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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SH > SHORTNESS (2)

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 43:
43. We may rejoice at transition into the Higher World, and the transition of the objects of creative art also represents such a step. Even such destruction is thus turned into benefit. There is the martyrdom of objects. The shortness of the path of martyrdom is evident everywhere. One may see these parallels in all kingdoms of Nature. The path of martyrdom, both bodily and spiritual, is the shortest. Martyrdom is called the Fiery Bridge. But during the battle one must utilize all possibilities. Thus you see both small and great circumstances.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 84:
84. For better assimilation of the higher energies of the supermundane spheres it is necessary to spiritualize the centers. Departing from the earthly sphere, the spirit must be cleansed of lower emanations. Any superfluous husk which the spirit brings along into the Subtle World causes inexpressible pains. In a well-developed consciousness a purification takes place which frees the spirit from the husk. But the spirit which zealously retains its earthly habits experiences in the Subtle World all the infirmities which it was accustomed to undergo on the earthly plane. Going uphill, any superfluous load causes shortness of breath in the Subtle World. It is very distressing to carry things which were not previously overcome, and which in the Subtle World have become a burden. Most painful of all is the perception of one's own coarseness. Even in the lower, underground strata is felt the weight of one's own crudities. Often there are heard wails from the supermundane strata which are the appeals of the spirits not yet cleansed of this burden. It is reprehensible to litter the Subtle World with the same lightmindedness as the earthly one. And coarse accumulations form, as it were, unerasable layers which are always visible. Thus, spiritualization of the centers is the way of ascent into the Higher Spheres. This reflection is indispensable on the Fiery path.


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