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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SL > SLOGAN (2)

New Era Community (1926) - 31:
One should know that not a single monument has been handed down to us without mutilation. It is possible to mold as from clay the imprints of a community of rational cooperation and striving beyond the limits of the visible. The Teaching may be expressed under the slogan "Let him who differs prove the opposite." It is better to measure backwards than to be covered with indelible dust. Indeed, knowledge of the guiding principle illumines the mutilated symbols.

New Era Community (1926) - 249:
249. Be not late with the study of psychic energy. Be not late in applying it. Otherwise an ocean of waves will wash away all the dikes, turning the current of thinking into chaos. Adopt the slogan "He who does not delay is not late." Reject not the maxim of the realist about the preciseness in labor. Only without delay and in clarity of thinking is it possible to distinguish the constructions of communities.


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