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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SH > SHUNS (2)

New Era Community (1926) - 236:
We may cite a case when one of Our co-workers permitted treason. The sentinel on guard said to him "Be your own judge." As if nothing had happened, the traitor smirked at him and went on living. But in a year, deprived of sleep, he awaited death, fearing it. Fear of death is the weightiest self-judgment. Fear of death shuns growth and envies each one who welcomes a change of life. An indescribable terror is the fear of death; it is not a spur to flight, but a freezing paralysis. One may say to the potential traitor "Beware the fear of death."

Brotherhood (1937) - 212:
212. Much is said about self-sacrifice and striving toward heaven, but there are examples of lofty self-sacrifice here on Earth. Every mother, under various conditions, in her own way expresses self-sacrifice. But let us be attentive, let us be able to discern the most well concealed signs of this great feeling, for it is so profound that it shuns expression. Among these beautiful blossoms there is to be found also the means for health improvement. Let us find best words, in order that man should not stumble. In this way also may the understanding of Brotherhood enter life.


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