Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 1.7.4: The follower of wisdom likes to look far ahead. Stay the vile slanders by a smile bereft of irritation. The success of lightminded people is like the trickle of a small fountain, but a wise householder will labor to bring the water from the ocean and will then enjoy the eternal coolness of his fountain. Agni Yoga (1929) - 283: When someone slanders the Teacher, say, "This very night you will regret your irreparable error." Hierarchy (1931) - 329: 329. Is it possible that the dark ones are blind, not wishing to show understanding of Hierarchy? Is it possible that the assertion of the Higher Law is not acknowledged as the only salvation? How important it is at such a decisive time to understand the law of Hierarchy! Thus, let traitors ponder. Thus, let the servitors of darkness, who are opposing Hierarchy, ponder. Whoever slanders Hierarchy is the greatest traitor. Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 403: 403. The man who asserts that religion obstructs his understanding slanders religion and thus blasphemes against the spirit. Contentment is no adornment. Brotherhood (1937) - 502: 502. Can there be any judgment concerning peace among those who are full of coarseness and cruelty? One should observe such peace-makers in their daily home life. One should hear how they discuss their own affairs and those of others. One ought to become acquainted with their jokes and slanders in order to understand their complete unfitness in the matter of peace. But no one is concerned with the moral level of those who sit in judgment on the destinies of whole nations. No one will reflect that nothing clean comes out of dirt. Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 227: So many blasphemies are uttered in the world, yet people think that their slanders can go unpunished. Every one of you can remember times when the highest concepts were slandered in your presence. Not only verbally, but also mentally, the salutary bonds are severed, and each explosion results in the destruction of good emanations.