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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SI > SICKLY (7)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.5.19:
Beware of them! Chiefly, protect the children. They are the cause of many children's ailments. They find access into the schools. For them historical fact and the law of knowledge are non-existent. Upon encountering sickly children inquire about the quality of their teachers.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.5:
The manifestation of enemies must be interpreted in connection with a certain sickly condition about which I have made mention.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 329:
329. The illness called neuritis has a certain relation to fire. Much that is attributed to rheumatism or nervous disturbances should also be attributed to fire. These pains can easily be eliminated by locating the material crystals of psychic energy. When these deposits obstruct the nerve channels many painful developments can be expected. Like stones in the inner organs, the crystals of psychic energy can be injurious if the energy is not utilized. Especially dangerous is the conflict of the crystals of psychic energy with the deposits of imperil. Often, organisms with highly developed nervous systems are sickly. Experimental research into psychic energy is urgently needed. Whatever can be measured physically will be more easily accepted.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 591:
591. I rejoice when you realize the harm of false spirituality. Often a sickly distortion of psychic energy becomes a substitute for a properly expanded consciousness. Where there is fear, where there is self-pity, where there is conceit, where there is passivity, where there is avoidance of self-sacrifice, where there is lack of co-measurement, where there is irresponsibility, can there be service to evolution?

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 292:
292. Interactions between bodies should be investigated, because as the condition of the physical body acts on the condition of the astral body, likewise the astral body reacts on the physical. A sickly state of the organism is reflected on the astral, and a spiritual indisposition of the astral body is reflected on the physical. All spiritual experiences have their influence on the astral body as well as on the physical. But these manifestations must be analyzed with subtlety. Each experience on the astral plane does not leave its impression immediately on the coarsely healthy body. True, when the subtle body collects around itself all the poisonous fluids which infect the astral body, then an infection also breaks out in the healthy gross body. In the infected astral body there results the affirmation of interaction. The astral body easily absorbs all the fluids of the physical body; therefore, each violation of equilibrium is first reflected on the subtle body. Hence, it is so important for the physician to know the spiritual state of the patient. During illness and the fight against them, one should have in mind the concordance of the bodies and the indissoluble bond between them. Such sensitive relationship must be acquired on the path to the Fiery World.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 521:
521. When I say - guard the health, by that I am not sending you to a physician, and I urge you not to be alarmed. By no means would We develop a sickly hypochondria. We wish to preserve your health. No one can say that it is unnecessary to guard the health. The carriage must roll along the ordained path toward the beautiful goal. Take away everything pertaining to Karma and the goal will be really beautiful. But with which do people mold the larger Karma - the inner or the outer life?

Brotherhood (1937) - 210:
210. Dissolution of the organism is not spread over just one earthly life. One should not accuse one's parents; one should also discern one's own atavism. From absolutely healthy parents are often born very sickly children. The earthly mind will try to find the cause of it in remote forefathers, but he who knows the sequence of lives will reflect about causes contained in the person himself. In its lower and middle spheres the Subtle World preserves many bodily conditions.


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