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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SH > SHELLS (22)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.7:
For earthly shells each century is like a menace. But the bridge of the spirit bestows wings of truth.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.15:
One wishes to say: "Dear travelers, look upward. And if instead of clinging to the illusions of Earth you wish to fly farther, then your wings will grow. Instead, you have encumbered by the same miserable hovels the whole astral plane. The same slander, the same illusory smoke, but you forget that your phantoms fume malodorously. The rays of the sun are dimmed by your feasts of dullness. Empty shells create empty shells."

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.1.7:
One can compare the essence of the Teaching with the exigency of certain moments of battle. I will not conceal from you that after a success dark rumors always leak through, and one should allow time for the dark missiles to fly by, especially when the fortress has been marked upon the enemy's map. But when the shells furrow the surrounding ground, it will be only the more fitting for future foundations. Therefore, he who has patience will be able to lay the future foundations. When we sit in silence the bond becomes stronger.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 3.4.2:
The lower spirits rend the Ray like monkeys, tearing the precious fabric without any benefit to themselves, because the atoms of matter are useless for restless shells.

New Era Community (1926) - 198:
198. In the recent past, in accordance with the plan of My Friend, We often visited Western cities. At that time We encountered casual individuals who suspected something about Us. The most persistent inquiries were addressed to Us - about the methods of psycho-mechanics and demands for the most precise biochemical formulas. Besides, with the conceitedness of the West, these people were never concerned about their own consciousness and did not attempt to learn whether they possessed the corresponding physical qualities. It is sad to contemplate that this opportunity was unaccompanied by any aspirations for social welfare. As the caveman with his club hastened to gather colored sea-shells as his exclusive property, so did these dwellers of stone places try to appropriate for themselves qualities foreign to them. Moreover, the caveman adorned himself with the shells, but the contemporary wiseacres degraded knowledge into after-dinner coffee talk - it was a spectacle of shameful lightmindedness.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 590:
Many truths are spoken of. Should not one break through their shells and strive to the One Truth? The most precise and objective observation of reality will broaden the consciousness. Indeed, the consciousness is that magic coffer in which all lost treasures will be gathered.

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 375:
375. Self-action must be understood. In it is comprised the entire synthesis of activity. Verily, self-action is self-realization. When the spirit can discover its seed and discern the shells that surround it, it can comprehend the beauty of Cosmos.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 70:
70. The absolute is not contained in a transitory form, but the spirit of the form expresses Absolute Reason. The shell of the cosmic seed in its transmutations is subject to the law of time. Thus, the cosmic form is renewed eternally, but the substance of the striving seed depends upon the Cosmic Magnet. Thus, the beauty of Be-ness is saturated by the Cosmic Magnet. The spirit which has discerned the substance of karma aspires to liberate the seed from its encasing shells. These shells gather like mist around the seed. Each seed goes through its battle on its way to the Infinite.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 71:
71. These battles and victories are most vividly brought out by the transmutation. Only when the spirit is strained in fiery striving can the shells be transmuted. Only when the spirit strives to the pure Fire can the shells be transmuted. When the spirit of an Agni Yogi regenerates its shells, the fiery transmutation is affirmed; this is the highest process, and in its tension it embraces all cosmic spheres.

Infinity - Book 2 (1930) - 72:
72. The incompatibility between spirit and matter compresses itself like a rushing vortex. When the spirit is burdened by contacting imperfection through the shell, it begins a battle which discloses this imperfection. The shells that impede the spirit are like encumbrances obstructing the path. Truly, encumbrances! The cosmic creativity incessantly clears away strivings toward darkness. Humanity's chief lack, lack of understanding, lies in this expressed disharmony. When the spirit and the shells which clothe it will be in harmony, humanity will come closer to the cosmic union. Thus, when the striving to the fiery process will be assimilated a new step will be affirmed. The striving of humanity to the manifestation of imperfection is developed upon the principle of light-mindedness. Speaking of the highest harmony, it is said that Cosmos creates upon the principle of unity of life. Therefore, one may attain only through unity. Thus, the Infinite summons spirit and matter.

Hierarchy (1931) - 354:
354. Some people cannot tolerate Our frequent reminders about battle. For them let it be not a battle, but the opening of the Gates. The process of opening also requires energy; but for you, without need of hypocritical palliation, it may be said that the battle of Light against darkness proceeds incessantly. Many warriors help in this battle, otherwise we again would be engulfed in Chaos. Often the participants in the battle ask why, in their physical shells, they do not remember the achievements of their subtle bodies. But it would be criminal on Our part to permit such consciousness. The heart could not bear the realization of so gigantic a battle. Only an especially flaming heart retains the black missiles in its consciousness. The heart is stopped, either because of realization or through sclerosis. But the cosmic battle can strike at the strongest heart.

Heart (1932) - 273:
273. The karmic husk recalls another shell, the shell of the subtle body that also brings many disturbances into existence. Actually, though neither of these shells should exist at all. Only human imperfection permits these borderline formations. Of course, the physical body assists the transformation into the subtle body, but if the spirit does not free itself in time from earthly attractions and carnal desires, the subtle body cannot separate itself in a pure condition. It bears upon itself a special sediment of earthly passions. Even though the subtle body frees itself from these vestiges, the shell nevertheless endures for a long time, swaying like a scarecrow, and frequently a very negative one. Human ignorance confers these sediments upon the beautiful Subtle World. If people would think of the link between the worlds and of the destined evolution, they would not dare surround themselves with such harmful debris.

Heart (1932) - 274:
274. The shells of the Subtle World are especially close to dense existence because of the earthly attraction. It is precisely the shells which roam through the entire world in the shape of specters, and diverse evil spirits like to take possession of such gratuitous quarters. And the responsibility of those who pass into the Subtle World with earthly passions is great! It is dreadful to desecrate the wondrous Space, which leads to Light and which can reverberate with supreme knowledge. How hideous is the husk of petty carnal desires from which it is so easy to free oneself. One has but to think of the Hierarchy of Light.

AUM (1936) - 38:
38. The antithesis of prayer is profanity. It defiles and disturbs space. It is forbidden to have in the cities factories that produce poisonous gases; yet the consequences of blasphemy and foul speech are far more harmful. People are unwilling to free themselves from the most harmful substance which generates appalling disasters, not to mention the sicknesses caused by disturbances of the atmosphere. More terrifying than any diseases are the destructions of the strata near the planet. How many prayers and good thoughts are required to fill these abysses and ulcers in space! If arid deserts and cyclones are dangerous, the very same danger is courted when humanity ravages the regenerative forces surrounding it. For self-despoiled shells are like decomposing sepulchres.

Brotherhood (1937) - 372:
372. People inquire if the envelopes left behind by the mental body can be seen? Not only can they be seen but they will be especially attracted to the earthly sphere. The subtle body is drawn to the earthly sphere if the mental body does not attract it to a higher sphere. It is entirely conceivable that a shell left behind by the mental body will be attracted to the earthly sphere. Such phantoms can be especially terrifying to certain people, because in them the rational principle will be absent. And for the shells themselves such wanderings are not useful; drawing near to the carnate stratum reinforces them and prevents their natural dissolution. But all such manifestations respond only to the lower and middle strata of the Subtle World. A lofty condition furthers the speediest decomposition of the abandoned vehicles. Thus when lofty consciousnesses help the one who is passing over, the envelope is immediately consumed. It is exactly the same as in cremation. The complete analogy should not be surprising.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 1 (1938) - 101:
101. Urusvati realizes that, although on the reality of the physical plane some people at times seem alive, from the viewpoint of a Higher Reality they are quite dead. It might seem puzzling that those defined as dead by a Higher Reality continue to move about on Earth. But why should such determinations be limited by only physical manifestations? When Our apparatuses indicate death, this indication is more correct than earthly evidence. We could mention several such "living corpses," each of whom is afflicted by some physical ailment. But their physical condition is a secondary factor, the primary one being the condition of the subtle body, which is ready to leave and may no longer be fully connected to the physical body. Such automatons can no longer be independently creative, and are easily led by others without realizing it. They are strongly earthbound and dread the idea of death, yet sense that they no longer belong fully to physical existence. Usually they are so-called materialists, and fear even a hint of the continuity of life in the subtle body! They may even fear to think about their own deeds. One should be able to recognize these living corpses and regard them as empty shells. I know that they would be enraged if their names were mentioned, and We shall not do this, for you know whom I have in mind. You also know whom We consider to be vacuums.


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