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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SH > SHUDDER (18)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.5:
The manifestation of a nodal wave rises instantaneously, but before each wave the boat hesitates. The more sensitive boat will shudder the stronger, because the dust of the explosion already fills the atmosphere.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.3.8:
3.3.8. "It is better to accept an urgent message than to hide from the messenger. It is better not to paint brightly the gates on a dusty road. It is better to let one's horse into a vegetable garden than to make it step on stones. It is better to forgive a village policemen than to have a lawsuit with the magistrate. It is better to give up carrots than to be deprived of peas. It is better to fall asleep on a wooden plank than on an ant hill. It is better to receive sound reprimands than to smirk at syrupy speech. It is better to be friends with a donkey than to listen to a fox. It is better to call a physician than to bleed a demon. It is better to shudder at the torments of the past hand than to be in doubt about the future. It is better to judge in the morning and forgive in the evening. It is better to think by day and fly by night." Thus is it said in the book "The Pearl of Dreams," written in China.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 290:
In general, take note of those who do not need darkness for their sleep. The fire of their spirit dispels the darkness. We recognize the fighters by certain habits. When their eye wanders in the darkness and they shudder at the gloom, We comfort them with the words, "Space harkens to you."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 291:
291. It is quite correct to say that if one were to measure the time spent in malice, humanity would shudder.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 303:
Essaying investigation into everything, we must agree on the methods of research. We will know the direction of our action, but will not put obstacles in our way by making premature decisions about enemies. Let us combine insight with real action. When any aspect of the unknown becomes familiar, that will be a conquest - without astonishment, without a shudder, and even without excessive enthusiasm. For each hour, even the most inactive, may bring us closer to the unknown. The Great Unknown may be thought of as a friend, but for the researcher it is more useful to think of it as an enemy. All features of the unknown correspond more closely to those of an enemy. We speak always of fearlessness, but this is not needed against a friend. The achievement of victory also presumes the existence of an enemy.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 327:
One can imagine the intensity of striving stimulated by the rays of the spatial bodies. Our followers are exceedingly sensitive to these rays, but no one should fear this sensitivity. Ordinary people shudder at any nearby sharp sound. How, then, could a developed spirit fail to react to a distant earthquake? Even an electric pole hums with the energy it carries! It is time for humanity to value properly all abilities inherent in the body.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 375:
For them the yogi is the primary channel, the primary receiver of the energies of space, luminous as a beacon fire. He builds that which should be built. He lays together the intended stones. And his enemies may shudder, but still feel compelled to repeat his words. The yogi is not a preacher. He seldom speaks to the crowds. But the works entrusted to him grow with a special bloom. Others do not even acknowledge the flourishing of these works, whose intended purpose is not to capture them, but to ignite their hearts. Whither will fly the spark of fire? Do they not see all the lighted fires, and all the travelers warmed by the flame of an Agni Yogi? His fire burns the brighter because it burns not for itself.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 198:
We shudder at the many structures and many battles. How many of the cosmic inceptions are destroyed - without end! But the Universe is boundless, and the coming new race will bestow the Cosmic Fire in highest manifestations.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 51:
51. The spirit shudders at the thought of death. But when consciousness penetrates the essence of Be-ness, the conception of Oneness is confirmed. When the spirit understands how ceaselessly the manifestations of life flow, the continuity of all chains may be indicated. The chain of thought, the chain of action, the chain of effects, the chain of strivings, the chain of lives - each chain predetermines the succeeding one. The creativeness of the magnet of life lies in these chains. The spirit must shudder not at the thought of death and change but at the thought of sundering the chain. If one could observe the records of disrupted chains borne in space, the spirit verily would shudder. When the great shifting is brought about, only he will succeed who has adhered to the oneness of evolution.

Heart (1932) - 316:
316. Even a giant can be arrested by a small thought if it acts as a dissonance. So many people start to turn around, shudder, change their direction, and in every way give attention to passing thoughts without even noticing their source. The law of attraction and repulsion by thought will be accepted most readily by musicians, who understand consonance and the significance of dissonance, with one established key for the whole composition. Whoever understands what it means to conduct an entire multivoiced symphony in one given key, will more readily understand the manifestations of the basic thought, even considering the multiformity of the task. Such a thought of construction does not impede the manifestation of many ramifications if in the very same key. And an alien dissonant intrusion will not penetrate deeply if the fundamental task is solid.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 40:
40. In the ancient pharmacopeias and in various ancestral medical records you are struck by the number of allusions to mixtures for bringing the organism into a transcendental state. You feel that this is not a form of necromancy or witchcraft, but a special way of seeking one's future. Hence, it is clear that our remote ancestors were far more solicitous and thoughtful for the future than our contemporary scholars. For us, the future is relegated either to the confines of hellfire or to the province of an electrical manifestation. The powerful life-creating potency of Fire is unrealized; the effulgent, radiant manifestations are not comprehended, and the very Hierarchy of Light itself is regarded as either a phantom or a bugbear. There are many who wish to evade the future, preferring to call themselves dust. Yet even the learned shudder at the question as to whether they wish to pass through Fire.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 97:
The relation of the hieroglyphics found in India to the inscriptions on Easter Island is unquestionable. Thus is disclosed the manifestation of a new relationship of peoples, which fully corresponds to the most ancient sources. Thus, once more you see how the chronicles have preserved the true historical data, but people accept them with difficulty. You observed justly that the facts about the Kalachakra are passed over in silence; this is due not only to ignorance but to an abhorrence of touching the fundamentals. Humanity passes over with equal shudders all the wells of knowledge - this applies to all worlds - and people will shudder just as much over the world of Fire.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 141:
141. Even a savage can fly in an airplane, but let us not think that formerly it was any better. I have shown you the records of the Thirty Years' War in order that you may understand how, even in comparatively advanced countries, coarseness and ignorance have ruled. Records of refined Rome, Egypt, and Babylon could be cited, at which the heart would shudder. Hence, all who look to the future should continue to knock for admission.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 402:
402. Unexpectedness paralyzes all human senses. Hearing, sight, smell, and also touch are lost. But this is not the result of fear, only of turning away from a preconceived path. Actually, of all the elements fire offers the greatest amount of unexpectedness. People limit their consciousness to merely a few formulas of Agni. Therefore, all other varieties of the element of fire are simply not contained in the consciousness. This means that there is much still to be assimilated, and the unexpected can thus be turned into the expected. One should also deal similarly with hitherto unfamiliar manifestations of life. One should arm oneself spiritually in order that nothing in the Subtle World may surprise one. Many hope to meet relatives and a Guide; even films, devoid of spirit, have disclosed impressions of such meetings more than once. But in all worlds it is best to rely upon one's own consciousness and strength. Therefore one should eliminate every possibility of shocking the narrow consciousness. One must free oneself from being shocked by the unexpected. There are numerous unexpected concepts, forms, and combinations which make the consciousness shudder, but the more we admit and imagine, the less we are bound. Thus, develop your imagination on a world-wide scope. People refuse to believe that the unexpected, in other words, ignorance produces a paralysis of the nerves. Though it be ever so brief, such a reaction arrests the work of Fire. Wherever possible, one should accustom oneself to the concept of unexpectedness. This advice should be remembered especially.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 121:
121. The World is moulded in beautiful Principles. The expression about the renunciation of the World is correct. One cannot renounce the heavenly beauty. The whole world has been given to man. Therefore it would be far truer to speak about the discovery of the meaning of things. When the manifestation of renunciation arises, it concerns the mostperverted concepts, the most harmful actions, but it is inadmissible to misuse a beautiful concept, the World, to describe a generalization of these abominations of ignorance. Worldly matters do not have to be unworthy and shameful. Great consciousnesses have taken great pains over the World. It is unfitting to attribute to them the distortions of ignorance! In studying the foundations of the Fiery World, it is first of all necessary to have an agreement over the understanding of many concepts. Is it at all possible to call gluttony, or depravity, or theft, or betrayal, Worldly matters? They are even beneath the actions of animals. Animals know the measure of need, but if man has forgotten the measure of justice it is only because he has abandoned the World and has fallen into darkness. Whoever does not reflect more worthily about the World, is not able to distinguish right from wrong. How could he comprehend the Blessed Fire? He would shudder at the very thought of the Fiery World. Let us advise friends to gradually differentiate the World from chaos. I advise friends to begin discourses about the fiery element as the subject of forthcoming revelations.

Brotherhood (1937) - 277:
277. Each true worker sometimes experiences, as it were, the fall of all his work into an abyss, moreover an abyss which is unfathomable. Thus the spirit of the worker suffers a most dangerous predetermination. A weak one senses the abyss and falls into despondency, but a strong one recognizes the touch of Infinity. Many observations and experiments confront a man before he can encounter joyfully the face of Infinity. Gone will be regret for human creations which have been dissolved. They, even the most sublime ones, will be dispersed in Infinity. The earthly mind does not realize where its accumulated treasures can be made manifest. A man wishes to bring good to humanity, but instead of the fruits of his labor there lies before him an unfathomable abyss. A formidable mind may shudder at that, but the tempered, manifested warrior of labor sees before him, not a chasm but the radiance of Infinity.

Brotherhood (1937) - 299:
299. You are becoming convinced that people are open to cognition. Such a step of evolution is not accidental. Many shocks and much trepidation have compelled hearts to shudder and begin to resound. Verily, heavy must be the burden in order to enter the Beautiful Garden.


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