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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SI > SISTERS (28)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.7:
Not with a royal domain, not out of the alchemist's cellar, not with conjurations of magic, but in the midst of life, do we go and come to You, our Elder Brothers and Sisters, to receive the treasures preserved by You, accumulated by us, because we go into the simple Temple of the Supreme Spirit. Thus we shall return to You, because thus do You wish to see us; and the load imposed by You we shall safeguard as the Chalice of Immortality.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.6.17:
Thus, under one roof live immutability and movability - two sisters of achievement.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 121:
Say, "Sisters and brothers, labor unceasingly, and your wings will grow in the rapid flow of day and night."

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 21:
21. The potential of spirit of Our Brothers comprises in itself energies identical with those of Cosmos. When We strive toward evolution it may be said that the currents of Cosmos bring identical currents. The Fire of Space lives by the same impulse. Indeed We always imply Sisters as well, when speaking of Brothers. The Origins are affirmed as the equilibrium in Cosmos. He who denies the principle of balance affirms imbalance. Cosmic creativeness necessitates the spirit impregnation of one Origin by the other. Thus, the Origins are created in Cosmos for reciprocal creation. The manifestation of reciprocal creation is affirmed as the symbol of Be-ness.

Hierarchy (1931) - 31:
31. The realization of goal-fitness is a token of cooperation with Us. How else can one gain an understanding of the Magnets sent to different countries? How else can one approach the manifestation of the magnetization of human consciousness, which in silence attracts the eyes of an entire nation to itself? Thus one can trace how Our commissioned Sisters and Brothers have attracted and revolved around themselves the consciousness of entire nations. But for this one must vigilantly understand the value of each step.

Heart (1932) - 453:
453. Verily, nothing is duplicated in the Universe. But the heart of man still remains most individual. And who can measure this abyss? And who will undertake the task of explaining and reiterating to all peoples about the heart? Not lawyers, nor physicians, nor warriors, nor priests, but the Sisters of the Great Mountain will undertake the solemn duty of laying a hand upon the aching heart, designating with the other hand unlimited Benefaction. Who, then, will know how to understand the solemnity of love, which unites the silver thread with the citadel of the Highest Heart? Therefore We send the Sisters to an achievement of the heart. It is impossible to manifest the infinitude of the Highest Heart in accordance with the comprehension of an unawakened consciousness. But you must already be successful in the assimilation of solemnity. You must build up solicitude not to dishonor solemnity by anything petty and lacking in co-measurement. In this way shall the Sisters of the Mountain progress in service. Thus, they will protect the hearts of people from infamy and the stench that is engendered by darkness.

Heart (1932) - 599:
599. A legend of the Uighurs speaks of the giant who captured the Black Dragon and chained him with many fetters. The giant left his sister to guard the dragon and himself hastened to the end of Earth to announce his victory. But when the giant reached the distant lands he heard his sister's call, and understood that the dragon was rending the chains. The giant hastened back, but when he saw the seas, he realized that he would be late if he continued by this way. Hence the giant determined to go from one mountain to another, avoiding the seas, the forests, and the marshes; only thus did the giant arrive in time. And as the dragon was cleaving through his last chain the giant again chained the Black Dragon.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 6:
6. Let us recall the myth about the "Origin of Lightning." The Mother of the World said to the Creator, "When the Earth will be covered with dark veils of malice, how will the salutary drops of Bliss penetrate?" And the Creator answered, "Torrents of Fire may be gathered which can pierce the thickest layer of darkness." The Mother of the World said, "Verily, the sparks of Fire of Thy Spirit can give salvation, but who will collect and guard them for use when needed?" The Creator replied, "Trees and herbs will preserve My sparks, but when the leaves fall off, then let the deodar and its sisters preserve throughout the year their accumulations of Fire." Thus in various myths there has been reflected the link with the Higher World. Everywhere there has been stressed solicitude about humanity and all creatures. Likewise did the ancient priests carefully watch over the correct distribution of the creative Fire.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 156:
156. What is hypochondria? Many confuse it with autosuggestion, but the latter is only an effect of the former. Hypochondria in its essence is very infectious and destructive. It can be defined physiologically as the dissolution of heart energy. Such a process interrupts the protective work of the nerve centers. The enemy's entrance into the stronghold is not a matter of autosuggestion, but far worse; the defenders of the stronghold, instead of resisting, open the gates to the enemy. It is difficult to cure, for hypochondria is not always subject to suggestion. The process of dissolution cannot be replaced by suggestion. It is necessary to heal the wounded nerve tissue. Here strength can be built up only by nerve exercise. Consequently, hypochondriac people must be confronted with the most unexpected, in order to produce the most acute reactions and to create an indirect tension of the nerve tissue. Such tension is like gymnastics for the nerve centers. Rest and disuse of the nerve centers is not always beneficial, notwithstanding the usual counsel of ordinary physicians. On the contrary, the ancient wisdom says, "You are afraid, therefore you will be doubly frightened." "You have ceased being afraid, consequently you can behold the Fiery Gates." Hypochondria must not be confused with doubt. True, these two are sisters, whose mother is ignorance. Hypochondria is a certain established mode of thinking, whereas doubt is a dark obstacle. It is difficult to say which of the vipers is the more harmful. One should free oneself from hypochondria as from an obstruction before the Fiery World. Many things are erroneously thought to be synonymous. Ponder over them, over different facets of definition. Who knows which of these will open the broadest vista in realization of cause and effect?

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 217:
217. Of all the depraved traits of humanity one must subtly note faint-heartedness. This quality borders on many other dark traits. Nearest of all is treachery. Faint-heartedness borders on fear, cowardice, and selfhood. And in the Fiery World there is no place for faint-heartedness. And the crown of courage can be placed only on the brow which is bared in self-renunciation. Yes, let the lone warrior fight single handed. Let the arrows of hypocrites pierce his breast. Let each manifest aspiration be met with rejection. Yet will his armor be studded with courage. Who, then, knows the fiery striving of the warrior? Who knows the truth of the aspiring heart? Only the manifested fiery heart. The subtle consciousness will illumine the manifestation of courage. Faint-heartedness is contempt for the higher Ego. Faint-heartedness is slavery of the spirit. Only the head which bows not in faint-heartedness will be adorned with the great crown. And the disdain of slaves of the spirit is an attainment for the warrior who walks the fiery path. And alone, the courageous warrior, scorning and scorned by faint-heartedness, finds the Fiery Gates to the Hierarchy of Light. Verily, faint-heartedness and self-deception are sisters of darkness!

AUM (1936) - 199:
199. It has been said, "Many mothers, fathers, wives, sisters and brothers, will be given," yet even such a clear indication does not compel people to reflect as to where this will take place. They do not wish to meditate about earthly lives! The wisest covenants do not reach ears that are closed.

Brotherhood (1937) - 1:
If even in the narrow domain of domestic life people do not find within themselves the affirmation of brotherhood, then in the wider sense it may seem to them to be impractical. Besides, people read carelessly the ancient Covenants, which speak about great numbers of Brothers and Sisters.

Brotherhood (1937) - 5:
5. If you enter a gathering of people with the words, "Friends and co-workers," the majority will look upon you with suspicion. But if you dare to call them brothers and sisters, then most likely you will be denounced as having uttered inadmissible terms.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 12:
Our Sisters are especially successful in these flights, because the synthesis of the feminine nature is helpful. The flights are sometimes of long duration, but the Brotherhood knows how to safeguard the bodies that have been left behind.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 37:
It should not be thought that We are protected in Our earthly lives from all onslaughts of darkness. Those who fulfill an earthly mission do so under earthly conditions. People usually think that We dwell in safety, and think of Us as supernatural beings. Relatively speaking, We can overcome much, but this battle is a real one. We remain victorious, because the Hierarchy of Light cannot be conquered by darkness. When one of Our Sisters exclaims "How terrible!" she does not show fear, but simply understands the tension.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 38:
We labor to introduce measures for the achievement of equilibrium, but much opposition is encountered. Atavistic traits are manifested in all nations. However, one should not judge by nationality, but must immediately delve into the web of intricate personal relationships. It is unfortunate that woman herself does not always help in this situation. Therefore We value the labor of Our Sisters all the more. They give up the distant flights so dear to their hearts, perseveringly visit families, and speak untiringly to people, conducting conversations that are often burdensome and even boring.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 85:
Truly, We are Brothers and Sisters born of Fire. Therefore, when you visualize Us, surround Our Images with fire. And We will recognize you by the fiery seed.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 121:
Sometimes it seems that certain discoveries were made as if by chance, but was there not a whisper of help from the Tower of Chun? Scientists seldom heed Our Advice however, and We are often compelled to give an indication, not to the specialist, but to a receptive worker in a related endeavor. Wives, sisters, and other close co-workers of inventors can testify how sometimes they led the scientists to predestined discoveries because of their straight-knowledge.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 176:
All Our Sisters and Brothers commune with the distant worlds. When Sister Urusvati turns her gaze to the Radiant Planet, she recalls her flight and rejoices at the distant worlds.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 222:
A book should be written about the causes of the persecution of great individuals. By comparing the causes is it possible to trace the evil will. I advise you to write such a book. Let someone do it! Through research it will be possible to discover the inner similarities between the persecutions of Confucius and Seneca. Our Brothers and Sisters suffered persecution, and Our memory preserves many such events. Joan of Arc, Aspasia, and a whole list of gloriously heroic women of various centuries can be named. We do not regret experiencing such trials, but there is a need for reflecting on them, because each persecution retards an urgent plan. However, even this We turn to Good.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 223:
You know by now how often Our Sisters and Brothers visit the Subtle World. They do this first of all to help those who are under observation, and second, to constantly exercise their individual subtle energies in various spheres, for this helps one to feel at home everywhere.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 344:
Urusvati can provide many convincing details to researchers, but it is essential that her testimony be listened to and correlated with that of Our Sisters and Brothers who have lived in the world. In such correlative studies one will be able to trace the evolution of knowledge about the subtle energies.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 379:
You also know about the sacred pains of Upasika, whose doctors would never have accepted the true explanation for them - that they were the result of excessive self-sacrifice. There are those who will object to such an expending of psychic energy, but are such objections proper? One could just as well question the value of the self-sacrificing lives of Our Sisters in Spain and Italy, who both stand as lofty examples of workers for the Common Good. They struggled against injustice and ignorance, endured terrible abuse, and demonstrated patience beyond understanding. Both suffered from sacred pains. No one could diagnose their various ailments, which broke out unexpectedly and ended just as suddenly. No one could trace the cause of their pains, least of all those for whose sake the energy had been expended. But their sublime self-sacrifice led to the glory of ascension.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 420:
We must not forget that each dweller of the Subtle World must help his earthly brothers. Such charity is the best guarantee of mobility of spirit. Let us think of helping our brothers and sisters under all conditions. We must not think that we are separated forever from any strata. Wherever there is calamity, we can render help, and no one should think that there is anything beneath his dignity.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 425:
Our Sisters labor greatly by helping in the education of children. The little ones can tell many tales about being visited by beautiful women and even playmates. There are many such phenomena, but adults do not like to listen to children's stories. These visits are necessary, and sometimes, by one such contact, a child can be reminded of the task that was accepted in the Subtle World. Many children's tears are dried by these luminous visits. Great is the labor of these Sisters, the Carriers of Light. Supermundane work requires self-sacrifice, for it is performed under the most varied and often extremely unpleasant conditions. To raise children properly one must learn to impart joy, and thus transform daily routine into a festival.


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