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Agni Yoga Series - Master Index > SH > SHARP (29)

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.3.4:
Let us conclude that begun yesterday: the recompensing for bad and good actions must be accelerated. The primary concern of religion should be to provide a practical solution to life. The heavenly reward is too remote; the return should be brought within the earthly span. People can now understand as universally accessible the miracle of the renewal of possibilities. Hence, either the hand of the Invisible Friend or a sharp sword. And, remembering the advantage of immediate remuneration, people will find a new path to the Temple. There is no need to implore Divinity. One should bring to oneself the best deed.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.8.10:
2.8.10. Now about the circles of receptivity. The circles of keen sight proceed centrifugally and those of receptivity proceed centripetally. From symbols and dim outlines they advance spirally to sharp fact, to claircall, clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairunderstanding, clairachievement, clairknowledge.

Leaves of Morya's Garden - Book 2 - Illumination (1925) - 2.9.6:
It has been told that there will be instances which require courage, that there will be sharp precipices which can be crossed only in the Name of the Teacher.

New Era Community (1926) - 149:
149. Maintain a correlation between expansion and strengthening. Remember, not only the leap but also the retention of the new ground. Many examples may be cited wherein expansion resulted in no possibilities. Naturally, we must understand expansion in regard to the consciousness. If a victory of the consciousness be not consolidated technically, then instead of an even light the consciousness will become filled with sharp, painful sparks. As in all life, it is necessary to understand the moment of assimilation. Man, living fully, begins to notice, as it were, a pulsation of his experiences. This pulsation proceeds apart from the quantity of labors and apart from external impulses. It is necessary to safeguard this pulsation inwardly and not attribute it to overfatigue or to an accidental effect. In these moments the consciousness becomes accustomed to some new acquisition. Through inexperience people often begin to be alarmed by a temporary silence of the consciousness, but such a consolidation leads to the next leap. During such a period of assimilation of the consciousness do not disturb it with problems. The butterfly is making ready new multicolored wings - do not harm the cocoon.

New Era Community (1926) - 197:
197. It will be asked, "What care are you taking of the established communities?" Let us consider the most recent. What can be said on its anniversary? No one has fallen back, yet the general results are weak. Cooperation by leaps and bounds hinders understanding of co-measurement. A particle of dust occupies more attention than a rock. Noticeable is conflict about precedence, therefore it is better to select a temporary chairman. The matter of the attraction of new ones is worse. Words about the Teaching are not found, and there is no defense against slander. One may open to those who knock, but the sword of the spirit must be kept always sharp. One may regret the lost co-workers. It is necessary to work more compactly, otherwise you will postpone dates. I would be glad to summon you nearer - provide the opportunity. My Hand is with you in each courageous action.

New Era Community (1926) - 215:
215. The solar ray withers and destroys, but light restores. Needed is saturation but not a sharp blow. The builders should know how to saturate the atmosphere. The pledge of success lies in saturation of the atmosphere, which restores all that exists.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 327:
One can imagine the intensity of striving stimulated by the rays of the spatial bodies. Our followers are exceedingly sensitive to these rays, but no one should fear this sensitivity. Ordinary people shudder at any nearby sharp sound. How, then, could a developed spirit fail to react to a distant earthquake? Even an electric pole hums with the energy it carries! It is time for humanity to value properly all abilities inherent in the body.

Agni Yoga (1929) - 520:
Then the tested one either became confused and was rejected, or he was filled with firmness and spoke, "The eyes and ears can be deceived, but nothing can delude the heart. I see with the heart, I hear with the heart, and nothing impure will touch the heart. For the sword entrusted to me is kept sharp."

Agni Yoga (1929) - 651:
651. Attentiveness can be tested in a simple way. Move an object to a new place; if it remains unnoticed, do the same with a larger object and observe what "elephant" finally attracts the "sharp" eye. Test yourself and others. Test for fear, for irritation, and for laziness - and for all failings that cause the litmus paper to blush with shame. There is no need of complicated invocations, since simple attentiveness moves one many steps further. Thus one should begin to develop the "eagle-eye."

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 12:
You have already experienced the two sharp points piercing the region of the shoulder blades, and with the same piercing centers of the lungs may be opened. These centers control prana. Only to the higher spirits do We send these rays. To those who have not realized the beauty and power of Cosmos in its entire scope, this experience is inaccessible. Only straight-knowledge is applicable in this cosmic experience. Therefore say, "Verily, I affirm the beauty of Infinity! I wish, O Lord, to sense the pulsation of the grandeur of the Cosmos!"

Infinity - Book 1 (1930) - 79:
Differentiation of the elements predicates the variety of forms but not the growth of antagonism. When in contact with each other, light and darkness may become co-workers. The tendency of human thought is to inject into life the conception of sharp demarcations. In the higher worlds, light and darkness cooperate. The power of cosmos spreads without limits.

Hierarchy (1931) - 49:
49. Attentiveness can be tested by a very simple method. Place an object in a new place; if it remains unnoticed, enlarge the size of the object and observe what elephant finally attracts the "sharp" eye. In general, test yourself and others. Apply tests for fear, for irritation, and for negligence, and in all cases where the litmus paper may blush from shame. There is no need of complicated invocations, simple attentiveness will permit one to advance many steps. Thus one should begin to develop the "eagle-eye."

Hierarchy (1931) - 366:
366. How greatly people distort the concept of psychic powers, forgetting that a physical manifestation can always be explained by a psychic factor, but a psychic manifestation cannot be confirmed by physical means. When all psychic factors were eliminated from science then, certainly, a sharp demarcation between organic and inorganic occurred. Thus, one may point out to scholars that books bereft of spirit, psychic energy, and Cosmic Fire cannot produce the science that should be given to humanity. The separation of that which has existed for millenniums from that which was created through centuries has disclosed those errors which have precipitated so greatly the Karma of our planet.

Heart (1932) - 218:
218. What I indicated about obsession and Satanists, you yourselves now observe daily. Without complaint and sternly on guard you will attain victory. Let sternness be like a sharp sword. Thus, all who blaspheme must be punished.

Fiery World - Book 1 (1933) - 316:
316. Why wonder that the development of vision demands moderate lighting? It is quite clear that sharp light does not permit the increase of inner light. Yet only striving for self-perfection provides a solid foundation. Therefore, in ancient times the initiations into the Mysteries were accompanied by prolonged stays in darkness, until the eye overcame the obstacles of darkness by its inner sight.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 45:
45. Actually, the cycle of Aquarius already operates and coexists with the end of Pisces. Usually the beginning and end of a cycle is very gradual, and thus is affirmed the harmony of the actual evolutionary process. If there were sharp boundary lines between such original special factors, destruction and cataclysms would occur. And as it is, Aquarius has brought already a considerable shift of consciousness; but an increase would bring about a destructive revolution there where constructiveness is necessary. Even with such an unprepared eye one may notice the alternate influence of Pisces and Aquarius.. but humanity, which absolutely has not assimilated in its consciousness the understanding of this, must not be permitted to revolt.

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 95:
95. The rhythm of events often cannot be conceived by many, and in this I am including not only those of mankind, but also of Nature. Sudden climatic sharp variations do not attract the attention of people, but such revolts cannot be stopped by the secret police. Yet they do take place and act upon the brain. Of course We know about the life of ideas which cannot be stopped by any generation, but people do not believe in ideas!

Fiery World - Book 2 (1934) - 153:
Imagine a man coming out of a dark and stifling room into a beautiful garden. If such a sharp change does not renew his thinking, he shows himself to be highly insensitive. Such personalities are to be found among soulless people. But how incongruous are they amid beautiful uplifting surroundings, just like a filthy blot! But even earthly filth is not easy to remove; therefore We are anxious to project the consciousness through the Subtle World into the Fiery. Often such striving is not in accord with one's forces, yet even at worst it advances one in the spheres of the Subtle World. However, shopkeepers overcharge a great deal so that they may receive at least something. Not a great consolation! In order to advance somewhat in the Subtle World, let the consciousness be drawn into a most Beautiful Garden. This is Our Command - without small measures.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 308:
308. Fiery energies, being drawn into tension by some center, can often cause enhanced actions of the energies of this center. Partial action of energies gives a center the power to manifest partially. These tensions lead to those partial manifestations which bring into error consciousnesses of small discrimination. With reason has Ur. pointed out those manifestations, evoked by the tension of one center, which lead to psychism. Truly, each opening, saturation or irritation of the centers gives a sharp direction to the fiery energy; but only conformity between the state of the organism and the spiritual awakening produces, as an inevitable effect, the opening of the centers in highest tension. A partial pressure will produce a partial attainment which may prove to be a very dangerous manifestation. On the path to the Fiery World let us strive to realize the higher tension of fiery energy.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 313:
313. For affirmation of actions and of progress it is indispensable to be imbued with the essence of the acting manifestation. When action premises a great goal, each step must conform to the destination. One cannot mix the great with the insignificant. One cannot mix treachery with the higher destination, or a lower impulse with a higher goal. Such a confusion inevitably causes a sharp reaction. Each higher destination is in need of fiery saturation and non-resistance to spatial designations. Besides higher vigilance, a conscious discernment of the forces of Light and darkness is indispensable. Only steadfastness and conscious fearlessness will bring victory.

Fiery World - Book 3 (1935) - 377:
377. The Cosmic Battle which overtaxes space encompasses the entire Cosmos. In this battle are being solved many problems, and these solutions will be turning points in history and will affirm new principles. Each energy is being transmuted by these fiery conflicts. The turning will be sharp, but the fearless consciousness knows the joy of the spirit. For only daring can turn the spirit to the new future. Only the knowledge of this Cosmic Battle reveals understanding of the current events, for Karma is crowding everything together. Fiery fearlessness will lift the veil of tomorrow and will affirm the cause which is taxing the space. Therefore search for the cause will reveal the effect. Thus the Fiery World will be affirmed as accessible to humanity. Thus let us turn in heart to the Fiery World.

AUM (1936) - 161:
161. For each true discernment there is needed full confidence and spontaneity. One should strongly affirm these concepts as the basis of progress. It is possible to demonstrate how mistrust and artificiality will be the worst enemies. They swallow up vital energy. They are as sharp obstacles. How much force must be applied to continue the path with fatal leaps! Therefore, the sacred sounding can turn thought back to the fundamental and to the Light. Thus let us conquer all obstacles and grow to love them. We shall not speak at length about that which one must love, because the heart knows.

AUM (1936) - 519:
519. As intolerable as thistles in a garden, so is evil in life. But if sharp eyes distinguish the pathway of good, it should be protected. Let it be long and narrow. Though it be overgrown in places, guard each seed of good. Though the birds of good do not always sing intelligibly, yet each sound of good is precious.

Brotherhood (1937) - 99:
99. Brotherhood or cooperation? It is impossible to define a sharp boundary between them. Whereas, people are desirous that concepts be quite sharply divided. But much flows into each concept from other concepts. Thus, cooperation will be, as it were, the threshold to Brotherhood; therefore, one must guard the approaches to the Stronghold of the Spirit.

Brotherhood (1937) - 365:
365. During the reception and sending of thought there can be noticed a series of manifestations that confirm the fact that thought is energy. Sometimes one's breathing feels stifled. Some explain that the reason for this lies in tensed attention. But for the observer it is especially important to note that the thought process is accompanied by physical sensations. Likewise, sometimes part of a received word drops out; such a manifestation will be an effect of spatial currents, in other words, an effect of energy. Similarly can be observed an increase of heartbeat and irregular pulsation that will also be the result of the influence of energy. There can also be noticed sharp changes of mood and of temperature that are evidences of the currents. Thus it is possible to trace to what an extent all thought processes are connected with physical manifestations. An analogy may be found in observation of radio waves.

Brotherhood (1937) - 411:
411. Be very cautious, for the currents are not natural. The sharp changes not only of temperature but also of chemism itself cannot be ordinary ones. There are such confusions throughout the world that it is more necessary to protect oneself, otherwise there can be derangement of the centers. Chemism can act as a poison. The manifestation of disorganization of interplanetary currents is too little studied. The air is considered to be as usual, just as are water and fire. But, then, do not these manifestations differ each instant?

Brotherhood (1937) - 436:
436. Joint brotherly service can begin when mutual recrimination has been abandoned. Discussion is not condemnation. There may be brotherly actions which are not immediately understood. It is possible to make inquiries about reasons, but it is inadmissible, through ignorance, to utter condemnation which is like a sharp knife. Brothers so respect each other that they do not suspect unworthy action on the part of a brother; they comprehend any situation and ponder how to render assistance. In such cooperation there will be not the slightest compulsion. But mutual understanding is not born in an instant - a certain period is required to harmonize the centers. Therefore, in antiquity a certain time was set as a testing for newcomers. In the course of this period they could quit the Brotherhood without grave consequences. This period could be from three to seven years, but after that a betrayal would entail the most serious consequences. One must not look at this as cruelty, for he who runs away during a thunderstorm may be struck by lightning. The very speed of his flight only increases the danger.

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 339:
The Thinker said, "Could it be that man evolved from stone, since we see that a sharp blow is needed to ignite a spark in him?"

Supermundane - The Inner Life - Book 2 (1938) - 436:
I use a special apparatus, which Urusvati has seen, that requires certain conditions not available to ordinary physicians. This does not mean that treatment by vibration is not possible for them, although under all conditions a particularly sharp perception and flexibility of mind are required. The physician may decide to use one kind of current, then decide quickly that he must alternate it with another. He must also know whether a cooling current or a hot one should be applied. There should be no mistake in this, or undesirable results may follow.


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