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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SH > SHORTER (8)

New Era Community (1926) - 61:
61. My Hand sends the solution amid the crags of the world. Regard the plank roof as more solid than iron. Regard a fixed moment longer than an hour. The lengthened path is shorter than the vertical precipice. You will ask "Why enigmas, why esotericism?" The ball of events is full of many-colored threads. Each ladle is dipped from a well of a different color. Among events are many rushing ones; these distant friends, unconnected externally, fill our basket, and the ultimate light triumphs.

New Era Community (1926) - 108:
108. The school will teach respect for useful inventions, but will warn against a machine slavery. All forms of slavery will be destroyed as signs of darkness. The teacher will be a guiding tutor - a friend who points out a shorter and better path. Not the process of compulsion, but the smile of summons. But, if into the schools of life treason will have seeped, then the severest judgment will put an end to such madness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 59:
59. The lengthiness of the Teaching is in inverse ratio to the measure of consciousness. The broader the consciousness, the shorter the formula. For those who are near, a word, or even a letter, is sufficient. The first command is like rolling thunder - the last is in silence!

Agni Yoga (1929) - 574:
574. Once, people were assembled to hear the Voice of the Teaching. They had often before heard about a treasure predestined for them. But some could only imagine the treasure as precious metals, and one even sewed a long purse for his share. Time went by and the treasure did not appear. However, they were told that the treasure was near and came together to receive it, but their patience was shorter than the long purse.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 425:
425. One should direct one's entire consciousness into the future. It is seldom that one finds within oneself the courage to admit the undesirability of turning back to the past. The evidence of daring yearning for the future indicates that the spirit is ready for fiery cognitions. Only such an enlightened consciousness will continue its thought-creativeness also in the Subtle World. Only such irrepressible thought-creativeness and striving for distant flights will afford the fiery approach. All the terror of the legions of darkness cannot overcome an intense striving to the future. Though the dark ones approach, Light will not lose its guiding power. So, also, useful deeds are necessary to help our near ones. One should not consider these beneficent counsels as moral precepts beyond the pale of life. They sustain us, directing us along the shorter paths.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 425:
People will demand from you new remedies, new indications about food - merely for bodily comfort, but not for the improvement of their own future, which is in need of constant and solicitous construction. People are unwilling to imagine that their earthly life is shorter than the very briefest stop of a railway train. The worthy wayfarer, in a short night's lodging, is concerned not with troubling his host, for his consciousness is directed toward the goal of his journey. But travelers of the Great Path often think only about the night's lodging, unconcernedly forgetting about their destination. Petty thinking is not commensurate with the Great Path! Therefore the fiery path will be the path of consciousness of the future. Every traveler who is enlightened by thought about the eternal path can proceed in joy. In each such march one must carry a particle of eternal Fire. One should approach the Fiery World with a whole purpose, with all desire, with the whole heart.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 427:
427. The path of joyous achievement is a hundredfold shorter than the path of mournful duties. How steadfastly must this ordainment be kept in mind by the travelers of the fiery march? Only the sign of achievement raises them above danger, but the significance of achievement must be cultivated in the heart as joy of the spirit. One cannot discover the best path if one's eye does not follow the star of achievement. Even the obscurities themselves must be illumined by the one light. Nothing, no one, is ever forced to turn back into darkness.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 33:
Not by chance have the periods of three or seven years been mentioned, for only over such periods can one notice changes in the consciousness. But We and Our near Ones, while carrying out Our missions, can notice shorter periods of growth of consciousness. The gardener knows his own flowers best. We, too, follow the growth of consciousness of those who are close to Us. There are many reasons for such observation.


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