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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SL > SLAVERY (45)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.13:
2.9.13. People often lack discipline of spirit and a sense of co-measurement. The key to the next attainment is the most difficult step on the path. Therefore, many beginners consider the path of an Adept like galley slavery. Not a flattering opinion, but I prefer the austerity of the spirit's drive.

New Era Community (1926) - 46:
Conventional virtue manifests superlative cupidity and loves to tell lies. And such handsome, rosy-cheeked teachers of virtue are these, and so oily in their affection! Achievement, human achievement, is unknown to these teachers of virtue, and their resplendent garments are starched with slavery!

New Era Community (1926) - 98:
It is impossible for a poisoned consciousness to distinguish the moments of freedom and of bondage. The man who is lost in conjecture as to where is slavery and where freedom is unable to think about the community. The man who opposes the consciousness of his brother cannot think about the community. The man who distorts the Teaching cannot think about the community. The basis of the community lies in freedom of thinking and in reverence for the Teacher. To accept the Teacher means to fall in line with the workers fighting the fire. If everyone rushes to the fire from the wellspring without any order, the wellspring will be trampled without benefit.

New Era Community (1926) - 108:
108. The school will teach respect for useful inventions, but will warn against a machine slavery. All forms of slavery will be destroyed as signs of darkness. The teacher will be a guiding tutor - a friend who points out a shorter and better path. Not the process of compulsion, but the smile of summons. But, if into the schools of life treason will have seeped, then the severest judgment will put an end to such madness.

New Era Community (1926) - 219:
219. All compulsion is condemned. Compulsory slavery, compulsory marriage, compulsory labor, incites rebellion and condemnation. But of all the forms of compulsion the most culpable and ugly is the compulsory community. Each compulsion is doomed to a reaction, and the worst form of compulsion is doomed to the worst reaction.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 40:
40. A blind man dreams of material reward. But, if he were to gain sight, he would be astonished to see that he creates his own reward. Ascending in consciousness, a man progresses filled with joy, and the thought of reward would return him into slavery. In fact, there are many slaves, precisely those who try to conceal the servility of their spirit beneath an icy impenetrability and a seeming renunciation of that which they do not even possess. Each one wanting reward is already a slave. Only by a free consciousness, lacking both self-aggrandizement and self-disparagement, can evolution be constructed.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 549:
549. It is correct to define the Kundalini as an abstract principle. When the conditions of earthly life were crude, it was necessary to direct the spirit to higher spheres. At first, the symbol of the Eye of Brahma held priority; then it was followed by the triumph of the Kundalini. But with either, the attainment of Samadhi by some did not protect humanity from the horrors of slavery and treason.

Hierarchy (1931) - 345:
345. Do not be perturbed by the necessity for seeming repetitions. In the first place, nothing is repeated. Even the same words appear completely different at different times. Secondly, one should reiterate day and night about Hierarchy. You are right that the hierarchy of thralldom is ended, but the emergence of a realized Hierarchy is followed by human sufferings. There is too much slavery in the world, and each flame of consciousness is too oppressed. Slavery and a consciously realized Hierarchy are like day and night. Hence do not be dissuaded from repeating - a consciousness of Hierarchy, Hierarchy of freedom, Hierarchy of knowledge, Hierarchy of Light. Let those scoff who are ignorant of the inception of the New World, for each concept of a New World frightens them. Is not Infinity terrifying to them? Is not Hierarchy burdensome for them? Being ignorant despots themselves, they do not understand the constructiveness of Hierarchy. Being cowards themselves, they are horrified in the face of an achievement. Thus, let us place upon the scales the most urgent concepts of the great approaching Age - Infinity and Hierarchy.

Hierarchy (1931) - 351:
351. Hierarchy must be adopted as an evolutionary system. To those spirits who have not yet outlived slavery it should be repeated that Hierarchy differs completely from despotism. Even a chimney-sweep must climb to the roof in order to clean the flues. This cannot be done from below. One cannot compose a symphony without one key for all instruments. Many analogies may be quoted, beginning with a jest and finishing with the touching examples of bees, ants, and swans. But the best example for contemporary humanity is the comparison with impersonal chemistry. It is easy to understand that a reaction can take place only under precise conditions. Hierarchy likewise corresponds completely to the astrochemical principles, which even a neophyte of science will not deny. We justly agreed already upon the importance of the discovery of psychic energy; for the coordination of its realization Hierarchy is as indispensable as a helpful chemical process.

Heart (1932) - 85:
85. Freedom is valuable for the guarding of personality, for the individualization of the attracted energies. But it is freedom, exactly, that becomes the most perverted conception. Life becomes filled with tyranny and slavery instead of freedom, precisely the qualities that exclude cooperation and respect for personality; thus, some people succeed in planning their existence exclusively out of a special combination of tyranny and slavery. Of course, people repeat about freedom without even knowing its specific qualities. Freedom should affirm itself in them by the upliftment of consciousness. Intense searches for freedom show that the spirit potentially strives toward new ascents, yet no one has taught it how to apply this treasure.

Heart (1932) - 139:
139. The coming era must free humanity from all slavery. This can be attained by Hierarchic cooperation. We shall not tire of reiterating about cooperation. The significance of the all-embracing heart cannot be realized if, instead of cooperation, one dreams of various kinds of slavery. Thus, during the study of magnetic currents, let us determine that the realization of cooperation increases tenfold the might of all binding currents. It may seem strange that an ethical concept of cooperation should react on a physical concept of currents. Someone who is unaware of true science may think thus. But you are sufficiently aware of how inseparable is the domain of spirit from physical laws.

Heart (1932) - 377:
377. A scientist may ask how one arrives at immunity of the heart. His question will be a correct one. The heart, with all its indisputable potentiality, will not reveal itself without a conscious immunity. The balancing of the heart with the consciousness gives impetus to the unifying substance. To this end, the scientist can begin a twofold approach he can purify the consciousness, for the physical ballast does not as yet help the consciousness. Only thought purified by art and liberated from servility can give efflorescence to the consciousness. Here I call attention to the condition of liberation from slavery. One must be liberated precisely from all forms of slavery. As to the second condition for the scientist, he must feel the heart as an independent apparatus and begin to observe the reactions and reflexes of the heart. Then will also come the first heralds of success - precisely the stars of light; they will teach still further observation.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 93:
93. In general few can understand the glow of the flaming heart. Yet those who have beheld these fires of illumination know how vital is this manifestation. The Fire-bearer himself notices these instants of light, but for those present many conditions either permit or impede seeing the miraculous Fire. Without doubt the natures of those present have an influence upon the character of the manifestations themselves. One can easily imagine such a mass of extinguishers that even the star of Light will be only a glimmer. But at times a simple yet most beautiful heart sets ablaze a new force of the Fire-bearer. Besides human reactions and conditions of the Subtle World numerous manifestations of nature exert an influence. Thus, during a thunderstorm the luminosity can increase at the moment when the electrical mass also intensifies the inner fires. Water that contains certain mineral properties can also facilitate the manifestation of inner radiance. Naturally, the worst atmosphere is the stale, poisonous air of unventilated houses. Surely, if this air can be the breeding place of disease, how much more can it suppress the emanations of the heart! The manifestation of luminosity is more frequent than is thought, but prejudice and sophistry will always draw their own conclusions. The misfortune is that people cannot detect unfettered judgments. The heralded emancipation, about which people like so much to speak, will be primarily not slavery of opinion.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 84:
84. The verbal command remains in life, although humanity has at its disposal thousands of written languages. For this there are three reasons. First, the command is not always renderable in writing; second, people pay little attention when relying on writing; third, the manifestation of the Highest Covenants is never recorded in writing - therefore the lips whisper from heart to heart the Highest Ordainments. These considerations, though simple, require recording, for if someone does not know Hierarchy, he will not understand the sacredness of the Command. Many instructions about the laws of Nature are needed, in order to understand the entire beauty of the law of attraction which lies at the foundation of Hierarchy. Ignorant people do not understand that slavery dwells in darkness while freedom dwells in the Light of Hierarchy.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 97:
97. Surveillance must be very vigilant, but it must not appear as a sign of mistrust. One must transform control into cooperation and reciprocal information. Measures of trust and refinement of quality must be introduced from top to bottom. Many useful measures have been condemned and destroyed only because of hatred of supervision. Of course ignorance is the cause of such lack of goal-fitness. When people will become cognizant of the Subtle and Fiery Worlds, they will comprehend the infinity of relationships. In truth, who is outside of Hierarchy? Only ignoramuses or conscious deceivers can render Hierarchy unintelligible under various names. But they themselves will breathe not the freedom of Hierarchy, but will bear the brand of slavery. One must be cleansed of all covetousness and bondage. From early childhood the freedom of discipline of spirit should be emphasized. One may arouse all dignity and honor. Without honor a man cannot be honest. It should not be thought that slavery can be approved by Hierarchy. On the contrary, the Fiery World seeks not slaves but co-workers. Consider the refinement of the heart as the measure of honor. Thus let us not forget that in the most everyday life are laid the foundations of the world's grandeur.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 120:
120. When slavery, the shame of the World, is manifested, then one must expect a change of epoch. Can one expect the advent of Maitreya to be possible only in four hundred thousand years? Many times has confusion been caused by mere words. It is impossible to imagine the Earth submerged in darkness for another thousand of years. Just picture the progression of evil! Therefore the most fierce Armageddon can be regarded as salvation. The wise cannot but feel an anguish of the spirit.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 292:
292. In primitive religions the fear of God was taught first of all. Thus was suggested a feeling which usually ends in rebellion. Certainly, each one who contacts the Higher World experiences a trembling, but this unavoidable sensation has nothing in common with fear. Fear is cessation of creative energy. Fear is ossification and submission to darkness. Whereas turning to the Higher World must evoke ecstasy and expansion of one's forces for the expression of the beautiful. Such qualities are born not of fear but through love. Therefore higher religion teaches not fear but love. Only by such a path can people become attached to the Higher World. The chains of fear are peculiar to slavery. But the creation of beauty is not slavery, but is reverence with love. Let us compare that done in fear with that done in love. The treasure of the spirit is not from the prison of fear; therefore let us counsel people to love and to be strengthened by the feeling of devotion. No one can defend a place that is fearful to him, but achievement is accomplished in the name of love. Apply this measure to the Gates of the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 217:
217. Of all the depraved traits of humanity one must subtly note faint-heartedness. This quality borders on many other dark traits. Nearest of all is treachery. Faint-heartedness borders on fear, cowardice, and selfhood. And in the Fiery World there is no place for faint-heartedness. And the crown of courage can be placed only on the brow which is bared in self-renunciation. Yes, let the lone warrior fight single handed. Let the arrows of hypocrites pierce his breast. Let each manifest aspiration be met with rejection. Yet will his armor be studded with courage. Who, then, knows the fiery striving of the warrior? Who knows the truth of the aspiring heart? Only the manifested fiery heart. The subtle consciousness will illumine the manifestation of courage. Faint-heartedness is contempt for the higher Ego. Faint-heartedness is slavery of the spirit. Only the head which bows not in faint-heartedness will be adorned with the great crown. And the disdain of slaves of the spirit is an attainment for the warrior who walks the fiery path. And alone, the courageous warrior, scorning and scorned by faint-heartedness, finds the Fiery Gates to the Hierarchy of Light. Verily, faint-heartedness and self-deception are sisters of darkness!

AUM (1936) - 39:
39. There can be no truce with Satan. Near Satan there is only slavery. To mollify Satan is impossible. Only without fear is it possible to march over him or through him. There is an ancient legend telling how Satan decided to frighten a hermit. He appeared before him in a most terrifying aspect. But the ascetic was filled with a fiery irradiation and charged upon Satan so that he passed through him, burning his way. The fire of the heart is more powerful than any satanic flame. One should be filled with such fire, then all sneers are transformed into searing grimaces. Thus, let us charge upon Satan.

AUM (1936) - 418:
People pride themselves on the abolition of slavery, but has it actually be eliminated everywhere? Can the inhabitants of Earth sleep in peace while somewhere human dignity is abased to a beastlike condition? Can people boast of enlightenment when they know that full rights do not exist?

Brotherhood (1937) - 273:
273. A wise philosopher, having been sold into slavery, exclaimed, "Thanks! Evidently I can pay back some old debts." An emperor, nicknamed the Golden, was terrified, "Luxury pursues me. When will I be able to pay off my debts?" Thus have wise people thought about the quickest payment of their debts. They understood that former lives surely do not elapse without incurring indebtedness. But a man with much income must make haste in settling his accounts.

Brotherhood (1937) - 572:
He who rejects cooperation inevitably falls into slavery. There are different aspects of bondage which should be recognized, otherwise the branded slave will think himself free and will even become so used to his shackles that he will regard them as a chain of honor. It must be understood that in human society there can be either free cooperation or slavery in all its aspects.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 14:
14. Urusvati, can you name even one Sister or Brother who was not subjected to tortures and persecutions in earthly life? Truly, none can be named. Each heroic act invites persecution. Combat with darkness is unavoidable, and the waves of chaos will engulf bold fighters. Yet such touchstones only testify to the invincibility of the spirit. There were Those who were burned at the stake, crucified, beheaded, strangled, killed by beasts, sold into slavery, poisoned, or cast into prison; in short, They endured all tortures so that Their strength could be tested.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 179:
The Teacher had been thinking for a long time about the far-off worlds, and He allowed Himself to be sold into slavery so that His earthly path might be fulfilled as quickly as possible. He knew and profoundly felt all earthly hardships in full measure, and succeeded in gathering vast experience during His life on Earth. Many remarkable contemporaries shared His company and ideas.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 181:
"Obscene words and evil talk pollute the atmosphere and are in defiance of the Divine Principle. One can sell his body into slavery, but not his soul. Love for humanity is the result of the development of the heart, which is achieved through thinking.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 183:
If in those times the Thinker was appalled by the ferocity and cruelty of people, what can one say about today? The bloody sacrifices to Moloch appear merciful compared with the murders that are now taking place! How many times must We stress these words! How can people contemplate truths when their minds are filled with a craving for murder? This, too, was said by the Thinker, and because of these words He was persecuted and sold into slavery.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 237:
The example of the Thinker will be instructive. Even when He was sold into slavery, He spoke about freedom and harmony in life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 268:
Indeed, you should not assume that Plato, when he was sold into slavery, did not react to all the turmoil of such a situation. Of course, he went courageously through all trials, but in his heart felt great bitterness because of the injustice, and it was because of this that he was able to speak so brilliantly about the best forms of government. Pythagoras too was persecuted, endured great poverty, and suffered all kinds of physical humiliation, but these tests did not diminish his ardor. Likewise, Anaxagoras was deprived of everything, yet even on his difficult path he knew how to prepare for himself a majestic crown of thorns.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 305:
Our life is a voluntary mastership and is not concerned with limits. Even on Earth it is possible to almost forget time, and service becomes joy. I affirm that one can prepare oneself for such service under all circumstances. One need not be a sage to accept life as something important and responsible. There are examples of even simple farmers who were ready to devote themselves to the idea of service. It was the loss of this concept of service that turned earthly life into slavery and insanity. But the time is approaching when people will be looking, even unwittingly, for the purpose of life. They will first refer to evolution in scientific terms, but the next step will be the acceptance of service as the right approach to life.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 321:
There are many dreams that could be transformed into reality, even though they now seem unrealizable. For example, people dream about education for all, yet there is much illiteracy throughout the world. And as long as slavery and barbarism remain in many areas, how can one dream about universal education? But We will say, not only can one dream, one must. Space must be filled with commands to begin campaigns for education.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 321:
One should not look upon illiteracy as an obstacle but as a reminder of the urgent need for education. How can we be proud that many schools already exist, when humanity has not yet outlived the shame of slavery, and education has not been sufficiently fostered?

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 321:
The worldly-wise advise us to ignore the cruelties that surround us, but these "wise" ones are without life. You will be told many stories about the brilliant achievements of culture, yet the fact remains that slavery still exists. Moreover, it exists under a clever mask of sanctimonious hypocrisy; such a masquerade is particularly shameful. Yet instead of general indignation, one hears excuses for this shame.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 322:
322. Urusvati knows that the concepts that We speak about must be fully understood. When We speak of slavery, We mean all forms of this infamy. It is not only the gross buying and selling of people, which, as We have often observed, was condemned by even the most fanatical conquerors, it is also the subtle humiliations inflicted on man that should be particularly noted.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 322:
Truly, slavery flourishes even more in enlightened capitals than in barbaric marketplaces. People have not freed themselves from the idea of slavery, and in order to satisfy modern standards of behavior they invent new pompous, hypocritical justifications. Behind these disguises is concealed a most hateful rapaciousness, and individuals are given less sympathy than dogs. Indeed, dogs are often treated better than humans.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 322:
We have shown how the full extent of slavery is little recognized, and have cited examples from all aspects of life - in the standards of family life, the present state of education, and the general condition of humanity's welfare. These various aspects will provoke fierce argument because the concept of synthesis is not realized.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 441:
The Thinker taught that there should be no condition of slavery on Earth, for the nature of mankind is divine.


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