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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SH > SHOPKEEPER (5)

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 83:
83. The dark forces have brought the planet into such a condition that no earthly solution can restore its conventional prosperity. None can regard the earthly standards of yesterday as suitable for tomorrow. Hence, humanity must understand anew the meaning of its transitory sojourn in an earthly state. Only through a fundamental defining of one's existence in the carnate form and through an understanding of the Subtle and Fiery Worlds can one strengthen one's own existence. One should not think that the delusion of trading can even temporarily insure a secure existence. Life has been turned into trade, but who of the Teachers of Life has ever been a shopkeeper? You know the great symbol of driving the money-changers out of the Temple; but is not Earth itself a Temple? Is not Maha Meru the foot of the Summit of Spirit? Thus one can indicate the predestined Summits to the inhabitants of Earth.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 581:
581. A mother told her son about a great saint, "Even the grain of sand beneath his foot becomes great." It came to pass that this saint passed through the village. The boy followed his footsteps, took up a pinch of dust therefrom, sewed it in a bag and wore it around his neck. And as he recited his lessons in school, he always held this relic in his hand. The boy was filled thereby with such inspiration that his answers were always remarkable. One day when leaving the school his teacher praised him and asked what he always held in his hand. The boy replied, "Earth from beneath the feet of the saint who passed through our village." The teacher commented, "This hallowed earth serves you better than gold." A neighboring shopkeeper, hearing this, said to himself, "What a stupid boy to take only a pinch of this golden earth! I will await the passing of the holy man and collect all the earth from where he trod. Thus I can obtain the most profitable merchandise." And the shopkeeper waited in vain for the coming of the saint. But he never came. Greed is not akin to the Fiery World.

AUM (1936) - 9:
9. Very few people remain unterrified if told what actually surrounds them. Let us enumerate the rays and all the chemical influences, both from the far-off worlds and from Earth itself. Indeed, reflected and refracted rays differ greatly from the basic ones. When, however, man hears that instead of his being surrounded merely by air in the earthly sense he is surrounded by crystals of granulations and even by continuous explosions, then many hearts become terrified. Of course the air is blue and empty, Earth firm and immovable, and the sun plays the part of a lantern! Ask the shopkeeper on the corner - his conception will be not very far from these beliefs. Only a minority of people attempt to think about their surroundings.

AUM (1936) - 62:
62. If someone maintains within himself a dull negation without any mental construction, such poverty of thought must be looked upon as madness. How many times have you yourselves encountered such madmen! They arouse nothing but pity. As a small shopkeeper calculates the amount of his profit but ridicules higher mathematics, so does the ignoramus make out of a thorn from the crown of great achievement a toothpick for himself.


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