Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 29: 29. Water cannot extinguish the Fire that will purify the world, Nor wash away the rivers of blood. By new scourges will the world be purged of its evil. I expound happiness. I shall designate the path for the battle against the bazaar that is the present world. People have reached a dead end, but lightning will reveal the way out, And thunder will arouse the slumberers. Mountains have crashed to earth. Lakes have been drained of their waters. Cities have been engulfed by floods. Hunger shows its face. Yet has the spirit of humanity remained unmoved. Go, teach, stretch out the hand of aid! New Era Community (1926) - 166: The future may be understood as the turn from night to day. The slumberers will sleep through it, but the Community stays on watch. Our Guard does not regard a single patrol as insignificant. Agni Yoga (1929) - 165: 165. The path of the hermit is not Our path. One must offer to life the flowers of experience. Besides, who would choose for himself the easy way of an unperturbed existence? Who would choose for himself the role of spectator at a battle? Henceforth, there should be no spectators or slumberers, because Flame is at the threshold. Agni Yoga (1929) - 205: 205. "Awaken, slumberer!" People love to repeat this call. It is especially amazing when this is repeated by those who are themselves slumberers, and who continue to sleep. Some sleep for years; some sleep through an entire life; some occasionally fall into sudden slumber and drowsily repeat thoughtless words uttered by others. Let us not speak of the occasional passers-by; even those who are already on the path are subject to spells of animal sleep. Then it is the task of the Teacher to awaken them, even, if necessary, by a stroke of lightning. Indeed, sleep can easily lead to possession. AUM (1936) - 539: 539. One can compare slumberers with deniers. Verily, it is useless to speak to a sound sleeper! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 32: A particular physical condition can be observed in people when they unknowingly contact the Subtle World. Indeed, it is remarkable that such people often know nothing about the different worlds; however, somewhere in the depths of their consciousness lies an idea that cannot be formulated. In such cases, We often use Tactica Adversa to arouse the consciousness. It becomes necessary to undertake actions to the point of absurdity, otherwise the slumberers will not be awakened. The same tactic is necessary in dealing with world events.