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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SK > SKEPTICAL (3)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 313:
313. My children, children, dear children. Do not think that Our Community is hidden from humanity by impregnable walls. The snows of Himalaya that hide Us are not obstacles for true seekers, but only for the curious ones. Mind the difference between the seeker and the dry, skeptical investigator. Immerse yourselves in Our labor, and I will lead you on the path to the Yonder World.

New Era Community (1926) - 230:
And so, We shall ask "Why then does the skeptical man in the street unceasingly spin legends and weave myths?" A thousand years suffice to polish a most exquisite myth, and a man of social standing is lauded onto a paper Olympus. And newborn skeptics hang upon the edge of his mantle, persuading their comrades to the throne the new heaven-dwellers. Anew tailor re-cuts the mantle and the myth is born. We are not speaking about these phoenixes just for a smile. It is necessary at last to assimilate the manifestation of reality. And any manifestation of ignorance must be realistically uncovered and thrust out of the community.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 349:
People are either skeptical or they indulge in artificial methods and ignore all natural ways of broadening the consciousness. Yet such ways are the true treasures for ascent in the Subtle World, for those who dwell there have no artificial methods, and act only according to the fundamental laws of Nature.


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