Agni Yoga (1929) - 359: 359. It is difficult to force fast-flying birds to fly slowly. There is no greater sacrifice than when a consciousness, already expanded, must consecrate itself to physical life. Agni Yoga (1929) - 402: How offensive it is to see petty, grey distrust, with not even a sign of daring! Distrust thrives upon refuse. We always insist that knowledge be gained through experience. We affirm how slowly abilities grow and positive results accumulate. But We consider it inadmissible that a rational person would discard opportunities for gaining knowledge. How often people base the acquiring of knowledge upon material rewards! This is the way little children under seven tend to act. Agni Yoga (1929) - 580: We always underline the concept of refinement, for it is bound up with the growth of spirit. You saw the slowness of accumulations of the spirit; similarly, refinement cannot be developed at once. The process of improvement of any machine shows how slowly perfection is gained. But realizing refinement of thought, we all must command ourselves to move with evolution; then every day becomes a day of victory. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 109: 109. Transfiguration is Our most wondrous foundation of cosmic fusion. That step of cosmic transfiguration, at which man consummates his earthly path, We call cosmic joy. The manifestation of consummation is the most difficult attainment. The transmutation on higher spheres is far easier. The most difficult severance is from Earth, since Earth is the highest chain of lower worlds. The very ascent to higher spheres is difficult. Hence slowly does the spirit attain consummation and rare are such attainments. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 58: 58. True attainments are attested by the striving to cognize the Will of Highest Reason. It is difficult to accept a cosmic direction without understanding the Will of Highest Reason. Three-fourths of human strivings are directed against Cosmic Ordainments. The human spirit is not penetrating beyond the boundaries of visibility, and the opposition to the Will of Reason is leading to destruction. True, cosmic law ordains the replacement of one thing by another. Certainly, in this ordinance is contained the spirit of renewal. Certainly, the principle of renewal comprises in itself the law of perfection. Therefore, the shifting asserted by humanity advances very slowly into evolution. The potentiality of the past gives birth to the future. Immeasurable is the growth of potentiality! There where the shifting leads to new progress, all forces are strained. There where the past was imbued with opposition, cosmic purification is established, Thus, the shifting of the manifested epoch of destruction will assert its consequences. They are inevitable, and the potentiality will erect its step. Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 323: 323. The stratifications of the planet constitute the foundations of the effects determined by Karma. By striving to the finest energies humanity will surround itself with a corresponding manifestation. Therefore, since the spiritual ascent is so slowly made by man, the declared step of stratification is executing pressure upon the earthly crust. The earthly fumes are quite intense and the earthly currents are very heavy. Therefore, there are very many perturbations in the earthly sphere. Thus the prophecies are being confirmed. Hierarchy (1931) - 222: 222. Unusualness is a happy quality of each decision. Let us take the instance of an illness. The physician may give his best diagnoses and all his medicines, but this usual way may not lead to improvement. But a Yogi gives advice, and this unusual decision creates a strengthening condition. The medicine of a Yogi is not from an apothecary and avoids narcotics, but it contains the secretions of glands which, like food, strengthen the substance of the nerves. The same property is possessed by the secretions of trees, the resins of which can carry through the pores of the skin the same fortification for the nearest nerves. Certainly, purified resin can be taken internally. The best purification will be through the solar ray, but this requires a long time, because the process of sedimentation is very slow. Each oil may be purified just as slowly, but this purification is not to be compared with any chemical process. Thus the unusualness of the Yogi's advice has an advantage over the usualness of that of physicians. Thus act. Heart (1932) - 191: 191. I want to accustom you to the scale of Infinity. This accumulation is effected slowly, as is the comparison of events. The neophyte cannot grasp events in their world dimensions. To him it is even difficult and unusual to change his room. How, then, to think of world wings! Heis also held back by considerations of the pettiest property, and he does not see the step when any condition is admissible because it is weighed on the scales of Infinity. Heart (1932) - 581: 581. With sufficient accumulations one can attain the state of highest consciousness instantaneously. But in the midst of work let us not look for the highest measures. The human spirit advances slowly - let us remember this. Hence, patience alone is not sufficient, let us apply joyous patience. Let us even consider that each instantaneous illumination is not applicable, and in this way we will become convinced of the need for timeless labor in the education of the heart. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 20: 20. Every pilot will tell you not to turn the rudder too sharply. But one should speak even more emphatically about human consciousness; this crystal is formed slowly, yet each moment of cumulation is a spatial joy. Each one has a heartbeat, but one rarely observes the fiery substance. Therefore We do not always speak about Fire everywhere, except where Fire has already been accumulated. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 69: 69. The quality of observation is one of the principal fiery qualities, but it is not attained easily. It is acquired as slowly as is consciousness. You noted correctly that consciousness is strengthened by life itself; observation is strengthened likewise. There can be no abstract consciousness, nor can there be theoretical observation. But human absent-mindedness is monstrous, it creates a seemingly unreal world. In their egoism people see only their own delusions. In such wanderings there can be no discourse about the New World. Hence, by all means, training in observation should be introduced in schools, even for small children. An hour devoted to observation is a true lesson in life, and for the teacher this hour will be a lesson in resourcefulness. Begin the refinement of observation upon everyday objects. It would be a mistake to direct the pupils too rapidly to higher concepts. If, for a beginning, the pupil is capable of observing the habitual contents of a room, this will already be an achievement. This is not so easy as it seems to an unobservant eye. Later, by a series of experiments we can accelerate the ability to form impressions. We can propose that the pupil pass through an unfamiliar room at a run and yet with concentrated observation. Thus, it is possible to reveal blindness and assert true keenness of vision. It is necessary to outline a program of tests for all the senses. Thus is fiery action expressed in a simple exercise. Children are very fond of such tasks. Such exercises of consciousness carry one into the higher spheres. The most ordinary routines can become the gateway to the most complex. Imagine the exultation of a child when he exclaims, "I've seen more!" In this "more" can be comprised an entire step. The same joyous exclamation will greet the first fiery starlet that is observed. Thus, true observation begins. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 541: 541. Earth still harbors the good robber and the cruel devotee. One would suppose that people, as the highest elements of Earth, would evolve far more rapidly than other elements of the planet. But a strange phenomenon is taking place - rejecting the ethics of spirit, people have encased themselves in a spiritual inertia. It seems that even the climate changes more rapidly than the human consciousness. Many inventions have appeared on this planet more than once. Bygone nations knew much, but the quality of thinking has progressed very little. And still people talk a great deal about a new race and a new humanity. But no Golem is to be the prototype of the new race. The quality of thinking will differ from that of past ages. The art of thinking must be completely and consciously regenerated, but without understanding the three worlds it is impossible to raise thinking to a new level. He who does not yearn for self-perfection will not think on a planetary scale. He who considers discussion of the Fiery World as superstition or paganism cannot revere the Image of the Savior. One need not wonder that people become accustomed to honest thinking so slowly, for throughout their many incarnations they have been bereft of the best images of the heroes of mankind. People have continually seen that it was precisely the heroes who were tortured and killed before their very eyes. By such thinking one does not arrive at the concept of the new man. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 466: 466. In studying the fiery paths, one should remember that history greatly distorts the facts. Of course, to a certain degree one could reconstruct them, but such an impartial attitude practically does not exist. When there are inquiries about certain historic figures it is often impossible to reply, as all the conditions surrounding them have been misconstrued. Likewise, it is impossible to indicate certain medicinal and scientific methods, for they were surrounded by most unusual circumstances. Therefore, there is much that requires preparation of consciousness, and this is slowly accomplished. This is why We so stress becoming accustomed to patience and carefulness. AUM (1936) - 540: 540. Now you can the better understand why Hatha Yoga has not been indicated by Us. Less than the others does it direct man to the fundamental energy. True, through the perfecting of muscular control and will power, it slowly advances a man, but the most basic factor with which one ought to begin remains neglected. Brotherhood (1937) - 463: 463. It will be pointed out that many Communities and Brotherhoods have fallen into ruin, but they are not the ones We speak about. Moreover, they could have been moved elsewhere, but to a stranger's eye it might seem that they disintegrated. Do people know much about life in a neighboring house, much less about that which they are not supposed to know? Each one can recall from his own life the most significant events about which no one has known. Especially if transmitted by thought at a distance, who could learn about them. True, thought can be intercepted, but for this special conditions are necessary. If a thought has been directed with especial clarity to a definite person, it will unfailingly contact his aura. Thus communities can be kept together by the force of thought. But some are so afraid of thought that they decline everything relating to this domain. Such people should not be attracted, their approach ends in treachery. More than once Communities have been moved away in order to free them from undesirable people. It is easier to announce the dissolution of a Community than to disclose those who can do harm. From such a situation one can more easily comprehend why the Brotherhood is to be found in an inaccessible place. therefore, too, each one who knows about the Brotherhood will be careful in giving out his information. People cannot bear it when they are unable to understand something. Such understandings are stratified slowly. Very rarely is the Chalice filled to overflowing. As a synthesized center, the Chalice preserves the most essential, indescribable accumulations. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 76: Among traveling sadhus there may be objectionable people, but one can also find significant and learned ones. A wise observer will not pay attention to superficial details. In everything the essential must be understood. One may meet people who are close to Us, yet not recognize them. We are often saddened when a useful sending is not recognized, but the law of free will does not permit one to insist. Thus, also, the spreading of the Teaching has its special ways. In olden times people would say, "Make haste slowly." A careful balance must accompany the sending of the books of the Teaching. In centuries to come you will see how the Teaching given by Us should be spread. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 358: 358. Urusvati knows how varied are the rhythms of Our communications. At times they flow slowly and distinctly, but at other times so rapidly that it is almost impossible to hear them. They may be shockingly loud, or may become almost inaudible, like the softest whisper. Sometimes they strain the centers, but usually they are beneficent. Do not suppose that these variations are the result of Our unbalanced minds! You should seek the cause in the spatial currents. The example of Our communication is of use to anyone who studies the energy of thought. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 359: It is interesting to observe how slowly people acquire this ability. Often the perceived images tremble, the features become distorted, parts disappear, or the images may become stretched out of proportion or change their expression. Even the most kindly face can acquire a look of malice. Due to these distortions people imagine that they have been approached by an evil spirit, but the cause lies in their own inability to develop subtle vision. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 388: One may rightly ask why certain cogent ideas are so slowly assimilated by the human consciousness. For instance, it is astonishing that, despite much proof, the concept of reincarnation is such a difficult doctrine for most people. After all, one should understand that the realization and acceptance of this law by all people would signal an end to chaos, and transform the entire earthly life. Compare those who have accepted this doctrine with those who oppose it, and you will understand who is of Light and who is of Darkness!