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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SI > SICK (51)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.8:
Then the first customer returned and, looking at the parchment, said, "Where is the parchment I gave you?" On hearing what had occurred, he said, "The parchment for the prayers bore the blessing of fulfillment, whereas the parchment of threats was devoid of effectiveness. Unfaithful man, in violating the law of dates you have bereft of its power a prayer which could have aided the sick. But besides this you have brought into fulfillment threats which are full of unparalleled consequences. The labor of the Arhat in blessing my parchment is wasted. Wasted is the labor of the Arhat who stripped evil of its power. You have loosed upon the world a malicious curse which will inevitably react upon you yourself. You have pushed from the path the Wheel of the Law so that it will not lead you onward but will break your way."

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.15:
The crime of speculation has to be prosecuted relentlessly, because the Earth is sick from speculation.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.6.20:
A parrot once knew how to screech, "Blessed Teacher!" - but by this it did not improve its possibilities. A bear chanced to leave its prey on the doorstep of a starving man, but it did not cease to be a wild animal. A bee accidentally pierced the abscess of a sick man, but it earned thereby no bliss for itself. Even a snake once saved a life by its poison. Only consciousness and staunchness yield results.

New Era Community (1926) - 30:
It is useful to look back upon remote epochs, when this consciousness was awakened. We see that not in a day of flowering of science but during the proclamation of religion was the cosmic consciousness awakened; for not hypotheses but only knowledge of the spirit leads to the starry paths. I regret that no astronomical calculations could advance the moment of communication, for the same reason that the ant does not shoot with a gigantic cannon. It is indeed essential that such achievement be manifested by means of the spirit. Here we are speaking materially, as it were, but without the spirit it is impossible to apply this energy. Indeed the spirit gives a certain quality to matter. The condition of the Earth requires an extraordinary physician. The planet is sick, and if efforts to push it forward do not succeed, then it may be better to remove it temporarily from the chain - it may become as the moon. Hotbeds of the lower strata of the Subtle World have become dangerously intolerable. Also it is impossible to forget how humanity has fallen under the influence of the lower levels of the Subtle World.

New Era Community (1926) - 49:
49. The more anyone renounces, the more he receives. But nations have forgotten how to renounce; even the smallest thinks only how to receive. Meanwhile, the planet is ill and all is sinking in this sickness. And someone wishes to evade the final battle through infection of the whole planet. And some hope to be setting sail in broken fragments, forgetting that the ocean is also departing. It is easy to picture that the planetary body can be just as sick as any other organism and the spirit of the planet is affected by the condition of its body. How to name the illness of the planet? Best of all as a fever from poisoning. Suffocating gasses, from the accumulations of the lower strata of the Subtle World, cut the planet off from the worlds which could send assistance. The Earth's destiny can be ended by a gigantic explosion if the thickness of the cover be not pierced. A stupendous acceleration is forcing all lines to shake. It could have been expected that acceleration was urgent for a certain country, but it is needed for the whole planet.

New Era Community (1926) - 253:
Thus, a case known to you could have taught you how necessary is the study and application of psychic energy. A wave of psychic energy would have restored vitality and bestowed a new joy of being. But for this it is needful to be conscious of psychic energy, that is, to enter into the rhythm of evolution. Instead of that, the sick are stuffed with mixtures and potions. There where help would be easy they begin to prepare submissively for death.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 63:
In remote times a sick body was surrounded by healthy ones in order to nurture its strength. But this is a kind of vampirism that should not even be suggested. It is quite a different matter when there is a conscious transmission, voluntary and benevolent. This can be not only to one person, but even to several at once if one understands how to apportion the transmissions judiciously. It is an important reality that material benefit can be transmitted by means of psychic energy. Weighty substance is transmitted by weightless energy. This is not just suggestion but a real phenomenon.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 227:
It is the physician's duty to watch the sick for symptoms of possession by an alien will. If the physician is himself sufficiently pure and unafraid of calling the unwelcome guest to himself, he may apply his own will. But then, even the departure of the possessor from the patient is insufficient for a complete cure; because for a thousand days the danger of relapse still exists, and the ailing one must watch his thoughts closely. Physicians should be warned about this.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 245:
245. Why is Earth so sick? Because the rays of the heavenly bodies cannot penetrate its polluted aura. To what will man be reduced if he ceases his communion with the supreme consciousness and sinks into base ignorance? From the greatest of the worlds to the microcosm, the law is one. Losing their realization of the great worlds, people have wandered from the understanding of perfection. The great worlds have become for them a foolish fantasy; and for them, self-perfectment is an unnecessary or even dangerous pastime. Slaving for their daily wage, they yearn only for the end of their path as they see it.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 334:
The condition of Earth is grievous. Earth is sick.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 372:
372. It is important to understand the interplanetary battles. One cannot describe in any other way the clash between sick and healthy atmospheres. The currents mentioned yesterday protect the planet against poisonous emanations. The human consciousness in its present state adds greatly to these destructive conditions. The extent of the danger of these emanations cannot be imagined. Only through mastery over the Fire of Space is relief possible. But this Fire must be brought into life.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 495:
During the early stages of cancer, surgery can be beneficial; it is pointless, however, if the patient after his convalescence returns to his former ways. Of course, ultrasound can break down the tumor, but of what use can it be if the cause of the poisoning has not been eliminated? Life must be made healthier. It is not wise to invent cures for corpses! One has to pay attention to the conditions of life and habits of those who fall sick.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 306:
306. The measure of service to humanity impels the spirit to means of striving. When the spirit knows the measure of tension in the name of Good, then he consciously directs his possibilities. The circle of the spirit surrounds the aura of man with powerful striving. But the sick aura and the aura surrounded by a tortuous line create corresponding saturations in space. Such auras react in a dual manner upon those around them. In identical auras they evoke an increase of negative potentiality. In contrasting auras they evoke a double striving; to smite darkness and to serve the Good. But these sick auras are nurtured by the emanations of the healthy auras. How important it is for a sick aura to be conscious of its armor! It is most important to realize this law. Evolution progresses through Light.

Hierarchy (1931) - 275:
275. Contact with the spatial current manifests a powerful resonance of the fiery centers. The contact with the Spatial Fire calls forth new tensions. Thus the greatness of consonance can be affirmed in Cosmos. How is it possible for humanity not to ponder over the great principles that guide life? To eliminate the Guiding Forces means to sever the silver thread and to exclude oneself from the Chain of Hierarchy. The planet is sick because it has lost the highest principles. Thus, one must manifest the most vital understanding of the great principles and of the silver thread which binds all worlds. Thus We affirm the principles of Hierarchy.

Hierarchy (1931) - 319:
319. It is asked why We so often delay in destroying the enemies. There are many reasons. Let us name two the first - karmic conditions. It is easy to harm the near ones by touching an enemy bound to them by karma. This may be likened to most delicate surgery when a surgeon does not amputate a sick limb because of the danger attendant upon severing an artery. With the karmic bonds the interacting relationship is unusually complex. We consider it more useful to insulate the dangerous fellow traveler than to obstruct the entire caravan. The second reason is that enemies are the source of tension of energy. Nothing can so greatly increase the energy as counterattack. Therefore, why invent artificial obstacles when the dark ones attempt with all their strength to increase our energy

Hierarchy (1931) - 404:
404. It is said that the shirt on a traitor burns. One can notice how things are ruined in the proximity of a sick psychic energy.

Heart (1932) - 20:
20. If straight-knowledge is not awakened, then even reality, even the evident, are unattainable. One cannot compel anyone to perceive the evident, or even the striking. Later someone will say to you, "Why do I not see or hear, if there exists and Invisible World?" The same occurs also with the sick, who reject their treatments. They would like to improve, but at the same time they direct their entire consciousness against the physician. Thus, it would be useful to compare those who see with those who are blind in spirit. One could find the causes of success of some and the downfall of others. Thus, by comparing the apparent manifestations, one can solve many problems of reciprocal action of the worlds.

Heart (1932) - 100:
100. Healers are divided into two groups one heals through the laying on of hands or through the direct glance; the other sends a heart current from a distance. Of course, for future construction the second means is preferable. With the heart's radiation one does not need to strike many centers of the patient, but without burdening his attention, the sick part alone can be reacted upon, thus sustaining the organism in the battle for balance. You know how imperceptible are Our touches, in order not to infringe upon independent activity. You also remember how We avoided physical manifestations, permitting them to the extent that was necessary for the evidence of a certain step. We strive further as soon as We see understanding. We call a lazy person the violator of the law of life. Healers through the heart current act in the physical as well as in the subtle body. Attention should be paid to the phenomenal side of life, it is far more substantial than it seems.

Heart (1932) - 104:
104. People do not want to observe the manifestations of the Subtle World, which are scattered everywhere. So, also, they cannot imagine that ethics is a practical pharmacopoeia for attracting the spatial energies by the simplest method. You will not tire of repeating about the necessity of realizing the application of the heart for the attraction of the highest possibilities. People forget to apply the most simple method of disinfecting life. Much is spoken of the significance of fire; but it's entirely forgotten that the living fire is the best purifier. People were given electricity, but they had to isolate the substance of energy, leaving only a dead light. A bonfire, wood, oil lamp, candles will purify space and destroy many contagious diseases. One can see that those who know have, together with electricity, also a real fire, which very easily attracts the Spatial Fire. Ask a physician what part a lighted candle plays in disinfection. He will probably regard this question as senseless, because he never thought of a living fire. Whence, then, come the oil lamps in temples, if not for purification? Whence, then, come the ancient customs of surrounding a sick man with fire? Thus, fire is sometimes a physician and guardian. The living fire in the oven often wards off the sicknesses of workers. The bonfire as a purifying symbol, verily, is a medical concept.

Heart (1932) - 407:
407. In a spasm of hatred someone sick of a horrible disease attempted to touch as many objects as possible for the harm of humanity. Thus does the mobility of evil evidence itself. Evil demands no definite personalities - only the necessity of general harm. If only goodness would distinguish itself by a still greater mobility! If each one filled with goodness would sow it with every touch! What a myriad of beneficent sparks would be sent out into space, and how much easier would the battle with evil become! It is true that at times human goodness is very profound, but it often lacks mobility. This comes from a lack of culture of the heart. The potentiality of the good heart usually works in spasms and is not always open for ready action. However, it is precisely this spasmodic action that permits many assaults by evil, which works like a winnowing fan, in all directions. It is only by an impenetrable armor of goodness that one can defend oneself. It is not commendable to have an armor very solid in back but with just the heart unprotected.

Heart (1932) - 437:
437. People are especially concerned with the question - why did the founders of spiritual Teachings not escape various physical illnesses? Usually this question is asked by those who are themselves greatly contributing to such illnesses through suspicion, condemnation, and all manner of opposition to spiritual labor. But put this investigator into a poisoned room and he will at once be taken ill with a hundred ailments. Of course, one must visualize the intensity of the organism during spiritual labor. In its desire to help, it absorbs the surrounding conditions like a magnet. The transference of another person's illness to oneself is not a fairy tale. During this process it can be noticed that the pain is not transferred correspondingly, but strikes the tensest or weakest centers. The pains described in the lives of the saints should not be regarded as exaggerated. On the contrary, they are as intense and varied as humanity itself. But what alleviates these sufferings? Besides the silver cord of the Hierarchy itself, the very heart often gives the sign for the healing ray to begin. We are often astonished that doctors pay no attention to the people who visit the sick. Perhaps one half of the cure would consist not in medicines, but in the ejection of the harmful elements which are so plentifully brought in by those who come bringing spiritual contagion.

Heart (1932) - 450:
450. A Rishi sent small pieces of linen or palm leaf or birch bark to the needy and sick. Those who received these ridiculed them and said, "Is it not ridiculous to waste one's forces in sending blank fragments?" They paid regard only to words. But those who were wise applied what had been sent to the affected part or the heart, receiving relief. They understood that the Rishi had placed his hand upon it and suffused what had been sent with his psychic energy. There are also known miraculously transmitted images or imprints of hands which become apparent under heat or light. Naturally, any physician will have faith in the crudest plaster or salve, but he will admit to no belief in the significance of the magnetism of objects. Perhaps one may even pacify the physician by pointing out to him the fatty precipitations, but in all higher matters a dog shows himself to be more understanding. Thus, it is unprecedentedly difficult to instill into the human brain all that uplifts man's dignity.

Heart (1932) - 535:
535. Observation of the heart must begin from childhood. In this way one can become aware of certain periods when the spirit gradually takes possession of the body. Likewise, through constant observation one can perceive how the proximity of beings from the Subtle World influences the heart. Many unexplainable heartbeats are of course due to the influence of the Subtle World. Many cessations of the pulse can recall the danger of obsession. Many tremors of the pulse are characteristic even from the age of seven, they reveal the completion of the entry of the spirit. Such evidence should have been known to physicians long ago, but instead of observation they begin to apply all sorts of narcotics, laying the foundation for an early destruction of the intellect. Thus, one should not inflict coarse ignorant measures upon the heart. It should be remembered that if the heart is the mediator of the highest worlds, then the methods for sustaining the heart must be refined. It is unwise to pity the coarsening of humanity and neglect the care of its chief organ. The heart of humanity is sick. First of all, one must render healthy the sphere of the heart, certainly, if the people with to avoid a catastrophe.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 74:
74. There is no reason to think that black magic is now especially increasing in Tibet. Of course it has increased there greatly, but this is only one phase of its world-wide development. One cannot imagine to what an extent this black network is being spread. It is impossible to conceive the entire diversity of its participants. It is impossible to reveal all the unsuspected combinations which sustain each other. Can one be reconciled to the fact that heads of states, prelates, Freemasons, rebels, judges, criminals, physicians, the sick and the healthy, are all at work in the same black field? The difficulty of detecting them is that one cannot indicate any definite organization; all is based on separate individuals, who are deliberately placed in the most varied activities.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 157:
157. Toward what shall we strive, to the finite or the infinite? The earthly sojourn is of short duration, the Subtle and Mental Worlds are of fixed date, but the Fiery World is beyond dates; this means that one should strive toward it. In the worlds of limited sojourn the fiery armor is acquired. The earthly world is like an impasse - either ascent or destruction. Even the Subtle World will not satisfy a striving spirit; all the other lives are only preparations for the all-encompassing Fiery World. A weak spirit is terrified by the distance to the Fiery World, but the spirits in which ascent is innate can only rejoice. The physical forms are beautiful, but the music of the spheres is incomparable. Yet beyond this subtle illumination is displayed the Fiery Grandeur. Ozone here on Earth appears as a messenger from Above, yet it is the grossest manifestation of the atmosphere. The earthly azure is lofty, but it is like wool compared to the fiery radiance. Those who have entered the Fiery World cannot breathe the air of Earth. Nirvana is actually fiery ascent. In every Teaching we find a symbol of this fiery ascent. St. Sergius received the fiery sacrament. Thus, graphically is the sign of the higher possibility given. The time is coming and is already near when people will not know how to accept the fiery possibilities. In their confusion they will forget that fiery communion has been ordained. They will excel in counteracting, instead of being filled with, the power of Fire. Therefore I reiterate and remind about the necessity of fiery union. Many dangerous chemical combinations will cause consternation. Precisely the encumbrances in the Subtle World can indicate how sick the planet is. Since this danger has become obvious, it is Our duty to forewarn.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 350:
350. Hygiene of thought must be applied on both the spiritual and earthly planes. One must carry out experiments, strengthened by fiery medicines, upon the processes of thinking. One should pay attention to the action of phosphorus or the evaporation of eucalyptus upon thinking. One should verify the extent to which thinking is improved by musk. One should gather all data in regard to various resinous oils. Finally, one must remember all the combinations that are closest to the activity of Fire. These experiments should be carried out with persons of strong fiery thinking. Such experiments will remind one not only about vitamins but also about Agni. The efforts of physicians to concentrate not only upon internal remedies but also on the reactions of the sense of smell will produce the needed results. People are gravely sick. The dark forces endeavor to seduce with all kinds of narcotics, but the narrow boundaries of life are not broadened by stupefying the intellect. Just now spiritual vigilance is needed. One must grow to love this vigilance as a state fitting to man.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 596:
596. Pay attention to the obvious fallacy of man when through prejudice he attempts to conceal that which he has long known in his heart. An eternal conflict ensues which can react on the physical body. One cannot deny with impunity that which our being knows from all past experiences. How many eyes full of suffering are encountered on the way! Great is the torment after condemning the consciousness to darkness. Great is the despondency when the energy Fire is directed against itself. And often we see those closest to us concealing the ancient knowledge under cover of dead husks of fear. One must pity those who are sick in spirit.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 602:
602. Ahamkara is the high state of the fiery seed when it can already affirm itself without egoism. Thus the Fiery Gates are opened when not only is egoism burned away but a worthy evaluation of self is achieved. Only then can the spirit verily bring its sole heritage to the altar of Light. But on this long journey what happens to the enemies who wrought such torment through their discordances? When darkness takes over its own possessions, the remaining ones who are able to ascend are divided according to rays. Thus discord disappears and the feeling of enmity dissolves by itself. The spirits gather and rise to the abode of containment like waves of harmonious light. Thus is settled the question, most incomprehensible to man, about the unity of the seeds of Light in ascent to the Higher World. Enmity, so insoluble in the physical world, disintegrates by itself in the etheric, purified rays. Not only in the higher but already in the middle spheres of the Subtle World, the feeling of enmity withers because of its uselessness. One must understand these laws of the distribution of the rays. The realization of these laws alone will mitigate the malice of enmity even here. Also let us not forget that enmity throws the organism out of balance, leaving it a prey to various sicknesses and obsessions. Therefore I advise you to consider enmity from the viewpoint of prophylaxis. Why should one be sick, infect others, and be a prey to fits of madness when a single effort of spirit preserves the invulnerability of the organism?

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 26:
26. One may observe different types of people, who can be distinguished according to their natures. Some do not think about the future, fulfilling, as it were, their entire purpose in this earthly life. Others strive forward with their whole spirit, for them earthly life does not present any finality. Even if not highly refined, these people sense with the heart that everything is ahead of them. Have dealings with the latter, for notwithstanding their errors they will be still striving into the future, and thus will already belong to the Truth. You know that Agni lives in the hearts of those who love the future. Even if their Agni is not yet manifested, its potentiality is inexhaustible. Likewise look with compassion upon people who do not know the future, as upon the sick. And truly their aura will not be luminous, for it will be deprived of the radiation of Materia Lucida. Many people have formed such privation for themselves, that they cannot even manifest through the opaque substance of the nerves. As imperil obstructs the movement of the fiery substance, so a limited thinking makes the precious substance turbid. One may heal these diseases through hypnotic suggestion.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 122:
122. The appearance of sun spots on Saturn only indicates cosmic ruptures, which are sending an unprecedented chemism to the Earth. There are many similar manifestations about which scholars even decide not to speak. The forces of space are restless; one need not think that a cataclysm will be just tomorrow, but one may realize that new chemisms are approaching the sick planet.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 217:
217. You have been writing today about physical remedies, but for crowds even barrels of the most precious substance will be useless. One may urge all physicians of the World to start upon a mission of spiritualization of the heart. Each physician has access to different homes. He sees various generations, and his words are listened to with attention. When giving physical instructions he can so easily add the most valuable advices. He has the right to be acquainted with all the details of the moral conditions in the home. He can give advice which will compel the occupants to reflect over and above the actions of the stomach. He can even command, for behind him stands the fear of death. The physician is a most sacred person in the household where there is a sick person. And since humanity has taken care to collect a sufficient quantity of diseases, the physician can give many valuable warnings. If we but had enlightened physicians! At present there are so few! The more do We esteem enlightened physicians, since of course they are always under the threat of expulsion from the Medical Societies. Heroism is needed everywhere where the Truth is.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 306:
306. It may be asked - wherein lies the chief harm of black magic? Over and above personal injury must there also be cosmic damage? Precisely so. The lower conjurations create the utmost harm through the mixture of the elements and the invocation of portions of chaos. One must picture to oneself how in this manner entities of the lower strata obtain access into forbidden spheres and continue to work harm on a broad scale. That is why extensive measures are needed in order to safeguard the planet, which is sick enough as it is. Magic in general must be left alone.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 545:
545. It is true that mostly sick and so-called abnormal people are the ones who manifest a link with the Supermundane, and therein lies a great reproach to humanity. Indeed, the healthy people ought to sense the nearness of the Subtle World. But the distinction between the sick and the healthy has become confused. People have covered their reason with a crust which has given rise to prejudices. Behind this fence the Subtle World is not visible. So-called abnormal people are usually free from prejudices, and because of this they do not lose contact with the Subtle World. Indeed, so often during illnesses do people see through both past and future; some have viewed their past lives and recovered forgotten aptitudes. A new boundary must be laid between the state of torpor and true health. New discoveries are of no help. People must receive such shocks that they are rendered able, without any fever, to preserve the memory about the past and that which is ordained.

AUM (1936) - 206:
One may observe the expansion of the circle of consciousness, and such an achievement is cause for rejoicing. Likewise, it is necessary to pay attention to any trembling, stoppages, tremors, and digression from the precise forms. They depend upon the psychic condition and upon various illnesses. Therefore, it is necessary to observe both the healthy and the sick. It is possible to continue the same task with manuscripts, with colored surfaces, and in general with objects which have been in human hands.

AUM (1936) - 528:
528. Dejection is nothing but dissoluteness. Put a melancholy man in a sufficient extremity of danger, and he will be obliged to take courage; but the degree of shock must be great in order to force the man to alter his frame of mind. Certain illnesses are even treated by means of shock. Fear of death appears to exceed all human weaknesses, but even such a degree can find something which surpasses it. There are many tales of how the mortally sick received help, thanks to danger alone; how, many times, a paralyzed person has rushed out of a burning house; how, many times, internal affections have been cured, because the center of attention was turned in another direction.

AUM (1936) - 598:
Humanity already recognizes the subtle energy. People do not know how to study it and apply it to life, yet the concept itself is unquestionably manifested in different fields of science. A multitude of proofs are coming in from all sides. Already quite a few skeptics do not dare to object and ridicule. Not far distant is the time when the unity of the fundamental energy will be acknowledged. The individuality of the energy will be no obstacle to its study but will delight searching minds. Epidemics of obsession will be arrested by physicians. From fragmentary observations deductions will be drawn and life will receive many conscious ameliorations. Open to those who knock; give help to the sick; set aright the one in error; but be careful with the scratching ones. Especially when you are striving for unity, leave behind every trouble-making thing, for it is not suitable to higher communions.

Brotherhood (1937) - 211:
211. Essentially, transition into the Subtle World ought to be painless. People having completed the earthly path ought to take up quite naturally the next proceeding. But they themselves complicate the solemn change of existence. They have propagated illnesses, and they pass them on to their near ones. They proceed to infect space, yet only by their own effort can they enter upon the path of purification. Compulsory prophylaxis cannot help fundamentally; a general conscious cooperation is needed. Compulsion can save only a small part out of hundreds of thousands of sick people. Rendering the planet healthful rests in the hands of all humanity. First of all, it must be understood that man makes healthy not only himself but also all his surroundings. In such a realization there will be contained true humaneness. Such a feeling cannot be commanded. It must come independently out of the depths of the heart.

Brotherhood (1937) - 514:
514. There existed a method of cure by means of natural emanations. Instead of internal dosage, the sick were surrounded with appropriate minerals or plants. Of course, such a method presupposed a subtlety of receptivity. But if people wear magnetic rings and use local applications of the leaves of plants, the surrounding substance will also be useful. One must not assume that the contact of metals and the proximity of certain plants do not act upon man. People consider such reactions idiosyncrasies, nevertheless the properties of minerals and plants are indisputable. People may become intoxicated from a single sniff of alcohol; they become feverish when approaching certain plants - one may notice everywhere the reaction to emanations. This field of man's interrelationships should be investigated.

Brotherhood (1937) - 529:
529. Habit is second nature - a wise proverb indicating to what an extent habit dominates man. Precisely, habits render a man immobile and unreceptive. One can suppress habits, but it is not easy to eradicate them. People are continually encountered who boast of their victory over habits. But observe the daily routine of such victors, and you will find them slaves of habit. They have become so imbued with habits that they do not even feel the weight of such a yoke. It is especially tragic when a man is convinced that he is free, whereas he is really shackled in the fetters of his habits. It is most difficult to cure a sick man who denies his illness. Each one can name such incurable ones among people known to him. Yet in order to assimilate the concept of Brotherhood, mastery of existing habits is indispensable. Under habits We have in mind not the service for good, but the petty habits of selfhood.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 56:
56. Urusvati understands the importance of caution where medicines are concerned. Always, and in all our relations with people, We remain physicians, in the true sense. We continually meet sick people and try first to restore their balance. People seek Us most often when their sicknesses have already begun. Measures should be taken not only to enlighten their consciousness, but also to cure their illnesses.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 56:
Recently you heard about an instance of obsession. It was an almost hopeless case because the sick woman was tired of struggling and had become a follower of the obsessor. Also, those who surrounded her increased her sickness. Usually such obsessed ones should be taken to a new place and their surroundings changed. It was not possible to influence her by writing, but through personal magnetism the growth of terror could be stopped. People do not understand how much one's surroundings encourage the development of certain illnesses. Thus one should become accustomed to being in the position of a physician. Our Inner Life is filled with healing activities.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 154:
If one could see how the Great Teacher related to animals and birds, one would be convinced of the living bond between the kingdoms. He could call a bird to alight on His arm and then send it in a particular direction, or calm an animal simply by a mental suggestion of calmness. The old legends tell us that sick animals would come to Him to be healed, and many true examples could be cited.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 179:
The actual withdrawal from this world to the far-off worlds, in itself was not new, but His conscious attitude toward the responsibility He assumed, was. The far-off world, even in its purely physical condition, cannot be easy for the Teacher, and is especially difficult because of His continued collaboration with the Brotherhood. Earthly rays, in their present condition, cannot be considered beneficial, because the planet is sick and its balance is lost. In ordinary earthly communications, atmospheric conditions may vary greatly, but how much more varied and powerful are the emanations of the far-off worlds!

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 246:
Let us take as an example a person who writes many letters. If he writes with only himself in mind, he will not achieve the right results. And he is mistaken if he thinks that he is writing to only one person in particular. A letter full of lofty thoughts does not belong only to the author, or to the one to whom it is addressed, but to all of humanity. We should not be concerned with who will benefit from our thoughts. In addition to our personal intent, the letter is being sent into space, and it is not for us to worry where the thought it contains will find shelter. The only concern we ought to have is that our thought should serve for good. Perhaps it will be received somewhere in an entirely unexpected language, or enter the consciousness of a child and be expressed by him in later years. Perhaps the thought will reach a person who is leaving the earthly state and will be applied in the Subtle World, or it may be of help to that person during the crossing. Perhaps workers will be inspired by the thought, spiritualizing their monotonous work. The thought will help a sick person by giving him faith in his physician, or elevate a woman far beyond the boundaries of her domestic duties. The thought will whisper to the warrior opportunities for heroism. The thought will point out to the farmer the planetary significance of his labor, for the farmer is responsible for the crust of the planet, and a letter to him will be essential. You must write to the architect, to the judge, and to the artist. It does not matter if some letters do not arrive at the intended time. Let him who writes letters remember that he has many readers; so much the worse if the contents of the letter are base or insignificant. Harmful thoughts should not be recorded.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 251:
We greatly value the ability to observe objectively the omens of nature. Learn the symptoms of disease. Physicians must not cease observing; if they do, they are not physicians. We pay attention to many cosmic signs. The planet is very sick, and man cannot remain indifferent when his whole being is filled with the influences of the subtlest energies.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 253:
253. Urusvati knows how important is the relationship between microcosm and macrocosm. Science traces fluctuations in the motion of the Earth, but no one considers their cause. And when We say, as We have already said, that their cause lies in the accumulation of gas spread by humanity itself, no one will believe it or admit that there are also such abnormalities in the functioning of other planets. But if one planet is sick, other parts of the Universe will respond. People are familiar only with epidemics on Earth, but similar manifestations also occur on a macrocosmic scale.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 340:
It is not possible to promote health without a proper understanding of psychic life. People go to sanatoriums to improve their health, and ignore the fact that they will be closely associated with a random company of sick people. Such an environment can hardly have a positive effect. On the contrary, the association with those whose attention is focused upon illness can only intensify the fear of disease and aggravate their ailments.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 340:
It would be good to remember the remedy of ancient times when sick people would go into seclusion and remain close to nature. This was done not only in cases of contagious diseases, but when the organism was in need of renewal. Even now, there are those who prefer to live in mobile homes or in tents. Of course, a collection of many tents in one place only replicates urban conditions, but the fact that people dream of and look for seclusion reveals a healthy instinct for the preservation and restoration of health. We transmit thoughts of health, but of health correctly understood. It is especially important to think about health now. Many people are aware that the destruction of the nervous system has reached an extreme point. They understand that progress is impossible on this path of decay, but only a few know the significance of health in its full sense.


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