Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 133: 133. M. has many towers and sentinels upon the slopes of Himalaya. None without guide shall penetrate the snowy barriers. Amidst the glaciers Giants keep watch over the currents of the world. The fields of ice blossom with pure fire, and the air is rich with ozone. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 152: Lonely stands the summit - never does the feeling of solitude leave it. Blessed are you if this feeling is known to you. You are on your way to Us. Yet the snowy summit feeds the streams of the plains, and waters the fields for harvest. Upon the summit does the sun bestow its first ray. And the moon is reflected in its glaciers. And none know this womb of the hot springs, and they wonder at the seething waters below the snowy summits. Be not afraid of the holy bliss of solitude. Through love let it enlighten you. Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 366: 366. Approaching the mountain, one beholds a chaos of stones and jagged peaks. Beyond are the rocky chasms. Then begin the mountain meadows, watered by snow. But behind the snowy summits you will see into the great, glimmering distances. You are passing through a corridor of life, And are raising dust with your every step. How great is the burden, how many the renunciations, how vast the fear! Where was left the Treasure of the World? Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.21: If the Earth were deprived of flowers, half of its vitality would disappear. Just as important is the snow, and like beacons of salvation stand the snowy mountains. Agni Yoga (1929) - 571: 571. Pay attention to sites at high altitudes, exposed to the winds from snowy peaks. At an altitude of 24,000 feet one can observe deposits of meteoric dust. Under the power of the wind and the rays of the sun, this dust settles into the lower recesses, and changes the properties of both the snow and the soil. It is especially instructive to observe this in places where the ground is rich with metals. The metalization from within and without produces unusual magnetic combinations. Not only psychic energy but also many other energies acquire unique properties in such places. One should value those places in which so many different conditions are united. Observations of the quality of the snow, soil, and plants are not difficult, even with ordinary apparatuses. Hierarchy (1931) - 442: 442. If you want to ponder upon the Three Pearls of the World, can you feel your heart as a summit, bestowing power upon the three sacred rivers, which nurture many lands? Can you master the trinity of consciousness without diminishing one part? The spirit must be accustomed to divisibility. One can imagine amidst sloping hills a strong snowy summit, which takes upon itself all the burden of the whirlwinds. So rises an Arhat, who takes upon himself the entire burden of imperfection. As clouds hover around the summit, sometimes screening it from earthly eyes, so the wearisome burdens of the world pierce the Chalice of an Arhat. One must possess the stronghold of striving in order to nurture the rivers, gathering the whole invincible Service to Hierarchy. Why is the Service called great? Because it approaches the Infinite. This is the measure by which you can think of the Three Pearls of the World.