today. One must watch oneself and welcome the most difficult tasks as a purifying covering. One must always act thus, especially in the days of Armageddon.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 58:
It is manifested generally in both children and adults, and even in animals. But people prefer not to recognize this preliminary form of dreadful calamity. They will superficially attribute it to the most varied diseases; anything to keep from thinking about the unusual. All such patients should be isolated, and the dead cremated at once. People who have lost their psychic energy may easily succumb to this contagion. It can be intensified by various additional forms, both internal and external. The darkening or inflammation of the skin will suggest smallpox or scarlet fever; the majority of fiery manifestations are reflected upon the skin. Learn to pay attention to these unusual manifestations. Musk, and hot milk with soda will be good preventives. Cold milk is not assimilated by the tissues, whereas hot milk with soda penetrates into the centers. Having tried to reduce temperature with cold applications, people often find that a mustard plaster or hot compress results in unexpected improvement. We definitely oppose cupping glasses and leeches, because they affect the heart and may be dangerous.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 180:
180. Do not confuse fatigue with intensity. These two states, notwithstanding their complete difference, can produce similar symptoms. But fatigue must be overcome by a change of work, whereas tension must be actually increased. It would be a mistake to allow oneself to dissipate tension. One must nourish this manifest fiery power as a precious gift. Each tension is a sharpening of consciousness. Each weariness is a dulling, but in either case let us not forget to take musk. Ur. has wisely established the combination of musk with soda and valerian. Certainly the very speedy accumulation of musk by means of soda is useful, as it is also the continuation of the reaction to valerian. All three ingredients are of a fiery nature. Not without reason was soda called, in antiquity, ashes of divine Fire, and fields of soda deposits were called sites of Devas' encampments. Likewise valerian is especially effective in combination with musk. While musk kindles Fire, valerian sustains it as a static condition. In fatigue this fiery remedy is absorbed in order to renew the nerve centers; but in the striving of intensity there is need of prolonged combustion, in order to avoid explosions and shocks. But above all other life-giving agents is the communion with Hierarchy. Musk may dry up, but in communion with Hierarchy its strength will be promptly renewed and an inexhaustible supply of energy extended.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 197:
197. Who said that musk is merely a stimulant? It can have an equilibrating importance, bringing into motion basic energies. It is regrettable when such multiform, powerful reactions are reduced to a single manifestation. The poorer the idea of it, the cruder the hypothesis. This refers also to many indicated remedies. No one thinks about the significance in synthesis of valerian. No one is willing to understand mint as a friend of life, ready to exercise a calming effect upon rebellious centers. No one wishes to observe the action of milk combined with soda. Thus broad is the field of observation for eyes which have been opened.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 461:
461. It is right that you do not forget the significance of soda. Not without reason has it been called the ash of Divine Fire. It belongs to those widely given remedies which have been sent for the usage of all humanity. One should remember about soda not only in sickness but also in health. As a bond with fiery actions, is serves as a shield against the darkness of destruction. But one should accustom the body to it gradually. Each day it should be taken with water or milk, and in taking it one should, as it were, direct it into the nerve centers. Thus can one gradually acquire immunity.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 536:
536. Soda is taken for the abatement of diabetes. A vegetarian diet is beneficial, especially oranges. Musk is not for diabetes, but it is useful for equilibrium. It is possible to cure diabetes in the beginning by suggestion, if the action is strong enough. Indeed, milk with soda is always good. Coffee and tea, as well as everything which generates internal alcohol, are not useful. This disease is often hereditary through a generation; therefore it is impossible to foresee the illness.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 595:
595. Soda is useful, and its usefulness is linked with Fire. Soda fields themselves have been called the ashes of a great Conflagration. Thus already in antiquity people knew the significance of soda. The surface of the Earth is covered with soda, for broad usage. Likewise oil of Artemisia (wormwood), is a powerful strengthener of the nervous system. It does not destroy, but fierily cleanses of injurious deposits.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 596:
596. Not in temples only was valerian added to wine, but many Greek wines knew this admixture. Thus, musk and valerian and soda can be combined.

Brotherhood (1937) - 472:
472. An outflow of psychic energy is not at all susceptible to treatment by blood transfusion, but by valerian, musk, and milk with bicarbonate of soda. These basic remedies are supplemented by the psychic energy of the physician - the latter is quite essential. Our young friend possesses an excellent quality - he can give away a large quantity of energy without injuring himself, for there is none of that malice in him which usually has an enfeebling effect. Malice can produce a strong convulsion, therefore the basis of malice is not suitable.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 28:
28. Urusvati has admired Our flowers, in some species of which We have indeed achieved perfection. Of first importance is the use of psychic energy because it helps vegetable growth. We also irrigate with soda and in this way act from both the outer and inner side. One can experiment widely with psychic energy, but it must be done systematically, not forgetting that much time and patience are needed. Many experiments successfully started have been ruined by lack of patience. Moreover, Our radiations are harmonized, and because of the equality of Our psychic energy, each One of the Masters can substitute for another.


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