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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SH > SHOULDER-RAYS (1)

Heart (1932) - 291:
291. With keenness, it is possible to observe many scientifically significant manifestations. One can observe how blows upon the aura not only react upon the eyes but also upon the sensitiveness of the skin, especially near the shoulder-rays. So, also one can notice the emanations of light from the most unexpected materials - from wood, linen, glass, rubber, and many objects that do not conform to the usual laws. Of course, you know that so-called electricity represents the most coarse form of the visible energy of Fohat. But when the accumulator - the purified heart - permits passage of the manifestation of the subtle Fohat, then light of a special quality emanates from any surface. Fohat is accumulating everywhere, it is only necessary to reveal it by a sufficiently sensitive apparatus. Only the heart can be such an accumulator. Of course, this cannot be easy when, from a tiger to Fohat, it is necessary to assimilate a multitude of energies.


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