New Era Community (1926) - 264: 264. Before departing accept a small reminder; it will not constrain the wayfarers. Knowing the place to find co-workers, you will never remain alone. It would be senseless to leave co-workers in ignorance. What then compels strangers not to trust to communication with Our Community? Either complete ignorance or envy. They wish to be admitted to the Central Apparatus, not having the slightest idea as to how to make use of it, and not thinking how responsible a matter it is to approach the Source of Energy. Affirmation of the Teaching of life permits approach to the most perilous levers. But without practical experience no explanation is of assistance. Agni Yoga (1929) - 136: 136. Often people entrust themselves to a fiery steed, not realizing that even a mere gnat can throw the animal into a rage. Often people try to navigate in a frail canoe when every stone is a peril. Often people sit beneath the beams of a house which the slightest tremor of earth can cause to collapse. All this is of course known; nevertheless people think they can evade danger as though danger were not a constant companion to existence on Earth. People traverse life, blindly happy, unaware of the adjacent precipice. But if the inner sight is sufficiently developed, the voyager of life will see each cosmic irregularity. He will be painfully tormented by the seeming impenetrability of the path. But how will he gain the courage and strength to cross all chasms of what he now sees as a crumbling stronghold? Certainly, only by realizing the relation of the present transitory hour to an inevitable future. Agni Yoga (1929) - 187: 187. Agni Yoga must be introduced into life, but its bearers must not differ externally from others in life. The Agni Yogi lives unnoticed. He needs no human distinctions. He observes, but will avoid attention from others. For the current of space, the arrows of the crowd's attention are unacceptable, because the work of evolution is not wrought by the crowds. Even the single current at times requires protection from the random arrows of the crowd. This does not mean that there should be even the slightest alienation from life. It is necessary only to evaluate the goal-fitness of one's surroundings. Agni Yoga (1929) - 225: 225. It is a mistake to think that the ascent of consciousness can be accomplished by attainment of supernatural exaltation. As below, so above: labor and experience everywhere. Consciousness nurtures the growth of the subtle body. Even the slightest sensation contributes to the texture of the subtle body. It is precisely this that is usually overlooked by people. They think that one great action can compensate for a succession of small, petty deeds. But who can say what is great and what is small? All actions of a yogi take into account the most detailed considerations. One can see keen observation and precision in every act of a yogi. In his actions, no prejudice, no useless habit is permitted. He walks like a lion. He strikes unhesitatingly, but does not crush what is unworthy of notice, or too weak to threaten. Thus, one must evaluate the true meaning of one's every action. Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 264: 264. All cosmic forms are affirmed by the transmutation of the Fire of Space. This complex process is defined as a taut spiral. The currents of the spiral are tensed by the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, the quality of the transmutation is dependent upon the attraction exercised by the transmuting energy. The fires of Space and the fires of spirit together set up this endless chain. The evolution of these qualities depends upon the impulse actually manifested. And the creative power responds to the slightest manifestation of striving. Thus does the attraction of the creative power give life to form. Immutable is the law of creative energy, and the symbol of Be-ness may be defined as attraction. Hence, the Cosmic Magnet acts through the most highly tensified attraction. Hierarchy (1931) - 125: 125. Observe how people read the Teaching. Observe which passages they avoid and try not to notice. People especially often close their eyes to everything referring to betrayal and psychic murder. They do not even wish to consider that they can harm at a distance by their thoughts. Thus people avoid that in which they are most often guilty. One does not have to be a giant of thought in order to harm. Even a mediocre thought poisoned by the crystal of imperil will be very effective. To conceive treason means to accomplish an evident half of the whole, because an already poisoned shell will be receptive to the slightest impetus. Verily, poisoning by thoughts is even more harmful than narcotics. Likewise, one can remind about infection through thought-transmission. One may be weakened to such an extent that each infection can easily approach. Thought is like a key with which to open. Heart (1932) - 13: 13. Can you imagine what humanity would represent with healthy bodies and uncultured hearts? It is even difficult to imagine such a feast of darkness. All the illnesses and infirmities are unable to curb the universal madness of the heart. Verily, so long as the heart has not become enlightened, diseases and infirmities will not be removed, otherwise the fury of the heart coupled with powerful bodies will terrify the worlds. It was said long ago of the holy man - "He walked before the Lord." That means he did not violate the Hierarchy, and thus purified his heart. Through the slightest purification of the human heart one can manifest a waterfall of Benefaction. But at present one can act cautiously if the heart has not as yet become putrefied. Thus, without falling into despondency, one must know that the darkness has become heavy and many hearts are putrid. The actuality of the significance of the heart is an old truth, but never has it been so needed as now. Heart (1932) - 36: But when you notice even the slightest traces of a call, know not to hinder; for the foundation of Agni Yoga is fire, and one must not extinguish it. And who will dare to turn the fiery element against himself? Each extinguished flame will produce an echo; hence the karma of the extinguisher is like the fate of a murderer. Heart (1932) - 207: 207. How tortuous are many observations of life! One can study the success of outer actions in relation to the heart-striving. Besides, one can study which deviations from strivings react upon the outer waves of the currents. It can be seen how at times a condition, insignificant from the point of view of daily life, has a tremendous influence upon inner action, and vice versa, the slightest unworthy desire may destroy the structure already prepared. But it is not customary to pay attention to the activity of the heart. People are ready to doom themselves to any unhappiness rather than think about its causes. We are also concerned to see how people permit an intolerable trend of thought near the magnetic centers, unwilling to recall that particular vigilance is needed, especially near these centers. Of course, everyone may think about himself, but where there is a step of millenniums, the flutter of butterflies is unfit. One must ultimately learn co-measurement! Thoughts about the Highest give birth to the highest. Heart (1932) - 465: 465. The impression of the aura on film does not depend upon the film itself, but on the photographer and the subject photographed. The usual satisfactory plate is adequate, but the qualities of the participants and the witnesses are especially important. Not even with the excellent qualities of one participant should one expect immediate results. The vina must be tuned in order to attain harmonies. But people dislike preparatory work most of all. In addition, another condition is necessary - one should be able to pass at least one day without the slightest irritation. Imperil corrodes the most significant reflexes of energy. An irritable person can be called a shell in the full meaning of the word. The most significant results are obscured by one crystal of imperil. Imperil should not be regarded as a houseplant, its odor is widespreading and blights all currents. Hence, when I speak against irritation, I do not refer to dogma, but to an indicated medical cure. As always, this consideration must be carried out beginning with the most minute. Heart (1932) - 529: 529. People ascend peaks in order to study cosmic rays. Probably they have not taken into the slightest consideration the composition of the mountain itself. And certainly they did not contribute to the experiment by study of their own energies. The experiment can either be strengthened or almost disrupted by a disorderly combination of observers. I am astonished at how extensively people rely on dead apparatuses, forgetting the effect of their own living energy. The fluctuations of the most precise apparatuses in different hands are worthy of observations. Even the most sensitive chronometers work differently in various hands. Of course, such simple evidence arouses the derision of dwarfs. Is it possible that they have so low an opinion of themselves that they do not admit having any emanations of their own? It seems they do not regard themselves as having the image and likeness of Divinity! Yet even pigs have emanations. Heart (1932) - 536: 536. Among the fires of the heart the most vivid is the flame of self-sacrifice. Precisely this armor diverts the hostile arrows and creates the renowned invulnerability. The fire of courage is only a part of the flame of self-sacrifice. Of course, self-sacrifice does not mean necessarily to offer oneself as a victim, but it corresponds to the readiness to conquer for the work of the Highest World. One can also notice a decline of the fires upon the slightest deviation from Hierarchy. As a whirlwind extinguishes the torches, the deviation into the abyss of Chaos destroys the fires of the heart. Is it not strange to see at one table the deviating ones and those who walk to victory? They seemingly share together equally the earthly food, but their spirits are already in opposite regions. The purified heart senses these contrasts. Often the heart hesitates to decide by the outward appearance, but the substance is clear to it. Heart (1932) - 541: 541. I affirm that even the slightest action in the name of the future pierces the strata of tension of the atmosphere. The accumulated refuse of the past is cut asunder by the sword of the future. The shield of the future is the most reliable and salutary. One must not think of the inaccessibility of the future, for it is being created tirelessly - thus, the heart is the pledge of the future. Heart (1932) - 578: 578. Those who do not know will ask, "In what then, is Armageddon expressed if all the dens of evil exist as before?" One ought then to say that all people have felt the battle, but each in his own way. The very tension in the dens indicates each increase in the essence of striving. Therefore, human qualities must be regarded very sensitively. The deaf and dumb sometimes affect strange gestures, for they cannot find any other forms of expression because of their limitations. But, are not people who do not know the heart similarly limited? One should not laugh at such poverty, but unnoticeably and patiently impel it forward toward an image worthy of expression. The same tolerance must be manifested for all ugliness. The present time demands different conditions in all of life. In the letters of the Mahatmas, which are being translated, one can see how Our Guidance, which took place in accordance with the highest plan, was farthest away from earthly actions. The law of free will does not permit approach to the immediate actions. But now the conditions of the planet have changed, the norms of the law are strained. We must look for measures of close guidance, cautiously straining the essence of free will. Thus, the task becomes very complicated. Even the slightest infringement of the free will leads to the most ramified consequences. Correlating karmic conditions with the entrusting of missions can be compared to walking a tightrope, but this rope has to be woven out of the most diverse material. How much attention is needed in order to combine the threads according to color and rhythm! For, with one unrestrained exclamation one can arrest an extended work, hence I advise special caution. There exists a saying about collecting all ropes for the journey. In an hour of tension you do not know which thread will be of use. Therefore, keep every possibility ready without judging whether it is small or great. For the Teacher it is always of value to have the definite assurance that each brief Command of his will be understood and fulfilled. Thus we advance toward the language of the heart, which is not in need of a profusion of words. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 47: 47. The approach of the Subtle World to the earthly one is one of the great fiery tasks. Imperceptibly, much is being done toward this end. But, in addition, it is necessary to strengthen a consciousness of this in the minds of people. One should affirm its reality and remove it from the category of a fairy tale. It is not sufficient that somewhere results have already been achieved, for the slightest improvement demands a conscious acceptance. If this is apparent even with everyday discoveries, then how much more is it felt when it concerns man himself! It is difficult for man to yield even in the smallest! Rare are the heroes who shed their blood for the good of their fellow man, yet this inner impulse fills the organism with new forces. One should understand the transmutation of the physical body also as a form of heroism. It must serve as an encouragement to realize that the experience of such an approach has already produced excellent and tangible results. People must become accustomed to the fact that the perfecting of conditions of existence must be accelerated, but this must not resemble convulsions. On the contrary, people should not be satisfied with outworn customs; they should learn to rejoice at the new. Joy about the new is already wings to the future. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 113: 113. A principle permits us to form a concept of the successive steps of the very same orderly process. Everyone can learn to swim as soon as he conquers the element in his consciousness. Following this principle a man can lie upon the water, and through a certain exercise, can sit upon the water. Advancing further, the Yogi can stand upon the water. Of course, such standing, and also levitation, are already fiery actions. You have knowledge of levitation, and you recall what fiery tension is required beforehand. But levitation is not so difficult, for the element of fire is akin to air. At the slightest doubt, despite all physical accomplishment, the man will immediately drown or fall. The reflex of doubt is a most striking one. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 349: 349. Technocracy should be regarded as a device of the dark ones. The dark ones have often led people on to mechanical solutions, thereby hoping to occupy the attention of humanity, only to divert it from spiritual growth. Yet the problems of life can be solved only by the expansion of consciousness. It can be seen how mechanical hypotheses easily ensnare the hopes of humanity. Such also was the Maya of the ancients, which could be interrupted by the slightest shock. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 372: 372. The epidemic of tetanus belongs to the fiery illnesses. It can be asserted that such an epidemic can spread as widely as cancer. The condition may be alleviated by mountain air, but the chief requirement will be the assimilation of the fiery energy. Any shock can cause either cancer or tetanus; this indicates that the organism may be fundamentally unbalanced, so that even the slightest shock induces disease by opening all entrances. He who spoke of the treasure of consciousness was a great physician. One should urgently introduce fiery prophylaxis. Today you have heard of cancer, tomorrow perhaps of tetanus, the day after, cramps of the larynx, then bubonic plague, after that a new brain disease; thus a veritable chorus of terrors will thunder out, while people ponder about the cause. Of course, they would rather ascribe it to gasoline than to the action of Fire, which is neither understood nor accepted by them. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 526: 526. Of course, you have noticed the state between sleep and waking. It is especially remarkable that at the slightest movement a sort of dizziness is felt. But in a comfortable position one can feel a decrease in weight. This state is no illusion. In fact one can check the change in weight on scales. The dizziness itself is the effect of the predominance of the subtle body. The ancient Teaching says that as man returns to his earthly body, he senses momentarily the quality of the Subtle World. One can feel the same condition during ecstasy of the spirit at the beginning of an epileptic fit. But the decrease in weight of a medium occurs differently; then external elementary energies participate. The manifestation of the Fiery World is especially close to us when the fiery body transforms our sensations amidst earthly conditions; therefore we can affirm that the conditions of the three worlds can also be manifested in earthly life. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 661: 661. Fanaticism is inadmissible. It contains neither devotion, nor love, nor magnanimity, but is only a reversion to the animal state. Fanaticism begets treason, hostility, and cruelty. The fanatic does not reach the Fiery World, because love is the key to it. Fanaticism is like a neglected ailment, if not immediately attended to it becomes incurable. Such a consciousness must encounter great shocks in order to understand true devotion. By repulsion alone one cannot acquire the quality of the magnet. Therefore, I am so concerned that you should not lose a single opportunity for manifesting friendliness. The best fuel should be preserved for the fire of the heart. The store of friendliness generates true compassion, which is directly opposed to the cruelty of fanaticism. Fanaticism knows only the egoism which presumptuously says, "All or nothing." and since all is impossible, there remains nothing. Therefore, take notice of even the slightest signs of fanaticism. Cure them with the greatest patience as you would a contagious disease. It is precisely fanaticism which has shaken the most beautiful Teachings and corroded the seeds of love. One should carefully prepare everything that can facilitate the access of Agni to one's heart. Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 113: 113. In order to reestablish the forgotten Hierarchy one should accept its goal-fitness from all sides, from the highest to the lowest. Thus one may avoid the usual error of people who seemingly have already recognized Hierarchy but immediately repudiate it at the slightest inconvenience to them. Such violations hinder greatly the implantation of a new consciousness. Brotherhood (1937) - 436: 436. Joint brotherly service can begin when mutual recrimination has been abandoned. Discussion is not condemnation. There may be brotherly actions which are not immediately understood. It is possible to make inquiries about reasons, but it is inadmissible, through ignorance, to utter condemnation which is like a sharp knife. Brothers so respect each other that they do not suspect unworthy action on the part of a brother; they comprehend any situation and ponder how to render assistance. In such cooperation there will be not the slightest compulsion. But mutual understanding is not born in an instant - a certain period is required to harmonize the centers. Therefore, in antiquity a certain time was set as a testing for newcomers. In the course of this period they could quit the Brotherhood without grave consequences. This period could be from three to seven years, but after that a betrayal would entail the most serious consequences. One must not look at this as cruelty, for he who runs away during a thunderstorm may be struck by lightning. The very speed of his flight only increases the danger. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 86: Half-felt measures will not suffice in days of great calamity, when there must be a unity that bars even the slightest discord. The hostile forces dwell in such little cracks and poison seeps into shields damaged by discord, against which Our defense is perfect love. Let all Our friends wear this trustworthy armor. Do not mislead yourself by thinking that small splinters are harmless, for they cause terrible infection. In Our intense life the cracks of doubt are the most dangerous. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 149: Some may wonder why such a Great Spirit had to face the imperfections of dark entities. But the power of the Magnet attracts even the dark ones, who long to confuse and injure wherever they can. For example, even the slightest doubt will make it impossible to walk on water or fire, or to levitate. I mention this because the Great Pilgrim could perform these acts easily. His great power was in His absolute fearlessness, and He proceeded unwaveringly, for in His heart He had chosen the life of great deeds. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 244: Heartless thinking is the plague of humanity. Ancient philosophers did not include heartless people in their concepts of government. Plato in his Republic and Aristotle in his Politics had in mind organized societies of intelligent co-workers, and did not tolerate tyrants, hypocrites, or swindlers. It is impossible to imagine a strong state consisting of hypocrites and swindlers. Hypocrisy is incompatible with the highest beliefs and knowledge, and a false foundation will serve only a false structure. We do not approve of the slightest manifestation of hypocrisy, and believe that this vice begets all other corrupt feelings. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 244: The Thinker opposed instantly the slightest trace of hypocrisy in his disciples. He would say, "In this case, go to the priests and pay them with gold for their prayers. They assume that the gods will accept hired prayers." Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 269: The most unusual symptom is the sudden swelling of various parts of the body, especially the extremities. No one can explain the cause of these swellings and an ordinary physician will probably not believe the existence of such an ailment without seeing it for himself. However, this is not so easy, because, though the size of the swellings can be very great, they come and go quickly. Urusvati experienced this, but before the physicians could confirm it, the swelling passed without the slightest trace. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 294: Most people do not have the slightest idea of this, and those who do quickly forget. It is not an easy task to dissolve these dark stratifications. As you know, every substance emits and even harbors its own germs. People easily accept the idea that certain objects can be infectious and even poisonous, but refuse to understand that it is their own thoughts that permeate the objects. Indeed, people have a low opinion of the potency of their own thoughts! Likewise, few realize that by surrounding themselves with poisonous objects they put barriers between themselves and the Higher Realms. We suffocate in a polluted atmosphere. It would be wonderful if medical authorities would apply to the mental realm the same improvements they make to sanitary conditions! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 345: We should not attribute such hatred only to the forces of darkness. Many highly regarded citizens are the very ones who hate all that is harmonious, because they detest the idea of the unification of the mundane with the supermundane. Darkness has loyal co-workers among unbalanced people. If you see attacks upon useful undertakings, look attentively and you will see that the persecutors have not even the slightest degree of harmony within themselves. Study them and you will observe the inadequacies of their reasoning faculties and learn how to resist their trickery. You will learn when it is possible to remonstrate with them and when, because nothing can be accomplished in this life, a change of sheaths will be necessary. Yes, yes, yes, harmony itself is often understood as an abstraction! Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 367: It is hard to express certain ideas in words. It is hard to explain the difference between the power of calmness and the oppressive force of aggression. Only those who have trod many earthly paths will understand the value of calmness, particularly during the days of Armageddon. Calm reigns in Our Abode, where even the slightest imbalance can cause a great calamity. Calmness should be cultivated everywhere in the world. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 424: The slightest doubt will also decrease one's nervous stamina. Those who doubt cannot sit upon water or walk through fire. It is instructive to observe how the smallest doubt can destroy. This may be so fleeting that one does not notice it, yet it succeeds in disturbing the circulation of the blood. One cannot hope to arrest one's pulse when the attention is divided, but it is not easy to free oneself from divided thought. Frequently thoughts carry along their "mirror images" which weaken the action of the basic thought. These unwelcome companions are the result of insufficient mental clarity. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 432: We are greatly saddened when Our advice has been rejected or its application delayed. However, even Our material help is not always accepted. The usual excuse is that Our methods are too unfamiliar. But people cannot see that the conditions of Our help may be quite beyond their earthly understanding and judgment, and their unwillingness to accept it is due to a lack of imagination. They cling fast to the only way they see out of a difficulty, and unfamiliar suggestions are unacceptable to them. That is why it is so helpful to listen to the traditions of different peoples. Only by comparing the most varied opinions can one imagine the diversity of existing conditions. One should learn to listen to the slightest appeals. The heart will tell when they are true.