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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SH > SHORTENED (4)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.10:
The time for meals must be shortened, in order to preserve the human aspect. There is no worse act of non-comeasurement than to prattle at the dinner table about trifles. There is no worse act of non-comeasurement than to toss slander like a shower of small peas. There is no worse act of non-comeasurement than to defer an urgent action. There is no worse act of non-comeasurement than to show offense like a petty huckster. There is no worse act of non-comeasurement than to renounce responsibility. There is no worse act of non-comeasurement than to cease thinking about beauty. Co-measurement is like the pillar that supports the house.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 426:
426. Humanity has often needlessly remade its garments. It either shortened them to an extreme, or lengthened its already dragging trains. Sleeves trailed on the ground or disappeared entirely. Either the upper part was exaggeratedly large or the lower part was made immense. As if it mattered in what style of sleeve one seized one's neighbor by the throat! The change of fashion was in vain.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 83:
83. Everyone summoning his neighbor to the fiery baptism is already a participant in the Great Service. Everyone accepting a part in the carrying of the Cross of Truth will not weaken. Everyone who has understood the needs of the World has shortened his path of ascent. Everyone who realizes the significance of the heart as the Abode of Agni is already upon the true path.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 409:
409. Good for him, who by experience in life, and reverence for Hierarchy, has freed himself from the sense of personal property. Verily, he has shortened his path. But if the coarse, carnate garment does not permit as yet the liberation of the consciousness, then one should not be violently deprived of property. Such compulsion only provokes stubbornness and malice. Only by personal example and inculcation of the Teaching is it possible to attract people to the quickest true understanding of Lift.


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