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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SH > SHIFTS (14)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.12:
The egg-shaped aura is natural to the astral body. The most usual, the narrow aura, which emanates from the entire body, extends outward about two inches. In accordance with the degree of spirituality, it begins to expand from the upper nerve centers. Starting from the solar plexus, it afterwards rises toward the brain centers, forming the so-called solar aura. Influxes of blood are characteristic of the transposition of the aura, when the current of tension shifts its pressure. Even fainting spells are possible. Finally, the radiation leaves the lower extremities and forms a surrounding ring. The organism while yet in the midst of life becomes acutely sensitive, especially to sounds and colors. The utmost tranquility is needed during this transitory period. The solar aura may be of ten or fifteen inches, and of course its dimensions may increase.

New Era Community (1926) - 84:
The crumbling of eons shifts entire worlds. For that reason your thoughts are directed toward preservation of mental energy.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 343:
The Cosmic Magnet shifts many things. The battle between Saturn and Uranus is naturally reflected upon the fires of the Chalice. Therefore, the pull of the centers is active at present.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 4:
4. The purifying fires of the Universe penetrate all regions of the planet. The sparks of conflagration spread along all channels of karmic action. As volcanoes, these affirmed fires explode. The force of karma shifts and transfers power from hand to hand. The cosmic course is directed toward those purifying conflagrations; hence the comet, speeding through the Infinite. The tensity of the currents is very great and the effect corresponds to the fires of the planet. The centers of the Agni Yogi record all cosmic currents.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 77:
77. Cosmic regenerations create new forms. Cosmic regenerations eradicate the outworn forms, evoking new ones to life. Thus, the rhythm of cosmic regenerations shifts the spatial manifestations. The afflux of new forces strains the cosmic spiral. Thus, cosmic creativeness equilibrates the shifting of forms. The dates of departing energies predicate the dates of approaching energies. Hence, the cosmic shiftings are focused upon the dates of cosmic regenerations.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 217:
217. The centers of an Agni Yogi increase the assimilation of fires which will bring knowledge to mankind. Hence, the centers create with the current of evolution. Therefore, the centers of a striving Agni Yogi serve the Common Good. When the Chalice is filled with fire, the aura attracts the force of the Magnet. The power of the centers must be acknowledged. Thus, the centers spiritually create, and the fiery creativeness shifts the consciousness of humanity.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 222:
222. When the spirit shifts its accumulations, its striving draws it toward the asserted Magnet. Therefore, every tension of the centers is calling forth a new cosmic combination. The creativeness of the centers calls forth an intensified energy. Therefore, all independent action of the centers is imbued with Fire, and the flame of the spirit kindles the impulses of those who surround it; therefore, one must co-measure in expending the psychic energy. It must suffice for all things; hence, the strength must be guarded. One should not fatigue oneself after sunset.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 223:
223. The correlation of cosmic transformations is called cosmic creativeness. When Cosmos shifts the forces, the balance of the spheres is disturbed. When the balance of these forces is upset, forces in the space are drawn into a new tension. Thus, when Cosmos shifts, all spheres are shaken. Indeed, all forces expand in response to an attraction, and the cosmic harmony is intensified by the Cosmic Magnet.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 286:
286. When the rays intensify the impulsion of an energy, the striving cannot be arrested. When the spirit carries a magnet, as implanted within it, it is united with the Cosmic Magnet. When a new step is being built, the cosmic striving shifts all encumbrances. The law of shifting and the law of construction are directed toward the one focus. Therefore, all spatial shiftings are governed by the law of construction. The manifestation of the law of shifting tenses all spheres.

Hierarchy (1931) - 267:
267. When the chalice of world events is being filled, then the fiery Chalice of an Agni Yoga is aflame. The law of correspondences acts powerfully. In these consonances the unity of the worlds is contained. Therefore, when the fiery law shifts the old affirmations, the sensitive centers resound with the world's reverberations. Thus, the unity is intensified with the reverberation of the centers.

Hierarchy (1931) - 396:
396. When the world is convulsed and humanity heaves in turmoil, there remains only one path to salvation. How is it possible not to realize the highest, and the creative, path of the ascent of the spirit! Just now when all the old ways are destroyed, when all the old energies are outlived, when the planet itself shifts its crust, how is it possible not to adopt with one's entire spirit the new affirmations and the regenerating energies emanating from the might of the Chain of Hierarchy! Only thus can humanity be attracted to the higher energies. Following the foundations of the Cosmic Magnet, the highest manifestation will attract the spirit to the Highest. Thus, the highest law of Hierarchy creates through beneficence, affirming a better future.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 264:
264. In this time of world obstruction there is only the one path of regeneration of thinking. Precisely it is important to awaken the consciousness. Indeed, when the spirit can look back and know that yesterday's thinking has already passed, then takes place the transmutation bringing discernment. Indeed the expiring time can indicate to the spirit how all energies pass on and are reworked. But woe to those who wish to encounter the future by looking backward! For the spirit overburdened with yesterday's remains is laden with a massive weight. With such a burden one cannot ascend the Mountain, one cannot pass through the Gates of Light, one cannot become associated with the luminous Future. Thus, if the Church Fathers summon into the past, the Servants of Light summon into the future. Awakening of consciousness, clarification of the Teaching, and summons into the future will result in a great regeneration of thinking. On the path to the Fiery World, My Guiding Hand shifts energies.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 477:
477. The World is atremble. Again the depths of the seas are restless. But these depths are not being taken into consideration. The dates for many submarine shifts draw near, but it is not customary to think about such processes. If people knew how to think about the elements and the supermundane Spheres, their thinking would be turned more easily toward the fundamentals. Why can only a few think about the most essential?


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