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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SI > SINNERS (1)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 28:
28. All achievements and heroic deeds are essentially fiery actions. The higher energy transports people across the precipice. It may be asked, "Does not the fiery energy participate in the rise of crime?" Certainly, this same energy can raise a bloody knife; therefore We advise not to turn the Fire of Benefaction into the flame of destruction. Besides personal harm, the flame of destruction contaminates the surrounding space. Moreover, a flame of evil is aroused by the decomposing vortices of the lower strata. It has long been said that sinners themselves feed the fires of hell. People are themselves responsible for the extent of evil. As it is, a vast amount of evil is not realized, and people refuse to recognize whence come these hideous burns. In various countries you saw different concepts of hell. If such forms are embodied on Earth, likewise they exist in the Subtle World. How carefully must one avoid all ugliness on Earth! The Fire of Benefaction creates the most beautiful transmutations. Let us then be toiling and blessed smiths. Beneficent Fires are borne high up by the vortexes of the far-off worlds.


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