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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SL > SLAVISHLY (2)

New Era Community (1926) - 58:
Let us receive the command of the Cosmos not slavishly but tempestuously! Hence, the time comes when the Light-Force burns the darkness. The time is imminent, and the hour cannot be set back.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 434:
434. One is told in all ancient Teachings, "Do not turn thy back to the Teacher." This command can be understood either slavishly or reverently. Conscious reverence is like a flower of light. One cannot order it; only an expanded consciousness will enable one to experience reverence for spiritual values. How to describe to the blind an entire stony slope? How to alert the deaf with a warning call? Only the experience of life will show the meaning of the command, "Do not turn thy back to the Teacher."


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