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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SI > SIMPLEST (105)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 1 - The Call (1924) - 51:
51. Beware of venomous vibrations. Strive for the future and succumb not to the spell of the present. Follow the simplest path as you ascend the mountain.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.2.6:
I am sending you arrows of simple attainments. Not to all is the simplest path accessible, but if you can understand - good for you.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.5:
Do you notice that We even try to speak in the simplest words, only to bring nearer the downfall of the Tower of Babel? Hence, say that We shall reduce the dictionaries to ashes if they have made of the incisive words of Christ a heap of savage concepts. Simply it was said: "Pray in no wise but in the spirit."

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.4.13:
The rest you already know. He did not condemn me. He but weighed my chains and the chains of shame crumbled as dust. He decided simply. Never did He hesitate to send the simplest object which determined one's entire life. He touched these sendings as though bathing them in spirit. His path was empty; because people, after receiving His gifts, hastily departed. And wishing to lay on His Hands, He found all empty. When He was already condemned, the furies of shame rushed behind Him and mockingly brandished their branches. The price of the robber was worthy of the crowd.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.2.15:
During work, when fatigue already possessed the disciples, Buddha would ask the most unexpected question and await the promptest reply. Or, placing the simplest object before them, He would suggest that they describe it in not more than three words or not less than one hundred pages. Or, placing a pupil before a locked door, He would ask: "How will you open it?" Or, summoning musicians beneath the window, He would have them sing hymns of entirely dissimilar contents. Or, noting the presence of an annoying fly, He would ask the pupil to repeat some words unexpectedly pronounced. Or, passing in front of the pupils, He would ask them how many times He had done so. Or noticing a fear of animals or of natural phenomena, He would give them the task of mastering it.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.2:
I see a young scientist who has collected covenants from all the Teachings of the East and who says to himself, "From all sides I shall select the precepts of life; I shall discard all hymns and ritualistic worship; I shall disregard the difference in time and the errors of slanderers and translators, as the very simplest appears to be the most fundamental. From these fragments I shall compose here a single life - this is the life of the East. Notwithstanding its fragmentariness, this life will be wise and full of evolutionary actions."

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.10:
Even the simplest physician understands that infection can be transmitted on a small piece of paper.

New Era Community (1926) - 34:
34. How is it possible to move hearts? By not losing simplicity. Success will come not with magic but with the word of life. We can carry out our lesson by knowing how to approach the very simplest. I am thinking how to give to the toilers the radiance of the far-off worlds. When the most humiliated one will look up into the heavens, then is it possible to expect the rainbow ribbon from the far-off worlds.

New Era Community (1926) - 157:
Our messenger has but to proclaim any elementary truth to be suspected of some sort of machinations of the Community. He may pronounce, "Energy and light," apparently the simplest of concepts, but the city-dweller already senses some attempt against his comfort. The city-dweller is so accustomed to considering himself something dense and dark that he does not admit that he could prove to be a source of physical light. But even children are not astonished if an electric spark emanates from them.

New Era Community (1926) - 159:
We treat wounds by immersion in pure water. Light and water are Our remedies. Our efforts are directed to the simplest expedients. At the formation of new communities, follow simplicity of method in all processes. It is necessary to begin to deal with oratorical blind speech. Take the talkative traveler to the bank of a mountain spring - let him become ashamed!

New Era Community (1926) - 190:
Lack of analysis can offend the most patient guide. Many cannot even determine the occupation of a person by peculiarities of his dwelling. The lack of observation is striking. People are unable to notice objects which threaten the crowns of their heads. They cannot enumerate ten objects about them. They cannot point out the simplest details of their surroundings. For them everything is nothing - nil, naught and nowhere. This is not even a degree of indifference, but is the stupidity of ignorance. Walk away from such bipeds!

New Era Community (1926) - 225:
225. The study of psychic energy is facilitated by the identicalness of basic laws. As with the external-physical conditions, so too the psychic are subject to the analogical process of formations and effects. Let us take the simplest example a man goes with the wind or the current and preserves much energy. When the man enters the right current of evolution, he passes over obstacles with miraculous ease. The whole matter is simply one of judiciously determining the construction of evolution.

New Era Community (1926) - 275:
275. When calculations become complex and Infinity is obscured, then will be remembered anew the simplest principle; from heart to heart - such is the law of fraternity, community, fellowship.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 48:
48. There is an urgent need to prepare the pilgrims to understand the Teaching. The simplest act of improving life will help them to follow this unusual path. Usefulness will lead them to a search for beauty. Life itself will reveal the requirements of goal-fitness. A simple explanation of a task can lend confidence to its fulfillment. Thus will they find the easier, speedier, more useful ways of approach.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 49:
In recommending daring, We offer the simplest way. The heart knows the truth of this way. At present one cannot point out any other.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 52:
52. The word repentance does not exist in the Senzar vocabulary. What does exist is an expression familiar to you - wise cooperation. Consider the essential hypocrisy in the notion of repentance. It is simplest to demonstrate this to people through an example in medicine. By distortion of thought a man wounds his brother; but no words or thoughts of repentance can heal the wound, whose torn tissues can be mended only by persistent effort. For the restoration of goal-fitness it is necessary to demonstrate wise cooperation. The consequence of action can be cured only by action. No verbal avowals, no oaths, are of importance.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 248:
248. The ability to penetrate to the real meaning of words lies in the receptivity of the inner center, not in analyzing the structure of speech. Submit the simplest idea to a thousand people for discussion, and you might receive only one correct interpretation. One should train oneself to a true understanding of speech. Yoga will aid in approaching the true understanding of thought. The understanding of different languages originates from the receptivity of one center - the larynx.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 413:
A multitude of circumstances must be examined. If people who have achieved the kindling of the inner fire would write down their observations about it, they would greatly help many beginners. The common work for humanity requires first of all the protection of individuality. And when all the many ways of kindling the inner fire have been found, the simplest way proves to be the quickest. It is astonishing to see what supposedly insignificant circumstances can help to ignite the flame. One such, which is always present, is a sensitivity to shocks. A straight position of the spine is also of great importance in this. But in the case of chronic curvature of the spine, musk can be used to help ignite the flame. The absorption of musk interacts with phosphorus, which restores the impeded flow of fire.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 422:
Agni Yoga directs humanity to the simplest ways. One exalted impulse of a Bhakti outdistances the slower Jnani. So also does the kindling of fire impel one to the correct destination. Fire refines the centers and develops a sensitivity that knows the right direction, just as the finest vessels are shaped in fire. In the casting of the best images the old mold is destroyed. And these images will be loftier than those made with the old form.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 498:
498. The light of Abhidharma is the combination of the fire of higher spheres with the radiant emanations of the consciousness. We demonstrated by example the protection that the light of Abhidharma provides against the poisoned emanations of the lower earthly strata. The dark flame of the poisonous gases can be pushed back by the light of Abhidharma and made harmless; but for this one must embrace in consciousness the Fire of Space and one's own emanations. More generally, for positive results this realization is always needed. The simplest truth needs repetition; otherwise it will be lost under a pile of trash.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 545:
545. Be assured that the manifestation of the New Era will penetrate even the simplest of souls. The best ones will carry the burden of controversies and battles. The lesser ones can be given the simpler ways. Let them keep their calm when the flames and explosions begin to rage.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 545:
The cultivation of straight-knowledge requires careful striving; therefore both the best and the simplest ones will achieve an equal ease of understanding. But the more ordinary consciousness is obstructed by its own preconceived ideas, unable to separate the phantom from the real. It is intoxicated, not by narcotics, but by its own way of thinking. The fixation of ideas, inculcated in childhood by the conventions of daily life, weakens attempts at sensible thinking.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 599:
599. Certainly, one of the main tasks of the coming evolution will be to transform our view of the so-called abstract into a recognition of it as cognizable reality. The study of psychic energy will make possible a completely new approach to one's surroundings. The contrasting results of selfish versus altruistic actions have until the present been seen in an abstract way, but let us henceforth examine them from the point of view of the chemism of the various centers. Different thoughts and actions issue from different centers. Hence, their emanations are chemically different, as is their visible radiance. The effects react on the creator himself and on his surroundings. Thus, it would seem that the most abstract will become weighable and measurable. One of the simplest experiments will be the weighing of an individual under the impact of his different thoughts. A sensitive scale and sharpness of thought will provide clear contrasts. This is not a science for hermits but is knowledge for the improvement of life.

Hierarchy (1931) - 294:
294. Sometimes one can demonstrate the most complex laws by means of the simplest apparatus. The law of karma is complex, but take the Ruhmkorff coil or any other electric coil and you will get a graphic image of karma. The current runs along the spiral uninterruptedly, but the protective winding is subject to all external reactions; moreover each thread contacts the thread of the preceding round, carrying upon it the consequences of the past. Thus, each hour changes karma, for each hour evokes the corresponding past. Thus, one can contact the entire line of past experiences.

Heart (1932) - 43:
43. Magic is like a massage. A massage artificially limits and restores the forms of the body and circulation of the blood. Magic also artificially connects and restores the communion with the Invisible World. Massage is not necessary for a normal organism. Magic is not necessary for a developed spirit. Massage is concerned with unhealthy organs. Magic propounds the teaching of conditions, of palliatives, without opening the simplest approach to the Higher World. When beginning massage, it is necessary to increase it, otherwise the tissue will be threatened with abnormal growth and destruction. Turning to magic, it is necessary to increase its conquest, otherwise the elements will begin to press the retreating one. Thus, comparing the bodily and spiritual worlds, we see the same vital laws. The same laws indicate how much closer to a developed consciousness are the simplest paths. During moderation the stomach will not grow. The heart will not become silent during the refinement of the spirit.

Heart (1932) - 104:
104. People do not want to observe the manifestations of the Subtle World, which are scattered everywhere. So, also, they cannot imagine that ethics is a practical pharmacopoeia for attracting the spatial energies by the simplest method. You will not tire of repeating about the necessity of realizing the application of the heart for the attraction of the highest possibilities. People forget to apply the most simple method of disinfecting life. Much is spoken of the significance of fire; but it's entirely forgotten that the living fire is the best purifier. People were given electricity, but they had to isolate the substance of energy, leaving only a dead light. A bonfire, wood, oil lamp, candles will purify space and destroy many contagious diseases. One can see that those who know have, together with electricity, also a real fire, which very easily attracts the Spatial Fire. Ask a physician what part a lighted candle plays in disinfection. He will probably regard this question as senseless, because he never thought of a living fire. Whence, then, come the oil lamps in temples, if not for purification? Whence, then, come the ancient customs of surrounding a sick man with fire? Thus, fire is sometimes a physician and guardian. The living fire in the oven often wards off the sicknesses of workers. The bonfire as a purifying symbol, verily, is a medical concept.

Heart (1932) - 150:
The summons to a unity of consciousnesses is necessary everywhere, because this is the simplest introduction into the life of the heart. This is not sorcery but a physical law that can weave a salutary net around the planet. Thus, everyone who follows the law of Being can justly consider himself a citizen of the Universe.

Heart (1932) - 178:
178. The knowledge of respect even for the smallest will help one also to acquire patience. What patience is needed when facing Infinity, especially when we know its inevitability! And we know how each complaint impedes the path. One must replace the burden of not-respect for the smallest with the joy of observation of the multiformity of creations. In simplest words, thus can we help each other.

Heart (1932) - 283:
283. Pure thinking is the best disinfectant. It is time to accept thinking as having a chemical reaction. So, too, the manifestation of Armageddon should be understood not only as the usually accepted war but also in accordance with the events of the entire life. The obsession that was mentioned is a significant evidence of the Great Battle. True, suicides and also physical and spiritual calamities permeate the convulsed planet. Special types of diseases of the brain and nerves and also many perversions are to be found among men. One is astonished at the waverings of the spirit. One becomes indignant at the way in which the best are met with threats and hatred, as though Earth itself strove to disintegration! Of course the mad ones do not behold all the luminous warriors and let the dark ones drag them down into the abyss. Thus, one must fortify oneself with all strength through the Hierarchy. Even upon an ordinary battlefield, one should not cut oneself off from communications. Thus, by the simplest examples one must cognize the Great.

Heart (1932) - 359:
359. A special course should be created - knowledge of the heart. The simplest maidservant understands the sweetness of talking about the heart. For a scientist it would seem much simpler to broaden this concept. Human history itself gives comparative tables of the workers of the brain and heart. Will not these images of achievement and the heroes of self-sacrifice provide the best perfectment of the heart?

Heart (1932) - 408:
408. The education of the heart must begin at the age of two. First of all, one may advise mother's milk or goat's milk - but using a wet nurse is a hideous practice. Besides, the mother's milk is often more digestible and already contains particles of the heart energy. But until now this was not taken into consideration; even the simplest people feel the truth more than the cold dogmatists.

Heart (1932) - 422:
422. People have apprehended with difficulty the idea that radio flashes simultaneously throughout the world; yet the velocity and infiniteness of thought are virtually beyond the reach of the consciousness. The simplest and most beneficial truths are accepted with especial diffidence. The very methods of investigation of such laws often merit pity. Indicators and operators, that are completely incapable of any receptivity, may be posted for observation in the experiments and transmission of thought. On the other hand, people with sensitive hearts will not be questioned. The present difficulty is that people who are not entitled to any confidence gather seemingly in the name of science. One should not be afraid of making mistakes, and the masses should be widely questioned. Naturally there will be contradictions, but the honest inquirer will nevertheless receive truly vast material. The social sciences must occupy themselves greatly with the dissemination of thought as the basis of human welfare. Thus, in the era of the discovery of energies investigations in the domain of thought are necessary.

Heart (1932) - 444:
444. Among the sacred pains there is a certain type which is called, "The Vina of the Creator." As chords on a musical instrument, so speed the pains of the centers of the throat, the shoulders, the elbows, the extremities, the knees, and other centers. Thus is the heart attuned. Undoubtedly, the contact of the heart with the Highest remains the only refuge of humanity. Other Yogas have corresponded to different cosmic conditions. The heart is set out like an anchor in a storm, and it is not difficult to approach the fiery Yoga of the Heart. First, one should sense the great battle and the threatening peril which gathers over Earth. Second, one should regard one's own heart as a refuge. And third, one should be affirmed upon Hierarchy. It would seem that these conditions are not difficult. But so often we prefer the deviations, and even prefer deceit, rather than to turn to the simplest ways. True, tension of the heart is needed, and not without cause was the heart called, "The Great Prisoner."

Heart (1932) - 543:
543. Man manifests the most disgraceful spectacle by starting to read a book with a firm intention not to take into consideration its contents. From this issues the remark, "I know everything, everything is old." Yet the simplest advice has remained without application. It can obviously be seen how even the most essential observations were specifically neglected in order thus to depreciate the Teaching. One may light-mindedly deride, but not a single Indication can be disregarded. We speak now about the education of the heart; but will we not hear from the most stupid that they knew about it long ago? Whereas they think more about cutting their nails than about the heart. Heart attacks are most often caused precisely by failing to think of the heart, and we are ready to succumb to any overindulgence rather than admit to ourselves respect for the heart, as the center of existence.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 103:
103. Of course, at times we are dealing with remote recollections, but there may also be cases of fiery illumination. It was thus in the case that you recalled. The Fiery World brings us flashes of illumination, similar to lightning flashes in the coarse manifestation of a thunderstorm. Just as storms always supply Earth with a purified store of prana, so does the Fiery World constantly pour out waves of influences. It is a pity that the receivers are few, but if one were to begin to exercise the consciousness for a communion with the Fiery World, then such a receiver could become naturally affirmed. But the simplest for all worlds is to adhere firmly to Hierarchy.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 170:
170. Once, after a state council, a certain ruler took an earthenware vase and smashed it before the eyes of everyone. When asked the meaning of his action, he said, "I am reminding you about irreparability." Even when we break the simplest object we understand irreparability, yet how irreparable are thought-actions! We have become accustomed to surround ourselves with crude concepts, and they have thrust out all the higher concepts. If rulers would remind more often about the irreparability of mental decisions, they would forestall a great number of misfortunes. A ruler who is ignorant of the spiritual principle of self-perfectment cannot lead the multitude of consciousnesses entrusted to him. A ruler is a living example. A ruler is one who lays out the paths through all the worlds. He lays the foundation for prosperity, but it will not be prosperity on the material plane alone. Thus, he will be no true ruler for whom Fire exists only at the end of a match. His scope will be equal to that of his concepts.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 205:
205. The knowledge of vitamins is a sign of the coming age. But to the physical substance of vitamins one should add conscious psychic energy, and then numerous questions of physical and spiritual healing will be solved. Thus, one can begin to accompany the taking of vitamins with a corresponding thought. Even upon the simplest physical actions one can notice the influence of thought. For instance, one may throw a ball with an unvarying physical effort, but by accompanying it with different thoughts, the force imparted to the ball will of course vary. Thus one can observe how greatly we either hinder or augment even our ordinary actions. One must introduce similar experiments in schools in order to demonstrate the power of thought upon simple physical apparatus. Vitamins themselves pertain to the domain of psychic energy. In other words, they belong to the fiery sphere, meaning that their fusion with fiery thought produces a most powerful combination.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 218:
218. Actually, the red light does not betoken calm. One must perceive how tense is space. If only the heads of governments would understand that cosmic conditions have a certain significance! But, unfortunately, even the few astrological efforts are surrounded by absurd explanations. One should, as in everything, return to the simplest and most precise. All Teachings are infiltrated with arbitrary commentaries. The past must be understood as interpreted by an honest historian.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 236:
236. One can imagine an instant without the elements of earth or water or even of air, but it is impossible even to conceive of an instant without fire. Extraordinary is the structure when that which is most fundamental remains invisible but ready to be manifested everywhere in the simplest way. Scholars do not wish to accept the element of fire in full, yet each division of it merely burdens the future.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 260:
260. If have just watched a pupil of Bekhtereff experimenting with the transmission of thought to a distance, but he could not master even the simplest condition. He could not dissociate tension from the irritation that clogged his apparatus. While he thought that he was exerting himself, in reality he was only irritated, presupposing that nothing would result. While his thinking was theoretically correct, he could not separate his emotions. Moreover, pseudo-materialism which assumes that everything is for everybody under any circumstances, interferes. Certainly, this may be possible after the evolution of two more races, but now it may be likened to an elephant's load on the back of a cockroach. The understanding of psychic energy is confused. Even though it be called a material hammer, let it at least be realized. The name does not matter. One can cite a mass of names, but crudity will not diminish because of them. The increasing coarsening of psychic energy is the most terrible epidemic.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 302:
302. It is useful to take photographs not only at different hours but also during diverse cosmic tensions. When, if not during the moment of tension, can one espy the spots of absolute darkness? When, if not during the imbalance of the elements, can one obtain the most complex impressions? Our own fluctuation is reflected upon the film, but one can also secure impressions of various subtle manifestations. This can begin with the simplest conditions, because it is necessary to work in varied circumstances.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 376:
376. Also, let us make an end to the confused conception of a group soul. The spirit of concordance is expressed with especial force in animals before individuality has been actualized. But it is incorrect to call the concordant soul a group soul. Translations and commentaries have produced this confusion. Plato's conception of twin souls not only was closer to the truth but was expressed beautifully. Thus, let us not use this erroneous term group soul ; let us replace it with the term spiritual concordance . Also among men such concordance is a valuable achievement; it builds individuality. Let us not complicate what can be readily understood. Before a long journey it is necessary to provide oneself with only the most essential. It would be unfortunate to load oneself with elaborate laces and forget the key to the gates of our Father's house. Our Father is not in need of laces and furbelows. Remember the simplest paths of the Light of Agni. Of course, read books, for one should know the paths of former thoughts, but for the future provide yourself with the lamp of Agni.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 438:
438. As with everything, fiery self-disinfection is the best prophylaxis. Precisely Fire protects against obsession. Precisely Agni is the panacea for cancer, tuberculosis, and all other diseases. But until people assimilate the significance of Agni, one must have recourse to vegetable and mineral expedients. The simplest, most natural, and most essential property of everyone seems to be the most neglected. You know to what an extent those who remembered about psychic energy escaped many illnesses. You saw it and became convinced. During the approach of fiery energies it is necessary that people be not ashamed to acknowledge the fiery principle in themselves. This will be the cultivation of Agni.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 443:
443. The most difficult yet indispensable discipline is comprised in actions for the good of the world. It is not easy to watch oneself in order to reject egoistic thoughts and actions. But when the entire personality is consecrated to the world, discipline is not only easy but is even not felt. To find a starting point for renunciation means to construct a straight path to the Fiery World. The affirmation of personality with all its astrochemical implications is not egoism, which stifles the aspirations toward ascent itself. Egoism is of Earth. It does not exist in the Fiery World. Its remains in the Subtle World are like heavy chains. It is not difficult to perceive how the meaning of egoism ends with the earthly state, it is not applicable to the subtle ascent. Earth-dwellers, finding themselves in the Subtle World, are especially amazed at the absence of egoism in its higher spheres. Nothing so greatly helps to put an end to earthly accounts as the liberation from egoism. Being conscious of the Fiery World reveals in the simplest way how worthless are the tortures engendered by egoism. The Light of the Fiery World acts as a great disinfectant. The crystals of Fohat are so greatly concentrated in this radiance that each approach to this power purifies our psychic energy. I consider that self-discipline directed to the General Good is the most immediate means for great achievements.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 490:
490. It cannot be doubted that the expenditure of inner energy is far greater during mental than during physical labor. This statement should be laid in the foundation of culture. Also, it is time to realize that vitamins and many other substances gain force only when coming in contact with the fiery energy of man. Let this belated discovery also testify to the power of human fiery energy. Striving along the path of discovery of the qualities of human psychic energy will provide the structure of life. One should attentively observe the degree to which man himself transmutes even the most powerful substances. Let us compare the effects of medicine taken with faith and medicine taken with repulsion. We have often witnessed how, under the influence of suggestion, a medicine had an opposite effect; how water acquired the most powerful properties of medicinal compounds. But it was not an outside will that produced these transformations. The will only directed the fiery energy, and in the furnace of Fire the transformation took place. It must be understood that we ourselves affirm our power through the understanding of fiery energy. One cannot express it more powerfully than to say that man is created in the image of the Highest; thus the presence of the higher energies is indicated. But it has not been said that man can make use of these energies only by means of artificial exercises. Energies are inherent in human nature; this means that they must act under the natural conditions of existence. Thus, we return again to the structure of life. If magic denotes artificiality of conditions, it is indeed unsuitable for the regeneration of life. The natural cultivation of the spirit and realization of the Fiery World will be the simplest solution for the aspiration of mankind. It is also said correctly that luxury is the antipode of beauty. Luxury is a form of magic, but where there is beauty no magic is needed.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 512:
512. The fire on the mountain indicates the tension of the atmosphere. Not without reason do people call these fires "messengers." The tension reveals itself in a silvery light. Many will deny even such an obvious manifestation. Many may mention hallucinations, forgetting that such actual details as the illumination of a cloud could not be imaginary. It is astonishing to see that even the simplest manifestation of a fiery order may be denied. Nor could the motion of the fire be foreseen in an illusion. Truly, these fires are messengers.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 601:
601. Furthermore, let us not forget that the fiery body not only does not fear blows but they even intensify the fundamental power. The statement that blows only strengthen energy does not belittle the Fiery World. By means of simple experiments in physics one is able to demonstrate this principle. Thus, let us learn to show reverence for the Fiery World, from the simplest to the Highest.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 649:
649. You already understand why it is better to tell too little than too much. You have many examples of how the unprepared consciousness can distort instruction. It can be shown how the simplest indication is deflected when it is given to an unprepared consciousness. So many earthly considerations are brought in, in order to apply non-earthly measures to Earth! Not only perfect strangers but even those already familiar with the Teaching can be warped by lack of understanding, therefore I am so concerned that instruction be given according to place and to consciousness. Sometimes, too, one must read between the lines, especially when some who are obviously friends still do not comprehend what is pointed out. People accept with great difficulty instruction outside their usual standard. There are many examples of people limiting themselves. For instance - a woman has lost husband and children; they are nearby, but she will mourn her loss, and will not bestir herself to search for them. Thus it happens not only on Earth but also in the Subtle World. One must develop cooperation and persistence here and also there.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 198:
198. The Fiery World requires, first of all, the discrimination between small truths and Great Truth. Nothing else turns people aside from the paths to the extent that a little truth does. They snatch out small fragments, not thinking about that which precedes and follows. Such fragments are no better than any lie, but the significance of the Fiery World rests upon the greatness of Truth. One must prepare for it by all measures; it is impossible to suppose that the understanding of the magnitude of Truth comes of itself. The consciousness must be prepared for a containment of such dimensions. This is not at all easy. One may see how erroneously the simplest words are understood. It is even difficult to imagine to what an extent the meaning of the most ordinary word can be distorted. But one should pass through the testing of so many diverse concepts. Only the acceptance of higher dimensions will evoke the Higher Call - Raj, Raj, Raj! The three-fold containment can lead to the higher spheres. Raj does not know revenge and censure. Raj is magnanimous, because directed into the future. Raj wishes for good, for it is creative love. Such a measure guards against the small truth, which comes close to the evil, and to doubt and condemnation. Thus, when you wish to temper the spirit, you can repeat the ancient Mantram - Raj, Raj, Raj!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 216:
216. It was affirmed many times by the philosophers that a gathering of people is permissible only when it has a high moral consequence. Obviously this saying is a strange one for our time. A gathering of people now usually ends in distortion of the simplest precepts. Let us look upon the subtle and fiery surroundings of such populous assemblies. Let us look and be horrified discordant rhythms admit only the lower entities, and transform the fiery sendings into searing fire. If it is difficult for an earthly benevolent visitor to make his way through a beastly crowd, then subtle beings will be flung away like dry leaves in a whirlwind.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 228:
228. Usually people do not even notice the turning course of circumstances. Yesterday your attention was directed to the fact that people do not wish to understand that they themselves create! The ladder has long since been constructed, yet man nevertheless casts himself into emptiness, for he thinks about a former ladder. It seems impossible to affirm people upon reality. The simplest and most beautiful solutions are passed over in silence, and rejected merely upon the assumption that somewhere grandfather's ladder has been left standing. It has ceased to exist long since, but the average consciousness will not accept such reality.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 326:
326. In the simplest handiwork, and in music, one can have most instructive experiences. Sometimes one finger alone is not firmly applied at the correct place and thus the full tone is lost; but even then such a misapplication does not at all mean that the fault is irreparable. Some centers harmonize quickly, but others, for many reasons, require far more protracted cooperation. Patience, that great constituent of success, will be tested in such adoptions of the centers. Often, precisely the slower adaptations serve for the good; they not only combine the centers, but, as it were, they unite energy to the future. Thus patience is an adornment of the heart. Each one who is inexperienced in patience will not know how to adapt himself to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 110:
110. About the destination of man on the Earth. From times immemorial this question has occupied the minds of people. All religions have noted the affirmation about the destination of man who bears a kinship to Higher Force. Wherein then is revealed a likeness to Higher Force? Only in perfectionment of spirit may man be likened to Higher Force. The destination of man cannot be regarded as something accidental. Likewise it is impossible to regard all forms uniformly, because all spheres have their own forms and very precise correlations. We speak often about the bond between two Worlds, because it is imperative to get out of the charmed circle which has girdled the planet. It is necessary to find the exit. Thinking must be directed to the more subtle principles in order to discover points of contact. Reflecting upon the simplest processes, we shall reach the highest concepts. If we shall discover the subtle bond in all life then indeed a striving toward the Higher World will not delay in coming. Since up to now it has been rather difficult to awaken the consciousness, at present it is necessary to push forward persistently all the foundations of the bond. All events, all affirmations, summon humanity to the achievement of transmutation of the fundamentals of a World outlook. It is especially needed to penetrate into the destination of man.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 321:
321. Of all the destructive energies one should mark the vibration of fear, because fear can destroy each creative vibration. If it were possible to relate all the occurrences engendered by fear, humanity would be terrified by these forms. Fear recalls that frightful Gehenna, which creates such encumbrances on the earthly plane that the path to the higher spheres is cut off. But in addition, fear intensifies dark forces by giving them an impulse for evil actions. But even by the simplest examples of life one may become convinced as to what an extent fear destroys the most affirmed destination. Furthermore, each action of fear on the subtle plane destroys innumerable possibilities. The manifestation of fear is a barrier against each undertaking. Indeed, the power of perfection bestows purification against fear. On the path to the Fiery World one must eradicate fear, for its products are destructive.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 557:
557. You know that one should speak simply, but people expect the very simplest. One may receive questions such as one is even ashamed to answer. But every mother knows of these questions from her children. The mother conquers her irritation and finds a kind word for the child.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 597:
597. It can be observed everywhere how people dismember one concept in their own many ways. Psychic energy is subtle, fiery, divine, Aum. Thus variously is the same fundamental called, and with each variation it is assumed that a better definition is introduced. Doubling our attention, we see that such dismemberments are not useful. It is again time to begin to synthesize. One should strongly affirm the meaning of earthly existence. It is needful to simplify it. Above all cares one should remember that the path is long, and that it will be necessary to be supplied with patience and with the thought about everything useful on the path. But this necessity should be found full of joy for oneself. Without this quality the heart will still be confused and thus weakness brought in. Likewise, one should realize that courage is inseparable from joy. Even the most difficult achievement cannot be low-spirited. A slave can toil in depression, but the fiery spirit transforms everything by very luminous joy. And warmth flows out from joy. But call to mind that joy, warmth, and fire live in the heart. Be not adverse to reminding about such dwellers in of the heart. After all, people do remember about the heart, and each one loves warmth, calling it cordiality. Therefore, know how to speak to everyone about the most joyous, in the simplest words and in the expressions most fitting for all. Thus knock at the fiery door of the human soul.

AUM (1936) - 6:
6. When you ponder deeply, you will perceive Our path. We are ready to help wherever the law permits. We grieve when We see that people, not having reached the line of salvation, as madmen cast themselves into the abyss. How many thoughts are expended in order to reach the simplest and best result. Yet often the madmen dare to assault the Highest while they are still enveloped by darkness. This is similar to the casting of a stone into the waves of the ocean. True, it may create a little splash, but it can hardly affect the mighty current. Thus it is with all attacks against the great energies. The most savage assault is shattered against the rock of the unconquerable spirit. The boasting of the dark forces only indicates their madness. All-powerful Aum will overcome the most insane and violent attack.

AUM (1936) - 133:
Thus, let us not isolate where a just grouping is right. Man has departed so far from clear concepts that he must enter through the simplest Gates.

AUM (1936) - 149:
149. Secrecy is also cautiousness and goal-fitness. One should plant flowers in appropriate soil. One should know when and to whom to intrust the seeds; thus does the concept of the Guru grow. In the simplest and most needed manner, the Guru tells what is especially necessary. If he guards the secret, it means that this is temporarily imperative. There can be no suspicion that the Guru conceals harmfully. One must accept the Guru as Guide; in such a manner the concept of the secret is transformed.

AUM (1936) - 162:
162. Darkness is finite, but Light is manifested infinitely. Each one who knows this simplest of truths is already invincible. Any admission that Light is weak and the darkness great makes victory impossible. No matter what is given to the one of little faith, he drowns all in the ocean of darkness. Thus let us take up the weapon of Light as the surest.

AUM (1936) - 212:
212. It is necessary to endeavor to find the simplest causes of manifestations. People notice that clairaudience is better at dawn. The reason advanced for this is far from the truth. They suppose that after the night the organism is rested; they think that the currents just before dawn lend assistance, but they overlook the simplest and most natural solution. Actually, the most obvious cause lies in the fact that during sleep man has contacted the Subtle World, and therein has enhanced his subtle qualities.

AUM (1936) - 214:
214. There are people who refuse to understand what arrogance is. Let us help them understand by saying, "Do not belittle, and rid yourselves of the disgusting worm of disparagement." He who belittles is almost the equal of a traitor. In the presence of such vipers there can be no talk of communion with the Higher World. To reduce something to worthlessness is an unworthy transformation! He who dwells on the negligible will find himself on the path to nothingness. The higher communion is impossible with thoughts about the insignificant. It is possible to converse in the simplest expressions, but their meaning need not be insignificant. Whoever is preoccupied with representing his neighbor as a nonentity is measuring by his own insignificant standard.

AUM (1936) - 216:
It is incomprehensible why people are so opposed to the simplest consideration - that of thought as energy. As if such a truth could demolish people's hearths! True, the energy can shake out some of the dust, but the house will be the purer for it.

AUM (1936) - 238:
238. The most complicated matter can be approached by the simplest path; the principle requisite is attentiveness. Even very experienced observers lose it amid commonplaceness. But the Higher World requires love and gratitude. How otherwise is it possible to scan the subtle signs under incarnate conditions?

AUM (1936) - 284:
284. With difficulty do people dare to pronounce the simplest law: "Blessed are the obstacles, by them we grow." Tests are admitted easily enough, as long as they have not begun. No one is willing to quicken his progress through obstacles.

AUM (1936) - 331:
Thus one can see that the simplest truths are in need of constant repetition.

AUM (1936) - 339:
339. Each discharge of secretions, each exhalation sends out emanations of psychic energy. Each man lavishly saturates space, therefore he is obligated to show concern about a better quality of psychic energy. If people would understand that each breath has a significance for space, they would take care to purify their breathing. With the simplest apparatus the emanations of psychic energy can be demonstrated. One can see in the swings of the pendulum of life how continuously the energy vibrates. The same means shows the radiations called the aura, which indicates that particles of the aura are being sent out ceaselessly into space, and psychic energy continually weaves a new protective net.

AUM (1936) - 346:
346. Observations with the pendulum of life will show the great significance of psychic energy. The simplest means can awaken the most profound perceptions which lie in the depths of the consciousness. Besides, it is especially important to observe the spatial vibration, which acts as a wireless telegraph. Each hour there can be manifested the quality of spatial currents; these describe the condition of entire nations.

AUM (1936) - 374:
When people are desirous of making objections, they are prepared not to admit the simplest truth. Whither is it possible to direct energy, if will and thought have been directed to evil? Naturally, the power will flow along the dark channel. Whoever wishes the lowest will receive it. Unalterable are the words about obsession, because it represents a danger to the perfecting of life. Furthermore, intermediaries must not be of a low order. Ignorance and malice can attract only conformable responses. Each one must strive only toward the best.

AUM (1936) - 394:
394. Physiology and philosophy in different languages equally avoid speaking about that which is most important. Though numerous conferences are convened, it is especially deplorable to observe the shifty evasions resorted to, in order to avoid expressing that which is most simple and arriving at the simplest solution.

AUM (1936) - 449:
No invocations of magic are needed for love. Nor is repletion necessary there where is Infinity. With the simplest desire it is possible to strive for advancement. The expansion of thinking will already be an immeasurable joy.

AUM (1936) - 463:
463. We speak about psychic energy as about a powerful motive force. We are not talking about sorcery but about a physical law. We point out the simplest paths to successful progress. We recall what has long been known, but, for all that, the ignorant will relegate Our discourses to the supernatural. They will make use of subtle energies, but they will not wish to acknowledge the psychic energy.

AUM (1936) - 468:
468. Let us firmly remember the qualities of psychic energy. When beginning observations upon psychic energy, people frequently forget its basic properties. They complicate even the simplest investigations by their own habits. Instantaneousness is a fundamental quality of psychic energy, but people have been accustomed to suppose that lengthy thought is the strongest. In such a way they lose sight of the fact that time is not needed for thought.

AUM (1936) - 508:
508. Knowledge leads to simplicity. People who know each other well are in no need of lengthy and complicated discussions; they prefer to exchange words only as to the essence of things. Beautiful is knowledge that leads to meaning; only a pseudo-science will choke itself with heaped-up things and thus obscure its destination. It is instructive to observe the great number of commentaries which have complicated the simplest fundamental passages in many works. It is possible to base an entire investigation on the study of the involved paths of commentaries. The psychology of commentators, in assimilating local accumulations, often completely loses the fundamental problem. All human relationships have the same fate, when in their hustle and bustle people lose the concept of their own destination.

AUM (1936) - 534:
534. About what should one be concerned - the narrow or the broad, the brief or the lengthy? The simplest, most sagacious answer will be, "Let that which is best be lengthy."

Brotherhood (1937) - 136:
136. Knowing how to deal with people according to their consciousness is a lofty quality. One should not forget that the majority of misfortunes proceed from a lack of such commensurateness. It is impossible to propose even very excellent things if they are above someone's consciousness. It is inadvisable to speak to an unprepared man about harmony or vibrational combinations. Who can foresee what such a man will visualize under the concepts of harmony or vibrational combinations? But he can understand it if told about carefulness toward his surroundings. The simplest concept concerning solicitude will be a firm basis for each cooperation of Brotherhood. It is desirable that every cooperation be a nursery of care. In this is expressed also attentiveness, solicitude, compassion, and love itself. How much strength may be conserved by care alone! So many cosmic reactions of the spirit may be regulated upon the use of the most simple care. It is impossible even to imagine to what an extent the aura of the home is strengthened where solicitude is definitely maintained. In many people the understanding of Hierarchy is completely obscured, but even in such cases solicitude will help to set the situation right - merely by being solicitous toward each other! This is no great obligation, and yet it is like a cornerstone.

Brotherhood (1937) - 147:
It may be that certain objects appear to be unnecessary at some given hour, whereas tomorrow precisely these may make the journey easier. There are to be found people to whom the simplest word proves to be the best key. It is impossible to visualize the great diversity of human consciousnesses. It were better that those who know be bored for a while than that someone be forever repulsed. New approaches to perfectment are unexpected, and new co-workers are not easily recognized.

Brotherhood (1937) - 160:
160. Be not surprised that the simplest examples often prove to be the most expressive. Setting forth on a distant journey, people look forward to seeing something attractive; if this does not happen, the journey turns out to be very abhorrent to them. Likewise, we should grow to love the idea of the Subtle World and the far-off worlds. One can so frighten oneself regarding the far-off worlds that even a move toward them will appear to be inadmissible. People usually have such a gloomy frame of mind toward everything of another world that they may be likened to a rueful traveler who has lost all his baggage. Let people be concerned with suggesting to themselves the best possibilities for success on the distant path. They will thus enter into the region of thought. It will be impossible for one to suffer who thinks beautifully! He will enter the Father's House, sensing in advance all the blessed treasures. Likewise must be comprehended the path to Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 177:
177. In the simplest examples there can be seen indications regarding forgotten fundamentals. The unaccountable whims of pregnant women will remind us about reincarnation, particularly when the character of the child is traced. Likewise, the latest medicine utilizes the concept of primary energy and points out the nervous origin of many ailments. Immunity is regarded as linked to a condition of the entire nervous system, thus putting forward the significance of the primary energy. How, then, may one not recognize it, when science is paying particular attention to it? Can one deny the basis of immunity? People are especially concerned about their health, yet at the same time they lose sight of the most precious factor. How, then, will thoughts about Brotherhood be created, if the fundamentals of life are left in neglect?

Brotherhood (1937) - 298:
298. Only the call to Brotherhood can sometimes flash out as lightning. Let people think that Brotherhood is inopportune, that it is unattainable; but for all that even a savage heart will begin to tremble, even a hardened, embittered heart will not pass by such a reminder of something forgotten. It is necessary to find the simplest words, for people are expecting the simplest. People can accept a good word if persuaded that it will make better their way of life.

Brotherhood (1937) - 449:
449. A presentiment is sometimes called the figurehead of the ship. It runs in advance and does not allow itself to be overtaken. The new consciousness understands that the ship has a bow and a stern, but superstition adds to the bow of the ship the most fantastic image. Similarly, human thinking adorns the simplest sensations with unheard of forms.

Brotherhood (1937) - 456:
456. Not only non-conformity of old and new, of inner and outer but also different understanding of the simplest words is an obstacle to the consolidation of progress. Do not consider it strange when the simplest concepts are wrongly interpreted - there exists no unity of consciousness. In spite of beautiful solitary flights people will bog down in one swamp in the majority of cases. It is impossible to instruct them in the higher energies when their very way of life needs regulation. You have heard about a disastrous termination of an experiment with currents of high tension, and you have rightly understood that the cause lay in carelessness. The first success not only did not inculcate carefulness but, on the contrary, admitted negligence. There are many such examples. Often it is impossible to bestow success, because it proves to be a dangerous plaything in foolish hands.

Brotherhood (1937) - 466:
466. It is impossible to understand why even the simplest observations are overlooked. For example, in studying aromas insufficient attention is paid to the usefulness or harmfulness of different very pleasant odors. All flowers have a particular designation, yet so-called perfumes bear conventional floral names. No one is concerned about the usefulness of the perfumes, but the essences used to make them up are sometimes almost poisonous. It is regrettable what the teaching about color and aroma has turned into when people propose to use arsenic coloring or deadly aroma!

Brotherhood (1937) - 475:
475. Spatial voices have been mentioned under various names in the Scriptures of all peoples. Let us not delve into why such voices have been attributed to the most diverse sources. Right now it merely needs to be kept in mind that knowledge of these voices goes back to remote antiquity. One should not assume that people of the most diverse cultures could be mistaken or be intentional liars. Science has already mastered wireless transmission, which is being continually improved. Moreover, thoughts are being studied, and remarkable observations are already resulting, but for all that, ignorance has so greatly increased that it is necessary to reiterate even the simplest truths.

Brotherhood (1937) - 477:
477. Everyone has noticed certain people who ask very complicated questions and yet do not apply even the simplest fundamentals in their lives. Such incongruity is a poor sign. Would it not be better for them to apply the refined formulas in life? Such incongruities are to be cast off first of all on the path to Brotherhood.

Brotherhood (1937) - 516:
516. The physicians of antiquity determined the quality of emanations by the application of plants and metals. They also made use of certain breeds of dogs which were very sensitive to the emanations of man. But nowadays the simplest apparatuses, such as an electrical machine, will record on a screen the rhythm and quality of emanations.

Brotherhood (1937) - 546:
To isolate a clear thought, without incidental waverings, will be in itself a lofty discipline. In the Brotherhood attention is paid to such purification of thought. Speaking of Brotherhood, it is unavoidable to touch upon thought-sendings. The work of thought will function from small to great tasks, and the discipline of the heart will be required for success. Each heart is surrounded by anxiety, agitations, and tremor. One can overcome these tremors by addressing oneself to Hierarchy, not half-way, but fully; such an appeal is not at all frequent. Yet for the simplest experiments unshakable striving is required. Usually a swarm of tiny, malicious insects attempts to violate the purity of thought. All these petty ones must be subdued by brotherly unity.

Brotherhood (1937) - 567:
567. People know of monasteries which have been in existence for thousands of years. People know of business houses which go on for centuries. Thus, people are agreed to recognize the fact-findings of the most diverse institutions. But only about the Brotherhood do they express various doubts. Any possibility of the existence of the Brotherhood is especially denied by people. There are many reasons why people so greatly fear the concept of the Most Beautiful. Does not someone fear that the existence of the Brotherhood may reveal his intentions? Or that he may be compelled to think about the good of his fellow-men? An entire arsenal of weapons of egoism is brought to bear against the peace-loving Brotherhood. Simplest of all is to deny the very possibility of the existence of the Brotherhood. Historical examples, supported by biographies, would seem to prove the existence of the Brotherhood in different ages.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 4:
We have apparatuses that assist the transference of thought over a distance. People would be astonished to see that certain apparatuses that are familiar to them are here applied quite differently. The application of psychic energy can transform the simplest of motors.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 39:
It is better to question detractors than to leave them in a paroxysm of blasphemy. It is truly said, "It will be asked of you, and you will have to account not only for the evil words that were spoken, but also for all the kind words that were left unspoken." Many sayings from antiquity teach humanity the simplest truths, and they are as new even today. Thus let us be cautious with the concept of Brotherhood and not forget that sensitive apparatuses record every word about the Brotherhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 84:
84. Urusvati knows how much man is constantly guided by the Primal Energy. From the greatest achievements to the most ordinary, everyday events, people are under the influence of the Primal Energy, which has been given so many names that it has lost its identity in the eyes of humanity. It is time to restore its basic significance, and not use any of the former names but retain only the simplest and most expressive one, Primal Energy. The most important thing is for people to learn to sense its presence, then cooperation with it will be realized.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 105:
Amidst Our intense labors it is especially difficult to continually remind people of their mission. In spite of the fact that people connect Us with the Invisible Government, they refuse to follow Our simplest Advice. Just think how often the best advice has been ridiculed! They call Us sages and saints, but will not listen to Us.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 150:
The Great One taught people to pray within their hearts, upon the mountain, amid inspiring summits. It is impossible to grasp the full depth of meaning of the Sermon of the Great One, because He gave instructions for the whole of life in the simplest words. The key to this greatness was in His simplicity, which not only allowed Him to more easily communicate with people, but was a beautiful way of expressing the Highest in the simplest words. One should learn to make the complicated simple, for only in simplicity is kindness reflected. Such was the work of the Great Pilgrim.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 168:
The Great Pilgrim taught the love of goodness, but His Teaching was greatly distorted. Even His simplest words could not save the Teaching, for people found ways to interpret Truth for their own profit. The expulsion of the merchants from the Temple is a symbolic warning, and the Temple should also be understood as the human spirit from which mercenary thought must be ejected. No one can forbid the exchange of daily necessities, but merchants must attend to their business with enlightened hearts. Even the basic elements of life can be spiritualized.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 219:
The Thinker said, "Words do not always convince, but the simplest example can illustrate the generosity of nature. Nature is unrepeatable in its splendor. The Law is one, but its expressions are beyond counting. You could not repeat the designs for many reasons, but mainly because the cosmic conditions had already changed.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 374:
374. Urusvati knows that every thinking person searches for the Primal Cause. Some seekers use subtle approaches, others coarse ones, yet all seek. The common mistake is in attempting to investigate the Highest Cause without first studying the more accessible ones. In doing so people ignore the need for common sense discrimination in daily events. He who has sufficient wisdom to perceive the causes of the simplest daily occurrences earns the right to dive deeper and to soar higher. Perceiving the causes of daily events refines the thinking process. It is instructive to observe how sometimes an entire chain of events can be broken simply by an exclamation or glance, yet those who are present do not notice and afterwards will completely forget the original cause.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 393:
393. Urusvati knows the contrasts and complexities of the principles of life, which even in the simplest cases can easily be misinterpreted. For example, We indicate that attention should be paid to all details of life's events, but at the same time warn against self-indulgent absorption with illusion.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 399:
I speak about these ancient achievements in order to put to shame many of our contemporaries, who are proud of their numerous discoveries but often cannot maintain the simplest conditions necessary for their experiments. Furthermore, people do not wish to learn patience. They should think about what great patience was needed by the ancients for the investigation of alloys. As the centuries passed some metals were forgotten and later rediscovered. It is instructive to note how many things were forgotten by humanity! Among these was radium, which in ancient times had another name; it was called "heart of the firmament."

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 410:
One may ask in what language and in what terms it is best to appeal to the higher spheres. We will answer that this is possible in any language, but it is best to use your native tongue, which most easily expresses the thought. Let your expressions and your way of thinking be your own; why use the memorized words of another when you can freely express your own feelings? When people speak to each other they rarely use the words of others, and in addressing the Highest should speak in their own individual way. People should understand that the highest consciousnesses need not be addressed with conventional formulas or memorized verses when a direct appeal from the heart is more personal. In everything a heartfelt expression should be used without embarrassment, for the simplest words are always the most potent.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 444:
A sensitive physician will prescribe a patient's favorite foods; the same is done when a preferred substance is indicated for the success of an experiment. Even the simplest man has an inner sense of what is especially close to him, and remarkable experiments could be performed comparing the different substances that are especially suitable for each organism. It can be shown that man himself senses what is best for him. But everything superficial must be eliminated, or drunkards will insist that only alcohol is good for them!


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