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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SL > SLEEPING (26)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.17:
How many times, having started out for Egypt, have We found Ourselves in Mongolia? How many times, having found a manuscript, have We locked it up again? How many times, having begun to erect walls, have We reduced them to rubble? How many times, having turned the steed homeward, have We again rushed it into the darkness of the night, lest, by sleeping overnight at home, We should deprive the plan of immutability? The seeming changeableness is no more than the vibration of life. The ways to the guideposts of immutability vibrate and billow like waves.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.18:
Astral guests crowd into the midst of life without attention being paid to them. Of course, it is not always easy for them to reach different people, and then one's earthly visitors serve as their mediators. Communication encounters difficulty, but the emanations of auras left by visitors or servants constitute a bridge for the invisible guests. The merit of these is very diverse - from the touch of a butterfly to the jaws of a tiger. Therefore, it is more practical to admit fewer people into your sleeping chambers and your workroom, if your own aura is already sufficiently steady.

New Era Community (1926) - 167:
167. It has been said often - "Rest can be found not in sleep but in change of labor." True, some may discontinue sleeping and obtain poor results. As a preliminary it is necessary to teach the nerve centers to work in groups. One must disconnect the work of the centers. One must learn to unite the most unexpected groups and then quickly change their combinations. Thus, a street musician playing several instruments simultaneously performs one of the useful exercises. Dictating to several copyists at the same time is useful. Contrasting movement of the arms is useful. Stoppage of breathing and thinking is useful. One can enumerate a great number of exercises of the will about which it would be fitting to say, "Bees create their hives with patience."

New Era Community (1926) - 199:
199. It may be asked "How is it that in Your Community there is a place set aside for ancient structures and books? Why does not this antiquity have an influence on striving into the future?" There are two reasons first, the propelled consciousness does not look back; second, structures were created and objects gathered together only for the advancement into the future. The stratification of striving into the future fills the whole existence of the Community. The entire attraction of objects is drowned in the current of aspiration. Pillars of basalt do not evoke past events, but by their stability they affirm their fitness for the future. The books do not carry thought back into the past but bear testimony just for the future. Transference of the whole consciousness into the future can affirm the existence of the Community. I shall not tire of repeating that community must be accepted by the consciousness. No external assurances serve to convince Us. Indispensable is that quality of the consciousness which sleeping or waking speaks the same; for any other solution is inadmissible even in the form of a jest.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 73:
73. You know that at an altitude of eleven thousand feet the astral body acquires a special quality. Each altitude has its specific effect on each body. You may have observed that at an altitude of seven thousand feet man can decrease his intake of food. The need for food gradually decreases as one ascends until at an altitude of sixteen thousand feet the decrease is substantial. Above an altitude of nine thousand feet I do not advise the use of wine, coffee, pepper or other spices. Above seventeen thousand feet even strong tea is inadvisable. With the decreasing need for food there is a parallel decrease in the need for sleep; one can consider sleeping for no more than six hours, and at twenty thousand feet four is quite enough. Thus one can understand that at great altitudes one can remain almost without sleep, or food.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 196:
One must with equal caution guard the purity of the air in one's sleeping room. One should remember that during the departure of the astral body the physical body remains unprotected, and if the air is poisoned, the appearance of undesirable guests is unavoidable. Mint is the best disinfectant. It also aids the astral body, which leaves the physical body more often than we think. It may at times wander aimlessly, staying close to the physical body, or it may enter upon a new course of action and gain much knowledge. The imperative duty of each one is to create the best conditions for one's astral body.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 264:
Once the Blessed One visited the ruler of Rajagriha. The ruler called His attention to the immaculateness of his reception room. But the Blessed One said, "Show rather the cleanliness of your sleeping chamber, your bath, and your hearth. The reception room is contaminated by many unworthy ones, but in the place where your consciousness is created, let everything be spotless."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 450:
450. One may regard a chain of incarnations as a sequence of separate lives, but it is better to look upon the entire chain of incarnations as one life. Truly, life is one; from the moment of mastering the human consciousness, life with all it involves does not cease, and the surrounding cosmic currents evoke the same sensations in all phases of life. This is one of the most binding conditions of life, proving the innate oneness of all principles. One could call the time of incarnation a sleeping dream or a waking day, depending on one's point of view. In the past perhaps it was a sleeping dream, but in the future it will perhaps be an awakening. This depends upon the success of one's evolution.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 492:
492. Agni Yoga approaches just in time. Without it, who could say that epidemics of influenza should be cured by psychic energy? Who would pay attention to the new kinds of mental, brain, and nervous illnesses, such as sleeping sickness? It is not leprosy, or the old forms of plague or cholera that must be dreaded; for them, preventive measures already exist. But one must ponder over the new enemies that are created by the conditions of contemporary life. One cannot apply old treatments to them; a new approach will be found through the expansion of consciousness.

Heart (1932) - 141:
141. Even for the most enlightened people it is difficult to translate the action of the Subtle World into physical time! It is almost inconceivable for people that for the absentations into the subtle world hardly any physical time is needed. One can make the most distant flights into the Subtle World, but the earthly clocks will mark them only by seconds, because the dimension of the Subtle World is so different from the physical. Along with this one may notice that when forcible separation of the subtle body takes place, the words of the sleeping one do not correspond to the impetuosity of the subtle actions and already are subject to the law of the physical world. Thus, the physical mind also acts by the law of the physical world; only the psychic energy of the nerves is subject to the law of light.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 107:
107. One Chinese philosopher, knowing the frightful aspects of the lower strata of the Subtle World, determined to deaden their impression. For this purpose he filled this sleeping chamber with the most frightful images. In the presence of these revolting masks, he hoped that nothing worse could be expected. Such methods are abominable, although people love them whether in this or in another form. On the contrary, We teach the eye to become non-receptive to the repugnant. Besides, it is impossible to imagine the complete gamut of horrors created by people's vices. Even here in the earthly world we often are horrified by inhuman visages, but imagine the aspects into which these are transformed when their essential nature is unmasked! And here also We often experience the attacks of these dark entities. They attempt to annihilate everything dangerous to them. During sleep they try to weaken one, in order to inflict injury more readily during the disturbance of the balance. One should not consider these dark engenderings as superstitious fancy. Every scientist must realize the depth of the perspective of Existence. The scientist has grasped the incalculability of infinitesimal organisms; he has seen the bones of giant animals, and he can see still more if he peers into the vastness of the Himalayan caves. Thus the scientist measures into infinity and calculates infinite magnitudes by simple mathematical solutions. This means that precisely the scientist must admit the infinitude of fiery formation. Thus, from the merest arithmetical zero one must send one's imagination into the Infinite, remembering that a vacuum does not exist.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 375:
375. The seed of the spirit and the divisibility of spirit provide the explanation regarding the monad. The seed of the spirit is indispensable to life. The divisibility of spirit makes possible both the enrichment and the dissipation of the monad. One can consciously divide one's spirit for the good of the world and send forth its separate parts for achievement. From this, only enrichment results. But ignorance may dissipate the treasure and remain together with a dormant seed. From this, soullessness results. Actually, the parts of the spirit dissipated in ignorance may become obsessing agents, and then, woe to the sleeping heart! Thus, in order to avoid returning again to the divisibility of spirit, let us remember that the seed of the spirit can sleep or can be radiant in vigilance. Only by this light is the magnet of the heart created, which attracts to its bosom the released parts of spirit. There is a vast difference between setting free and losing. Thus, one can remember that the slumbering seed of the spirit, though it maintains life, admits all the qualities of soullessness.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 399:
399. Evolution is independent and voluntary, this is a fundamental law. It is not only the basic elements of karma but also the Fiery World which constitute a manifestation of conscious evolution. It is impossible to force people to evolve spiritually. A sleeping heart cannot be forced toward good. One can point out, one can set milestones, but to break the consciousness means to kill the root of the future tree. Millions of years may seem long, but neither years nor centuries exist. People have divided existence into seconds and have drowned themselves in zeros. Therefore the psychology of the Subtle World is so important, since here hours are not needed and only results are important. People are often indignant at the ordainments of the Teaching, exclaiming, "Why does not the book give the final formulas?" But such a demand proves an ignorance of the foundations. The Teaching gives the precise direction and kindles the fires along the entire path of labor. One can proceed by these beacons. One may find solutions already cosmically ripe. One may hear exact things, but the spirit must by its own will combine them into a mosaic. To affirm the path is the Ordainment of the Great Architect. As in legends, we must put our ears to the ground lest we miss a single step or whisper. Though people read much they apply but little. Yet the dates are so close!

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 408:
408. The Great Architect builds eternally. It is senseless to suppose that certain parts of the Universe are completed and remain static. A great deal is made of the term evolution , but people have absolutely no conception of this process in its actuality. There has been much argument about the social structure, but it always has been presumed that human society exists in something inflexible and finite. The stories of the Deluge and of the glacial period are regarded almost as merely symbolic. and it is not proper even to speak of Atlantis, despite the testimonies of the Greek writers. One can see how the human consciousness evades everything that threatens its established comfort. Likewise, the concept of evolution is turned into an abstraction, thus not disturbing the consciousness of the petrified heart in the least. But does not the heavenly vault evoke thoughts about eternal motion? Only through such evolutionary concepts can one absorb the beauty of the earthly pilgrimage as the sojourn for ascent. The very briefness of the path should not disturb one, on the contrary, it should give one joy, as does the rotation of the sun. It is urgently necessary to expound to what extent evolution is incessantly in the hands of the Great Architect of the Universe. One should feel that the planet is in space, just as seamen know that the vast ocean is beneath their ship. At first seamen were terrified by this suspension over an abyss, but reality and experience accustom them to this truth. Every inhabitant of the planet is on a similar ship - below him is the abyss. The seamen cannot depend entirely upon their ship and scientific calculations, if they could there would be no shipwrecks. Astronomy knows a few heavenly bodies, but it does not know the starting point of the comets, and it does not anticipate the gigantic meteors. Only upon their obvious appearance are people notified, The destruction of entire worlds is sometimes noticed, but more often it occurs without attracting any attention. Astronomy is a night watchman! But what about the events taking place by day? Thus, we observe only approximately half of that which is evident. How much that is unexpected is concealed from the sleeping heart!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 328:
328. A man cannot step forward with both legs at the same time. Such a change of leverage may serve to illustrate the necessity of change of energies. One must become quite accustomed to change of activities of centers. All the centers cannot resound together; in fact, their progress depends upon change of activity. But silence of a center does not signify its death. On the contrary, like a sleeping man it is being renewed in communion with the Higher World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 490:
490. Austerely and tensely, yet also joyfully, should this year be passed on the Earth for those who are wise. I affirm a powerful rotation of energies, yet there too it is possible to awaken sleeping ones. Not obviously does the King of Glory arrive, but by the wise His step is heard. Leave the dead to bury the dead, and rejoice in the formation of life. Say to friends - take notice, observe sharply.

AUM (1936) - 296:
296. Many primitive methods for recalling events to mind may be observed. One may read how one ruler inclined his head as far as his knees, that the change in the blood circulation might help to awaken his sleeping memory. It is known that anchorites beat their breasts in order to stimulate a reaction in the Chalice. The evidence of many examples demonstrates that blood circulation is connected with psychic functions. The more necessary it is to respect the science that examines the physical side of life, but at the same time reveals a new spiritual bond inherent in all Existence.

AUM (1936) - 379:
379. The magnetization of water placed near a sleeping man will indicate the secretion of his radiations, and will demonstrate the precipitation of his force upon objects. Such precipitations should be observed most attentively; they can remind about the obligation of man to fill his surroundings with beautiful deposits. Each sleep is not only a lesson for the subtle body but is also a nursery of psychic precipitations.

Brotherhood (1937) - 35:
35. Be not surprised that, speaking about Brotherhood, I mention the primary energy; there are two reasons for this. The first lies in the fact that approach to Brotherhood requires the development of the primary energy. Without this, with the centers sleeping, realization of such subtle perceptions is impossible. On such most subtle vibrations is built Brotherly cooperation. The second thing to be remembered is that not everyone has read the preceding writings, in which psychic energy is spoken about. Each book must contain the basic conditions for improvement. It would be cruel not to give even brief allusions to the preceding, wherein something invaluable has been dealt with.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 24:
24. Urusvati understands the correlation between the sleeping and waking states. For some, sleep is the opposite of the waking state, but for Us sleep is a continuation of labor, although in a different state. Sleep should not be understood otherwise. That it is a necessity cannot be denied. Some conditions may reduce the need for sleep, but do not remove the need for it. On the heights four hours of sleep may suffice, but this is only possible at a certain altitude.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 73:
73. Urusvati knows how to discern the veils of Maya. When We speak about veils, it is because there is something being veiled, and that is Primal Energy. Wise is the one who can perceive in different manifestations where the eternal, indestructible foundation lies. Without this discernment everything will be Maya, a baseless mirage. It is impossible to live among such phantoms. The very foundation of eternal life requires a realization of where to find that steadfastness upon which the tired traveler can lean. Inevitably man will come to seek the eternal foundation. Thought about immutability can inspire man to action, and this striving to action is a healthy sign. We may be asked what conditions are required for Us to be able to help people better: of course, the answer is in action. We can say to those who ask for help, "Act!" for then it is easier for Us to help. Even a small unsuccessful action is better than no action, since We can then add Our energy to the energy shown by you. It is no wonder that a substance will blend more easily with one that is similar. When We wish to apply Our energy, We look for its most useful application. We send Our energy not just to awaken, but also to increase the power of those who strive. A person suddenly awakened can perform the most foolish actions. The sleeping one should not be disturbed unexpectedly, but when one is on a conscious vigil, We can help.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 220:
There are many descriptions of the Subtle World, but all of them are limited by the individual experience of the observer. Thus one person speaks about the lowest level, of almost monstrous ghosts; another describes sleeping shadows; a third finds an absolute similarity to the physical world; and a fourth talks about luminous bodies. They all describe what they have seen, but their perceptions were limited, causing them to think that one stratum is the entire Subtle World. Because of this error people quarrel and accuse one another of falsehood. If they could understand the manifoldness of the Subtle World, they would realize how beneficial it would be for them to strive to the higher spheres.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 239:
We revere the words of the Thinker. He said, "The sleeping heart is like a tomb. Decomposition is its lot, and its decomposition spreads degeneration. May we be spared degeneration."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 339:
Folklore preserves stories about sleeping beauties and knights who remained in states of suspended animation. Folk wisdom observes this as a special condition that is followed by renewed energy and heroism. Truly, the time will come when medical science will be able to create these periods of absolute rest for the renewal of vital forces. Experiments for this took place in ancient times.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 397:
397. Urusvati knows that in addition to the epidemics that are known, there are many others that are not recognized. For example, there is a type of drowsiness that suddenly afflicts groups of people. Certainly, this is neither lethargy nor sleeping sickness, but is the result of a decreased psychic energy. It is important to note that this condition may simultaneously afflict the most diverse types of people.


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