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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SI > SINCERELY (4)

Heart (1932) - 282:
282. Let us not pass over even a single expression of life by silence. Let us summon the heart as a judge - Do we sincerely entrust our possessions to the Teacher? We may utter beautiful words yet desire the reverse in our hearts. Thus, let us not be like the old ones, let us quicken with the heart the language of the Subtle World; people call this conscience.

Brotherhood (1937) - 390:
390. Striving toward the Light cannot be extinguished if a man is searching sincerely. We know the secret places of the spirit, and the froth of life will not stop Us. A temporary obscuration does not mean that a man has fallen off. It is necessary to know how to distinguish the character of these manifestations, their transitory nature; thus is it possible to discover and preserve useful people. Therefore Our selection is often surprising. The main thing is to distinguish the real from the superficial.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 71:
The currents can vary according to the mood of those who are present. Generally, one should observe each change of mood. Often the participants themselves are not aware of their state, and quite sincerely deny their moods. For many reasons, people do not know how to observe them. They are under the influence of Maya to such an extent that they think they affirm a truth even when telling lies about themselves.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 328:
The process of merging into the dense physical body cuts off all impressions from the Subtle World. Nevertheless, many facts about life in the Subtle World can be obtained. The best way to collect these facts is from the individual testimonies of those who have received unexpected glimpses. This kind of evidence is usually honest, because these people did not expect anything and are amazed to have received any information at all. Thus, they testify to their impressions sincerely.


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